Jade Shryker

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Lieutenant Jade Elizabeth Shryker, a Human (not Terran) female, is the Chief of Security of the USS Atlantis.

USS Atlantis
Jade Elizabeth Shryker
Position Chief of Security
Rank Lieutenant
Species Human
Gender Female
DOB 236611.27
Age 35
Birthplace Space
"Go Jade! Go Jade!"
Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards DutyPost NatashaYarPinAward 2011.jpg
Awards General SilverPalm 2011.jpg
Awards General SheathedSword 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons battleforbajor 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons HobusHeroism 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Ithassa 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg

Natasha Yar Pin
Silver Palm
Sheathed Sword
Bajoran Campaign Ribbon
Hobus Heroism Ribbon
Ithassa Region Campaign Medal
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Explorer's Ribbon
Silver Star
Gateway Ribbon
Purple Heart
Prisoner of War Ribbon
Good Conduct Ribbon

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  • Full Name: Jade Elizabeth Shryker
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant
  • Race: Human
  • Date of Birth: 236611.27
    • Age: 35
  • Place of Birth: Space
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: None


  • Height: 5 feet, 5 inches
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Skin Tone: Fair
  • Birthmarks, Scars: None
  • Build: Slim
  • Taste in Clothing: Fitted tops, belts, dresses, leggings, cut-off jeans.
  • Shoes: Long boots or sandals
  • Voice: Quiet
  • Handedness: Right

Personality & Manner

  • Habits: Jade was once bubbly, but the loss of her husband, unborn child and family have made her quiet and wanting to be left alone.
  • Mannerisms: She can come across a little headstrong and impulsive - always wanting to be at the heat of battle.
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Kickboxing and swimming.
  • Most Treasured Possession: Her mother's locket
  • Likes: Flying small craft.
  • Dislikes: Being left behind
  • Temperament: Determined and strong-willed, even if her own spirit is failing
  • Mental Problems (Complexes and Phobias): Losing those close to her.
  • Quarters: Jade’s Quarters

Personal Relationships


  • Spouse: Married to Alexander James Matthews (Currently Missing)
  • Children: Jaden Alexander Matthews (stillborn)
  • Parents
    • Father: Alan Shryker (Estranged)
    • Mother: Elizabeth Shryker (Currently Missing)
  • Siblings:
    • Brother: Ryan Shryker

Friends & Colleagues

Jade joined Starfleet with enthusiasm and high expectations of doing her duty. However, over the course of her missions she was tortured and suffered broken bones and injuries.

Jade went on her first full mission aboard the USS Independence-A to help the Romulan refugees on the Bilire VI colony, but there she was captured along with Captain Riley and Doctor Sampi by a race called the Reapers. Along with the others, Jade was tortured and had her deepest fears exposed. She was also forced into a deathly dance with the leader of the Reapers, something only one other person has ever survived. Thankfully she and her crewmates were rescued soon after.

Jade returned to the Independence a changed woman. The terrifying experience had eaten away at her earlier enthusiasm, and recurring nightmares and feelings of loneliness have cut away at the young woman's confidence. She spoke to Captain Riley about her fears and was reassured that not all missions would be as painful and as horrific as what they faced with the Reapers.

Unfortunately, the next mission to the Mirror Universe saw Jade and Velana captured by Inquisitor Sudra and tortured for information. They survived, but now Jade no longer sees any happiness to be likely so long as she serves in Starfleet. It will all be pain!

After the return of the crew to Deep Space 17, Jade was commended for her actions and promoted to Chief of Security aboard the USS Tiger-A, the replacement for the USS Independence-A that was destroyed in the mirror universe.

Her love life was a bit of failure with a string of bad or failed dates until she met Alexander Matthews. They fell in love and were married. Jade became pregnant with their child and they went to serve together on Starbase 118, where Alex was made First Officer. However, he went missing during a mission just before Jade was about to give birth to their son, Jaden. The stress from losing Alex made Jade miscarry and she was left alone to grieve. She took six month LOA before returning to serve on her old ship the USS Mercury, which was replaced by the USS Garuda in 2391.

On SD 239107.11, she was assigned as chief of security of the USS Atlantis.

Before Starfleet

Jade and her brother were born in space to human parents who ran cargo convoys, some of questionable legal status. Jade has spent over 80% of her time living on various vessels and stations and feels strange on a planet's surface. Her father left the family when Jade was only 4, and she learned her flying and fighting skills from her mother, herself the daughter of a bounty hunter. When Jade's mother went missing during a cargo run to a hostile planet, Jade was left to care for her younger brother. She decided to join Starfleet, but soon lost touch with her brother. The only momento she has of her family is her mother’s locket.

Professional History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Ensign 238802.13 - 238803.28 USS Independence-A
Security Officer
  Lieutenant JG 238803.29 - 238807.20
  Lieutenant 238807.21 - 238811.17
238811.18 - 238903.01 USS Tiger-A
Chief of Security
238903.01 - 238907.12 USS Drake
Security Officer
238907.12 - 239004.04 USS Mercury
Chief Of Security
239004.04 - 239005.08 StarBase 118 Ops
Security Officer
  239012.01 - 239012.24 USS Mercury
Chief Helm Officer
239012.25 - 239101.14 USS Garuda
  239101.15 - 239103.28 Assistant Chief of Security/Tactical
239103.29 - 239107.10 Chief of Security/Tactical
239107.11 - Present USS Atlantis
Chief of Security

Awards, Service Ribbons, and Commendations

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Ship Citation
  The Natasha Yar Pin 238901.04
USS Independence-A
"Jade Shryker is a great example of what a security officer should be. She is always willing to sacrifice for other characters. She bravely tackled intruders during the sabotage on the Independence, finding a device from one that ultimately aided the crew in returning to the normal universe and also sacrificing herself to dance with a Reaper to buy time for the Captain to escape..." -READ FULL CITATION
  The Silver Palm 238812.31
USS Independence-A
"Shryker is a shining example of someone who helps with crew morale. Her dedication to helping others and trying to comfort them is well known."
  The Sheathed Sword 238812.31
USS Independence-A
"After encountering injury in the past two missions, Shryker fought through those emotions and came out stronger, growing, learning, and becoming a great officer.
238811.18 Commended for her bravery when captured and tortured on Mirror Bajor."
Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Ship Citation
  Bajoran Campaign Ribbon 238812.31
USS Independence-A
For actions against the Scarlet Brotherhood during the Battle for Bajor and subsequent venture into the Mirror Universe.
  Hobus Heroism Ribbon 238812.31
USS Independence-A
Assisted the Romulan refugee colony on Bilire VI that was suffering from a plague known by the locals as the Wrath.
  Ithassa Region Campaign Medal 238812.31
USS Independence-A
For service within the Ithassa Region.
  Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 238907.06
USS Drake
For successful completion of the mission to keep the peace on Fiyo.
  Joint Meritorious Unit 238907.06
USS Drake
For working with the Black-raven Special Forces on Fiyo to preserve the peace summit.
  Explorers Ribbon 238908.05
USS Mercury
On successful completion of the mission that established Deep Space 10.
  Silver Star 239101.01
USS Mercury
In recognition of actions against the rogue Cardassian warship Nok'Tan and her experimental cloak.
  Gateway Ribbon 239101.01
USS Mercury
For those who participated in the Gateway Crisis of 2390.
  Purple Heart 239104.01
USS Garuda
Awarded to anyone who sustains injury in the line of duty.
  Prisoner of War Ribbon 239108.02
USS Garuda
Awarded to a person who has been taken prisoner.
Good Conduct Ribbon 239110.30
USS Atlantis
Awarded to a person who shows conspicuous gallantry in the line of duty.

Sims with Alexander

For The Love Of Jade

Ride Of Destiny

Two Hearts As One

Reunions Can Be Wonderful

Vows Of Honor

We Have Only Just Begun

Pillow Fights Are Fun

When All Else Fails, Bundle Of Joy

There Something You Need To Know

The Family As One

Valentines Day With Jade & Alex


Jade's side effect from Atlantis mission

NPC Listing   ·   USS Atlantis Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Jarred Thoran
First Officer
Mission Specialist
Toryn Raga
Act. Chief Sec. Ofc.
Ilana Ganarvuss
Tactical Officer
Varik Tal'Aura
Chief Engineer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Engineering Officer
Ast. Chief Ops Ofc.
Esa Kiax
Medical Officer
Elizabeth Snow
Science Officer
Noa T. Levinson
Science Officer
Thalas th'Koro
Science Officer
Chief of Marines
Amuro McKnight
Kurt Logan
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