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! style="background:#ffffff;" |Chief Science Officer
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Chief Science Officer

! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:DS9style-ltjg_teal.png‎]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Lieutenant JG
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238812.08 - 238812.10
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[USS Mercury]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Chief Science Officer

! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[Image:DS9style-lt_teal.png‎]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238812.10 - 238902.23
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[USS Mercury]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Chief Science Officer


Revision as of 08:40, 25 December 2015

Template:Ardencain Arden Cain is currently a civilian operating out of Starbase 118.

Personal Information


Arden Cain is socially reserved however confident in his work. Arden openly admits that he is not the best in his field, he is however passionate and dedicated toward it, always seeking to become better. When circumstances call for it, he is unafraid to voice his own opinion in a work related matters.

Ever since his days at high school Arden has been known for being introverted in social situations, parties and so forth. When possible he avoids them all together, if not Arden puts in the bare minimum of appearances before finding a way out. He isn’t afraid of crowds as such but rather the people themselves preferring to spend his time by himself.

Arden doesn’t like getting close to many people and values his privacy. Making friends is not something Arden does easily or frequently and those friendships/bonds Arden does make mean a great deal to him. This is shown in putting a great deal of loyalty and faith in said person. Arden tends to expect the same level of loyalty from his friends in return but realises that’s not always possible. As long as he is treated with respect and nothing happens to shake that loyalty and faith Arden doesn’t expect the world from his friends.

Ever since Arden was young he has had a short temper in regards to his father. This is among the instances of where Arden can get emotional elsewhere he will avoid his more emotional issues, bottling them up rather than facing the issues. Arden will fight back if stirred up, stopping short of throwing punches after realising his inferior physical build in most cases

Arden typically avoids the subject of family in particular those relating to his father.

  • Temperament: Tends to be easy going and calm. More assertive and the occasional aggressive streak show as required in extraordinary situations (Family crisis’s and extreme working environments etc).
  • Habits: Calls all Star Fleet personnel by rank or title as supposed to name, even when given the option by senior Officers. Exceptions to this are his close friends.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Although exposed to a variety of religions and spiritual beliefs systems throughout his travels, Arden doesn’t believe in any. He is the type of person who doesn’t put much faith in something that can’t be scientifically or logically explained. Having said that, he is tolerant of others beliefs as long as they don’t force said beliefs onto him.
  • Quarters: When given the choice, Arden keeps his Quarters away from majority of ship mates. The Quarters themselves are usually scarcely decorated and kept clean at all times. Even though most of the quarters Arden has had have been limited in size, he sets up a spot in them where he can read comfortably. This usually happens on his bed or an arm chair. It was only after the departure of the previous First Officer of the Mercury, Lt. Commander Hannibal Parker, that he moved into the designated First Officer's quarters on deck two. And at that it wasn't by choice but he was too occupied at the time to argue the point.

Hobbies and Pastimes

  • Reading
    • Arden loves reading anything from fiction to ship schematics or other onboard system manuals. Since transferring to the Science department on the respective ships he serves on, his focus has shifted from engineering material to scientific studies. This more technical material makes up the bulk of he reads. While encouraged by his Mother and Academy Professors in previous years, Arden stays away from more classical literature as he finds it dull.
  • Bush walking and mountain climbing
    • When time permits Arden will often make use of a holdeck to simulate various bush walking tracks and mountain climbs. Arden was introduced to these activities by Evanna Blackwood. He finds climbing especially therapeutic if he needs to clear his head or vent frustration.

Likes and Dislikes

Ambitions and Goals

  • Arden signed onto Star Fleet as a career after realising that the family business wasn’t for him. Therefore he naturally wishes to rise through the ranks. After accepting the position of Chief Science Officer aboard USS Ronin, Arden realized that he wishes to pursue a science based career within Star Fleet. To some extent he still isn't bothered about where he is assigned within the Fleet but knows that some day he would like a command of his own.
  • Despite his deep resentment for his Father, Arden does seek his father’s approval. This is a matter that he keeps hidden from all but the closest of friends and even buried from himself for the most part. Just admitting the desire is hard enough for Arden as he knows it is the one goal he will probably not complete.


  • Parents:
    • Father: Willard Cain, 50, Owner/Operator of a small interstellar freight company mainly transporting ores and other raw materials to and from independent colonies.
    • Mother: Marcella Stevenson, 45, navigator and engineer aboard her husband’s freighters.
  • Siblings: Ellen Cain, 20 years old, currently studying Medicine on Earth
  • Helen Stevenson: Aunt, 40 years old. Botanist currently living on Earth

Chronological History


At Arden’s parents request, Arden spent majority of his life living with his Aunt on Earth while his parent operate the family inter stellar-freight business. After he completed High school with above average grades particularly in math and science Arden travelled with his parents for three years. Owing to his resentment of his father, Arden spent most of his time with his mother aiding her in ship maintenance.

While aboard the freighters, Arden’s mother tutored him in all facets of starship engineering improving on Arden’s natural aptitude. After his third year aboard, Arden made the decision with his mother’s approval to join Starfleet. The decision was an easy one for Arden because he knew if he didn’t get out and away from his father’s clutches he would be there the rest of his life.

Upon leaving his relationship with his father grew even more hostile unlike his time spent with his mother. To him, it had helped make up for lost time as a child but as far as he was concerned there was too much distance between his father and him to make up so easily and his departure only served to widen the gap.

Professional Information


  • Completed four years at Star Fleet Academy
    • Majoring in Engineering: Specialising in Nanotechnology and Advanced computer programming
    • Minors in Helm/Navigation


Professional History: Timeline of Active Duty
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
DS9style-cadet4 gold.png Cadet 1st Class 238805.24 Graduated Starbase 118 Academy Engineer
DS9style-ens gold.png Ensign 238805.26 - 238808.11 USS Constitution-B Head of Engineering Department
DS9style-ens gold.png 238808.11 - 238809.26 USS Ronin Engineering Officer
DS9style-ltjg gold.png Lieutenant JG 238809.26 - 238810.04 Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
DS9style-ltjg teal.png 238810.04 - 238812.08 Chief Science Officer
DS9style-ltjg teal.png 238812.08 - 238812.10 USS Mercury
DS9style-lt teal.png Lieutenant 238812.10 - 238902.23
DS9style-ltcmdr teal.png Lieutenant Commander 238902.23 - 238904.13 Chief Science Officer/Second Officer
DS9style-ltcmdr red.png 238904.13 - 238905.05 First Officer
DS9style-ltcmdr red.png 238905.05 - 238905.09 Acting Commanding Officer
DS9style-ltcmdr red.png 238905.09 - 238912.11 First Officer
DS9style-cmdr red.png Commander 238912.11 - 239002.06
DS9style-cmdr red.png 239002.06 - Present USS Altamira Commanding Officer


Award Name Date Presented By Ship
Awards General BPlot 2011.jpg B-Plot Awards 238901.02 Captain Tallis Rhul USS Mercury
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg Legion Of Merits 238901.03
Awards ServiceRibbons WarWithBorg 2011.jpg Galactic War with the Borg Service Ribbons 238901.03
Awards ServiceRibbons battleforbajor 2011.jpg Bajoran Campaign Ribbons 238901.03
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg Good Conduct Ribbons 238901.03
Awards DutyPost CochraneAward 2011.jpg The Cochrane Award 238901.05

Mission Log

  • USS Constitution-B
    • Duster's Range Investigation
    • Hells Gate Games, Sos'Iw
  • USS Ronin
    • Where the Eagles Dare
    • Suns of Anarchy
  • USS Mercury
    • Ghosteroid
    • Bite the hand that feeds
    • Hostile Take-overs

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Gogigobo Fairhug Commander.png
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Wyn Foster.jpg
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
LT Madison Marsh.png
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Sasch Trek.png
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern Ensign.png
Corey Wethern
Ryden Kel.png
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Vitor Tito LT Science.png
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
Edit This Nav

Other information to be added or replaced with existing stuff

time line

mercury first officer from 238912.11 to feb 6th 2013 ((RL DATE))

took command of the USS Altamira - a century old Miranda class

encountered his former captain :

takes place on the jan 26th 2014 ((RL DATE))

Reprimanded for letting Kells go, the Altamira is reassigned as a Starfleet freighter

led a space-borne engagement against a prototype Klingon warbird who was attempting to kill civilians. The Altamira was destroyed and three other crew members die from the battle and subsequent time stranded on an uninhabited planet till star fleet rescuers could arrive.

((posted that in june 22 2014))

retconned the ending of "reality of command" does not take the new position. As a result is court marshaled for disobeying orders and causing the destruction of the Altamira. it was argued at the court marshal that Arden was following star fleet general order 6 which effectively negates charges of disobeying orders( failure to follow proper chain of command resulting in death of crew mates). Arden was sentenced to a year in a federation prison and removed from star fleet for general misconduct and the destruction of the Altamira. The sentence would have been longer normally but mitigated by him saving the civilians and uncovering the Klingon activity.

Arden did not fight this ruling and did his time in prison.

Upon his release he spent several months travelling and sight seeing realizing that while he travelled a lot in star fleet he never really got the chance to "take in" the sights as there was always some drama on mission taking priority.

Toward the end of 2015 ((RL DATE)) his travels brought him to SB118 where he decided that it was time to settle down and to start making a living for himself outside of star fleet.

Begins to consult mostly with civilians on engineering and scientific endeavors carving out a small niche with locals and traders that pass through.

Starfleet Posting History

Professional History: Timeline of Active Duty
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
DS9style-cadet4 gold.png Cadet 1st Class 238805.24 Graduated Starbase 118 Academy Engineer
DS9style-ens gold.png Ensign 238805.26 - 238808.11 USS Constitution-B Head of Engineering Department
DS9style-ens gold.png Ensign 238808.11 - 238809.26 USS Ronin Engineering Officer
DS9style-ltjg gold.png Lieutenant JG 238809.26 - 238810.04 USS Ronin Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
DS9style-ltjg teal.png Lieutenant JG 238810.04 - 238812.08 USS Ronin Chief Science Officer
DS9style-ltjg teal.png Lieutenant JG 238812.08 - 238812.10 USS Mercury Chief Science Officer
DS9style-lt teal.png Lieutenant 238812.10 - 238902.23 USS Mercury Chief Science Officer