- Mother: N'Keth - Administrative staff in Vulcan Subministry of Agriculture in Chi-ree
- Father: Saros - Administrative staff in Shi'masu hidroponic farm
- Older Sister: Metana - Administrative aidee in Shi'masu hidroponic farm
- Younger Brother: Selar - Child
- Spouse: None (unbonded)
- Children: None
- Childhood pet: Mu-kur (Fuscous), a female Sehlat
Wes Greaves
Marine, USS Thor
Alieth and Mr. Greaves shared their final exam at the Academy and both were posted to their first assignment together. In spite of their very different personalities and a more than remarkable stubbornness from both sides, they developed a quick friendship that led them to the most unusual situations, such as participating in a SAG race that was broadcast worldwide in Ferenginar.
Geoffrey Teller
XO, USS Thor
Teller became Alieth's worst nightmare when he decided to put the safety of other crew members above his own health, which led him to inaugurate Alieth's naughty list.
The tables turned when Alieth was 'conveniently' late and left behind to accompany the XO to rescue 192 colonists in Vel Maijan, which resulted in tedious punishment along with compulsory learning of sea shanties.
Although on the surface they could not have started the relationship on a worse footing and with more divergent opinions, Alieth has a deep respect for the First Officer, and regards him as a reference as a Fleet Officer.
Addison MacKenzie
XO, USS Resolution
Alieth found in Mackenzie an fearsome and formidable superior who shared her dedication to her patients. Even in spite of them (and their opinions). They maintain a tense relationship due to the fact that both possess very strong personalities, but are imbued with a deep respect for each other. Her mentor in punishment for those who dare to fall on Alieth's naughty list
Engineer, USS Thor
Her fellow Academy classmate is one of her few peaceful refuges among the turbulent emotional beings that constitute Thor's crew. He' s the only crew member that she considers reliable at all times by virtue of his unwavering adherence to logic and his irreproachable lineage. However, the engineer's oddities also pepper the doctor's curiosity.
Sern of Vulcan
Deceased best friend. His 'katra' is currently on residing on Geoffrey Teller
Meidra Sirin
Engineer, USS Resolution
Cousin and close friend
JOPA Members:
Founder: Wes Greaves
Tara Wilkins
Dar Elandra
Academy Classmates:
Wes Greaves
Sara Bjørge
Mikeja Lan
Alieth had barely held a few brief exchanges during her time at the Academy with the rest of her classmates with whom she shared the final evaluation. At the end of the examination she was somewhat more acquainted with most of them, but her relationship was sparse and professional. She was assigned to the Duroniss II Embassy with the Liutenant 2nd Grade Greaves and the Ensign Sirok, with whom she became more familiar during the freighter ride to the Embassy.
-> Test : Relationships collapsible table by the awesome User:Noa T'Nessa Levinson (wip)
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Melody Delri'ise A tactician with hidden depths, basically best friends Noa and Melody met during their first shore leave aboard the USS Eagle. Noa caught Melody in the Eagle's Astrometrics lab, conducting unauthorized scans. Instead of turning Melody in, Noa joined her and helped with the scans. During that time, she also learned of Melody's history as a science officer. As time went on, the two got on friendlier terms with each other, to a point where Noa trusts Melody more, and is completely okay with Melody referring to her by her first name. |
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Quentin Collins Former direct superior and scientific colleague Being Noa's direct superior onboard the USS Eagle and the USS Juneau, Quentin and Noa were bound to meet at some point since her arrival. They indeed met on the bridge during the Eagle's capture of Admiral Valcose and Sikes. They met on a more official capacity during shore leave, and after the briefing on the Ringworld, Quentin had a breakdown - one which Noa managed to handle fairly well, considering it happened so quickly. During the mission to the Uiliv system, Quentin transferred to the USS Arrow as first officer. The two have yet to re-establish contact. |
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Airik Tierney Either someone to avoid, or a potentially good friend Noa and Airik first off-duty encounter took place in the Juneau's Clanhouse, where they spoke about various subjects - from some of their histories, to meditation techniques. Noa isn't sure what to make of him yet, considering her previous experiences with counselors, but for a change, she was willing to give it a try, and the two agreed to meet again, to practice Mindfulness Meditation. |