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Ithassa Region
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Enlargement of the T8A area to show its relationship with DS17

First reports by unmanned probes, indicated that T8A was an uninhabited tropical paradise.

On 238404.29 two Starfleet Security Officers, Kassa Quay and Thompson Kirby, newly married explorers, set out to explore the planet on their honeymoon. They renamed T8A, calling it Planta del Amor.

Below are the results of their explorations.

The Quay-Kirby Expedition

Details from Kassa Quay's Notes:


  • ::On approach, Kassa and Kirby could see that T8A was very small... hardly large enough to even be deemed a planet, but with an atmosphere, it could not be ruled out as one. Ensign Boatman circled it to find the best place to set the shuttle down, while Kassa sketched off a crude map.::
  • ::They landed on the beach of what looked like a seaway that nearly cut the land mass in half.::
  • Kassa: If DS17 had all the decks laid out side by side, it would be about the same size as T8A. Maybe a little smaller, but close, so it shouldn't take us long at all to cover the land mass with the ATV.

More data to come.