Jackford Kolk

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Lieutenant Jackford Kolk, a Human, Assistant Chief Engineer, and Flight Operations Deck Officer aboard the USS Ronin, is currently relaxing in the Double Shot with half the crew after returning from the surface of the rather deadly world of Rakis.


  • Full Name: Jackford Benjamin Kolk
  • Race: Human
  • Date of Birth: Stardate 236106.30
  • Place of Birth: Starbase 211
  • Age: 22yrs
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: N/A


  • Height: 5'11"
  • Weight: 145 lbs.
  • Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
  • Eye Color: Blue-Green
  • Skin Tone: Pale
  • Build: Thin and fit.
  • Carriage: Walks with purpose.
  • Poses: Often leans against walls and crosses arms.
  • Handedness: Right


  • Quarters: On Deck 4. A picture of Starbase 211 as seen from a shuttlecraft hangs on the wall near his desk; a painting of downtown Seattle, Earth, in a style reminiscent of Van Gogh's "Starry, Starry Night," prominently displaying the Space Needle, hangs across from the door; and an anti-grav model of the Constitution Class USS Enterprise floats in front of one of the widows. A sword hangs on the wall near the door, it's sheath generally rests in a drawer underneath in case it's needed; it has been in his family for several hundred years.
  • Favorite Food: Bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast and chocolate milk any time of the day.
  • Mannerisms: Tends to look out windows and let his eyes loose focus when thinking.
  • Temperment: Whimsically jovial but with touch of healthy melancholy.
  • Habits: Talks to himself with a British accent when no one else is around.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Christian


Pensive when alone, outgoing and jovial in public.

Hobbies and Pastimes

  • Losing at 3D Chess

Likes and Dislikes

  • Drinks chocolate milk almost 24/7.

Ambitions and Goals

  • Longs to be a Starfleet captain, so that he can serve and protect those he cares about and uphold the values of the Federation.

Personal Achievements

  • He was entrusted with the Conn for the first time aboard the USS Ronin on stardate 238410.01 and made Commander Mar by getting Engineering to increase the ship's top speed to Warp 9.915.

Personal Disappointments

  • Has never won a game of 3D Chess, even against a complete novice.
  • Somehow managed to completely screw up his relationship with Dr. Addison Parker even though, the day they broke up, he thought he was attempting to make the relationship better.



  • Marital Status: Single.


  • N/A


  • Father: Robert Benjamin, Deceased
    • Date of Birth: Stardate 232202.05
    • Place of Birth: Earth, Seattle WA
    • Date of Death: Stardate 236210.24
  • Mother: Elisabeth Marie, Deceased
    • Maiden Name: O'Shea
    • Date of Birth: Stardate 232311.27
    • Place of Birth: Earth, Killarney Ireland
    • Date of Death: Stardate 238408.14


  • Eldest Brother: Jarod Matthew
    • Date of Birth: Stardate 235105.13
    • Place of Birth: Starbase 211
    • Current Residence: Earth, Seattle WA
    • Occupation: High School Calculus Teacher
  • Sister: Samantha Marie, Deceased
    • Date of Birth: Stardate 235604.10
    • Place of Birth: Starbase 211
    • Date of Death: Stardate 236310.24

Personal History

Jack was born in space--the medical bay of Starbase 211, between Betazed and Cardassian territory--but only lived in space for a year and four months. Shortly after his father and older sister died in a Cardassian attack, he, his eldest brother, and his mother left the Starbase to live on Earth. They were taken in by his uncle on his father's side, who lived in Seattle, WA. From that time on, his brother Jarod refused to ever travel anywhere again, despising all technology and Starfleet especially for "killing" their father. Jack, however, dreamed of the stars from very early on, and loved traveling all over Earth. They had an uncle, Ted, on their mother's side, who lived and taught in Oxford whom Jack would visit nearly every summer from about the age of three on until graduating from Starfleet Academy. Uncle Ted pulled some strings to get Elisabeth a teaching position at Oxford University, but she declined the opportunity because of Jarod's absolute refusal to travel. Instead, she began teaching at a local high school and eventually became the principal of the school. Jarod now teaches mathematics there, but tends to avoid applying his skill in mathematics to anything warp-related, although he teaches basic warp-field mathematics because the school board requires him to. The brothers hardly speak to each other at all, though their mother always tries to encourage each of them to "reach out" to the other. Jack was always a bit closer to both of his uncles than to his mother, though he tried to send her regular updates on his life while at the Academy.


  1. Stardate 236106.30: Born, Starbase 211
  2. Stardate 236210.24: Cardassian renegades attack Starbase 211, killing Robert and Samantha Kolk.
  3. Stardate 236211.01: Elisabeth, Jarod, and Jackford move to Earth to live with Robert's brother, Frank, in Seattle.
  4. Stardate 237909.01: Entered Starfleet Academy.
  5. Stardate 238402.08: Graduated from Starfleet Academy.
  6. Stardate 238402.09: Assigned as Engineering Officer to USS Ronin.
  7. Stardate 238405.11: Assigned as Assistant Chief Engineer.
  8. Stardate 238405.12: Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade.
  9. Stardate 238408.14: Mother Elisabeth dies of natural causes; Jack rushes home, but is a day late.
  10. Stardate 238410.01: First entrusted with the Conn by Commander Mar.
  11. Stardate 238411.25: Promoted to full Lieutenant.
  12. Stardate 238501.17: Presented with the Neelix Award for exemplary off-duty contributions to the ship and crew.
  13. Stardate 238502.02: Began working two shifts per week in Flight Ops under Lt. Commander Wayfel.
  14. Stardate 238402.12: Temporarily assigned as Deck Officer while the Ronin was lost somewhere on the Galactic Barrier along with the USS Independence-A and USS Ursa Major.

Academy Transcript

  • Date of Entry into Starfleet Academy: Stardate 237909.01
  • Date of Graduation: Stardate 238402.08
  • Major: Communications/Operations
  • Minor: Astronomy

Year 1

(Core Classes, Electives, Minor Classes, Major Classes)

  • Semester 1:
    • Administration: Starfleet Operations
    • Diplomacy: General
    • Engineering: Computer Memory and Personnel Interfaces
    • History: Federation
  • Semester 2:
    • Administration: Chain of Command and General Protocol
    • Language: Federation Standard
    • Mathematics: Concepts
    • Tactics: Combat, Unarmed
  • Semester 3:
    • Survival: Starship Emergencies
    • Tactics: Combat, Small Weapons
    • Law: Federation, General
    • Engineering: LCARS Programming 1

Year 2

(Core Classes, Electives, Minor Classes, Major Classes)

  • Semester 1:
    • Engineering: Replicators, Transporters and Holodecks
    • Engineering: Sensors, Communications and Helm Systems
    • Medicine: First Aid and Field Medicine
    • Piloting: Runabouts and Shuttles
  • Semester 2:
    • Language: Betazoid I
    • Physics: Concepts
    • Survival: Environmental Suits and Zero-G Training
    • Xenobiology: Concepts
  • Semester 3:
    • Diplomacy: Non-Traditional Situations
    • Engineering: Introduction to Warp Systems
    • Language: Betazoid II
    • Xenology: General

Year 3

(Core Classes, Electives, Minor Classes, Major Classes)

  • Semester 1:
    • Astronomy: Astrophysics, General
    • Astronomy: Stars
    • Astronomy: Stellar Cartography 1
    • Engineering: Transwarp Theories
  • Semester 2:
    • Administration: Starfleet Bases and Outposts
    • Astronomy: Astrophysics, Advanced
    • Astronomy: Stellar Cartography 2
    • Diplomacy: Hostile Species
  • Semester 3:
    • Administration: Starfleet Starships
    • Astrogation: Navigation of Starships, Sublight
    • Astrogation: Navigation of Starships, Warp Speed
    • Tactics: Combat, Introduction to Starship Combat

Year 4

(Core Classes, Electives, Minor Classes, Major Classes)

  • Semester 1:
    • Administration: Deployment
    • Engineering: Operations and Command Functions
    • Engineering: Deflectors, Weapons and Security Systems
    • Tactics: Combat, Phasers and Photon Torpedos
  • Semester 2:
    • Engineering: Base-Mode Operations
    • Tactics: Small Units
    • Tactics: Strategy of Battle 1
    • Physics: Warp Theory
  • Semester 3:
    • Engineering: Life Support Systems
    • Tactics: Strategy of Battle 2
    • Tactics: Leadership
    • Law: Federation, Interplanetary

Starfleet Assessments and Records

  • Current Rank: Lieutenant
  • Current Assignment: USS Ronin
  • Duty Post: Assistant Chief Engineer
  • Awards & Commendations: Neelix Award, 2384

Mission History

Deep Space 17 (while assigned to USS Ronin)

  • "Shattered Mirror" Stardates 238403.13 to 238404.11
    • The crew of an alternate Deep Space 17 opens an interphasic rift into our universe in order to "borrow" engineers to help fight off the Gorn, but the intrepid crew of the USS Ronin comes to the rescue, retrieving the engineers and averting a multi-universal war. In the choas that leads up to the resolution, however, the former Chief Engineer and former full-Lieutenant of the alternate Deep Space 17, "Evil" Jack Kolk inadvertently finds his way to our universe and prepares to make trouble for the crew.

USS Ronin

  • "Fighters & Friends" Stardates 238405.11 to 238408.08
    • With the arrival of six new prototype fighter and a squad of marines, the crew of the Ronin sets off to an remote star system with an indigenous, reportedly pre-warp, civilization to work out some of the fighters' kinks while hidden by the system's asteroid field. Just as the tests get underway, the "pre-warp" civilization successfully completes it's first warp flight, accidentally resulting in a massive subspace shockwave that cripples all three active fighters plus their escorts and concurrently knocks out many of the Ronin's major systems. Senedipitously, the shockwave knocked out the AI-driven prototype "Gremlin" fighter just as it is about to destroy Lt. J.G. Kolk's prototype "Hammerhead." As the ship struggles to recover the downed fighters, their escorts, its malfunctioning systems, and perhaps a bit of its dignity, the crew also carefully conducts first contact with the locals, the Sya-Negan. As if the situation weren't complicated enough, a renegade from the alternate universe discovered in the crew's last mission, "Evil" Jackford B. Kolk (no-longer a Starfleet officer in any universe), escapes from the bridge and terrorizes the crew in a deranged quest for revenge on Lt. Cmdr. Danny Wilde. The crew eventually re-captures "Evil Kolk," placing him in stasis and his stasis chamber behind a force-field in the brig, but not before he seriously wounds Wilde, leaving him in a coma, and makes contact with a mysterious emotion-affecting lifeform that eludes capture or reasoned contact with the crew.
  • "Runabout Down" Stardates 238408.29 to 238410.31
    • When a small team of Cardassians infiltrate the Ronin while most of the crew are at a celebration on Deep Space 17, the ship scrambles to chase them down while undoing the damage and possible espionage the assault team inflicted. Just moments after the ship jumps to warp, the engines fail and Commander Mar is forced to send a runabout and two fighter squadrons out ahead. This leaves Lt. J.G. Kolk in charge of Engineering, which pleases him to no end. Once the engines are repaired and elusive Spathis dealt with (if only to a small extent), the Ronin gets on its way again. After running into a Keldon class Cardassian warship and leaving them licking their wounds, the ship again hurries off to catch up with the fighter group who've all but been wiped out except for the runabout USS Cedar which crash landed on a moon being orbited by a Galor class warship. before the Galor can hunt the crashed runabout down, an ion storm moves into the system. The Ronin swoops in, uses some sensor buoys to find the downed Cedar and crew while also sending false sensor readings to the Cardassians and their mercenary friends. The sensor ghosts allow the Ronin to fly one of the mercenary ships into the rear of the Galor, weakening it. Then, just before the Keldon limps into the system, the Ronin fires on the Galor to preempt an attack, but it unexpectedly leads to a cascade that destroys the ship. When the Keldon arrives, they accuse the Ronin of intensionally destroying a Cardassian ship and promise to tell their government what happened here. Commander Mar informs the Cardassian Gul that it was an accident which happened in self-defense and promises to tell Starfleet the same. The Keldon flies off, and the Ronin hires the rest of the mercenaries to help them retrieve their crew and clean up the mess.
  • "Pirates & Hotheads" Stardate 238411.28 to 2385
    • A routine mission to the Gorn border ceases to be routine when Lt. J.G. Valis picks up unusual subspace oscillations on the Gorn side of the border and shortly thereafter sensors pick up Gorn ships set to intercept an FTU convoy in Federations space. Captain Mar decides to take a pair of runabouts to investigate the subspace disturbance while Lt. Cmdr. Walker takes the Ronin to prevent an interstellar incident. The subspace oscillations turn out to be a crude lighthouse transmitted from a remote system populated by cutthroats and thieves. The arrival of the Ronin's officers and Marines provide an opportunity to kill an old rival and destroy the small space station that the pirate, Captain Antilles, can't pass up. While the encounter is short and leaves the Ronin crew relatively unscathed, it also gives a reluctant pirate, Alandra Devereaux a chance to seek assylum with the Starfleet crew and start a new life. Meanwhile, the Ronin arrives just as hostilities are beginning and places itself between the two fleets. As the crew begin to investigate the cause of the hostilities, sensors detect a transient presence flitting unpredictably around the battleground. Thanks to empathic and telepathic members of the crew, it becomes clear that the unknown presence is an alien ship from a hostility-centric species known as the K'nl'got'he. Shortly before a diplomatic conference with the Gorn, Lt. Cmdr. Walker orders the Ronin to fire on the small alien craft, while a small security force boards one of the FTU freighters to gather samples of the Gorn eggs they're carrying. At the conference aboard the Ronin, the crew presents their evidence and proves to them that both sides were manipulated by the K'nl'got'he into fighting each other, and the Gorn agree to leave the convoy be and return to Gorn territory.
  • "Galactic Gloria" Stardate 238502.05 to 238503.08
    • When the USS Ronin rendezvouses with the USS Independence and USS Ursa Major at Wheeler Colony, a diplomatic mission to the surface is cut short by a wormhole that momentarily disrupts all power on the three ships and draws them to the far edge of the galaxy, directly adjacent to the Galactic Barrier, leaving the First Officers in charge. Tragically, when the power fails on the Ronin, the Flight Deck door happens to be open and nearly everyone on the Deck is blown out into open space. When the casualties are all counted, 27 are found dead from explosive decompression. Before the crew can mourn, however, the Independence reports an intruder and two alien fleets appear on sensors. One fleet warns the Starfleet ships that they may have a hostile alien on board. The other informs them that they believe the Federation ships have "the One" on board. Each of the Starfleet ships have severe damages due to their trip through the wormhole, so the Ronin deploys all of it's fighters to screen the wounded starships from the incoming flotillas. Before the flotilla's arrive, however, the blue non-corporeal being, who injures itself repairing some of the Independence's problems, gets a power transfusion from the Indy's warp core and undergoes a transfiguration. At the same time, those left behind on Wheeler reconstruct the activation of the wormhole and re-open it, sending a communications probe through to contact the lost ships. As soon as they realize the gate has re-opened, all three First Officers order their ships through, the Ronin's fighters and shuttlecraft leading the way. En-route, one of the ships, a prototype left over from the Sya-Negan mission explodes due to faulty construction, killing the pilot. His is the first death of an officer directly under Lt. Kolk's command.
  • "Lost at Sand" Stardate 238503.30 to 238504.26
    • En route back to Deep Space 17 for repairs, the USS Ronin passes through the Aurona Nebula and suffers a sudden cascade failure, necessitating a complete evacuation to a nearby Class-L planet which the crew would come to call Rakis. Some of the crew never manage to make it off the ship, staving off death by being beamed to the runabout USS Wye, where the craft's sensors alert them to the presence of small Ferengi vessel come to "salvage" the Ronin. From there Lt. Cmdr. Wilde and Petty Officer Doubleaux beam to the bridge, using it's own power to restore life support and main sensors, while Cmdr. Walker and Ens. Garlone ramain on the Flight Deck. On the planet, the majority of the crew's escape pods land in the equatorial regions while one pod and the Captain find themselves in the polar region. An indigenous life form resembling the Worms of Frank Herbert's Dune whom the crew comes to call Land Sharks begin attacking and eating the newly arrived link on their somewhat limited food chain. On the pole, Captain Mar find safety in a cave while the main camp is forced to be a bit more ingenious. After a the first bloody attack, the investigation of two dead Sharks lead Security to construct a device that disables the Sharks' mode of travel through the desert dands while Engineering develops an Impulse powered water cannon that kills them. In orbit, Walker and Garlone disable one Ferengi while Wilde and Doubleaux strike a deal with their DaiMon, Nekil. The two small groups then restore minimal power and make contact with the USS Wellington, which Starfleet has sent to investigate the Ronin's disapperance. The next morning, the crew's ingenuity pays off just moments before the Wellington contacts Lt. Cmdr. Maria and begins the evacuation from Rakis.

Jackford's SIMs

NPC Listing   ·   USS Ronin Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Niac PORTRAIT-nightshade-intensity-LOW-V1.jpg
Karrod Niac
LtCdr Toryn Raga.png
First Officer
Toryn Raga
Ian OConnor Ensign.png
Ian O'Connor
Chief Tact/Sec
Kirsty L.Carpenter
T'fearne ENS.jpg
Sec. Officer
T’Fearne Elaazni
Marty Tucker LtJG.png
Chief Engineer
Marty Tucker
Engineering Officer
Keneth Nakada
Tess Evinrude Character Image - Ensign.jpg
Ops Officer
Tess Evinrude
USS Ronin-logo.png
Luxa action.png
Acting CSO
Luxa Lorana
Sybil nemes wm v2.png
Science Officer
Sybil Nemes
Quentin Beck LtJG.png
Quentin Beck
Chief Surgeon
V'Len Kel
Alyndra Syrex 4.png
Medical Officer
Alyndra Syrex
Chief Counselor
USS Ronin-logo.png
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