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| The social and economic heart of Starbase 118 is undoubtedly the Commercial Sector. The Commercial sector refers both to the overall civilian commerce area in on the starbase as well as the specific domed city area.  The overall sector has three distinct areas, which contain eleven districts and four sub-districts between them.


==Overall Description:==
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This is the massive bulging dome near the middle of the structure. This dome spans about 15% of the length of the base, and supports its own atmosphere, complete with clouds and a simulated sun. This area is often one of the most popular places to meet others, exchange or buy goods, and of course: eat. There are a number of distinct areas on the dome floor, which have grown up around hubs of activity. There is, for example, a small Klingon area, and a very active New Orleans quarter. These regions of the dome usually occupy certain streets, which have been artfully remodeled from the standard architecture to tie in with the general use of the area. Overall, the atmosphere is similar to Earth and generally busy. Streets are lined with small trees, and flora is evident almost everywhere. At certain times of the day, especially around noon, finding a seat at almost any restaurant in the dome can be near impossible, and sometimes even perilous.

==Goods & Services:==
[[Image:SB118 CS PD.png|thumb|500px|Right|Click Image to enlarge]]Comprising almost the entirety of the bulbous middle section of Starbase 118, the Commercial District is almost 4.25 kilometres in diameter and 1.45 kilometers tall (in contrast, the island of Manhattan is 2km in diameter). Holographic clouds are simulated at a range of between 1200 and 1400 meters and the sky is a holographic projection as is the sunlight. The various districts are programmed to receive seasonal weather such as snow in the winter or heavier rain in the tropical season, depending on the climate they are based on. In addition, holographic representations of countryside are displayed ground level to give the appearance that the dome is endless. Most of the districts also incorporate around various artificial rivers and streams which come off of the main body of the lake.

It is important to remember what a starbase represents in the Alpha Quadrant. For the crews on a freighter, it is where they can get a new plasma inducer, and have a qualified engineer install it.  Federation starbases are where you head if you are oppressed and seeking political asylum.  Federation starbases are where you go if one of your crew comes down with some illness that even a holographic doctor has never seen.   It is a place where a traveler can get off one ship, and wait for the arrival of another. It is where the tired, lonely, and wealthy crews can spend some time and blow off some steam.  There will be "refugees" who made it there, but don't have transit visas to their intended destination.  There will often be mercenaries (free-lance Security officers) looking for work.  There will be spies for all the major powers trying to gather intelligence for their power / empire.  Even with the tightest restrictions, starbases tend to get populated with a "wide variety" of people.
The Commercial Sector is a bustling metropolis and cultural melting pot that serves a shining beacon of the cultural diversity of the United Federation of Planets and her allies. With over 200,000 inhabitants ranging from active Starfleet officers and their families, independent civilians making a living, political refugees looking for a better life and everything else in between calling this place ‘home’, the Commercial Sector is, in essence, a self-contained city in space with its own civilian oversight government that works closely with Starfleet. And in addition to the permanent residents are those transient visitors for those looking for a weekend break, freighter crews who are making overnight stops, and all other sorts of travelers. It is estimated that at any given time there are no less than 300,000 people in the Commercial Sector.

==A City in Space:==

Federation Starbases are not just a place for Federation personnel.  They are cities, floating in space.  There are civilians living there that have nothing to do with the Federation.  Some are permanent "Non-Citizen Residents."  NCR's are often citizens of some "non-aligned" world that have come to live on Federation starbases.  Then there are other "NCR's" that have been granted political asylum from persecution on their homeworlds.  The Federation is very sensitive to the plight of those groups being discriminated against.  Any such person who stands on a Federation starbase may call out for asylum.  After doing to, they may stay until their hearing.
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Upper Dome|10|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #e6be35, #c17207)}}

==Noteworthy Public Establishments:==

StarBase 118 is home to over 100,000 inhabitants ranging from active Starfleet personnel, their dependents (wives/husbands and children), independent civilians making a living on the base, political refugees, and those being treated in the large "Mental Health Center" (asylum) which is on the base.  There are many civilian shops, vendors, restaurants and services to be found on the starbaseFor many space-going travelers, the starbase is a wonderful break from the endless monotony of trackless space.  Freighter crews love to stop in for some "shore leave," even if it is just an overnight stay.  They spend their hard-earned credits freely.  The hard earned (and quickly spent) credits have attracted many businesses, which offer a variety of "goods or services."  (It should be noted that the credits being spent attract illegal entrepreneurs as often as legal business ventures.)    There are two main public business areas on the stationThe first is the promenade.    The promenade is the point of entry from most of the civilian airlocks.  It is clean, nice, and has pleasant shops and restaurants.  There is "another" business area, which most people on the starbase call "The Dungeon" because it is down in the "bowels" of the starbase.  Shops and restaurants down in the Dungeon are quite different than those on the promenade
This contains only one distinct area, '''[[The Promenade]]'''. It consists of a ring of businesses and services that circle the upper domeThis serves as the first port (and first impression) for most travelers. It is also the most easily accessible area for on duty Starfleet officers and cadet attending StarBase 118's AcademyAs such the shops on the Promenade are the most well established, well vetted and are some of the most popular places on the Starbase

==Promenade Establishments==

===The Twilight's Edge:===
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Main Dome|10|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #e6be35, #c17207)}}
This is one of the oldest restaurants on the station.  It serves everything from Betazed breads to Talarian tarts.  The Twilight's Edge is owned and operated by a female Argelian, named Jenna Bolees (33).  It is strictly first class.  There are linen tablecloths, real candle light, and for a price an organic rose for the woman you are dating.  On weekends the owner books some of the best musicians on the station to play live background music.  Almost all of the tables are out on the "open air" of the promenade.  The elegant people like to be seen dining on the promenade in their new dress or best suit.  The food at the "Twilight's Edge" is cooked on site, NOT replicated.  They have an extensive wine list.  They are set up for couples to groups of eight, or at most ten.  Any more than ten and they would need a couple days notice to lease a large conference room.  This is a "family" restaurant but it is a bit expensive.  If the family has a noisy child, they are likely to be seated back by the kitchen door.  Most of the people who go to the Twilight's Edge are couples.

===Zhynn's Import / Export:===
Located right on the promenade just opposite "The Twilight's Edge," this shop carries everything from jewelry to Vulcan meditation chimes.  Zhynn sells everything except weapons.  (He does not sell weapons of any kind.)  The shop is run by a male Ferengi, named Chenno Zhynn (45).  Zhynn was granted political asylum by then Caption Hebron.  He arrived on the station without a credit to his name, but he saw the shop sitting vacant and asked the Captain if he could run it.  He was granted the shop (rent free for the first year), with the entire inventory inside.  The Ferengi has now made a fortune.  He and a partner have "traded" with Cardassia.  He was careful to trade (legal) humanitarian aid for "whatever they had of value."  Doing so, Zhynn got his hands on all the plunder from over a hundred worlds that the Cardassians had conquered.  Zhynn sold the items in his shop for a good profit.  He has taken the test and oath of Federation citizenship.  Whatever a customer wants, Zhynn has it, or can get it, for the right price.  It is rumored that Zhynn passes information (Intel) onto the Captain whenever he hears anything.
===Granny's Place:===
This is probably the most "family-friendly" establishment on the StarBase.  "Granny" is an aging (unjoined) Trill, named Ellyn Taepar, (67).    She often comes out from the back and visits with the guests seated at each of her tables.  Everyone from her staff, her guests and even Security on the StarBase calls her "Granny."  She has gone out of her way to make families feel welcome at her restaurant.  Children are always visited by "Granny," who usually holds them and gets them to laugh.  While "Granny" encourages families to come, she has done all she could to discourage rowdy overnight shore-leave types from coming into her restaurant.  "Granny's Place" serves no alcohol of any kind.  Some say the woman who runs the place is a recovering alcoholic, but, others say she knows the rule keeps most trouble away from her place.  The food is simple, but it is from all over the quadrant and served freshly cooked by a competent staff.  She has been on the StarBase for over ten years but did not open the restaurant until her husband died a couple years back.  There is a rumor that "Granny" fought in the Borg wars, but that seems very "out of character."  Still, someone did a check and found no record of an Ellyn Taepar on the Trill homeworld.  So, whatever her story is, it seems sure that "Granny" is more than just an aging restaurateur.

===The Acquire:===
[[File:118 Map.png|thumb|500px|right|Click Image to enlarge]]The largest portion of the Commercial Sector, this area contains seven districts and all four sub-districts, and is often referred to as the commercial sector rather than as simply a portion of it. The main dome was where most of the damage from [[SB118Ops_Mission_Logs/Sal_Taybrim/Edge_of_Glory|Chennel's attack]] in 2394 occurred, and thus saw extensive renovations later that year.
The Acquire is owned by a Cardassian named Erad Otuye. Officially his shop is a fine merchandise store. The “fine merchandise” is everything from antique weapons to coil spanners to a wide variety of other items. It all seems to be legitimate, and he can produce papers confirming the origins of each and every item, but it is occasionally theorized that not all of it has come into his possession by legal means. If he doesn't have it currently in his inventory, he can often get it from one of his numerous contacts in the salvage field.  
*'''[[Starbase 118 Shi'Kahr District|Shi'Kahr]]''': A large district designed in a mixture of various Vulcan styles.
**''[[Starbase 118 Hurutam Sub-district|Hurutam Sub-district]]'': Shi'Kahr's Tellarite-styled sub-district.
*'''[[Starbase 118 Ohmallera District|Ohmallera District]]''': A large district named in remembrance of the Betazoid city.
*'''[[Starbase 118 Qo'noS District|Qo'noS District]]''': Themed after the Klingon homeworld, this district is of medium size.
*'''[[Starbase 118 Ashalla District|Ashalla District]]''': A large Bajoran district; a hub of religious activity on the station.
**''[[Starbase 118 Coranum Sub-district|Coranum Sub-district]]'': A small Cardassian community within the Ashalla District.
*'''[[Starbase 118 Mak'ala District|Mak'ala District]]''': Named after the Trill city, this district is of a medium size.
**''[[Starbase 118 Little Risa|Little Risa]]'': A welcoming beach area designed after [[Risa]].
*'''[[Starbase 118 San Francisco District|San Francisco District]]''': Another medium-sized district, named after the city where the Federation was founded.
**''[[Starbase 118 Hong Kong Sub-district|Hong Kong Sub-district]]'': Designed after the [[Human|Terran]] city.
*'''[[Starbase 118 Trinity City|Trinity City]]''': A diverse area that is also the hub of the station's civilian administration.

His shuttle, if it can be called that, is still very dilapidated, but he spends his time repairing it. He has gotten the engines up a warp 2.032 sprint speed, and can maintain warp 1 for extended periods of time, not fast, but better than what it was after he enacted his escape from the Klingons. He takes it out sometimes to salvage vessels and parts to keep his store well stocked.

While his official business only includes fine merchandise purchasing, he is able to provide a variety of other services, everything from mercenary work, reconnaissance, repair work, salvaging, information of almost all kinds, to building custom parts/items/just about anything.
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Lower Sections|10|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #e6be35, #c17207)}}

His store consists of a large glass window at the front, by which he places his best items, and more than 10 rows of shelves leading backwards, each progressing downwards in quality and common uses. This way, if anyone ever comes all the way to the back, he knows they need his help. However, he only keeps smaller things in his store. He has a small cargo area he rents where he stores larger items.

The counter where he houses his inventory padds and other items of a shop-keepers trade is at the very back. Along the left and right walls are three rooms where potential buyers and sellers may come to discuss business, both for his shop and otherwise, for a price. One of these rooms has a separate entrance from the shop.  
These areas are located beneath the main dome, in a space originally carved out from service corridors, access tunnels, and other areas that were at one point overlooked. Thus, it has undergone numerous renovations over the years, such as the revamping of one section into ''Nuova Eleganza'' in 2393, and the creation of the ''Laikan District'' from a portion of ''The Dungeon'' in 2394.  

His store is very clean, and while it doesn't attract a lot of families, he does have a few items which might interest younger persons.  
*'''[[StarBase_118_Dungeon|The Dungeon]]''': Built directly beneath the main dome, this area caters to more eccentric tastes.
*'''[[Starbase 118 Laikan District|Laikan District]]''': On the same level as ''The Dungeon'', this cold area emulates Andorian architecture.
*'''[[Nuova Eleganza]]''': A trendy district of Gothic architecture located beneath the Laikan and Dungeon areas.

===The Salty Dawg:===
This "restaurant" replaced the "Roasted Targ" up on the promenade, but some think it might be better located down in down in the "dungeon," in the bowels of the station.  It has a "very different feel" from the Twilight's Edge or most of the promenade shops.  The old "Roasted Targ" was run by a retired Starfleet officer, a Human, named Shamus Malone.  The "Salty Dawg" is run by another Human, but this one is no former Starfleet Officer.  Yuri Ramovich is a huge Slav with a broad smile but a rather 'checkered' past.  The food is good, but there is a very evident "dark / edgy" feel to the place.  This place is not "family friendly."  You would feel ok about taking your girlfriend there, maybe your wife, but kids?  No.  Kids are probably not a good idea.  The tables are made from laminated ship's hatches.  It has the feel of being in the commissary on a non-aligned "free ship" out in space.  There is no telling who will walk in or what they will do.  There were many fights in the "Salty Dawg" until a new policy was instituted.  After each "disturbance" the establishment's liquor license must be reviewed - which can take a week or more.  During that period, they can't sell any alcohol at all.  Since the law was changed, things have calmed down quite a bit at the "Salty Dawg."  It is very popular with young officers because the food is modestly priced and the portions are enormous.

===Lilith's Garden:===
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Commercial Sector Housing|10|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #e6be35, #c17207)}}
While most of the bars and clubs on the station cater to the predominately male population, "Lilith's Garden" caters to women and children only.  Lilith's caters almost exclusively to lesbian and transgendered clientele.  It is rumored that the owner / proprietor would be happy if a man never set foot in her restaurant.  She cannot, however, stop a man from entering.  Such a discriminatory policy would be illegal on any Federation facility.  So, men are begrudgingly allowed in, but it said they are often "overlooked" by the all female staff.  Gay males often meet and greet at a club called, "the Advocate."  "Lilith's Garden" is run by Brenda Edwards, a female Human (31).  She is quite short for a human. . . .  5' 1" (155 cm) tall.  Her rich brown hair was held behind her with a beautiful, very "distinctive" silver hair clip.  Her light brown eyes and smile are quite disarming.  She is a very private woman with many friends who don't exactly "fit into the mainstream."  "Lilith's" is much more than an eatery.  Women go there to read, or just talk.  Females of any race are welcome.  As stated above, males are often treated as if they are invisible.  Because of the high concentration of females in this one establishment, more than one "lonely" male wayfarer has tried to come in, to pick a woman up.  They usually wake up out in the open promenade.  While the owner does not have a permit for lethal weapons - her staff is armed with a wide variety of non-lethal protection devices from shocking wands to neuro-paralyzer darts.  Any woman who is if fear of her physical safety, is granted 'asylum' at Lilith's.  She has a comm padd on the entrance that is patched to Lilith's private quarters after hours.  More than one "battered wife" has found safe haven in Lilith's Garden.  There have only been one or two angry husbands stupid enough to try to force their way into the 'restaurant.'  They were both unconscious by the time Starfleet Security arrived.   

===The Advocate:===
The "Advocate" is a gay bar / restaurant.  It is run by a by a male, Argelian, named Glenn Runym.  He is a large man with a straight black hair and a disarming laugh.  The Advocate is a place for gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, androgynous and transgendered individuals.  Runym came to the StarBase as part of the reconstruction crew after the attack by the rogue marines but there was no place for him or others like him to relax after work.  He opened the Advocate believing there was a market for such a place, . . .    He was right.    The place is a four star restaurant until about 10 pm (2000 hours) and then the tables are cleared, . . . the music comes up, . . . and people burn off all the calories they just consumed.  The place is known for some really fantastic parties. . .  In some way the club has been taken over by straight customers who have heard it is sort of "the place to be."  Glenn Runym is happy to allow anyone and everyone in the place, but has no qualms about reminding anyone who takes "offense" at things WHO the place caters to.

===The 8 x 8:===
Civilians and Starfleet personnel alike make their homes in the non-standard housing of the Commercial Sector.
The "8 x 8" began as a place for people to come and play chess. The place is run by David G. Cox, a 44 year old retired Terran scientist, who will let anyone who can beat him at any of the games in the store can come in for one month free. Although none have tried, it is certain that there will be a few that win over David. Almost all races have some version of chess, and most are represented at the 8x8. (David's specialty chess game is Terran chess, hence the name of the shop, 8x8.) From chess, former owner Reyko Gunto expanded to include poker tables. From poker tables, he added billiard tables. Many people come to have a drink and watch others play. It is said that quite a bit of money is wagered on the various matches. This is among the "quietest" places people go to have fun and relax. The 8x8 has a food bar that serves basically just finger food and appetizers. While alcohol is served, it is pretty much a cold beer or glass of wine. David will politely ask anyone who is drunk to leave. He makes his credits by basically renting out table space. You pay to stay, regardless of whether you drink or not. Some people just go there to watch others play. Whenever David does play any of his games, it is expected that the house will be packed with people just paying to watch.
*An officer must be of the rank of full Lieutenant (or Marine Captain) to move out of standard Starfleet quarters and into the Commercial sector. Lower ranked officers need to petition their Commanding Officer and receive permission to move.
*Enlisted personnel must be of the rank of Chief Petty officer or higher to move out of standard Starfleet quarters; enlisted members who have at least seven years of service may petition to move with their Department Chief's permission.
===IDIC, the Vulcan Spa:===
Located right below the promenade level is the very popular Vulcan spa.  Run by A Vulcan named T'Loc, the spa offers a variety of treatments for both men and women.  The female customers are more inclined to the skin treatments and "beauty" treatments --- while the men often ask to soak in the Vulcan mineral pools.  It took nearly a month for private Engineering contractors to fabricate settings that looked almost natural.  The hot soak pools are perfect for war weary officers to soak away the kinks of battle.  T'Loc even contracted with two blind Bolians to give massages.  T'Loc finds it "illogical" that Humans associate massage with prostitution -- his staff will very politely refer any customers looking for "those services" to "The Tea Room." More information, including a map of the spa itself, is available HERE. The IDIC offers a multitude of services and amenities, some of which are listed below: 

**Setting: Vaulted Vulcan chamber with central skylight
**A variety of native Vulcan flora
**Concierge Desk
**Several LCARS kiosks for patron use
*Therapeutic Holosuite One & Two
**Setting: Standard holosuite grid
**Massage programs
**Natural Settings programs
**Exercise programs
**Mediation programs
*Public Mineral Pool
**Setting: Vaulted Vulcan chamber with a central skylight
**Open to the general public at all times
**Full cabana services
*Family Common Room
**Setting: Vaulted chamber with adjoining alcoves
**Full attendant services
**Dressing room
**Mineral pool
**2 Treatment rooms
**Private mineral pool
*Female Common Room
**Setting: Vaulted chamber with adjoining alcoves
**Full attendant services
**Dressing room
**Mineral pool
**2 Treatment rooms
**Private mineral pool
*Male Common Room
**Setting: Vaulted chamber with adjoining alcoves
**Full attendant services
**Dressing room
**Mineral pool
**2 Treatment rooms
**Private mineral pool
*Multigender Common Room
**Setting: Vaulted chamber with adjoining alcoves
**Full attendant services
**Dressing room
**Mineral pool
**2 Treatment rooms
**Private mineral pool
**Setting: Vaulted Vulcan chamber with a central market-like structure
**Holistic services and treatments
**Health screenings and referrals
**Setting: Low ceiling room with shelves and hanging racks
**Wide range of dried and fresh herbs for culinary and medicinal use
**Herbal treatments
*Vulcan Geothermal Suite
**Setting: Simulated Vulcan geothermal spring
**Full attendant services
**Mineral treatments
*Neuropressure Therapy Center
**Setting: Monastic courtyard with adjacent treatment rooms
**Full attendant services
**Neuropressure therapy sessions

===La Roma's Night Spot:===
{{LCARS-bar-heading|The Dome & Its Operations|10|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #e6be35, #c17207)}}
La Roma's Night Spot, a Terran Rainforest Themed Dance Club with a VIP balcony and a dining level open from 12pm to 12 am, then, after midnight even the dining level becomes a rainforest dancefloor. The owner knows how much patrons loved the light shows in the old Zero G's and this new club also exceeds the expectations of their wildest dreams with new state of the art lights and sound. Strong rhythms bring out the animal in any club patron, as the music is eclectic in range of tastes but always loud, always thundering with bass and drums, and always easy to dance to.  Mario, the head bartender serves up the meanest cocktails in the known quadrant and the owner, Safiri La Roma a former member of the famous La Circus De La Roma (so she knows how to entertain) is as avid a dancer in her club as hostess. The establishment is strictly on the up-and-up so illegal dealings are harshly dealt with and Ms. La Roma's perfectionistic style are apparent in every minute unmissed detail, making the environment fun and exciting, a good time had by all, but perhaps most importantly, safe as well. Thursday nights are live band nights, and Fridays are guest D.J. nights where some of the best talent, up-and-coming and well known, can be found on the mixing consoles, working the crowd into a frenzy. The rest of the week the ever popular D.J. B-Blast controls the music for the crowd.

===The Neutral Zone:===
This is among the newest establishment on the Starbase.  The "Neutral Zone" is run by Tak Rewnar, a male Rutian (36).  The "Neutral Zone" is rather "unique" because he has no openly visible seating.  Instead, they have a series of "private dining areas."  These can seat 2 in a spacious and beautifully decorated "private dining room" or they can seat a group of 40 in the largest of their "conference rooms."  All rooms are capable of seating more, but the owner does not want anyone feeling cramped or closed in.  For groups larger than 40 - the owner simply contracts for the use of one of the stations LARGE reception halls.  The Neutral Zone is said to be completely legal, but just barely.  Security hates the fact that no one knows what happens behind those doors.  They could be beating the pulp out of each other - that is fine with the owner, since they charge double the day rent on the room for clean up and re-furnishing.  It is widely held that some of the deals brokered behind closed doors are anything but legal.  Some whisper that Tak Rewnar is a member or at least a supporter of "Ansata."

The outer area beyond the main commercial area of the dome host shuttle bays with multiple docking ports for all sorts of commercial and civilian vessels.  The outer dome also hosts many holodecks, gardens, civilian quarters, cargo bays, meeting facilities, repair shops for ships or shuttles, and fuel stations.

==Dungeon (Lower Ring) Establishments==
Atop the dome, hidden in the holo-matrix is an eight deck round structure that sticks out from the top of the dome and flows downward.  This unit serves two purposes: one is as the first checkpoint scan of the lifts going down into the Dome. This checkpoint sends all data to a hub on Trinity City.  The second is as the holo-matrix control center that controls the artificial weather on the dome.  With all the different cities and towns among the dome, this is quite demanding and each deck focuses on a sector or two of the main area.

===Suena's Repair & Salvage:===
Beneath the dome and the transportation systems are the dome generator systems to keep the holo-matrix online along with all the weather and city power.  This area is largely run by civilian engineers, but is overseen by an Starfleet Deputy Engineer.
This "shop" is actually a rented out cargo hold down in the depths of the station in an area known affectionately as "The Dungeon."  The shop is run by a female Bajoran, named, Narys Suena (38).  Rumor has it that Suena fought with the Maquis during the Dominion Wars as an Engineer.  She is clearly a very skilled Engineer.  Locals say she can fix anything, but she may use parts from four different ships in a configuration that was never dreamed of to do it.  Suena's policy is that if she can't fix it - she'll buy it.  (She does have a "salvage" company as part of the repair business.)  She has a converted "freighter" at one of the docking ports.  The ship is filled with parts, and one-manned worker bees to go out and work on ships near the starbase.  While "most" ships choose to get their repairs done by the Federation, Suena is much cheaper and she asks a lot less questionsShe is quite beautiful, even with her short hair.  She cusses like a machinist and drinks like a thirsty Klingon.  Around the "shop" she has several thick wooden targets with the torso of a Cardassian painted on them.  She is deadly accurate with slender Duranium throwing knives.  She hates Cardassians with a passion that goes beyond words.
===Mundok's Bar:===
This place is a very dark hang out.  It is not up on the promenade, but down in the bowels of the starbase that everyone calls the "Dungeon."  The owner is a very dark, mysterious character named Michael Mundok, the Omegan.  Coming from the Omega IV, he is "much older" than he appears, and he appears to be in his early 40's.  The inhabitants of Omega IV often live to be 500 -900 years old.  Little is known of Michael Mundok and he likes that way.  Mundok's is not a place for the "faint at heart."  The men (and a few really brave women) who go to Mundok's don't come expecting linen table clothes or candles.  The liquor is the best from all over the quadrant and as long as your credits are good, the bartender has almost no recollection of who is in his bar or who they were talking to.  There has only been one fight in the bar since it opened - both combatants ended up dead.  The bartender (and everyone in the bar) swore affidavits that they two men killed each other.  The rumor is that the bartender snapped both of their necks.  So the place is "quiet" in the sense that they never call Security - but that does not mean Security does not keep an eye on Mundok's.

===The Free Trader:===
The "Free Trader" is a "pawn shop" or "second hand store" located down in the "Dungeon."  The shop is named after "non-aligned" ships that ply their trade in open space.  Free Traders traditionally have allegiance to no one.  The shop is run by a female Betazoid, named, Dayna Qessari (35).  She is a striking beauty:  5' 7" (170 cm), reddish brown hair and forest green eyes ... but almost NEVER smiles.  She is whispered to have the blackest heart of anyone living on the station.  She arrived at SB118 about 3 years ago, in a well armed Cruiser also called the "Free Trader."  She opened her pawn shop soon after that.  When people get a little short on credits, they can "pawn" an item of value.  When they get their money, they can pay to get their item back.  The sooner you can pay the credits back, the less you have to pay to get your item back.  The longer you have to repay the note, the more you have to pay.  Should the agreed upon day come and go without repayment, the item becomes the property of pawn shop.  Quessari has some beautiful items in her shop.  Because of Federation regulations, she does not sell any lethal weapons in the shop - but is said to have quite an arsenal on her ship.  All she needs to do is undock, sail a day or so away from the starbase, and she can legally sell the arms to whomever she wants.  Qessari is smart, and knows how to use the law to protect her.  When someone needs "much more than just a few credits" it is rumored that Qessari also is capable of loaning large sums.  She is, what the Humans used to call a "Loan Shark."  One (and only one) person on the starbase is said to have refused to pay back his loan.  One week after "falling and breaking his arm," he accidentally opened an airlock and got sucked out into the void of space.  There is a "Dayna Qessari" in the House of Qessari on Betazed, but they have no comment on the actions of this Dayna Qessari. 

===The Batleth:===
[[Category:StarBase 118 Ops|*]]
The Batleth is not up on the promenade.  It is down in the "bowels" of the starbase not far from Mundok's Bar.  The Batleth is not surprisingly run by a male Klingon named, H'Nok V'Kor  (37).  The "Batleth" is much more than a bar.  V'Kor leases an arena in a space adjoining the bar.  Anyone wanting to "settle things" with an enemy can go to the Batleth, and for a fee - they can go into the arena and settle their dispute.  Of course, this has not gone unnoticed by Security.  V'Kor gets away with it by calling the matches "full contact combat training."  He is an accomplished Martial Arts instructor and holds classes on the base.  Before any match, V'Kor will actually spar with each combatant for a moment or two just to insure that they are capable of defending themselves.  Pity the fool that tries to go into the arena drunk.  V'Kor has little patience with such people.  He paid for holo-projectors to be installed in the arena area.  He has a EMH (Emergency Medical Hologram) that will treat the injured.  V'Kor charges both combatants 100 credits to use the arena.  Of course whenever someone comes in to mix things up - the people in the bar want to sit in the stands and watch.  They can, for a price.  (V'Kor is, after all, a business man.)  To keep Security off his back, V'Kor requires both combatants stay and eat together on the house.
[[Category:Starbase 118 locations|C]]
===The Tea Room:===
Located down in "The Dungeon," "The Tea Room" offers the space weary traveler what they long for, female companionship.  "The Tea Room" is a beautiful, well decorated, private facility that is known for serving "the best tea" in the Alpha Quadrant.  It is owned by a beautiful female Edo , named, Nyra Annilor (29).  Commander William Riker of the starship Enterprise once commented that the Edo "make love at the drop of a hat ... any hat."  The owner of "The Tea Room" is baffled, mystified, by the strange attitude most other races have toward sex.  They all seem to want it but they regulate it and repress it in a hundred different ways.  She wanted to see more of the galaxy and made it as far as SB118.  There she "made a lot of new friends."  She was very surprised to receive expensive gifts from some of her male friends.    A friend explained things and she soon opened up "The Tea House."  It is against Federation law to perform sexual services for money.  No on working at "The Tea House" breaks the law.  Like many shops, they charge money for serving drinks - in this case - tea.  Granted, it is a "very expensive cup of tea" but Annilor explains that the men get to talk and visit with their server for an hour.  What transpires (for free) before or after the tea is no one's business.  Security has visited "The Tea House" on more than one occasion.  They have repeatedly tried to prove that she is breaking the law.  Nyra Annilor was horrified at this suggestion, since breaking any law was a death sentence on her homeworld.  She is very innocent, and since "The Tea House" has so many friends, they have hired some of the best attorneys on the Starbase to protect Annilor and her and the over 100 "servers" who live in and work at "Tea House."
===Dr. Wyrk's Counseling Center:===
The Mental Health Center on the StarBase has tried repeatedly to shut this "counseling center" down.  The facility is run by a male Yridian, named Farko Wyrk Ph.D. (43).    It is located down in "the Dungeon."  As hard as it is to believe, Farko Wyrk does, in fact hold a Ph.D. in Psychology, from one of the most respected universities on Earth.  Still, no one really believes he is conducting legitimate counseling sessions.  No fewer than four of the "real counselors" from the Mental Health Center have tried to prove Wyrk is not qualified, but they each came back - admitting that he does have a very extensive knowledge of psychological theory and practice.  It is "widely rumored" that Dr. Wyrk is using his clinic as a front to buy and sell information.  Security has "invited him in" for lengthy chats on numerous occasions but he refuses to discuss his cases, citing "doctor / patient privilege."  His center has an outer waiting room with a very empathic Betazoid working for him.  She is very well paid to detect undercover officers or others who seek to do the Yridian harm.  It is said his offices have several "security" devices that keep the offices from being scanned.  To add insult on top of injury, many of his clients are billing their insurance for his expensive counseling sessions.  Dr. Wyrk walks all stooped over, with sagging, flacid skin.
[[Category:StarBase 118 Ops]]

Latest revision as of 02:37, 22 July 2022

Ops-icon.gif       "The important thing is this: To be able at any moment
to sacrifice what we are for what we could become."
- Charles Du Bos

The social and economic heart of Starbase 118 is undoubtedly the Commercial Sector. The Commercial sector refers both to the overall civilian commerce area in on the starbase as well as the specific domed city area. The overall sector has three distinct areas, which contain eleven districts and four sub-districts between them.


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Comprising almost the entirety of the bulbous middle section of Starbase 118, the Commercial District is almost 4.25 kilometres in diameter and 1.45 kilometers tall (in contrast, the island of Manhattan is 2km in diameter). Holographic clouds are simulated at a range of between 1200 and 1400 meters and the sky is a holographic projection as is the sunlight. The various districts are programmed to receive seasonal weather such as snow in the winter or heavier rain in the tropical season, depending on the climate they are based on. In addition, holographic representations of countryside are displayed ground level to give the appearance that the dome is endless. Most of the districts also incorporate around various artificial rivers and streams which come off of the main body of the lake.

The Commercial Sector is a bustling metropolis and cultural melting pot that serves a shining beacon of the cultural diversity of the United Federation of Planets and her allies. With over 200,000 inhabitants ranging from active Starfleet officers and their families, independent civilians making a living, political refugees looking for a better life and everything else in between calling this place ‘home’, the Commercial Sector is, in essence, a self-contained city in space with its own civilian oversight government that works closely with Starfleet. And in addition to the permanent residents are those transient visitors for those looking for a weekend break, freighter crews who are making overnight stops, and all other sorts of travelers. It is estimated that at any given time there are no less than 300,000 people in the Commercial Sector.

Upper Dome

This contains only one distinct area, The Promenade. It consists of a ring of businesses and services that circle the upper dome. This serves as the first port (and first impression) for most travelers. It is also the most easily accessible area for on duty Starfleet officers and cadet attending StarBase 118's Academy. As such the shops on the Promenade are the most well established, well vetted and are some of the most popular places on the Starbase

Main Dome

Click Image to enlarge
The largest portion of the Commercial Sector, this area contains seven districts and all four sub-districts, and is often referred to as the commercial sector rather than as simply a portion of it. The main dome was where most of the damage from Chennel's attack in 2394 occurred, and thus saw extensive renovations later that year.

Lower Sections

These areas are located beneath the main dome, in a space originally carved out from service corridors, access tunnels, and other areas that were at one point overlooked. Thus, it has undergone numerous renovations over the years, such as the revamping of one section into Nuova Eleganza in 2393, and the creation of the Laikan District from a portion of The Dungeon in 2394.

  • The Dungeon: Built directly beneath the main dome, this area caters to more eccentric tastes.
  • Laikan District: On the same level as The Dungeon, this cold area emulates Andorian architecture.
  • Nuova Eleganza: A trendy district of Gothic architecture located beneath the Laikan and Dungeon areas.

Commercial Sector Housing

Civilians and Starfleet personnel alike make their homes in the non-standard housing of the Commercial Sector.

  • An officer must be of the rank of full Lieutenant (or Marine Captain) to move out of standard Starfleet quarters and into the Commercial sector. Lower ranked officers need to petition their Commanding Officer and receive permission to move.
  • Enlisted personnel must be of the rank of Chief Petty officer or higher to move out of standard Starfleet quarters; enlisted members who have at least seven years of service may petition to move with their Department Chief's permission.

The Dome & Its Operations

The outer area beyond the main commercial area of the dome host shuttle bays with multiple docking ports for all sorts of commercial and civilian vessels. The outer dome also hosts many holodecks, gardens, civilian quarters, cargo bays, meeting facilities, repair shops for ships or shuttles, and fuel stations.

Atop the dome, hidden in the holo-matrix is an eight deck round structure that sticks out from the top of the dome and flows downward. This unit serves two purposes: one is as the first checkpoint scan of the lifts going down into the Dome. This checkpoint sends all data to a hub on Trinity City. The second is as the holo-matrix control center that controls the artificial weather on the dome. With all the different cities and towns among the dome, this is quite demanding and each deck focuses on a sector or two of the main area.

Beneath the dome and the transportation systems are the dome generator systems to keep the holo-matrix online along with all the weather and city power. This area is largely run by civilian engineers, but is overseen by an Starfleet Deputy Engineer.

Starbase locations · StarBase 118 Commercial Sector · Places by type
Upper Dome

Starbase 118 Promenade

Main Dome

Shi'Kahr (Hurutam Sub-district) · Ohmallera · Qo'noS · Ashalla (Coranum Sub-district)
Mak'ala (Little Risa) · San Francisco (Hong Kong Sub-district) · Trinity City

Lower Sections

The Dungeon · Laikan District · Nuova Eleganza

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