Victory Mission History

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Command History

Jordan Hurne/Robin Phoenix

The previous missions of the USS Victory, under the command of Captains Jordan Hurne and Robin Phoenix can be found here.

Rocar Drawoh

On Stardate 238706.18, Rear Admiral Rocar Drawoh assumed command of the USS Victory. As soon as command was transferred he asked the temporary officer in command, Lt. Commander Andrus Jaxx to remain on board as the First Officer.

Andrus Jaxx

A couple of months after becoming Captain, the Admiral suffered an injury that prevented him from retaining command. On stardate 238710.02 Andrus Jaxx was Promoted to full Commander and assumed Command of the Victory.

USS Victory Mission Archive Database

The following serves as a record of the USS Victory's missions under the command of Commander Andrus Jaxx.

Mining Incident

"We are dealing with alternate timelines... where everything that can happen does."
-- Lieutenant Commander Andrus Jaxx

Mission Began: Stardate 238706.18
Mission Complete: Stardate 238708.31

Responding to a distress call from a mining facility, the Victory is discovers it is being attacked by wave after wave of hazardous particles which play havok with the station's systems. But there is something very odd about these particles...

... something very odd indeed.

Mining Incident Full Report

Remote Control

"By my calculation we have three minutes until your friends arrive to the party, I will give you one of them to retreat to Romulan space."
-- Commander Jaxx

Mission Began: Stardate 238709.03
Mission Complete: Stardate 238711.10

An investigation into arms dealers leads to a fiery confrontation in the Azure Nebula. The Victory is a science and exploration vessel, not a gunship... can Commander Jaxx and the crew fight off not one, but two Romulan Warbirds?

Remote Control Full Report

Transport One Away Mission

"Congratulations, sir. I think we've just become the first living black hole."
-- Lieutenant Kevin Breeman

Mission Began: Stardate 238711.15
Mission Complete: Stardate 238712.13

With the Warbirds dealt with, a short and simple prisoner transfer takes care of the Romulan prisoners. And absolutely nothing goes wrong, nor does anything weird or strange at all happen.

We promise...

Transport One Away Mission Full Report

Empire Falling

"We're talking about people who are losing everything, to an extent that we cannot even conceive."
-- Lieutenant Katy Orman

Mission Began: Stardate 238712.13
Mission Complete: 238802.25

The death toll numbers well into the billions.


Romulus is gone- the ashes of a shattered empire sucked into a singularity.

And yet... the Tal Shiar continue to thirst for blood. Green, green blood...

... but red is fine, too...

Empire Falling Full Report

Космическая Rонка

"Well, don't run us into anything."
-- Lt. Commander Kali Nicholotti to Helm Officer Liam Frost.

Mission Began: 238804.27
Mission Complete: 238806.19

A twist in space-time brings the Victory back into the past. To 1969; the time of the first human missions to the moon. As the Victory errupts from a gash in the fabric of space and time, they find themselves on a collision course with the Apollo 11 moon mission's spacecraft and all of human history...

Космическая Rонка Full Report