Nightmares Never Fade! (Ronin)


Whilst Captain Karrod Niac is on a secret mission The USS Ronin is under temporary command of Commander Toryn Raga when the starship and her crew are deployed on a mission to uncover the cause of a series of mysterious attacks on non-Federation ships, outposts and stations. With the latest attack being a civilian freighter, the crew fear they may be too late.

The attacks have left no survivors, and the Alpha Isles has begun to see an increase in anti-Federation sentiment as a result, prompting Starfleet Command to take action.

Acting Captain's Log, Stardate 240104.20

... Recent communications from Starfleet Intelligence have come in that are painting a worrisome picture ... they’ve received an alarming number of reports of attacks on merchant traffic, small outposts and even space stations being attacked. All non-Federation. All left disabled or adrift and supposedly plundered of some of all of their equipment and resources.

In each instance the attacks have occurred in areas near Alliance controlled territory or following their recent movements. And at each location Federation transporter signatures have been discovered. Each reported attack lists no survivors found. As these attacks seem to be specifically isolated to non-Federation targets, an increase in anti-Federation sentiment on par or worse with the reception we received on Grus Beta Three has been cited as growing throughout the Alpha Isles. The aggressors have yet to be uncovered, which has only fueled the notion that we’re the ones raiding the region.


Surprisingly, Starfleet Command seems to share our concerns for once and has ordered us to investigate these attacks while we resume our patrols. We are currently en route to the site of the most recent known attack, against a civilian freighter. Sadly, the report is several hours old. I can only hope that any clues to the attackers true identities will still be there so we can clear the Federation’s name.


Notable Characters

Primary Characters

Senior officers taking part in the mission
Name Position Notes
Karrod Niac Commanding Officer Currently off-ship on a secret mission
Toryn Raga First Officer Acting CO
Ian O'Connor HCO Officer
Kirsty Lee Carpenter Chief of Security & Tactical
Marty Tucker Chief of Engineering
Is’Kah‎ Engineer
Alieth Chief Science officer & 2O Acting FO
Luxa Lorana Science officer
Quentin Beck Medical Officer
Dekas Chief Counselor
Rox Nurse V'Len Kel is playing Rox as PC
Alidar Raedai Ops Officer
Alex Crater Security Officer Joined during the mission
Amanda Tully Engineering Officer Joined during the mission
Annamae Barberra Science Officer Visting Officer from Amity Outpost (left after end of Act Two)


Name Position Notes
Vailani Zoyara Flight Ops Officer from the USS Ronin PNPC written by Luxa Lorana
Clara Quinn Engineer from the USS Ronin PNPC written by Luxa Lorana
Tzim-Shah Security from the USS Ronin PNPC written by Alieth
Briza-Kar Security from the USS Ronin PNPC written by Luxa Lorana
Fraslil Science Technician from the USS Ronin General NPC
Madalain Nicolau Helm Officer from the USS Ronin PNPC written by Karrod Niac
Wyla Avae Chief Nurse from the USS Ronin PNPC written by Toryn Raga
Palen Osiris Ranger from the USS Ronin PNPC written by Toryn Raga
Jack Morrow JAG Officer from the USS Ronin PNPC written by Marty Tucker
Kiran Rork Engineer from the USS Ronin PNPC written by Marty Tucker
Simon Vomek HCO from the USS Ronin PNPC written by V'Len Kel
B'ek Tholian scientist and Prisioner of the USS Ronin PNPC written by Quentin Beck
Tetra Tholeconite ward of the USS Ronin PNPC written by Luxa Lorana


Name Position Notes
Singen Wrath Executive Director of Direct Acquisition As written by Karrod Niac
Alpha RoLF Mk2 modified - Serial number: kNOoUV0UNP As written by Alidar Raedai

Mission Summary

Click sub-headings below to expand or collapse.

Act One: Echoes of the Past

Bridge Team

The Ronin is sent to the aid of a freighter that has been attacked by an unknown enemy. An enemy that has been using Starfleet transport energy signatures in order to make it appear to be Starfleet as the perpetrators.

When they arrive, the freighter has been gutted, with a large hole in its side. In order to look for survivors and for clues as to what could have caused such a thing the acting CO Toryn Raga sends an away team to the freighter while himself, Luxa Lorana, Ian O'Connor, and Quentin Beck man the bridge.

Away Team

Led by acting XO Alieth and accompanied by Kirsty Lee Carpenter, Dekas, Marty Tucker, Rox, and visiting officer Annamae Barberra it isn't long before the team begin to experience strange 'clanging' noises.

They decide to split into two teams, one of which is going to engineering section of the freighter and the other to the bridge.

Engineering Subteam: Alieth, Kirsty Lee Carpenter and Marty Tucker Bridge Subteam: Dekas, Rox and Annamae Barberra

Lt Commander Carpenter investigates behind a door to discover a severed limb and a half-destroyed robotic creature that attacks them before scurrying away. Chief Science Officer beams the severed arm to the Ronin sickbay for investigation.

Not long after this both teams soon learn that the various metallic clanging noise was coming from hostile robotic creatures in the form of spiders, and other insects. It appears it has been a trap when the transporters are unable to transport the team to safety.

Both teams are forced to run and hide throughout the freighter as the Bridge and Science teams watch via the live feeds on their suits. Eventually they are able to send over security teams to assist.

Tzim-Shah leads a team to assist Dekas and his team. Palen Osiris leads a team to assist Chief Carpenter.

Carpenter and her team then discover a lone survivor. A small Romulan child, Nekium.

When all feels lost and the crew suffer major losses, with many of the security team being killed or seriously injured by the bots, they manage to transport them back to the Ronin.


After the away team beam aboard the ship and discover evidence of blood, Ensign Quentin Beck heads off to Sickbay to prepare for any potential injured.

Whilst there, along with Chief Nurse Wyla Avae they ready Sickbay.

After the discovery of a limb by Lt Commander Carpenter on the freighter. They beam it aboard the Ronin to see if they can ascertain how it came to be dismembered. It is still carrying a weapon it's hand, and although the transport disarmed it, the device was malfunctioning and threated to power overload due to the thawing limb.

Briza-Kar is sent to disarm the weapon. When he arrives he discovers that the device is about to explode. After some quicky thinking from Doctor Beck, and Breeze they manage to vent the weapon through an emergency shaft near to Sickbay with minimal damage.

Science Lab

Act Two: Consortium of Spectors


Teams TBD

Act Three: Facing the Nightmare

Teams TBD

Notable SIMs

  • [Prologue Executive Director of Direct Acquisition Singen Wrath - Polite Dinner Conversation] - Written by Captain Karrod Niac - Introduction of an antagonists, and prologue to the mission

Mission Reports


REV SD 240107.12
Ronin Mission Archive
2400-: Under New Management The Spark and the Powderkeg · Ashes to Ashes · Nightmares Never Fade! · Stand Off · Things Lost In Time ·
2388 - The Lost Year Where the Eagles Dare · Suns of Anarchy
2385 - 2387: Walking in Pastures New Too Little, Too Layte · O What a Tangled Web... · Seen or Unseen
2384 - 2385: In the Year of Our Mar Bounty Hunter · Point of Divergence · Wedded Bliss · Test Run · The Sya-Negan · The Sya-Negan, part II · Cardassians in Wait · The Origins of War · True Intentions · Stranded · Desert Dangers · Destination: Mars · The Case of the Missing Bride
2379 - 2383: The Years of the Unknown The Phoenix Doesn't Rise · Black Gate · Eye of the Sun
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