Rose d'Orléans Café

Revision as of 05:20, 17 January 2014 by Thiswomanswork (talk | contribs)

Memory 118
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This café is a popular luncheon spot for those looking for a bit of atmosphere with their meal. It is easily recognised by the trellises that line its walls, and the pink, white, and red climbing roses that cover those trellises, always seeming to be in bloom.

  • Proprietor: Timeo Durand
  • Primary business: café
  • Location: The Promenade, 'Paris' neighbourhood
  • Employees of Note:
    • Nathan Petit - A very efficient and pleasant young man who waits tables and has only the faintest trace of a French accent
    • Marie Duval - A very pretty young woman. She serves well enough, but is more notable for her affected stereotypical French accent and mannerisms, and her chatty and flirtatious nature.

Other notes

The café has an entresol that wraps around its front, where one can eat surrounded by roses and look over onto the neighbourhood outside or the main café floor with equal ease.

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