Lhandon Nilsen

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USS Octavia E Butler
[[File:Lhando diplomacy bridge 2402.png|240px]]
Lhandon Joseph Nilsen
Position Diplomatic Officer
Rank Lieutenant
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 237702.04
Age 25
Birthplace Gault
Writer ID O240007LN1
Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Denali Invitational Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Maiden Voyage Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon.png
Starfleet Medal of Valor.png
Intelligence Star.png
Leadership Excellence Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Commemorative Coins
30th Anniversary Commemorative Coin.png
"While he was only a few years younger than Avander, in the XO’s mind, the almost-full Lieutenant was still a kid. Albeit, one who was growing up." - LT CMDR Promontory[1]

Lieutenant Lhandon Joseph Nilsen, born on February 4th, 2377, on Gault, is the Diplomatic Officer aboard the USS Octavia E. Butler. He previously held the roles of Assistant Chief of Operations on the USS Octavia E. Butler, and Helm, Communications, and Operations Officer on the USS Oumuamua. Nilsen enjoys rugby, cooking, combat sports, motorsport, and, to the surprise of some, chess. Known for his resourcefulness and innovative thinking, he excels in communication and operations. Nilsen often rushes to the aid of others and is a popular member of his crew. Despite this, his career has faced challenges due to his recklessness and rash decision-making; however, he has learned to manage them.

Initially an unofficial assistant to the Chief of Operations, Nilsen's role became official on the Octavia E. Butler in February 2401, advancing to Assistant Chief in June of the same year. In September of 2401, Nilsen was promoted to Lieutenant. Throughout 2401, Nilsen is working towards a possible shift into a diplomatic career and had been taking extra classes during his free time to get qualified. In 2402, Nilsen became the Diplomatic Officer for the USS Octavia E Butler.

Nilsen's diplomatic notes can be found here Lhandon Nilsen/Diplomatic Notes

Basic Profile Information

A tattoo Nilsen has on his right arm. It is his "paladin" shield

Nilsen: 6'4" (1.93m), 266 lbs (121kg). Lean, muscular build from farming and rugby. Formally he had unkempt curly brown hair, but has since trimmed this short, blue eyes but he has since cut his hair short. Nilsen speaks with a soft-rising accent, blending Federation Standard with Siberian and Eastern European influences

Traits & Personality

  • Driven: Nilsen can take a task to completion but often cares more about the results than the process. It matters not to him how he does a task, only that he does the task. This can mean he can get things done often quicker than others, but it comes with the downside of potentially inconveniencing others in the process.
  • Protective: Nilsen cares for his crew and his friends, considering many of them to be like family.
  • Resourceful: During a mission on Alpha Brenkelvi II, Nilsen proposed using a probe as a relay to boost communication with the away teams, overcoming the limitations of the combadges' range. In training, Nilsen stabilized the USS Centris after it was attacked and assessed damages during a system malfunction.
  • Peaceful Conflict Resolution: Nilsen exhausts all communication options before resorting to force. He managed to form a temporary alliance with Private O'Reilly, setting aside personal differences for the sake of their home.[2]
  • Playful Energy: Lhandon loves a good prank, he's trying to always see the good side of situations and people, he loves a joke with his colleagues.
  • Sociable: Nilsen aims to be a sociable person who is easy to get along with. He prides himself on having built an extensive network of contacts. Nilsen enjoys positive relationships with the majority of his crewmates and has friends in every department.[3] He is known for his boundless energy.
  • Diving Head First & Recklessness: Nilsen has been known to dive into projects and assignments without fully thinking them through. One notable example was during first contact with the ancient Bajorans of Alpha Brenkelvi II, where Nilsen allowed them in their non-corporeal state to use his body to communicate with the away team while his consciousness was kept safe.
  • Stubborn: Commodore V'Airu described this trait when she presented Nilsen with his second Legion of Merit award: "You also performed the admirable and unusual task of doing so successfully and, to my great relief, living to tell the tale, and for your convictions, your perseverance, and your downright bullheadedness."[4]
  • 21st Century References: When explaining details surrounding engines or shuttles, he may rely on references to cars and automobiles from Earth from the late 20th century to the early 21st century.

Telepathic Communication

During a mission to Alpha Brenkelvi II, Nilsen facilitated communication between non-corporeal Bajorans and his crew. His consciousness was transferred into Commodore V'Airu's mindscape, where he learned to communicate through images and ideas. Meanwhile, the Bajorans used Nilsen's body to show Commander Lia Rouiancet and Lt. Rivka Brzezinski their people's history. This meant that Nilsen was able to bring justice to this forgotten civilization and let their story be told. The Bajorans gifted Nilsen with minor telepathic abilities.

Nilsen's telepathic abilities (in-character knowledge):

  • Dependency: His telepathic abilities are not fully under his control and seem to depend on a number of unknown conditions. He has found that being in the presence of other telepathic beings can enhance his ability to communicate.
  • Facilitation: He is able to facilitate communication between peoples more readily, and his abilities seem to tap into his natural proficiency in communication.
  • Environment: Nilsen has yet to determine a consistent pattern for what constitutes a favourable environment.

Out-of-character information:

The following points are not known to Nilsen. If you wish to use this in a sim, please contact me first. DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION:

  • Mood: His abilities are affected by his mental state and mood. If he is scared, his brain will automatically put up mental walls preventing him from using them. This was demonstrated in the search for the USS Unity Dow.

For more details of this mission, see The Sandbox of Men (USS Oumuamua).

Interests & Hobbies

Nilsen keeping fit and enjoying the weather. (OOC: Image used for Halloween Avatar Contest 2023)
Nilsen's motorbike on the holodeck
Cooking Nilsen is a keen cook and cannot resist any opportunity to cook for himself or his crewmates. He will aim if possible to not use the replicators.
Rugby Lhandon found an early passion for rugby while at secondary school.

On stardate 239706.25, Nilsen collided with another player and suffered a broken nose. He laughed off this incident and continued playing. Only later seeking medical assistance when forced to by his teammates.

Nilsen proclaims to be the Gault Guardian's biggest fan and possesses an encyclopaedic knowledge of the team

Fitness & Combat Sports Nilsen has discovered that maintaining a regular fitness routine not only supports his mental health but also brings him joy. He also enjoys the social aspect to the gym and fitness,

In an effort to manage his temper, Nilsen has turned to combat sports. Since 2400, he's been exploring various styles to find one that suits him best. This has led him to finding enjoyment in boxing and wrestling.

Motorsport Lhandon is a passionate enthusiast of sports cars spanning from the late 20th to the early/mid 21st century. This interest significantly influences the way he perceives and describes starships in flight. For instance, on one occasion, Nilsen compared the USS Centris, a Nova class training vessel, to an MX-5 sports car—a type of ship that, according to him, could perform sideways drifts around an asteroid field simply by kicking the nacelles out.

When he can get onto the holodeck, one of Nilsen's favorite programs revolves around a dramatized version of the Formula 1 championship that is loosely based on the 2020s. If Nilsen forms a strong bond or friendship with someone, he warmly extends an invitation to that person. This program also contains a co-op campaign in which two people may participate as drivers of their preferred team.

He also has a holoprogram which replicator of a Triumph Tiger 900 Rally Pro and he hopes one day to get his hands on a real one.

Key Skills and Competencies

Lhandon Joseph Nilsen's Key Operations Skill's and Competencies
Helm, Navigation and Piloting Operations Communications & Language
Helm Expert Systems Bajoran (Modern) Limited working
Navigation Expert Transporters Intermediate Bajoran (Ancient) Full Proficiency
Sub-Light Maneuvers Expert Replicators Intermediate Dominionese Elementary proficiency
Warp Field Geometry Advanced Holodecks Intermediate Federation Standard Professional working
Craft Types Sensors Advanced Ferengi Professional working
Shuttle & Small Craft Expert Logistics Klingon Bilingual Proficiency
Transport & Midsize Craft Advanced Computer Resources Intermediate Romulan Elementary
Luna/Sovereign Size Craft Expert Quartermaster Advanced Vulcan Elementary
Galaxy Class Intermediate Resource Allocation Advanced
Maintenance Schedule Expert

Skill Legend

  • Being Developed: the individual demonstrates a minimal use of the competency and is currently developing it
  • Basic: the individual demonstrates limited use of a competency and requires additional training to apply without assistance or frequent supervision
  • Intermediate: the individual demonstrates a working or functional proficiency level which enables the competency to be exercised effectively (has working or functional command of the competency)
  • Advanced: the individual demonstrates in depth proficiency level ; is able to assist, consult or lead others in the application of a competency
  • Expert: the individual demonstrates broad, in-depth proficiency; is recognized as an authority or master performer in exercising the competency

((OOC: Credit to User:Erik Johnson for helping me to put this together and quantify Nilsen's skills)


Lhandon and Kei'ran circa 2395

Nilsen enjoys an overall positive relationship with his family, even though he doesn't get to see them often due to his career. His environment growing up could be considered somewhat chaotic, with fights breaking out between siblings and then resolving in the blink of an eye. Lhandon is closest to his younger brother Kei'ran; however, as children, the two fought the most. Most of the family live on or near the farm, but Lhandon is the first to leave the planet for such an extended period. His younger brother Madison left Gault and secured a role in law enforcement on Deep Space Nine approximately two years later. Lhandon's younger sister Isabella has expressed an interest in following in Lhandon's footsteps and may be planning to join Starfleet.

Lhandon tries to get a message back home when he can and enjoys the massive data drop he gets when all of the family send their messages in one bulk transmission. His family are proud of him, particularly after he turned his life around after a spate of petty crime.

Althea Nilsen FC Shohreh Aghdashloo.jpg

Althea Nilsen (nee: Ebrahimi)

DOB: 231611.25

DOD: 239104.11


Relationship:Paternal Grandmother

Althea Nilsen (née:Ebrahimi) was a commander in Starfleet and was known her piloting skills. She would have been proud of Lhandon and overjoyed that he was a HCO

In 2401, relative to Lhandon Nilsen, 2340 to Althea's time, Althea would unknowingly meet Lhandon when he was pulled back in time.


Elijah Kovacs Ensign.png

Relationship Status: Boyfriends

Nilsen was aware of Elijah's posting with the two passing each other as lower deckers but it was not until Kovacs took a temporary assignment to Operations that Nilsen got to know Kovacs and a friendship was formed. Nilsen was first attracted to Kovacs at the start of the Alpha Brenkelvi II mission where both were assigned to the bridge. Nilsen found himself showing off somewhat and trying to make Ops seem like a place Kovacs would want to transfer to permanently. [5] Nilsen held on to his own attraction to Kovacs until he could process what he was feeling.[6][7] These feelings developed over the course of his friendship but came to a head when he found Kovacs attacked by Dask in the cargo bay of Deep Space Nine by Dask Cronin.[8] Nilsen rugby tackled Cronin to disarm him and in that moment realised that his actions which could be described as protective where in part to protect a friend, but also to protect someone he cares a lot about and would like to peruse a possible relationship with. When he came to this realisation, he first told Salo that he was going to ask Kovacs out, and the ensign at the time asked for advice on what to do.[9] After taking her, Nilsen somewhat awkwardly asked Kovacs to join in with coffee, the two got along quite well and have agreed to meet up again. [10] However, Nilsen is unaware the Lt Herrick also had an interest in Kovacs.[11]

Throughout 2401, Lhandon and Elijah have gotten closer to one another and are taking it slow, they now call each other their boyfriend.

Friends & professional relationships

Relationship: Broroomy
Toxin Arlill LTJG.png

After spending the latter half of 2401 hating each other after a major falling out, Arlill and Nilsen are now working to repair their falling out. Their friendship started when they became roommates on the USS Oumumuma and the two quickly found several shared interests. This friendship grew quickly and Nilsen considers Arlill to be "just another brother" with the two affectionately referring to each other as "broroomies" Arlill made up up one of the three members of the crew who retrofitted and modified the Taxalin Freighter known as the Foxy Lady and entered it into the Denali Invitational 2400.


Nilsen was born and raised on the farming world of Gault. He was part of a large family with six siblings. Nilsen's upbringing, while stable, was chaotic. He would frequently fight with his brother Kei'ran. However, as both siblings entered adulthood, they found they had more in common than they realized.

Nilsen leaving Gault for Starfleet Academy. Circa 2396

As Nilsen entered his teenage years, he found that he had a natural talent for operational matters and keeping things organized on the farm. He took on administrative duties, managed logistics, and handled supplies. However, his heart and passion were in flying, and he would take every opportunity to take the family shuttle out on trips, which grew longer and longer. Soon, he developed an independent streak and would often bite off more than he could chew. But as he reached 17, he found that he lacked direction in life and entered a rebellious phase. This lasted throughout his time at Starfleet Academy.

Fueled by a desire for excitement and a break from routine, Lhandon and his brother Kei'ran connected over a spate of petty crime, including trespassing, joyriding, theft, and anti-social behavior. On several occasions, he participated in graffiti sprees that left a mark on several public buildings in the local community, with both brothers venturing out under the cover of night. However, he could see that this was a path that was not going to serve him well. This was hammered home by both siblings being caught by their father trespassing on another farm. Their father did more to set him straight than any law enforcement officer.

Soon, he needed a way out, and while he loved his home of Gault, he didn't see a future there. There was no space for him; his older brother would take care of the farm, and his other siblings would find their own paths. He learned that some years back, the Rozhenko family's adopted son joined Starfleet, but the details were fuzzy. In many ways, Nilsen saw Starfleet as his ticket off Gault, and he signed up as soon as he turned 18. Nilsen tried to persuade Kei'ran to join Starfleet with him but was not successful

Cadet: Starfleet Academy, 2396-2400

Nilsen demonstrated natural skills in operations during his time at Starfleet Academy but struggled with academic subjects and attendance. His rebellious phase included a toxic romantic relationship and confrontational behaviour. Joining Echo Squad for search and rescue piloting, his rivalry with fellow cadet Blackwood culminated in a crash during a training mission. This incident led to his dismissal from Echo Squad and a shift in career focus to operations and communications. Despite frequent fights, he developed a friendship with medical student Nera Ay and graduated as a qualified HCO officer in 2400. He was posted to the USS Oumuamua, having transformed from a potential helm officer to a operations officer.

Further details can be found here: /Cadet: Starfleet Academy (2396-2400)

Ensign: USS Oumuamua - Early 2400 - 240102.04

USS 'Oumuamua-logo.png

Hoping to leave the stain of his academy years behind him, Nilsen's first posting was to the USS Oumuamua, as a helm, communications, and operations officer. During this time, Nilsen has been working hard in the lower decks and tried to make himself a valued member of the operations team, the change in his attitude post echo squad could be noted, he was more nervous and reserved. He joined the Oumuamua in mid 2400, met his roommate who he affectionately refers to as his "brorooomy," made a huge impact in his first mission and was showing a positive change in his behaviour. He was also valuable in helping the operations team to install their new Operations Centre as a part of the Focused Operation Refit Taskforce (Project Fort). He also took part in a secret mission to learn more about possible Zet behaviour in the Alpha Quadrant.

Nilsen on the USS Oumuamua - Mid 2399

Nilsen was on track to becoming a model Starfleet officer however his time on the Oumuamua has not been without incident. Old issues, a chip on his shoulder and past failures all affected his present day relationships as well as reckless behaviour at the Denali Invitational. According to Commander Etan "It was clear that Nilsen was a gifted and promising officer, but he kept getting in his own way." [13]

Mission: The Esh-o Micronebula

Nilsen's first mission aboard the Oumuamua, deemed "complex" by Commodore V'Airu, tested his abilities and confidence. Affected by the nebula, he penned a resignation letter but was later called to the bridge to retrofit a mission pod. Expressing his doubts to Commodore V'Airu, he was reassured of his potential. Nilsen guided the Oumuamua through a micronebula, executed evasive manoeuvres, and played a key role in the evacuation of the USS Nautilus. Afterwards, he admitted to writing a resignation letter, still marred by his time in the academy but hadn't submitted it. For his actions, Nilsen was awarded the Legion of Merit.

You can read more about the mission here: /Mission: The Esh-o Micronebula (2400)

Shore Leave - SD:240009 - Esh-O System

During his first shore leave, Nilsen took care of his recovering "bro-roomy," Toxin Arlill, and met fellow pilot V'Len Kel. He opened up about the Echo Squad crash and received support from First Officer Etan Ijor, who helped him see the parallels in their experiences and ultimately led him to delete his resignation letter. Nilsen also bonded with Josh Herrick, though their budding friendship hit a snag due to Nilsen's sensitivity about his past. With help from Toxin, they reconciled, and Nilsen decided to put his feelings for Herrick aside. This shore leave marked a time of self-discovery and new connections for Nilsen.

You can read more about this shore leave here: /Shore Leave - SD:240009 - Esh-O System

Classified Mission: Investigating Zet Activity In The Alpha Quadrant

During an off the books mission to assist Toxin Arlill's mother, Fritea, and a Zet named Ze'Nazha in developing a countermeasure against a potent weapon, Arlill and Nilsen face numerous challenges, including evading hostile pursuers. Despite the difficulties, they successfully drop Fritea and Ze'Nazha off on a planet inhabited by Zet dissidents. However, their shuttle experiences a critical malfunction in the warp drive, forcing them to attempt repairs on their own. They manage to return to the USS Oumuamua and report their findings to Commodore V'Airu.

You can read more about this classified mission here: /Classified Mission: Investigating Zet Activity In The Alpha Quadrant

Denali Invitational 2400

Denali invitational logo.png

Nilsen attended the Denali Invitational. This event started off positively, and he quickly got to know Dekas, Araxxu Vahin, and Mekor, learning more about Aurelian food. Nilsen entered with Arlill and Vomek in the Foxy Lady, a Talaxian freighter. Nilsen and the Foxy Lady came joint third in a tie with the Gamma Glider, however the event was overshadowed by Ensign Lhandon Nilsen's reckless behaviour which led to a heated confrontation with Commander Etan Iljor who was furious after reading the report, Iljor issued a stern warning and assigned punitive tasks

You can read more about Nilsen's record in the Denali Invitational and his discipline here: Lhandon Nilsen/Denali Invitational 2400 & the official account of the Invitational here: Denali Invitational

Mission: The Sandbox of Man (Alpha Brenkelvi II)

Nilsen egar to get back into Etan's good books, threw himself into this mission. The mission, initially focused on exploration, evolved into the discovery of an ancient Bajoran civilization and an orb linked to the Prophets. Ensign Lhandon Nilsen experienced a neural disruption after his consciousness was transferred into his commodore's mindscape. Nilsen played a key role in scanning the planet and responding to an attack from a moon, alongside Ensign Elijah Kovacs, whom Nilsen later became romantically involved with. Tensions with Lt. Sherlock escalated before they eventually found mutual respect. Nilsen joined an away team and encountered non-corporeal beings resembling his father, engaging in telepathic communication with them. His consciousness was later transferred to the mindscape of Commodore V'Airu as he helped bridge communication between the Federation and the ancient Bajoran entities. After facing personal trauma in a recreated memory, Nilsen was ultimately returned to his body, and began a long recovery in sickbay

In Act 1: Nilsen expected to provide operational support during the Alpha Brenkelvi II mission but was unexpectedly called to the bridge with Ensign Kovacs to reroute power to sensors. After launching a probe and attempting to maintain communication with the away teams, the Oumuamua was attacked by the moon of Alpha Brenkelvi II. Nilsen executed evasive maneuvers and directed damage control teams but faced criticism for overstepping his bounds. He performed a successful in-system warp jump, making Nilsen only the third helms officer in Starfleet history to successfully pull off an in-system warp, after Commander Dax, Colonel Kira Nerys, and Captain Picard.[14][15][16] making history, but his actions led to clashes with superiors over the chain of command. Despite this, Nilsen identified chroniton radiation on the planet and advocated for communication with "ghost" beings, leading to a successful attempt to establish contact.

In Act 2: Lhandon Nilsen confronts Sherlock over her perceived treatment of him, leading to a surprising moment of mutual respect. Nilsen joins an away mission with Rouiancet and Brzezinski, transported into a vision of his family home. There, he encounters entities taking the form of his father, learns to communicate telepathically, and discovers they are ancient Bajorans. These beings reveal the events of Alpha Brenkelvi II's final night and Nilsen's past crash. Nilsen agrees to act as a communication bridge, sending his consciousness to V'Airu's mindscape while his body becomes brain dead, awaiting the Bajorans' return.

In Act 3, Nilsen's consciousness remains safe in Commodore V'Airu's mindscape as he acts as a bridge between the Federation and the Bajorans, who reveal their history and the threat of the "Eye of the Night" facility on Alpha Brenkelvi II's moon. V'Airu prioritizes disarming the weapon, bringing justice for the Bajorans. Nilsen grapples with fear and anxiety, but remains hopeful for his return. However, he finds himself confronting past trauma from the Echo Squad crash in a recreated memory. After a period of emotional struggle, Nilsen's consciousness returns to his body in sickbay, facilitated by V'Airu's physical contact, and he begins a slow recovery.

You can read more about this mission and how Nilsen pulled off an in system warp here: /Mission: The Sandbox of Man (Alpha Brenkelvi II)

Shore Leave 240012.27 - Deep Space Nine

This shore leave starts a few days before the end of the year on the USS Oumuamua, before transitioning over the to USS Octavia E Butler in February of 2401 after the damage sustained from the last mission and subsequent mission pod explosion meant that the Oumuamua had to be sent for an extensive repair and refit operation, Meanwhile, on a personal level,

Six weeks after the Alpha Brenkelvi II mission, Lhandon Nilsen experienced a seizure, causing him to lose the ability to speak Federation Standard language and default to Klingon. As Nilsen recovers, he also has to grapple with the memories of Commodore V'Airu which he has access to as a result of his consciousness being transferred to her. Still recovering, Lhandon's attention turns to the matter of getting back into Etan Iljor's good books and in his personal life, he begins a relationship with Eli Kovacs and a rivalry with fellow Gaultan, Thomas O'Reily.

In the new year, the crew transfer to the USS Octavia E Butler, and Nilsen is given a promotion to Lientenant Junior Grade as well as the role of Acting Assistant to the Chief of Operations. He also receives a mysterious house warming gift in his new quarters.

You can read more about this shore leave here: /Shore Leave 240012.27 - Deep Space Nine

Lieutenant Junior - USS Octavia E Butler - 240102.04 - 204109.24

Sagan Class starboard ortho.png

2401 was not just the start of a new year, but for Nilsen, a new beginning. With the commissioning and reassignment to the USS Octavia E. Butler, he was joined by most of the crew from the Oumuamua. To top it off, in early 2401, Nilsen received a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade (on his birthday, no less). Soon after, Lt. Toxin Arlill officially appointed him as the Assistant Chief of Operations, making official the role Nilsen had already been filling—acting as Arlill’s right-hand man.

However, while others might have celebrated the move and Nilsen should have been relishing his promotion, he instead found himself filled with anxiety he hoped he wasn’t showing. He struggled with the feeling that he didn’t deserve it, along with the lingering question: was Starfleet truly the right place for him?

Meanwhile, Nilsen and Kovacs began their relationship, taking things slow.

A few months into the assignment, after being captured and enslaved by the King’s Path, a rogue far-right faction of the Cheydalanga people, Nilsen entered into negotiations with the United Dominion of Planets. He also recovered a missing ship and found himself on an unexpected time travel mission. These trials helped Nilsen gain more experience and grow in confidence. He also started exploring diplomacy as a potential career path.

Over the course of the year, Nilsen gradually matured, though he still struggled with getting in his own way. He discovered a natural talent for diplomacy and began to seriously consider it as his future career. The year would end with a massive surprise, one that would change everything for him.

Mission: Cheyd'lang

Nilsen on the bridge of the OEB, early 2401

In early 2401, Lt. Lhandon Nilsen found himself adjusting to his new role aboard the USS Octavia E. Butler when he was thrust into a mission involving the Cheyd'lang. Accompanied by Etan and others, Nilsen's diplomatic skills were put to the test as they engaged with the militant faction of the Cheyd'lang. Despite his best efforts, the team was captured by the King's Path faction, leading to their enslavement.

Nilsen's resourcefulness and newly discovered telepathic abilities began to shine through as he formed a plan to escape, with help from the Antani, a group of enslaved individuals. After a struggle, Nilsen and Dr. Toz successfully instigated a slave revolt, freeing fellow prisoners, though they still faced many challenges. The escape led them to seek refuge with the Antani Queen, who revealed vital information about their next steps.

With Nilsen pushing through the discomfort of both physical injury and escalating threats, he helped forge an alliance with the Antani. They navigated dangerous tunnels and sought to locate their missing commander, Etan. A tense situation arose as poisonous gas filled the lair, but Nilsen's quick thinking and reliance on the Antani's unique abilities kept them safe.

In a final push for freedom, Nilsen risked using broadcast equipment to send a distress signal to Starfleet. His message relayed their coordinates and the dire circumstances they faced under the King's Path's control. As the mission unfolded, Nilsen's diplomatic potential and resilience began to emerge more clearly, giving him valuable insight into his future.

After surviving the kidnapping, Nilsen played a key role in the diplomatic negotiations with the United Dominion of Planets (UDP). He worked with his team to secure a positive resolution, highlighting the need for mutual honesty and cooperation. These talks were successful and lead to the first join operations between Starfleet and UDP. These eased the humanitarian crisis of the refuges who were freed from the Kings Path This misson also marked a significant turning point in his career, as Nilsen confirmed that a passion for diplomacy and that the events of Alpha Brenkelvi II were not a fluke. He began considering diplomacy as a long-term career path, realizing his potential in building relationships between factionsm and started a long distance study course to become qualified as a diplomatic officer.

You can read more details about this mission here /Mission: Cheyd'lang

Shore Leave: Refugee Reprieve - 240105.08

Nilsen enjoying lunch sometime after the Chey'd mission. Some injuries on show.

After successfully liberating the prisoners of the King's Path and those wanting to leave Cheyd'lang, the USS Octavia E Butler takes a much needed break at Deep Space 14, orbiting New Bajor.

This shore leave features opportunities to learn new skills, a test of his brotherhood with Toxin, and the pursuit of a relationship with Ensign Eli Kovacs.

With his newfound diplomatic skills, Nilsen wondered if this was a viable path for him. To support this, Lt. Cmdr. Sherlock introduces him to Lt. Martinson and Ens. Taggart, who tutor him in diplomacy. Later, Nilsen is contacted by Chief Petty Officer Ral Saw of the USS Artemis and discovers a discrepancy in both of their cargo holds, leading to the uncovering of a smuggling ring. However these leads to cracks in his friendship with Toxin Arlill.

In Nilsen's personal life, his relationship with Eli deepens, and they grow closer. They discuss family, with Lhandon revealing that his family would have liked Eli, and Eli sharing that his parents would have admired Lhandon. Eli admits that he has never spent so much time courting someone. Lhandon gifts Eli a teddy bear, and they both agree to take their relationship slowly and savor the experience.

Continuing on a positive upward trajectory, on Stardate 240106.10, Nilsen is officially promoted to Assistant Chief of Operations.

Lhandon Nilsen/Shore Leave: Refugee Reprieve - 240105.08

Mission: Search for the The USS Unity Dow

The Octavia E. Butler has been dispatched from New Bajor and Deep Space 14 on a mission that, at least initially, appears to be straightforward: Find the USS Unity Dow.

Hot off his now confirmed position as Assistant Chief of Operations, Nilsen is no longer acting and has proven himself to be a reliable, if somewhat scrappy, member of the crew who is well-liked by the lower deckers. However, his decision, along with Josh Herrick (Chief of Engineering) and advice from Julien Paradi (Transporter OIC), to take down the transporters because the safety of the occupants could not be guaranteed may put a wrench in the operation. A temporary patch for the transporters was presented and accepted. The shuttles, runabouts, and fighters could be used as a bridge. They wouldn't have anywhere near the speed of the OEB's transporters, nor would they have the same capacity, but if needed, it was an option.

Nilsen is assigned to the Astrometrics labs as an opportunity for some cross-department training. His team, consisting of Avander Promontory, Katsim Peri, and Yinn, is tasked with gathering as much information about the system of Omicron Victor IV as possible. They come up with a plan to safely travel through the system, using a combination of probes and shuttlecraft to extend the observational range and increase the effectiveness of the mission by leveraging fleet formation mode and remote control.

They locate the Unity Dow, and Rouiancet heads up a team comprised of Herrick, Nilsen, and herself to the bridge of the Unity Dow. They investigate the bridge and find the ship deserted, with half-eaten and now moldy food, which suggests that the crew has been missing for about a week.

They find a log, but the recording of the captain is unstable and almost incomprehensible. Nilsen thinks there might be a syntax issue, so he decides to send the information back to the OEB for translation. Then, Herrick notes some tiny spikes of energy. When Nilsen mentions that the crew might still be there, Herrick, suffering from a vision, threatens to open the hatch and vent them all into space, believing his fellow crewmembers have been replaced. He prepares to lower the force field. In the struggle, the being that was Nilsen tackles him, and a phaser goes off, striking the bulkhead. Rouiancet sees a severely injured woman and hears voices, then aims a shot at Herrick, who’s knocked to the ground. When he looks up, his crewmembers have returned to normal.

They receive a call from Caras to eject the warp core in his panic, and Nilsen prepares to do so. But a couple of minutes later, Caras calls back and explains that something picked him up, then dropped him. They decide to go ahead and eject the warp core, just in case.

With some answers, the crew changes and Nilsen meets Arlill, Caras, and Sh’shelor in Engineering to reboot the ship and reclaim it. They all experience hallucinations and soon are subjected to extreme radiation poisoning. They are able to fly the Unity Dow out of the system, as the planet, from their perspective, seems to be preparing some kind of attack against them. They manage only limited warp travel and limp toward any friendly port. The OEB later escapes and catches up with them, where their lives are saved and they are given treatment for the radiation.

You can read more about the search for the Unity Dow as well as further details about his recovery from radiation poisoning here: Lhandon Nilsen/Mission: Search for the The USS Unity Dow

Post Mission Recovery

Lieutenant Lhandon Nilsen, 2nd Lieutenant Ithri Sh’shelor, Ensign Morro Caras, Lieutenant Toxin Arlill, and others, return to the ship in a critical state. They are all injured, with varying degrees of severity, and suffering from radiation poisoning due to the mission's extreme conditions. The team stumbles into sickbay, where Lhandon insists that Sh’shelor, who is badly injured with a dislocated shoulder and severe leg wounds, be treated first.

As they receive treatment, the team discusses events they experienced on the mission. Sh’shelor recounts the hallucinations that affected them physically, while Toxin hints at lingering doubts about what they encountered, especially regarding potential threats that may have followed them back. The conversation shifts between the gravity of their injuries and lighter topics, such as rugby and upcoming activities.

Morro Caras, who sustained injuries from a phasing leg and radiation exposure, expresses gratitude towards Lhandon for his selflessness during the mission Lhandon, though still stubborn, is eventually convinced to accept treatment, especially after Nis diagnoses him with an avulsion fracture in his ankle—a condition that could have long-term consequences if untreated. Nis’s pragmatic approach and Miash’s gentle but firm insistence on the necessity of rest help to calm the team.

They are ordered to rest and recuperate, with a clear understanding that the effects of radiation poisoning will require ongoing treatment.

Shore leave: Meeting the I-Kiyo and DS14 Resupply

A shore leave that ended up being a tour of the Kissoben Reach

You can find more information here

Lhandon Nilsen/Shore Leave 240109.01 - I-Kiyo, Port Coray and DS14

On trail for Murder

You can learn more about Nilsen's murder trail here

Lhandon Nilsen/On Trail For Murder - SD 240109.14{{ExpandableSummary |Title= Healing and Reflection in Sickbay

Lieutenant: USS Octavia E Butler: 240109.24 - Present

Mission: Thief of Time

Lhandon Nilsen on the USS St Albans in 2340, this is during his unexpected time travel mission

In what was to be a routine mission, the OEB was unexpectedly flung into the future, some 800 years, Nilsen was assiged to a team with Toxin Arlill, Arthuro Maxwell and Anton Maxwell. Their job was to secure supplies needed for repairs though whatever legal means without revealing their true identity as people from the 2400's. Nilsen suggests that they use their shuttle to their advantage and take on the guise of people who are enthusiasts of the time period, much like an reenactor.

They spent a few days on the station, getting what they needed. They also helped a stranded freighter which brought them some good will.

Then there was the heist

then there was the time travel back to 2340

Lhandon Nilsen/Mission: The Thief of Time

Shore leave: DS9

Nilsen as Assistant Chief of Operations, Circa September 2401
Questioned by DTI

Last ever JOPA

Learns that some of his memories have been wiped

Overview of shore leave here.

Lhandon Nilsen/Shore Leave 240112.01 - Christmas on DS9

Mission: Death of the Deathless

Act 1
Nilsen on the bridge of the OEB rocking his new purple diplomatic uniform

Nilsen's first assignment as a diplomatic officer was to the planet Koreli IV to meet with the Grand Zet King Ma’det’ain’ths’ng’in’Grend, the wisest, kindest, and most benevolent of all the kings (referred to hereon as "the former king"). The former king had requested Federation assistance. Nilsen was assigned to the away team that was to meet with the king. However, when the OEB arrived, they learned that the former king had been killed and his brother, Toal’Dius, had taken his place. The new king was known as "Toal'Dius - King and Supreme Director, the Deathless Dynamo, the Warlord King of Koreli IV, well-known as the most just and wise of all Zet" (referred to hereon as Toal'Dius). Toal'Dius honored his brother's wishes.

The party beamed down, and there was a lukewarm sharing of cultural information. As requested by Dr. Moydol, Nilsen aimed to also open the possibility for a viewing of the body of the former king. Eventually, an accord was reached in which Dr. Moydol and Captain Lia Rouiancet would view the body and learn more about the Zet Rehusking process, while Nilsen would lead a team consisting of himself, Wes Greaves, and Sevantha Saa to provide operations support to the town of Kaej. Kaej, along with the town of Maiton, had been affected by flooding, and the team was tasked with finding a way to move metal, steel, and other materials to the town as the Zet lacked the infrastructure to do this themselves.

As Nilsen's team stepped outside, he spoke to his team members about their thoughts on the Zet and his own growing doubts. Greaves highlighted that they were being watched by two Zet. Taking note of this, Nilsen, who had been given charge of the team, suggested they continue with their plan, adding, "If our 'friends' show up, we'll know that we are being followed."

With a working agreement in place, Nilsen's team headed to Kaej. There, they met a disgruntled Zet named Jowel, whose opinion of Toal'Dius was expressed through a guttural noise, followed by spitting a glob of golden-orange phlegm, which then fizzled slightly. Jowel told the team that the only suitable place for the materials to go—dry enough to use—was the northern outskirts of Kaej. However, the "ganglies," which Nilsen learned was a slur for the Danni, were protective of the area. Nilsen also learned that the Zet machines were stuck in the mud and water because the administration kept sending them out. As Jowel described, "Only over-steamed soft plates painting their shells daily think one can just rebuild on mud without draining fields. Our machines are getting stuck."

After helping the main part of town, the team moved to the northern outskirts to meet the Danni there.

You can read more about the mission here

Lhandon Nilsen/Mission: The Death of the Deathless

Service History & Awards

Nilsen so far has served on two vessels, the USS Oumuamua and the USS Octavia E Butler and has been decorated a number of times for diplomacy, gallantry and heroism.

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 2396 - 2400 Starfleet Academy
Ensign 240007 - 240102.04 USS Oumuamua
Helm, Communications, and Operations Officer
Lieutenant JG 240102.04 - 240106.10 USS Octavia E Butler
Helm, Communications, and Operations Officer & Acting Assistant to the Chief of Ops
Lieutenant JG 240106.10 - 240109.24 USS Octavia E Butler
Assistant Chief of Operations
Lieutenant 240109.24- 240201.03 USS Octavia E Butler
Assistant Chief of Operations
Lieutenant 240201.03- Present USS Octavia E Butler
Diplomatic Officer

Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards General BPlot 2011.jpg
B-Plot Award 240106.30
USS Octavia E Butler
The B-Plot Award is awarded to simmers who, despite the demands of the core storyline, illustrate a substantial portion of the character's life. Their sims convey the journey of their character while bringing their fellow crew members along for the ride, allowing for collaboration and making their world feel as though their fellow writers are a part of it.

Tom's ability to weave a rich tapestry of Lhandon's life beyond his duty post has been remarkable! He has skillfully portrayed Lhandon's virtues, flaws, ambitions, and (most recently) his romantic life, giving us a well-rounded character who feels alive. Tom's dedication to developing not only Lhandon, but also his other characters, demonstrates well his commitment to collaborative storytelling. His consistent high-quality sims and his knack for always plotting new adventures make him a deserving recipient of this award. Well done, Tom!

Awards General SheathedSword 2011.jpg
Sheathed Sword 240106.30
USS Octavia E Butler
The Sheathed Sword is awarded to individuals who choose to inflict mental and/or physical suffering on their character, then dig into the following feelings and decisions in a realistic manner. The term is derived from a passage in a Robert Jordan novel in which a warrior must be prepared to 'sheath the sword' in their own body, i.e. incur a painful wound to attain one's objective (in this case, more realistic simming) rather than a genuine aim of the character.

Tom's willingness to put Lhandon through significant mental and physical challenges is probably second to none -- Tom loves torturing him! However, this year's nominators specifically called out the mission at Alpha Brenkelvi and its aftermath, in which Tom deftly explored Lhandon's mind-body split and subsequent recovery. This showcased the care and commitment Tom puts in to ensuring Lhandon's realistic character development. His exploration of the aftermath, including Lhandon's struggles with basic functions, demonstrates Tom's dedication to portraying the consequences of such events realistically (or, you know, as realistic as can be...). I'm forever looking forward to seeing what Tom does next!

Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon 240201.03
USS Octavia E Butler
The Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon is a general service ribbon awarded to an individual who has defended the temporal timeline against incursion and disruption.

Promontory: … we have been permitted to award each member of the crew who participated in this last mission with the Defence of Temporal Flow Ribbon. Those officers whose service has taken them elsewhere for the time being, like Counselor Stendhal, will also receive this ribbon for service during the mission. -CMDR Promontory

Leadership Excellence Ribbon.png
Leadership Excellence Ribbon 240201.03
USS Octavia E Butler
The Leadership Excellence Ribbon is a general service ribbon awarded to an individual who has taken a significant leadership role on a team and has guided that team to success.

As many of us did, you found yourself in the need of multiple cover personalities during your multiple unexpected arrivals. However, you were not only able to own those identities but also facilitate getting necessary supplies and wiggle out of some close calls. From what I hear, you’re starting to get the gift of the gab. And, in your last stop before returning home, you were able to deftly lead your team to the benefit of the broader Federation. ::shooting another glance to their new liaison:: And as a result, you’ve earned the Intelligence Star and Leadership Excellence ribbons. -Lt CMDR Josh Herrick

Intelligence Star.png
Intelligence Star 240201.03
USS Octavia E Butler
The Intelligence Star is a general service ribbon awarded to an individual who participates in a covert operation to protect the security and interests of the Federation or its allies.

As many of us did, you found yourself in the need of multiple cover personalities during your multiple unexpected arrivals. However, you were not only able to own those identities but also facilitate getting necessary supplies and wiggle out of some close calls. From what I hear, you’re starting to get the gift of the gab. And, in your last stop before returning home, you were able to deftly lead your team to the benefit of the broader Federation. ::shooting another glance to their new liaison:: And as a result, you’ve earned the Intelligence Star and Leadership Excellence ribbons. -Lt CMDR Josh Herrick

Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Innovation Ribbon 240109.24
USS Octavia E Butler
The Innovation Ribbon is awarded to an individual who distinguishes themselves by the innovative application of science or technology to resolve a dangerous situation.

Actually, I wish to recognize several groups, including those who were instrumental in understanding the phasing phenomenon, as well as those who contributed to our exploration and understanding of the OVIV system itself, whether from the Butler or as a team on assignment. Therefore, I'd like to recognize Lieutenants Yinn/Loq, Toz, Nilsen, Arlill, and Wauhk, Lieutenant Commanders Promontory and Katsim, Ensign Kovacs, and Petty Officer First Class Una Qualunque. And myself, I suppose. - Captain Lia Rouiancet

Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart 240109.24
USS Octavia E Butler
The Purple Heart is given to those who have been injured in the line of duty.

Lieutenants Arlill, Sh'shelo, Nilsen and Ensign Caras put their bodies and lives on the line to get the Dow operational and out of the system. While I understand they will make full recoveries, the effects of radiation poisoning can be quite serve. And before we give these officers the proper applause, I want to mention one more officer who will be given the Purple Heart, in absentia, Lieutenant Kessler. -LT CMDR Promontroy

Starfleet Investigation Ribbon.png
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon 240109.24
USS Octavia E Butler
And now, the Starfleet Investigation Ribbon is awarded to individuals who use investigative skills to solve a crime, defuse a threat, or resolve a dangerous situation. And this last mission had more than it’s share of threats and dangerous situations.

From the bridge of the Dow, to the unpleasantness in its Engineering as well as those who navigated intelligence gathering on Port Coray we have over a dozen officers deserving of this award.- LT CMDR Promontroy

Starfleet Medal of Valor.png
Starfleet Medal of Valor 240109.24
USS Octavia E Butler
The Starfleet Medal of Valor is awarded to individuals who have displayed extraordinary bravery and courage in the finest traditions of Starfleet, even when not engaged in conflict with a traditional enemy.

The acts of heroism our crew performed were particularly notable and involved a conspicuous risk of life, setting the recipient apart from their comrades. For their service we award the Starfleet Medal of Valor to Captain Rouiancet, Lieutenants Herrick, Nilsen, Kessler, Richards, Arlill, Sh'shelor, and Ensgins Caras, Lahl. Thank you thank you thank you. -LT CMDR Promontroy

Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Prisoner of War Ribbon 240106.12
USS Octavia E Butler
The Prisoner of War Ribbon is a general service ribbon awarded to an individual who has been taken prisoner.

Lhandon, this ribbon isn't a cause for celebratiion, but is rather a recognition for you, and everyone who might see your service record or ribbon cluster, of just what you've been through, and something of the tenacity you possess." - Commander Lia Rouiancet

Maiden Voyage Ribbon.png
Maiden Voyage Ribbon 240106.12
USS Octavia E Butler
The Maiden Voyage Ribbon is a milestone service ribbon awarded to an individual who has served in the first mission of a newly commissioned vessel or installation.

Each of you, everyone who served during the mission to Cheyd'lang, is now receiving four ribbons -- the Maiden Voyage Ribbon, the First Contact Ribbon, the Diplomacy Ribbon, and the Joint Meritorious Unit Award -- along with stars, as appropriate. " - Commander Lia Rouiancet

Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
First Contact Ribbon 240106.12
USS Octavia E Butler
The First Contact Ribbon is a general service ribbon awarded to an individual who participates in a successful first contact event.

Each of you, everyone who served during the mission to Cheyd'lang, is now receiving four ribbons -- the Maiden Voyage Ribbon, the First Contact Ribbon, the Diplomacy Ribbon, and the Joint Meritorious Unit Award -- along with stars, as appropriate. " - Commander Lia Rouiancet

Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 240102.02
USS Oumuamua
The Joint Meritorious Unit Award is a general service ribbon awarded to an individual who participates in a joint action with an allied or neutral force toward a common goal.

Nilsen, you not only acted as a crucial conduit for diplomatic efforts at Alpha Brenkelvi, you made yourself into a physical -- and mental -- conduit for those efforts to go forward, and eventually come to a fruition that delivered justice to a people long forgotten. You more than earned the Joint Meritorious Unit and Diplomacy Ribbons. " - Commodore V'Airu

Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Diplomacy Ribbon 240102.02
USS Oumuamua
The Diplomacy Ribbon is a general service ribbon presented to an individual who has distinguished him/herself by resolving a significantly dangerous or hostile situation through diplomatic means.

Nilsen, you not only acted as a crucial conduit for diplomatic efforts at Alpha Brenkelvi, you made yourself into a physical -- and mental -- conduit for those efforts to go forward, and eventually come to a fruition that delivered justice to a people long forgotten. You more than earned the Joint Meritorious Unit and Diplomacy Ribbons. " - Commodore V'Airu

Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Legion of Merit 240102.02
USS Oumuamua
The Legion of Merit is a gallantry & heroism service ribbon awarded to an individual who has distinguished themselves by exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements.

However, you also performed the admirable and unusual task of doing so successfully and, to my great relief, living to tell the tale, and for your convictions, your perseverance, and your downright bullheadedness, I also wish to recognize you with the Legion of Merit. Congratulations, and (with a glance at Rouiancet) I wish your new CO good luck. - Commodore V'Airu

Denali Invitational Ribbon.png
Denali Invitational Ribbon 240011.16
Denali Station
Awarded for participation in the inaugural Denali Invitational event.
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Legion of Merit 240010.11
USS Oumuamua
The Legion of Merit is a gallantry & heroism service ribbon awarded to an individual who has distinguished themselves by exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements.

"Even though you were only called into bridge service -- and much besides -- in the latter part of the mission, Nilsen, you made your mark indelibly. (beat, a little quieter) We know what it meant for you to take the helm, especially in such a difficult context. (normally) I'm sure you didn't expect something quite so complex for your first mission, but you distinguished yourself nonetheless. It's my honor to recognize you with the Legion of Merit." - Commodore V'Airu

Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 2400
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons


Nilsen does not like the smell or taste of deka tea. Every time he smells it, he is reminded of the moment Commander Etan Iljor chewed him out.

Nilsen is left handed.

Nilsen is a fan of the Gault Guardains, a rugby team from his home planet that never seems to make it out of the lower leagues.

Lt Sherlock has given Nilsen the nickname "number 16", Nilsen is unaware of it's meaning.

Nilsen favourte genres of music are alt rock, indie and punk.

In additon to his music tastes, Nilsen is a Swiftie.

Nilsen's most listened to song is Don't Speak by No Doubt[17]


Gault (Home Planet)


Starfleet Academy

USS Oumuamua

USS Octavia E Butler

Halloween Avatar Collection

Medical Records

Nilsen's medical record can be found below - Lhandon Nilsen/Medical Record


NPC Listing   ·   USS Octavia E Butler Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Lia Rouiancet Capt.png
Commanding Officer
Lia Rouiancet
Avander Promontory LCDR xo.png
Executive Officer
Avander Promontory
Katsim Peri LCDR.png
Chief of Science
Katsim Peri
Science Officer
Jania Nis LTJG.png
Asst. CMO, Phys.
Jania Nis
Sevantha Saa LtJG.png
Asst. CMO, Ment.
Sevantha Saa
Wes Greaves LtCol.png
Marine Det. Cdr.
Wes Greaves
Arturo Maxwell 2nd Lt.png
Marine Ofc.
Arturo Maxwell
Josh Herrick.png
Chief Engineer, 2O
Josh Herrick
Asst. CEO
Morro Caras
Kimonzi Lahl LTJG.png
Asst. CEO
Kimonzi Lahl
Toxin Arlill LT.png
Chief of Ops
Toxin Arlill
Ens Richards thor.png
Act. Chf. Sec.
Anton Richards
Alex Forsyth LTJG 1.png
Tac. Officer
Alex Forsyth
Lhando diplomacy bridge 2402.png
Diplomatic Officer
Lhandon Nilsen
USS Octavia E Butler-logo.png
Edit This Nav

  1. Lt Cmdr. Avander Promontory: The Recognition You Deserve, Part 2 - https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/3aEpGwRIEWc
  2. JP: PVT Thomas O’Reilly, Nurse Miash & Ens Ensign Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Clandestine Cargo Bay Conferences - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-oumuamua/c/jMw0iHimdhw
  3. LtCol Wes Greaves - From Another Perspective - https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-oumuamua/c/AOVgszuUt2E/m/iHB594ZzAQAJ
  4. Commodore V'Airu & Commander Rouiancet: Passing the Torch, Part 6 - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-oumuamua/c/yDk1xW50e3w
  5. Ensign Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - An HCO And An Engineer Walk Onto The Bridge - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-oumuamua/c/HXmpACs9Zos/m/jQhz0g21AAAJ Ensign Elijah Kovacs: Awkward - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-oumuamua/c/1qpUUEOdqRo/m/yGg7bXM8AQAJ
  6. Ensign Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Acquired taste - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-oumuamua/c/AejtmPyHByA/m/yZ2E9aIxAwAJ
  7. Ensign Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Trying Out This Reflection Thing - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-oumuamua/c/dQSIG3QtYpQ/m/iOSKrDkDAgAJ
  8. My name is Lhandon Joseph Nilsen. You hurt my friend, my erm…my…look I like this guy a lot alright, so shut up! - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-oumuamua/c/ie0W6-0hUbw/m/grpNkauHAQAJ Ensign Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - I Really Want To Ask You Something. - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-oumuamua/c/5CMaCR9yxfs/m/YRNRtTEOAQAJ Ensign Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Look, We Made A Friend - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-oumuamua/c/emI8HVuU26w/m/iP65KG8AAgAJ
  9. JP: Ens. Lhandon Nilsen & Lt. Nesre Salo - "Even his name is cute." - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-oumuamua/c/h_yQEwrPGRg/m/mu34WwoDAgAJ
  10. LTJG Lhandon Nilsen & Ensign Elijah Kovacs: Coffee - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/uCQsaThM7C0
  11. JP: LTJG Josh Herrick & LT Nesre Salo: Processing the Past - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-oumuamua/c/BroqXuQ6_Zk/m/q5cuUUZoAQAJ
  12. Ensign Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - You Always Did Have A Temper - https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-denali/c/V9DvAHtICic/m/Yu_jIUBFCAAJ
  13. Commander Etan Iljor - Into The Unknown - https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-oumuamua/c/IvJJe4lUeho/m/iAv51K6tAQAJ
  14. Ensign Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Talking Around A Table - https://groups.google.com/u/5/g/sb118-oumuamua/c/4S3PNXzeg6I/m/-GlzGhdpAwAJ
  15. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Defiant's In-System Warp - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPBbfdxDk6U
  16. Picard Maneuver - https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Picard_Maneuver
  17. Senior Chief Miash: Notes https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-oumuamua/c/Un8SNnDPg-w