Menthar Corridor
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Menthar Corridor (Star Chart) |
History of the Corridor |
Political Powers |
Local Species |
Planetary Systems |
Commercial Hubs |
Federation Presence |
The Menthar Corridor is a vast area of space once occupied by the ancient Menthar civilization. The region lies between the Cardassian Union, Breen Confederacy and Tholian Assembly and is previously unexplored by Federation starships. In 2388, the USS Mercury was the first Federation ship to enter the Menthar Corridor via special arrangement with the Cardassian Detapa Council. After the Mercury was nearly destroyed in late 2390, the USS Garuda was assigned to continue her mission, and in 2392 she was replaced by the USS Invicta and joined by the USS Gorkon. In 2393, the Gorkon was reassigned to the Tyrellian Sector.
In 2395, the Invicta Expedition stood down and shortly after, Astrofori One was destroyed by the Tholians. Two years later, the USS Thor was reassigned to the sector after the Duronis II Embassy was mothballed, it's mission fulfilled.
Star Systems
- 83 Leonis system: A habitable planetary system containing an endangered pre-warp civilization.
- Alpha Chionus system: An unexplored and uninhabited system
- Beta Scuti system: The location of an ancient library approximately 60 light years from DSX.
- Eta Corvi system: Home of the Corvians and Deep Space 10, a dilapidated hulk of ancient origin in orbit around Eta Corvi IV, formerly the home base of the USS Mercury.
- JB-437 system: An uninhabited, rocky planetary system three light years from DSX.
- Nygel system: A rocky, binary star system containing traces of ancient Iconian habitation.
- Vega Sirenti system: A habitable, uncolonized planetary system approximately 50 light years from DSX.
- Zeta Equulei system: A binary star system home to two sentient, warp-capable species, the Community and the Myr Luuk. Significant and extensive ruins of the Ancient Alliance can also be found on at least two of the planets within the system.
Notable Battles
- Battle of Astrofori One - In late 2395, after withdrawal of Romulan and Breen support, the Tholian Assembly attacked and destroyed Astrofori One
- Battle of Gamma Camelopardalis - The Battle of Gamma Camelopardalis was a major engagement in 2396 between the USS Veritas and an armada of salvaged starships assembled by the advanced Menthar AI known as Sentinel.
Space Stations
- Astrofori One: The Federation's former diplomatic venture, and the home base for the USS Invicta, USS Gorkon and the Peaceforce Five fleet. It was destroyed by a Tholian battle fleet.
- Deep Space X
- The Menthar Anchorage: An independent Ferengi trading station.
- Genesis Cloud: Now destroyed, the cloud was once one of the largest natural collections of protomatter ever documented.