The Arrow has a total of eight decks:
- 7 numbered decks
- An additional upper deck, which houses the ship's aft torpedo launcher and dorsal sensor palettes
Deck 1
- Bridge Stations
- CO Chair - Center
- Science Station - Port Station Aft
- Tactical Station - Starboard Station Aft
- Helm - Starboard Station Forward
- Ops - Port Station Forward
- Engineering - Port Standing Station
- Security Station - Starboard Standing Station
- Captain’s Ready Room - Port Compartment Aft
- Briefing Room/Observation Lounge Starboard Compartment Aft (not pictured)
 Main Bridge
Deck 2
- Captain's Quarters
- First Officer's Office
- First Officer's Quarters
- Captain's Mess
- Crew Mess
- Main Engineering (upper level)
- Deuterium Storage Tanks
- Transporter Rooms 1 and 2
- Gymnasium
- Shuttle Bays 1 (port) and 2 (starboard)
- Shuttlecraft Control Room
- Cargo Bay 1
Deck 3
- Main Engineering (lower and main level)
- Sickbay
- Chief Medical Officer's Office
- Counseling Suite
- Crew Quarters
- Security Suite
Deck 4
- Computer Core (upper level)
- Astrometrics Lab/Stellar Cartography
- Science Lab
- Chief Science Officer's Office
- Hydroponics Bay
- Crew Quarters
- Cargo Bay 2
Deck 5
- Computer Core (middle level)
- Main Deflector (upper level)
- Anti-Matter Storage
Deck 6
- Computer Core (lower level)
- Main Deflector (lower level)
Deck 7