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*December 2386, Captain Riley is rescued by [[Thelev, Jhen|LtCmdr. Jhen Thelev]] and the crew of the USS Tiger.  Because of the injuries she sustains she is in critical condition upon her return to Tiger.  She almost dies on the operating table as she goes into cardiac arrest, but is saved by the expert care of [[Solok|LtCmdr. Solok]], [[T'Reshik|Lieutenant JG T'Reshik]] and [[Sasak|Lieutenant JG Sasak]].  Captain Riley undergoes extensive medical treatment to restore her phsyically.  She also meets with [[Avandar, S'Peek|Counselor Avandar]] to deal with any psychological effects from her ordeal.
*December 2386, Captain Riley is rescued by [[Thelev, Jhen|LtCmdr. Jhen Thelev]] and the crew of the USS Tiger.  Because of the injuries she sustains she is in critical condition upon her return to Tiger.  She almost dies on the operating table as she goes into cardiac arrest, but is saved by the expert care of [[Solok|LtCmdr. Solok]], [[T'Reshik|Lieutenant JG T'Reshik]] and [[Sasak|Lieutenant JG Sasak]].  Captain Riley undergoes extensive medical treatment to restore her phsyically.  She also meets with [[Avandar, S'Peek|Counselor Avandar]] to deal with any psychological effects from her ordeal.

*238612.14, Captain Sidney Riley and the crew of the USS Tiger are transferred to [[Starbase 118 Ops] when the Tiger is assigned as the station primary support vessel.
*238612.14, Captain Sidney Riley and the crew of the USS Tiger are transferred to [[Starbase 118 Ops]] when the Tiger is assigned as the station primary support vessel.

===Captain's Ready Room, USS Tiger===
===Captain's Ready Room, USS Tiger===

Revision as of 20:10, 2 January 2010

USS Tiger-A


Sidney Riley


Professional   ·  Medical Record  ·   Personal  ·   Family

Notable Relationships
LtCmdr. Darius Clack

  • "We choose to do these things, not because they are easy,
  • but because they are hard" - John F. Kennedy
  • "A Little Revolution Is Good...Every Now And Then"

TOSMAAwards ServiceRibbons Ithassa 2011.jpgThe B-Plot Award
Awards ServiceRibbons WarWithBorg 2011.jpgGornInvasion.jpgAwards-ServiceRibbon-VaadwaurInvasion.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons HobusHeroism 2011.jpgKlingonInvasion.jpgAwards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GornCampaign 2011.jpgAwards ServiceRibbons battleforbajor 2011.jpgAwards ServiceRibbons RomulanCampaign 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpgAwards ServiceRibbons LifesavingGold 2011.jpgAwards ServiceRibbons ExtendedService 2011.jpg
Gateway.jpgAwards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpgAwards General 5Year 2011.jpg
The Strange MedallionAwards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpgWINNER.jpg
The James T. Kirk CrossThe Shuvalis Diamond of RecognitionFedpeacemed.pngTOSMA II

  • Secondary:

Important Events
Sim Archive


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Captain Sidney Riley, a 36 year old Terran/Deltan, is currently serving as commanding officer aboard Starbase 118 Operations. She also holds the position of Academy Commandant.

She has served on three ships during her time in the fleet, the USS Wallace, the USS Independence, and the USS Tiger. She began her career as a medical officer on the USS Wallace. When the Wallace was decommissioned, she was transferred to the USS Independence where she was promoted to Chief Medical Officer. Upon the promotion of Captain Idril Mar and the commissioning of the USS Ronin, Sidney was promoted to First Officer of the USS Independence-A under the command of Rear Admiral Jessa Kyrn Anassasi. . On Stardate 238505.04, Commander Sidney Riley was given command of the USS Tiger, a Steamrunner-Wolverine class vessel, which was given a semi-permanent assignment as a support vessel for Deep Space 17 in the Ithassa Region. On Stardate 238612.14, the USS Tiger was ordered to return to her home port, Starbase 118 Operations, as the primary support vessel for the station. Captain Riley and the crew of the USS Tiger were reassigned to Starbase 118 Ops at that time.


  • Full Name: Sidney Arlyn Riley
  • Nick Name: Sid
  • Birthdate: 235007.24 (July 24, 2350)
  • Age: 36
  • Birth Place: New Orleans, Louisiana, Earth
  • Current Rank: Captain
  • Current Postition: Commanding Officer
  • Gender: Female
  • Species: 7/8 Terran (Half Irish, Half Native American), 1/8 Deltan
  • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  • Telepathic Status: E-2/T-2 However, as with most Deltans the empathy and telepathy only work between Sidney and one other Deltan. The Deltan closest to her is Lieutenant Bron Storos. She often feels empathy for him and can in extreme situations communicate telepathically with him. Her status is underdeveloped though as she is only 1/8 Deltan and it does not always work and very rarely works on command. Sidney also has some healing ability from her Deltan ancestors, however, she is not aware of this ability. She is still developing and realizing the abilities she has from her Deltan ancestors.


  • Hair Color: Auburn (More brown than red)
  • Hair Length: Short
  • Eye Color: Bright Green
  • Height: 5'2"
  • Weight: 102 lbs
  • Skin Tone: Fair
  • Scars: None
  • Tattoos: None
  • Birthmarks: Small birthmark behind left knee
  • Build: Petite
  • Tone/Voice: Has a Southern Louisiana accent, which is not always detectible. However, she can exaggerate her accent when she wants to. She can also do a pretty good impression of an Irish accent.
  • Presence: Carries herself with dignity and confidence
  • Facial Features: Youthful facial features, rosy complexion.
  • Handedness: Right Handed
  • Off Duty Clothing: Usually something comfortable, most often light flowing fabrics. Usual colors: Green, Blue, Rose or Black
  • Shoes: On Duty, regulation boots. Off Duty, usually sandals.


  • Father: Ryan Aidan Riley (Terran, Irish, Engineer in Starfleet, Deceased)
  • Birth-Mother: Raven Lightfoot (3/4 Terran, Native American, 1/4 Deltan)
  • Adoptive-Mother: Cheyenne Lee Riley (Terran, Native American, Biological Research Scientist, Resides on Vulcan)
  • Step-Father: Tarvik (Husband of Cheyenne, Vulcan, Instructor of Astronomy at the Vulcan Science Academy)
  • Siblings: Shannon Alyce Riley (Identical Twin Sister), Maharet Lightfoot (Half Sister, Medical Student on Earth), Tavik (Vulcan, Step-brother, Vulcan Astronomer), Soria (Vulcan, Step-sister, Student at Vulcan Science Academy)
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None
  • Pets: Andy

Family History

Sidney has a large and often times complicated family tree. There are four families associated with her: Riley, which is her father's family; Lightfoot, which is her mother's family; Lee, which is her adoptive family; And, she also has unknown Deltan relatives on Delta IV.


  • Alsandair Ryan Riley: Terran (Irish) Sidney's Grandfather.
  • Shannon Rylyn Riley: Terran (Irish) Sidney's Grandmother.
  • Liam Alsandair Riley: Terran (Irish) Ryan's Brother and Sidney's Uncle. He is married to Anya. They have six children (Sidney's Cousins); Tynan, Rowan, Mairead, Megan, Cara, and Dugan.
  • Ryan Aidan Riley: (November 20, 2329-September 24, 2355) Terran (Irish), Sidney's Father. He was an Engineer in Starfleet. When he disappeared in 2361 he was a Lieutenant.
  • Dairine Alyce Riley: (August 5, 2332- ) Terran (Irish) Ryan's sister and Sidney's Aunt. She is married to Brian McKeegan. They have four children (Sidney's Cousins); Tara, Rylyn, Alsandair, and Brady.
  • Tynan Riley: (2345- ) Terran, Sidney's Cousin. Has two children; Sabine (2363) and Rowan (2364).
  • Rowan Riley-Stevens: (2346- ) Terran, Sidney's Cousin. Has two children; Douglas (2362) and Lucy (2365).
  • Tara McKeegan-Peters: (2349- ) Terran, Sidney's Cousin. Married to Greg Peters and has two children (Sidney's Second Cousins); Molly and Arthur.
  • Rylyn McKeegan: (2350- ) Terran, Sidney's Cousin. Has one son (Sidney's Second Cousin), Alan.
  • Alsandair McKeegan: (2352- ) Terran, Sidney's Cousin.
  • Brady McKeegan: (2355- ) Terran, Sidney's Cousin.


  • Benjamin Lightfoot:(May 6,2307- ) Terran (Native American) Sidney's Grandfather. He has developed eccentic behaviors in his old age. Now believes his deceased wife and daughter were not human, but refuses to talk about it to anyone but Maharet. Benjamin cares greatly about his grand-daughters. Sidney was always close to him; she calls him "Bear".
  • Imara Lightfoot: (July 10, 2315-April 4, 2334) 1/2 Terran (Native American), 1/2 Deltan Sidney's Grandmother. Raven's mother and Ben's wife. Nothing is known about her beyond this fact. Benjamin refuses to talk about her.
  • Raven Lightfoot: (July 20, 2332- December 15, 2358) 3/4 Terran (Native American), 1/4 Deltan Sidney's Birth Mother. Raven was strikingly beautiful with deep red skin and long flowing black hair. She is the mother of Sidney, Shannon and Maharet. Not much is known about her beyond these facts, partially because Benjamin refuses to talk about her. He has however stated she was not fully human.
  • Maharet Lightfoot: (June 6, 2354- ) 7/8 Terran (Native American), 1/8 Deltan Sidney's Half Sister. Maharet is a Doctor on Earth. She one day hopes to attend the Academy and join Starfleet. She is very close to Sidney. For most of her life Sidney believed Maharet was her cousin. When she was 26 she learned that Maharet was her half-sister through their birth mother Raven. Maharet has a very outgoing personality. She loves to talk and is not afraid to say what she thinks.
  • Moira Marie Lightfoot: (March 24, 2380- ) 15/16 Terran (Native American), 1/16 Deltan Sidney's Niece. Daughter of Maharet Lightfoot, Sidney's half sister. She is a First Grade student at a private school in New Orleans.


  • Cheyenne Lee (Riley): Sidney's Adoptive Mother. Cheyenne is Raven Lightfoot's cousin. Cheyenne was married to Ryan Riley until they divorced in 2355. Cheyenne was very fond of Ryan's daughter Shannon. When Ryan and Shannon divorced it was decided Shannon would stay with her. When Ryan and Shannon disappeared in late 2355, Sidney went to live with Cheyenne and her husband Tarvik on Vulcan.
  • Tarvik: Vulcan, Married to Cheyenne Lee (Sidney's Step-Father), Instructor at the Vulcan Science Academy. He believes Sidney should have studied at the Vulcan Science Academy instead of joining Starfleet.
  • Tavik: Vulcan, Sidney's Step-Brother, Vulcan Astronomer. Sidney was very close to Tavik when she lived on Vulcan. They grew up together. He was the one who encouraged her to follow her dream of joining Starfleet.
  • Soria: Vulcan, Sidney's Step-Sister, Student at Vulcan Science Academy. Very logical, Soria did not approve of Sidney's behavior much of the time. Sidney did not spend much time with her step-sister. They are not close and do not talk much.

Family Home

The Riley family home is situated on the West Bank of the Mississippi River in New Orleans, Louisiana. The home is a plantation style home built in the year 1862 (age of home approximately 524 years). The two story house sits on 5 acres of land.

The exterior of the main house is white brick, with four large columns in the front and back. Other features include a wrap around porch with wrought iron railings and wrap around balcony also featuring the same wrought iron railing as the lower porch.

The main house has five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a dining room, office/library, music room and a sunroom. The kitchen is a separate building on the North side of the home with a small passageway leading to the dining area.

The interior of the home also features 6 fireplaces and a large basement. In the twentieth century, part of the basement was converted to a wine cellar.

On the grounds, there is a large old willow tree situated near the levee. There is a grove a trees near the North side of the home, large old trees with moss hanging from them. There is a long dirt driveway which leads through the grove and up to the main house. Also on the property are a two story carriage house and a medium sized barn which houses five horses.

General Personality

Mannerisms and Other Information

  • Habits: Very thorough and hardworking and has a tendency to overwork sometimes. Bites her fingernails when nervous.
  • Mannerism: Good natured and graceful. She smiles a lot and usually wears her emotions on her sleeve.
  • Quarters on the USS Tiger: On Deck 2 of the USS Tiger. Sidney's quarters are moderate to her taste. The items that adorn the room as things that are important to her. She keeps many memories of her past.
    • A Gold and Purple Blanket with a Tiger on it that can usually be found draped across the back of her couch.
    • The flute her father gave her on a book shelf
    • A wooden box filled with real paper sheet music from Earth and Vulcan that she collected while in the Federation Youth Symphony
    • Two data tapes from her father that he left before he disappeared kept in a special case on her book shelf.
    • Various pictures of family members: her father in his Starfleet uniform, her birth mother, Shannon, Maharet, Ben, The Riley's in New Orleans, Tavik and Soria, and a picture of Sidney, Maharet, and Eilis in New Orleans as children, a photo of the Vulcan Youth Symphony and the Federation Youth Symphony from when Sidney was a member
  • Quarters on Starbase 118 Ops:
  • Hobbies: Music, Reading, Horseback Riding, Sailing
  • Likes: Classical Music, Playing the Flute, Reading Ancient Classic Earth Literature, Water
  • Dislikes: Violence (believes in diplomacy), anger and upset, not having choices in a situation
  • Spirituality: A mixture of ancient Earth beliefs. Is very spiritual. Power Animal: Dolphin (Usually shows up in her dreams).
  • Goals: Wants to become the best Commanding Officer she can be. Wants to know each member of her ship on a personal level.
  • Phobias: None that she will admit to.

Personal History

Important Relationships

Influential Friends

Romantic Interests

Musical Experiences

An accomplished flautist she has had many musical experiences:

Orchestral Experiences

  • Vulcan Youth Symphony 2362-2366
  • Federation Youth Symphony 2363-2366

Solo Experiences

  • Vulcan Youth Music Competition Second Place 2363
  • Vulcan Youth Music Competition First Place 2364 and 2366
  • Federation Youth Symphony Solo Competition Runner Up 2364
  • Federation Youth Symphony Solo Competition First Place 2366


  • Degree in Emergency Medicine with an emphasis in Cardiology (Graduated 237106.02)
  • Starfleet Academy (Graduated 238109.10)

Professional History

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
01-Ens-Blue.png Ensign 238109.10 - 238201.24 USS Wallace & Deep Space 17 Medical Officer
02-LtJG-Blue.png Lieutenant JG 238201.24 - 238207.20
03-Lt-Blue.png Lieutenant 238207.20 - 238304.21
Awards: 238212.26 The Starfleet Order of Merit and Achievement, Second Class
B-Plot Award
03-Lt-Blue.png Lieutenant 238304.21 - 238308.04 USS Independence Chief Medical Officer
04-LtCmdr-Blue.png Lt Commander 238308.04 - 238309.26
04-LtCmdr-Blue.png 238309.26 - 238401.15 Deep Space 17
04-LtCmdr-Red.png 238401.15 - 238504.17 USS Independence-A Executive Officer
Awards: 238501.18 The Starfleet Order of Merit and Achievement, First Class
Strange Medallion
05-Cmdr-Red.png Commander 238504.17 - 238505.04 USS Independence-A Executive Officer
05-Cmdr-Red.png 238505.04 - 238512.18 USS Tiger Commanding Officer
06-Capt-Red.png Captain 238512.18 - 238612.14
06-Capt-Red.png 238612.14 - Present Starbase 118 Ops

Influential Professional Experiences

  • Gorn Conflict of 2383 - Doctor Sidney Riley is affected deeply by the loss of life during the war and the numerous patients she treats as temporary Chief Medical Officer aboard Deep Space 17.
  • Battle of Eratis (Battle of Deep Space 17) - September 2383, Lieutenant Commander Sidney Riley helps lead the efforts to retake Deep Space 17 from the Gorn. She is affected deeply by this experience, this experience begins to change the course of her career from Medical to Command.
  • TE-IV 238501.10 - Sidney Riley is in command of an away mission to deliver medical supplies and set up an emergency medical clinic on one of the colonies on the planet after the ship that was originally carrying the supplies is detroyed en route. However, things go horribly wrong when the clinic is attacked and many are seriously or critically injured. Sidney blames herself for the away teams failure for months after.
  • May 2385, Sidney is placed in command of the USS Tiger which will be based out of Deep Space 17.
  • October 2386, Captain Riley is abducted by Parrin as he launches a plan to steal the USS Tiger
  • December 2386, Captain Riley is rescued by LtCmdr. Jhen Thelev and the crew of the USS Tiger. Because of the injuries she sustains she is in critical condition upon her return to Tiger. She almost dies on the operating table as she goes into cardiac arrest, but is saved by the expert care of LtCmdr. Solok, Lieutenant JG T'Reshik and Lieutenant JG Sasak. Captain Riley undergoes extensive medical treatment to restore her phsyically. She also meets with Counselor Avandar to deal with any psychological effects from her ordeal.
  • 238612.14, Captain Sidney Riley and the crew of the USS Tiger are transferred to Starbase 118 Ops when the Tiger is assigned as the station primary support vessel.

Captain's Ready Room, USS Tiger

Sidney's ready room is decorated to her own personal style. She likes to keep things around her which remind her of the past.

  • On her desk:
    • A small plant in a bowl of water which contains a bright red Beta Fish named Stravinsky after the musician/composer from the twentieth century on Earth.
    • A picture of her father in Starfleet dress uniform, a picture of her birth mother Raven and a picture of her sisters Shannon and Maharet.
    • A small brass figurine of a Raven.
  • On the shelf:
    • Several books considered to be classic literature from Earth.
    • A small silver replica of a flute.
    • Framed certificates from the Federation Youth Symphony and the Vulcan Youth Symphony
CompletedTiger Crest.png
  • Around the room:
    • A large tapestry hangs behind the couch. It is black and contains one of the Tiger Insignias.
    • There is a small green bed for Sidney's pet cat, Andy, next to the couch.
    • A large decorative Bajoran Leaf Tree sits in the corner.

Captain Riley's Office, Starbase 118 Operations

Awards & Commendations

  • Tosma 2 (2383)
  • B Plot Award (2383)
  • Tosma 1 (2385)
  • Strange Medallion (2385)

Misc. Notes


Sidney is fluent in the following languages:

Terran Languages

  • English
  • Irish
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Latin

Non Terran Languages

  • Vulcan
  • Deltan
  • Klingon (Semi-fluent)

Member Of...

  • UFOP: SB-118 Training Team, Commandant
  • UFOP: SB-118 Executive Council

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Gogigobo Fairhug Commander.png
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Wyn Foster.jpg
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
LT Madison Marsh.png
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Sasch Trek.png
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern Ensign.png
Corey Wethern
Ryden Kel.png
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Vitor Tito LT Science.png
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
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