Gila Sadar

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“From caring comes courage.”

Lao Tzu

Crew of the USS Artemis-A


Ensign Gila Sadar

Ensign Gila Sadar is a socially inept Mizarian, who prefers to keep her head down and do her work without ever being noticed. She is currently serving on her very first assignment, the USS Artemis-A as a Medical Officer.

An accomplished, but disgraced historian from Mizar II, she hopes to find a new lease on life with a career in Starfleet.


  • Height: 1.82 m (6'00")
  • Hair: None
  • Eyes: Dark brown
  • Build: Average build, long and awkward limbs.
  • Posture: Hunched and nervous, intentionally attempting to seem smaller, unless she’s working.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Gila is never caught anywhere out of her Yael-robes - the customary robes donned by all Mizarians - though they are often in slightly more colorful hues than other Mizarians don. She has a substantial ring collection. Most notably, she always wears a black obsidian ring, that she twists whenever she feels uncomfortable.
  • Voice: Slightly deeper than most, quiet and hesitant. Will talk to herself in an almost mechanical droning while working.
  • Handedness: Right-handed.


Anyone meeting Gila would be hard pressed to identify anything about her save an intense lack of confidence and sense of worth. She’ll rarely be the person to initiate conversations with strangers, or indeed even acquaintances, but once she is in social circumstances, she seems almost obsessively focused on ensuring a productive and enjoyable conversation for everyone involved. The clear impression left behind by Gila is not one of someone who does not enjoy social niceties, but rather one who is dreadfully unprepared and unpracticed in how to participate in them comfortably.

Gila is very much a follower - as is the norm for her people - and does not as a rule fare well in command situations. Her Academy years were plagued by an untold number of reprimands from her superior officers for following orders blindly, sometimes to the detriment of her crew and patients. This is a weakness that Gila is acutely aware of, and yet she struggles with finding ways to overcome it. She has found it easier to hold her ground when it comes to her patients’ safety and wellbeing, but will readily ‘jump off a bridge’ if commanded, as the saying goes.

Gila is the textbook definition of a workaholic, often preferring to be neck-deep in research or a patient’s medical journal than attending to herself. She is at her core a deeply hypocritical person, often employing the philosophy of ‘do as I say, not as I do’, when it comes to the medical concerns of mental health and work-life balance. She is a good doctor, attentive and obsessive about every case, no matter how small, but she can be a bit of a busybody and some patients consider her almost too attentive as she stubbornly seeks out every possible health concern, even ones they haven’t sought help for.

Beyond the above, Gila is an intensely curious and inquisitive person, though for whatever reason, she seems to attempt to keep those particular characteristics of hers dulled. She enjoys learning new things, seeing new places and interacting with objects and people she’s never seen before, but one would never find her actively seeking the information from other people. When push comes to shove, she’s a very ‘hands-on’ learner, preferring experimentation to more passive avenues of learning.

Personality Type

INFJ-T / The Advocate

+ Creative, Insightful, Principled, Passionate and Altrustic

- Sensitive to Criticism, Reluctant to Open Up, Perfectionistic, Avoiding the Ordinary and Prone to Burnout


  • Academic work - Reading and peer-reviewing other doctors’ medical journal can seem dry work, but to Gila, it harkens back to a simpler time.
  • Exploration - Anything new and unexplored is extremely interesting to Gila.
  • Alien art - Mizarian art is very dry and unimaginative, void of color. Since leaving Mizar II, Gila has developed a fondness for more expressive schools of artwork.
  • Meditation - Spiritualism and faith is something Gila grew up with, and while she doesn’t consider herself religious, she still finds great calm in the act of meditation.


  • Conflict - Gila will actively avoid conflict at almost any cost, often attempting to either extract herself from a situation before it gets heated, or playing peacekeeper, if she sees no other alternative.
  • Being forgotten - Due to certain events in her past, Gila suffers from intense athazagoraphobia - the fear of being forgotten or ignored.
  • Alcohol - Gila has only gotten drunk once in her life, and it is a sensation she never wants to experience again. As such, she rarely partakes in alcoholic drinks.


 History and Culture Studies

Gila’s original field of study was firmly within the humanities, specifically history and culture development. She seems to almost actively avoid the subject, but she’s unable to entirely cut ties with it, and most of her favorite reading material is academic journals and publications about alien history and cultural development. She does not, however, possess any of her own publications, or indeed any about the Mizarians themselves.


Calling Gila a ‘cook’ would be an insult to the profession, but it is something she enjoys doing when she’s stressed or worried about something. Following a recipe and disconnecting her mind for a while has an almost meditative effect on her, and while her skill is far from excellent, she has started to develop some skill in it after cooking her own food during her Academy years.


A more recent hobby of Gila’s, born out of necessity as the state of her Yeal-robes started deteriorating after Gila’s prolonged absence from her homeworld. She’s not skilled at it by any means, but it is something she practices with dedication and focus, and it allows her to feel closer to something akin to a feeling of home without having to face some complicated feelings directly tied to her past.


Gila has been practicing the Mizarian tradition of Ur’tal - a form of journaling where, before sleeping every night, you write down all that has happened through the day, your emotions and concerns, and then burn the material on which you’ve written. She has a complicated relationship with the tradition, as she has previously attempted to stop it, but found herself becoming increasingly more anxious for each day she didn’t perform it.


Koja - Father

Gila and her father had a rocky relationship all through her upbringing, and while no one ever doubted that Gila loved and admired her father very much, her father’s prolonged absences from home and generally strict demeanor towards his daughters has since driven a wedge between the two. This wedge only deepened with Gila’s resignation and subsequent admission to Starfleet Academy.

Cefli - Mother

Gila’s mother had a limited impact on Gila’s upbringing. Busy as she was with her work, she was also completely subservient to her husband when it came to raising their two daughters. There is love between them, but more than anything, Gila has a tough time confiding in her mother due to an underdeveloped relationship. Cefli often asks her eldest daughter Eyla how Gila is doing, though she doesn’t have the courage or will to contact her daughter herself.

Eyla - Older sister

The two Sadar sisters had a tense relationship growing up, often competing for their father’s approval - a competition Gila often lost - but after they grew up, the two sisters have gotten far closer than they ever were as kids. Eyla still maintains communication with her sister, and though she initially had difficulties understanding Gila’s reasons for leaving Mizar II behind, recent developments have led to her understanding far more than she ever hoped she would.

Kolya - Nephew

Kolya is Gila’s nephew, and very much the apple of her eye. Kolya is demonstrating uncharacteristic creativity and drive for a Mizarian, a fact that worries both his grandfather and parents. Gila encourages this by telling him stories of her experiences in the Federation and sending him fiction and artwork of many different species. The boy himself doesn’t yet understand the family schism that his talents will cause, and Gila hopes he will never find out.


Madison Marsh - Academy Fellow
Madison Marsh.png

Madison and Gila took most of the same classes at the Academy while taking their Xenobiology Major, but they didn't really start talking until they both entered Starfleet Medical Academy, and were put on the fast track. Since they both were the 'odd ones out' due to taking both 1st and 2nd year classes simultaneously, they started talking, and the two now have a close relationship. They will often communicate on subspace - with Madison stationed on Starbase 118, and Gila wherever the Artemis-A is taking her - both just to talk and to provide feedback and constructive criticisms on each other's latest research.

Addison MacKenzie - Captain

The Captain of the Artemis-A was one of two Starfleet Officers who oversaw Gila and Madison's final test before graduation. Though Gila had little opportunity to converse with her future Captain, she felt both excitement and deep fear at the idea of being assigned to her vessel. The two of them spent most of Gila's first mission in close proximity, and while the Captain seemed competent and reasonable, her willingness to risk the lives of Suliban pirates astonished the new Doctor. A small altercation occurred, after which an ashamed Gila has been seeking every possible excuse to not meet her unnecessarily...

MacKenzie (about Gila): Oh, and Genkos – go easy on the new kid. She’s smart but she’s a little… green.

Yogan Yalu - First Officer

While in each other's company for the majority of the Drill-Gone-Wrong, Gila and the Trill First Officer spent very little of it talking with each other. She got the sense that he's a very capable helmsman, and also that his personality is far warmer and approachable than their Captain's. Which would make him a decent First Officer, she supposes...

Flint Kader - Partner-in-Conspiracy

Gila technically met her fellow Ensign while 'undercover', disguised in her everyday clothes so as to not immediatley be recognizable as a Starfleet Officer. Thusly, while not exchanging identities with him, the two embarked on a conspiratorial treasure hunt amongst the hidden-away historical secrets of the Hrrr'ston Space Center. Perhaps due to the relative - and temporary - anonymity, Gila was able to relax more while in his company, and while she dreads having to actually work with him in a professional capacity next, she thinks fondly of their shore leave treasure hunt.

Sadar: Hmm… Well, the outdoor area has undergone quite a number of renovations as they started placing exhibits out there. Perhaps the original walkways were in a different shape? ::pulls out her journal:: How should it look?
Fueled by his companion’s academic enthusiasm he couldn't help but let out a small laugh before voicing his small speck of doubt that a reasonable conclusion could be reached. A speck that evaporated almost as soon as it appeared.
Kader: I’m afraid I can’t really see any- hold on. I’ve seen this. I’ve seen this at work. Look! That vegetation looks a bit out of place from above, as if it was placed there after a renovation. The trees look much younger. They are forming a shape, I’ve seen that shape before. It's the orbits of the moons of Cait!

Talos Dakora - Second Officer
Lt Dakora Artemis Portrait.jpg

Gila's first meeting with the Betazoid Second Officer was on the surgery table after he endured severe trauma during the Suliban boarding. As first impressions go, it went about as well as could be expected, with the Commander clearly deeply affected by the experience. Gila found him a pliant patient, a pleasant man and a gracious senior officer, even if his adversion to counseling has her deeply concerned for his mental well-being.

Dakora: Oh and Doctor Sadar. ::He cracked his first genuine smile since returning to consciousness:: I won’t forget what you did for me. I owe you one.

Vitor Silveira - The Tempest
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The third in a row of senior officers needing medical aid, Sil-net made his mark as the most social of the lot. His inquisitive nature and seemingly tireless zest for life both inspires and terrifies Gila, particularly since her own past and secrets have been the object of his scrutiny. She has, however, come to accept his company, and perhaps even enjoy it, when his tempestuous behavior isn’t aimed at her directly.

Silveira: It was a pleasure meeting you and I would like to know more about your homeworld. How about we have lunch, say the day after tomorrow?

Sadar: Oh, uh, hm… Yes Sir. Although, I don’t know what I’ll be able to tell you that you can’t learn from the records of the Federation Colony on Mizar IV…

Silveira: Well you can check my records and never really know anything about me. What I mean is that even as complete as records can be there is nothing like first hand knowledge, and I am a strong proponent of sharing knowledge. I mean we had lessons at the Academy, we weren’t just given PADDs to read. Do you think I am wrong?

Vailani Zoyara - Savior and fellow Workaholic
Vailani Zoyara Ensign.png

Gila first met Vailani Zoyara when the latter was unconscious in Sickbay, but the first time they spoke was ehen Gila was being accosted by a particularly hypochrondriac Bolian hybrid in the Brew Continuum on her 'break'. In the aftermath of that encounter, Vailani and Gila became fast accomplices to each other's workaholic tendencies, and enjoyed a good while of companionable working silence. Their personalities may sometimes seem at odds, but somehow, friendship seems the most natural choice to them...

Vailani: ::indicates to her PADD:: You don’t mind?
Gila’s dark orbs turned to Vailani, her shoulders almost conspiratorially hunching slightly more than usual.
Sadar: If you promise to be my alibi if our superior officer asks if I actually took time off?
Vailani: I was going to ask you the same thing.

Kuva - Fellow Ensign

A fellow ensign who joined the Artemis simultaneously with her, Gila and Kuva didn't actually get to exchange words until he showed up for his onboarding check-up. Since then, they've had a few chances to converse, and Gila attempts to be as courteous a Doctor to the Vulcan as possible, attempting to alleviate his innate distaste for Sickbay. Despite their occasionally too-similar, occasionally diametrically opposed, personalities, Gila considers the Vulcan a breath of fresh air amongst the overtly social Artemisians.

Sadar: Huh… ::scoots closer so she can scan his eyes:: Engineering has always seemed very complicated to me. There is a chaotic sort of logic to the way that a biological body is structured, and once you’ve operated on one Human, you usually know how to operate on the next Human as well. But with engineering, it always seemed like every system could look very different based on which engineer had done the last repairs.
Kuva: A fair assessment. To be truthful, it is one I had in regards to medical practice as well. So many different biological systems, and so many doctors who might diagnose or treat the same symptoms in different manners.
Sadar: Hmm… I never thought of it like that. Blink three times, please.

Jovenan - Esteemed superior
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On her very first mission aboard the Artemis-A, Gila spent most of her time in the company of the Edo Lieutenant. While their acquaintance doesn't go beyond professional, Jovenan demonstrated integrity, adaptability and talent during the mission that made Gila keenly aware of the versatility that Starfleet demands of its officers... And how lacking she herself is in that department.

Genkos Adea - Department Chief

Considering that Gila's initial meeting with the Chief Medical Officer involved banging her head against a table and witnessing a manhandling resulting in access to a restricted area of a Caitian library, her opinion of the Betazoid Commander is actually rather favorable. She found him easy to talk to and a very insightful officer, with almost as big an appetite for knowledge as she herself possesses. Now, if only she could forget the fact that he was telepathic for five minutes...

Adea: You know, my people are very big on honesty - it comes with being unable to hide anything from a race of telepaths. If you want, I can tell you something embarrassing about myself and then you can tell me the whole truth? ::he held up a pale, slender hand:: But also, if I’m crossing a line, you can tell me to jog on, ::he grinned:: I won’t be offended.
Sadar: It’s not… That’s not necessary, Sir. I’m sorry...

Hiro Jones - Top 3 Most Terrifying Voice to Hear in the Corridors

While a Doctor willing to throw themselves into phaser fire is a deeply concerting idea to Gila, Counselor Jones showed great enthusiasm and kindness to Gila during their consultation - as well as a firm belief that the two would be fast friends - that Gila initally shared. Upon his reassignment to Counselor, however, this initial instinct has turned to deep-seated fear as Gila attempt as best as possible to avoid socializing with the Lieutenant. Which, of course, means that he has made it his personal mission to hound her for counseling sessions whenever possible...

Sadar: Physical trauma often carries mental stress with it, and by allowing the body to recover more gradually, with the support of technology, allows the patient time to come to terms with their injury and the events leading up to it. ::pause:: Some patients have the unfortunate habit of thinking that once the physical body is healed, so too is the soul…
Jones: I think we're going to be friends, Doc.


Gogigobo Fairhug - Graduation Overseer (and Hero)

It is rare that one gets to meet their heroes, but this is kind of what happened to Gila. The first year of her life aboard SB118 had her follow the careers of the resident senior staff - they were, after all, already some of the best in Starfleet - and Lieutenant Commander Fairhug was one of these staff members. While her opinion of the majority of Ops' senior staff is respectful and admiring, Lieutenant Commander Fairhug turned out to be her CO on her final test before graduation, and Gila spent the better part of the mission under his direct supervision. They say you should never meet your heroes, but the Commander's competent leadership, kind guidance and magnanimous grace only further served to cement him as a figure worthy of respect in Gila's eyes. She realizes he probably won't remember her if they ever meet again, but she nevertheless hopes to conduct her Starfleet career in a way that won't let him down.

Luxa Lorana - Fellow Black Sheep
Luxa Lorana Ensign close up.png

Gila first met Ensign Lorana while the latter server on the Artemis. During a visit to the Caitian Institute of Art, Gila met Luxa's mother, M'aris Lorana, and while Gila’s familiarity with navigating the whims of overbearing parents led to an unlikely friendship with the elder Lorana, she felt an underlying kinship with the ostracized Luxa. They haven't had time to touch base since the Luxa’s transfer to the USS Ronin, but Gila keeps her in her thoughts. Black Sheep have to stick together, after all.

Sadar: I admit, it’s not what I usually partake in… I have been too busy to continue my studies though, so maybe that’s something I could do. I have a colony of saprobic Lorillian Swamp Fungi in one of the Medical labs that I’m researching. If allowed to break down specific types of medical plants, the resulting nutrients deposited in the hyphae has an exponentially increased potency-
Lorana: Okay, that sounds like more work to me.

Personal History


    Gila is the younger daughter of Koja & Cefli Sadar. Koja is a Spiritualist and Educator, travelling all of Mizar II to teach the Ways of the Kahlto - 'the Wheel of Existence' - to Mizarian youths and the family's life was completely defined by it. His two daughters were raised with utmost adherence to the pacifist and normconforming ways of the Kahlto, ensuring that they grew up to be good and law-abiding citizens. Gila was unremarkable for most of her youth - intelligent, but not more so than most - and she preferred to keep to herself. Her sister, on the other hand, thrived under their father’s teachings – eventually securing herself a place as a Councillor’s Aide – but Gila’s inquisitive nature often angered her father, and the subsequent discipline enforced on her aimed to quell her curious spirit. It met with apparent success.

    Gila eventually graduated with rather good marks from the History Programme at the Fourth University of Pozaron and worked as a textbook writer for many years. She enjoyed her work immensely, considering it a job that helped enlighten and nurture future generations of the Mizarian people. But then, a survey dig in the northern hemisphere of Mizar II exposed her and her colleagues to something that could potentially shake the Mizarian cultural identity to its core. Pressure immediately came down on the history department to exclude the find from future textbooks, and to not speak of it to the outside world. This caused Gila to have a crisis of faith and she soon quit her job. A historian is only as useful as their integrity, and Gila had none.

    Choosing to go on a spiritual journey of sorts off-world, Gila got a ticket on a transport vessel heading for Mizar IV and the Starfleet colony located there. On the way, a medical emergency happened on board and as her ID identified her as 'Dr. Sadar', Gila was all but pushed to handle the situation. Needless to say, she failed and the individual she’d been charged with perished. While this was a personal loss and a source of great guilt for Gila in the years to come, it was also a defining moment that ushered her on the route to apply to Starfleet Academy. She wanted to do something with her life that led to real and definitive good in the universe.

The Academy Years

    Gila’s four years through Starfleet Academy were quiet by comparison – she wasn’t particularly social and merely focused on her work, but compared to many of her peers, her previous university experience helped buffer her through the worst crunches and pitfalls of higher learning. The initial two years were spent on the San Francisco Campus on Earth, and while this was the longest Gila had lived on an Alien planet thus far, she spent the most of her time doing coursework rather than enjoying the novelty of the world around her. She simply worked through the motions of her Degree, choosing to double-major in Xenobiology and Xenology. The latter major led her to move away from Earth again, switching Campuses to the Academy Campus on Starbase 118, where a lauded Xenologist was doing a research project simultaneously with teaching Academy courses. Graduating from the Starbase 118 Academy, she then applied for the on-station Medical School Branch as well. The social aspect of her new calling - patient communication, review boards and ethical guidelines - was all very challenging to her, but she demonstrated great skill and proved a more than adequate physician. Her tenure at Starfleet Medical was shortened to a three-year track due to her already having completed most of the material while doing her Xenobiology Major, and as such, the already socially inept Mizarian had an even harder time bonding with any of her fellow doctors-in-training, as she took both 1st and 2nd year classes concurrently.

    Motivated by the loss of her first - if unofficial - patient back when she first left Mizar II, Gila specialized in triage and emergency care medicine, leading to her achieving the highest grade possible in the Critical Care clinical rotation. Her worst grades were in the courses of ‘Medical Ethics’ and ‘Diagnosis’, as she had the tendency to readily accept others’ diagnoses and orders, and act on them, even if she knew they were wrong. This is something she has worked to correct, but she still shies away from open conflict with fellow doctors and officers. Upon graduation, Gila was assigned to the USS Artemis-A and sent off to Starbase 224 to embark on the next leg of her journey forward.

Gila Sadar's Academy Transcripts

Starfleet Career

Drill - SD 240006.26 - 240007.19

On her first mission aboard the Artemis-A, the senior officers engage in a combat drill in the Paulson Nebula, with half of the bridge crew manning the Artemis and the other half using the smaller Reliant-class cruiser, the USS Berlin, on loan from Captain Martin. However, the drill is halted when Suliban saboteurs utilize the sensor-impeding effects of the nebula to sneak their way onto the Artemis, sabotaging her systems and leaving her dead in the water. While Gila was not initially part of the drill - being a newly-arrived Ensign - she was called to the Bridge to assist in countermeasures when Captain MacKenzie realized what was happening. Together with the Captain, Lt. Commander Yalu and LtJG Jovenan, Gila worked on an antidote to a knockout gas laced with the hallucinogenic compound Felicium, which had knocked out three decks' worth of crewmen, and then assisted with the defense of both the Artemis and the Berlin as combat with the Suliban ship - the Sarna - officially commenced.

MacKenzie: Doctor Sadar, I trust there was no room for interpretation in my orders. Carry them out.

Captain MacKenzie wouldn’t have gotten a more immediate physical reaction from Gila if she had physically beaten her. Her eyes dimmed, her finger - previously twisting her anxiety ring desperately - grew calm and still and she turned to face her console.

Sadar: I… Yes sir.

Caitian Shoreleave - SD 240007.20-240009.19

Gila's first shoreleave aboard the Artemis had Cait - home of the feline Caitians - as it's destination, and while much of the resting period was spent in Sickbay, Gila also had the opportunity to meet many of her fellow Ensigns and superior officers during this time.

She was accosted twice by Lt. Vitor Silveira, whose boundless curiosity about her species and her brought her no small amount of stress. At the end of their lunch meeting, Gila accidentally let it slip that she was attempting to learn how to cook, and the Human Lieutenant enthusiastically announced that they would reserve the holodeck for a joint cooking session next shoreleave.
Counselor Jones "extended an invite" (read: forcibly made an appointment) for her to attend counseling sessions, that really was more about getting Gila comfortable talking with him than any real counseling. Gila also attended the Counselor's Holodeck Stargazing Night, a social event she attended solely to satisfy the need for her to 'check in' with the CO, who she'd been religiously avoiding since her breach of protocol during the prior mission.

Planetside, she engaged in 'historical conspiracy hunting' at Hrrr'ston Space Center with Ensign Kader, accidentally introduced herself to her Department Chief, Cmdr. Adea, while attempting to gain access to Siamberr Library's collection of physical texts, and joined Ensign Lorana, Ensign Kuva and the Captain on an excursion to the Insititute of Art in Sh'erato City.

Sadar: Thank you for the invitation… I, uh, I should get going. I have a research experiment that needs my attention.
Silveira: See why you should leave the office more.
The CO nodded affirmatively.
MacKenzie: I concur – Captain and Doctor’s orders.

Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Student 2393 - 2397 Starfleet Academy
Science Major
Cadet 2397-2400 Starfleet Medical
Starfleet Medical.png
Medical Student
Ensign 240006.26 - Present USS Artemis-A
USS ArtemisA-logo.png
Medical Officer
For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 240006.25
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Innovation Ribbon 240009.03
USS Artemis-A
Awarded for spearheading the synthesization and deployment of a new anti-knockout gas.
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal.png
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal 240009.03
USS Artemis-A
Awarded for being present during the Artemis' altercation with Suliban pirates.


Artemis's "Question of the Week" Discoveries
1) 240007.02 - Gila's taste in music relies less on music genre, and more on the message of the lyrics. That being said, she dislikes all music with too much percussion, growling and screaming, and she also shies away from instrumental and classical music genres due to negative association.
2) 240007.16 - Gila identifies as CIS female, but is unaware of her romantic preferences beyond the fact that she's attracted to male-coded behavior.
3) 240008.04 - If Gila was a Disney character, she'd be Belle from "Beauty and the Beast".
4) 240009.06 - If she was in a Teen Movie, Gila'd be part of either the Nerd Clique or the Theater Kids, while secretly wanting to be part of the Emo/Goth crowd.
5) 240009.18 - If viewed through the lens of the Johari Window, what is Unknown about Gila is that she's stronger than she thinks she is, and for the right cause, she's capable of going far beyond what she thinks possible.

Creative Challenges

SIM Archive

NPC Listing   ·   USS Artemis-A Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Addison MacKenzie
Genkos Adea.png
Genkos Adea
Helm/Ops Ofc.
Lyara Alroyo
Jovenan Lt 2401.png
Chief Science Ofc.
Science Ofc.
Medical Ofc.
Gila Sadar
Sil-Picard Uniform.png
Chief Tactical Ofc.
Vitor Silveira
Ensign Savel.png
Security Ofc.
Security Ofc.
Kel Solas
Chief Eng. Ofc.
Engineering Ofc.
Ollie Bergman LtJG.png
Operations Ofc.
Ollie Bergmen
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