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When injured Starfleet personnel need saving from a hostile or otherwise unreachable area, it’s our duty to bring them home. As members of Starfleet Special Operations, Delta Company operators rescue and medically treat downed Starfleet personnel all over the known galaxy. These highly trained experts take part in every aspect of the mission and are specially trained in order to access any environment to save a life when they’re called to do so. It is the motto of the Archangels, "That Others May Live".
When injured Starfleet personnel need saving from a hostile or otherwise unreachable area, it’s our duty to bring them home. As members of Starfleet Special Operations, Delta Company operators rescue and medically treat downed Starfleet personnel all over the known galaxy. These highly trained experts take part in every aspect of the mission and are specially trained in order to access any environment to save a life when they’re called to do so. It is the motto of the Archangels, "That Others May Live".

Revision as of 22:09, 25 September 2020

For the previous Marine contingent, the Dangerous Company, click here. See here for information on the past Screaming Eagles contingent.

The following organization is specific to the 292nd Regiment stationed aboard Starbase 118, and does not necessarily represent the organization of other Starfleet Marine regiments, even those assigned to other Starbases.

The 292nd "Iron Jaegers" Marine Regiment

The Marine Contingent on StarBase 118 is the 292nd "Iron Jaegers" Tactical Marine Regiment. The Jaegers are a unit within the Starfleet Marine Corps that specializes in base operations and small scale conflicts. This specialization reflects the unique challenges that Marines face when stationed on one of the mammoth Starbase's throughout Federation Space leaving them operating in a 'catch all' role.

The regiment consists of men and women who are specialists in their fields of study. Some Engineers, others Scientists, and more than a few work with Demolitions or are qualified Pilots. Whatever their occupation, the Marines are trained for heavy-duty battle scenarios that Flag-Officers would have to withdraw from, as well as defense for the station in the event of an attack. This specific regiment is also able to respond to the needs of federation worlds within the vicinity, providing protection both on land and in space when needed.

While most Starships employ a small company for their own security needs, SB118 is unique in that it contains a full regiment that in the event of open warfare would form the backbone of military force within the region. Due to the integrated nature of the Marines on Starbase 118, the regiment is currently under the command of Sal Taybrim, in his dual-role of Station Captain, and Marine Colonel. Begun by Major Tatash, the regiment began to be shaped into a fighting force that could one day be called the pride of the Federations defensive forces.


Starbase Marines have a semi-Bridge in their facility named the Combat Information Centre, housed in a well armored tower separate from the primary Operations tower. This hub of sorts acts as their Control Room for deployment of equipment and troops, managing their duty rosters and maintaining communications between members of the division.

The CIC Controllers work closely with Ops to coordinate rescue operations and an on base military presence when required. Theoretically, the CIC can act as a fully fledged operations centre should the primary one be captured or otherwise incapacitated.

Offset from the CIC is the Marine CO's office. This room has been electronically sealed to the counter intelligence specification of the Black Tower ensuring complete privacy against any unwanted intrusion.

Regimental ORBAT

The Regimental Headquarters (RHQ) branch takes care of the day to day administration of the stations military force, handling the distribution of orders to each of the company's and platoons as required via their respective battalion headquarters. RHQ operate from the CIC at all times, monitoring the situation in local space based upon information provided by the stations Tactical, and Traffic Control stations as well as from the Black Tower and more conventional low-level sources to build up a constantly updated strategic map. All Marine personnel are registered via the RHQ and any reports that require oversight such as after-action and any media interaction are handled internally at the RHQ itself. Generally most postings to starships operating within the sector are relayed and recorded through the CIC along with any equipment and materials required forwarded to the relevant units quartermaster company.

The 292nd RHQ is currently led by Marine Captain Luthas as CO, assisted by a Captain as the Regimental XO and Sergeant-Major Mitchell de Jager.

Alpha Company (Infantry) “Paladins”

The Paladins are the day to day rapid reaction unit of the Starbase's Marine contingent. Alpha Company are always the first in and the last out in a combat situation, and kept on standby for most high profile events. While not the most heavily armed or armored, they have a reputation for getting the job done with minimal collateral damage. They pride themselves on being able to get to the battle area in half the time of any other company thanks to near-constant drilling and combat training. Most new troopers will find themselves posted within the Paladins before choosing a more specialized role elsewhere within the regiment.

Currently led by Captain Victoria MacMahon as CO, assisted by a 1st Lieutenant as Company XO and a Gunnery Sergeant overseeing three platoons.

Bravo Company

B Co. 1st/292nd is one of the specialist companies within the Marine Division of SB118, specializing in air assault operations. While every company within the 292nd Marine Regiment are trained as line companies filled with riflemen, B Company focuses on the specific task of vertical envelopment, the process of not flanking an enemy on the right or left, bur rather using their VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing) capability to insert themselves into the enemy’s rear area. By doing so, Bravo Company Marines disrupt the enemy’s operations, lines of communication and supply, and tie up enemy forces, allowing for greater freedom of movement for friendly forces.

Bravo Company trains and fights at both the platoon and company-level, although the planning and direction for an air assault operation usually is organized into ‘chalks’. A chalk is simply a term for a group of Marines, or personnel to be loaded onto a runabout or shuttle together. The chalk commander is not necessarily the most senior ranking official there, however they are the person appointed by the operational commander to lead that chalk. For example, during an evacuation of a planetside Starfleet facility, several Fleet Captains demand that the shuttle touch back down to pick up several civilians on the ground. The chalk commander/chalk leader, a Corporal, denies this – despite the pilot being ordered. The Corporal may understand that other shuttles are coming in and they require the airspace to be cleared. This distinction between rank and positional authority is important, as it ensures that air assault operations can move quickly. Within every air assault operation, chalk commanders report to the operational commander’s senior NCO, who compiles load lists and manifests of equipment to allow for a basic tracking of personnel.

Within Bravo, the training and fitness standards are similar to those of regular Marines. However, a greater emphasis is placed on basic warrior skills, such as knot tying, belaying, mountaineering, long-distance marksmanship, ethics and values, SERE (Survival, Escape, Resistance, and Evasion) as well as a host of other light infantry specific tasks. This reflects on the expeditionary nature of Bravo Company – once disembarked from their shuttles, there is no guarantee that they will be resupplied or supported.

Presently the Bravo Company Gunnery Sergeant post is held by the higher-ranked Sergeant-Major Rozera A'daar.

Charlie Company (Reconnaissance) “Blackhearts”

The Blackhearts specialize in battlefield intelligence gathering and more clandestine operations, usually involving Black Tower assets on the ground. They tend to operate in small units and pairs rather than the larger fire team and squad based deployments of the more conventional companies, their specialism resting in stealth and asymmetrical warfare. Their equipment tends to be the lightest but most specialized, with long range/suppressed weapons and laser designation systems for orbital/sub orbital bombardment. They carry the motto of 'Who Dares, Wins', throwing back to their origins from a Pre-Federation military unit. They get the job done, as long as no one asks any questions. Formerly known as the "Stilettos". Led by a Captain, assisted by 1st Lieutenant T’Jem as Company XO and a Gunnery Sergeant overseeing three platoons.

Delta Company (SARS) “Archangels”

1/292nd Delta Co. is a company of Starfleet Marines stationed on Starbase 118. There are 120 Marine positions in Delta Company, delegated to three platoons of 40 Marines in each platoon. Each Platoon is divided into four squads of six Marines.

Delta Company, known as the "Archangels" are the specialist Search and Rescue arm of the Marines aboard 118, trained to operate in whatever hostile environment imaginable. Each of the 120 members of Delta Company are part of the "Special Warfare" Community, trained in Combat Control, Special Reconnaissance, Tactical Air Control, and Pararescue.

FIRST PLATOON - PARARESCUE, is designated to carry out medical evacuations and rescue from situations where conventional medic's would fear to tread. While the inside of the station is generally safe, there are still numerous pitfalls and industrial area's that present a unique set of challenges for access, not to mention any off-world missions and distress calls that may occur in local space. The Archangels also fulfill the role of battlefield combat medics during wartime situations whilst during peacetime tend to work closely or internally within Starfleet Medical.



When injured Starfleet personnel need saving from a hostile or otherwise unreachable area, it’s our duty to bring them home. As members of Starfleet Special Operations, Delta Company operators rescue and medically treat downed Starfleet personnel all over the known galaxy. These highly trained experts take part in every aspect of the mission and are specially trained in order to access any environment to save a life when they’re called to do so. It is the motto of the Archangels, "That Others May Live".

Led by a Captain, assisted by a 1st Lieutenant as Company XO and a Gunnery Sergeant overseeing three platoons.

Presently the Delta Company Captain’s post is held by 2nd Lieutenant Meeks.

Echo Company (Close Air Support) “Raptors”

The Raptors are the stations aerial defence force. While the station itself can generally fend off any aggressors with her powerful main batteries, there has always been a requirement for a mobile force that can deploy at a moments notice to escort smaller ships or respond to distress calls faster then it would take to mobilize a whole Starship. The Raptors consist of ace pilots from numerous squadrons, 118 seen as a post of honor protecting one of Starfleets key installations. They are also capable and trained to offer close-air support to ground based operators as required, with pinpoint munition deployment. This company includes numerous ground crew and mechanics that ensure the craft remain in peak operation.

Echo Company can be commanded from a smaller, offset control room from the main hanger area allowing direct and uninterrupted contact with support craft and fighters currently deployed. This ensures that in the event of the CIC becoming taken out of service, the air arm of the Corp can continue to strike against the enemy or act in a defensive role.

Currently led by Captain Tem, assisted by a 1st Lieutenant as Company XO and a Gunnery Sergeant.

Fox Company.

The newest addition to the 292nd, Fox Company –as with Echo - can be commanded from a smaller, offset control room from the main hanger area allowing direct and uninterrupted contact with support craft and fighters currently deployed. The company provide strategic air/space transport and supply assets to the rest of the regiment where required and fly heavily modified and specially configured variants of both the Argonaut and Danube-class Runabouts.

Led by a Captain, assisted by a 1st Lieutenant as Company XO and a Gunnery Sergeant.

Marine Roster

Starbase 118 Ops Marine Department Crew Manifest
Marine Officers
Insignia Rank/Title Portrait Character Name Duty Post
Marine Captain
Avatar: David Gandy
Marine CO
Second Lieutenant
Meeks Dress Greens W Ribbons.jpg
Avatar: Max Thieriot
Anthony Meeks
Delta Company CO
Starbase 118 Ops Marine Department NPC Roster
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Species and Gender Current Post Posted By
Ishreth Dal Andorian Male Marine Liaison Officer Sal Taybrim
Alpha Company
Marine Captain
Victoria MacMahon.png
Victoria MacMahon Human Female Company CO Arturo Maxwell
Simeon taggart.png
Simeon Taggart Human Male Senior Squad Leader Arturo Maxwell
Bravo Company
Sergeant Major
Rozera A'daar Andorian Female Sergeant Major Taelon
Charlie Company
Delta Company
Gunnery Sergeant
Kiara 2.jpg
Kiara Lynn Centauran Female Bravo Squad Leader Anthony Meeks
Echo Company
Fox Company
Asset Protection Squad
Viktor Sokolov Human Male Shift Leader Arturo Maxwell
Detached Duty


For the previous Marine contingent, the Dangerous Company, click here. See here for information on the past Screaming Eagles contingent.

The above organization is specific to the 292nd Regiment stationed aboard Starbase 118, and does not necessarily represent the organization of other Starfleet Marine regiments, even those assigned to other Starbases.

The 118th Tactical Marine Division
The Iron Jaegers
The 'Raptors' Fighter Wing ·
Rank Comparison
· Uniforms
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