SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Sanctuary


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Mission Summary

In order to serve as both an opportunity for the crew to relax, and a diversion from Starbase 118’s endeavours to recover the missing crewmen of the USS Mellie, the Narendra escorts the SS Belladonna to Bajor, which is celebrating the 11th anniversary of Bajor joining the Federation.

Act I

Upon their arrival, the crew splits into several groups and activities. Commodore Sal Taybrim is accompanied to Hedrikspool Market by Lieutenant Aine Sherlock and Ensign Obsius Sill-con, while Lieutenant JG Vitor Tito joins Ensign Egil Renot and Ambassador Lukin Zorkal in their visit of the newly erected Unity Temple. In the meanwhile, Lt. Cmdr. Alora DeVeau, Ensign Ray Sutter and Zorkal's aide Ferri Emlott travel to visit an ancient order of monks in Rakantha province, and Lieutenant Prudence Blackwell, Lt. Cmdr Shar'Wyn Foster and Lieutenant Trovek Arys travel to Deep Space Nine for drinks. Ensign Nella Noxwyn, Lt. JG Mareta Bianchi and Lieutenant Parvana travel through the wormhole to visit a Bajoran-Cardassian settlement in the gamma quadrant.

Act II

Three days later, the crew reunites at a Gala held in Akoram Memorial Hall. Doctor Ivin Zumagi approaches Lt. Cmdr. DeVeau. The aged Bajoran is working with a species of animals referred to as Pachitrod whose horns contain a substance that heals a recently discovered mutation of Craat's disease. During the Gala, he receives news that the animals are being poached, and DeVeau offers to help.

Trovek and Zorkal are unexpectantly invited to Doctor Vorrin Eera and Ambassador Eera Lelri’s table, but get into an argument once the impromptu meeting is over. Zorkal then joins Bianchi and Bailey, while Trovek spends the rest of the evening with Doctor Zumagi and Blackwell, who finds a marble in her glass of wine and wins a price.

Sherlock tricks Ensign Sutter into giving a speech - a gesture appreciated by some, but not by others.

Commodore Taybrim, Sil-conn and Noxwyn are approached by Colonel Nara Haku, Chief Intelligence Officer of the Bajoran militia, who wishes to discuss the Orion Syndicate.

Foster opts to not attend the Gala and converses with Emlott in the lobby of the hotel.


Lt. Cmdr DeVeau calls part of the Narendra's crew into a briefing, where she explains the circumstances surrounding Craat's disease and the Pachitrod, and that she has offered Starfleet's help in the matter. She divides the crew into four teams.

  • Sherlock, Noxwyn, and Ferri are sent to identify the poachers and apprehend them if possible.
  • Trovek, Sutter and DeVeau will assist Doctor Zumagi in synthesizing a cure
  • Taybrim, Bianchi and Zorkal will speak to a member of the Assembly and lobby for Pachitrods to be registered as endangered species
  • Tito, Foster and Sill-con are sent to protect a herd of Pachitrods
  • Bailey, Blackwell and Renot are sent to the black market to investigate.

After getting clothes and equipment from an individual by the name of Varco Bailal, Noxwyn, Sherlock and Ferri make their way towards the forest where they eventually manage to connect with and join the group of poachers.

Doctor Trovek decides to conduct research into synthesizing the cure on the Narendra. When the data transfer from Zumagi's lab breaks down, Lt. Vargas is asked to determine where the corruption took place.

Ambassador Zorkal decides to take the lead and sets up an appointment with a government official.

After discussing how best to approach their task to protect the herd of Pachitrods, Foster, Tito and Sill-con set out to their target location.

Bailey, Renot and Blackwell decide on civvies and a cover story.

Dramatis Personae

Dramatis Personae
Eera Lelri’s Bajoran Alive Created/Simmed by Trovek Arys and Lukin Zorkal Eera Lelri is (one of) the Bajoran Ambassador residing on Cardassia Prime. The current celebrations taking place were reason enough for her to travel to Bajor, which surely is the only reason for her arrival.
Vorrin Eera Cardassian Alive Created/Simmed by Trovek Arys and Lukin Zorkal Vorrin Eera is Lelri's husband and holds a position equivalent to Deputy Surgeon General on Cardassia Prime. He had accompanied his wife to Bajor to participate in the celebrations.
Ivin Zumagi Bajoran Alive Created/Simmed by Egil Renot Doctor Ivin Zumagi is a researcher and friend of Pachitrods. He approaches Starfleet for help in protecting the creatures and finding a cure for Craat's disease.
Umadi Kazleti Alive Created/Simmed by Alora DeVeau Head Poacher
Minister Idan Vett Bajoran Alive Created/Simmed by Aine Sherlock Minister of Something

Participating Crew

Participating Crew
Name Position Notes
Sal Taybrim Commanding Officer
Alora DeVeau First Officer
Obsius Sill-con Security Officer
Nella Noxwyn Security Officer
Aine Sherlock Tactical Officer
Prudence Blackwell Comm/Op Officer
Egil Renot Engineering Officer
Trovek Arys Chief Medical Officer
Sheila Bailey Medical Officer
Ray Sutter Science Officer
Vitor Tito Intelligence Officer
Mareta Bianchi Mission Specialist
Lukin Zorkal Civilian
Ferri Emlott Civilian

Gallery and Quotes