Prometheus Incident

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Revision as of 17:03, 22 January 2015 by Rich (talk | contribs)
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Ribbon NoGraphic.jpg Yolanda Wars (2373-74)
GornInvasion.jpg Gorn Conflict of 2383
GrendellaiRibbon.jpg Grendellai Operations (2386)
Awards-ServiceRibbon-VaadwaurInvasion.jpg Vaadwaur Invasion of 2387
Awards ServiceRibbons HobusHeroism 2011.jpg Hobus Supernova (2387)
Awards ServiceRibbons battleforbajor 2011.jpg Battle for Bajor (2388)
KlingonInvasion.jpg Klingon Invasion of 2389
Gateway.jpg Through Open Gates (2390)
Awards ServiceRibbons Prometheus Incident 2014.jpg Prometheus Incident (2392)
Awards ServiceRibbons War of Shadows 2016.png War of Shadows (2393)
Warp XV Drive Pioneer.png Warp XV Development (2396)
Project Capstone Ribbon.png Project Capstone (2396-2397)
Denali Invitation Ribbon.png Denali Invitational (2400)
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Prometheus Incident

In early 2392, Prometheus Station has gone silent and Starfleet has dispatched the nearest vessels to investigate. The Prometheus Station is an extensive facility with one starbase, two outposts based on the planets of the system, and one starship on patrol. None of them are responding.

Prometheus incident banner.png

Headlines and Mission Developments

  • Stay tuned for the latest mission developments

Mission NPC Biographies

Bio pages for NPCs involved with the blockbuster event:

Fleet Involvement

This should have pictures and links to the ships in the fleet. A short synopsis should be beside their name, but if they click on the ship, they can get more detailed information. These pages would also be there to edit by the ship crew to have more detailed information of what the crew did for this FWPA.

Victorylogo.png Intrepid-scale.png
USS VictoryIntrepid class


Mission description goes here.

GarudaLargeLogo.png Galaxy-scale.png
USS GarudaGalaxy class

Mission: Name

Mission description goes here.

ApolloApprovedLogo.png Odyssey-scale.png
USS Apollo-AOdyssey class

Mission: Name

Mission description goes here.

USS Atlantis-logo.png Intrepid-scale.png
USS AtlantisIntrepid class

Mission: Name

Mission description goes here.

Columbialogo.png Nebula-scale.png
USS ColumbiaNebula class

Mission: Name

Mission description goes here.

USS Constitution-logo.png Galaxy refit-scale.png
USS Constitution-BGalaxy class

Mission: Name

Mission description goes here.

GeminiLogo.png Dakota-scale.png
USS GeminiDakota class

Mission: Name

Mission description goes here.

Thunderlogo.png Akira-scale.png
USS Thunder-AAkira class

Mission: Name

Mission description goes here.

Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png Excelsior refit-scale.png
StarBase 118 OpsExcelsior class

Mission: Name

Mission description goes here.
