Harrison Kiani

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The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye. That may be beyond us, but so long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over.
- Jawaharlal Nehru
Crew of Amity Outpost


Ensign Harrison Kiani

Dr. Harrison Kiani is a Human/Al-Leyan Medical Officer/Medical Scientist serving aboard Amity Outpost. He was born with the name Laime Pergalen on the auspicious day of "Komunceco Vivo" (Communion with Life), marking the end of winter and beginning of spring. The Ensign has long since forsaken any association with his birth culture, spending most of his formative years on the USS Curie and later Tarola'n, Alpha Centauri IV.



  • Full Name: Harrison Kiani
  • Current Rank: Ensign
  • Race: Human/Al-Leyan
  • Date of Birth: 237305.14
  • Place of Birth: Sez Toural, Leya-I
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: T0/E0


  • Height: 183cm (6')
  • Weight: 82kg (180lbs)
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Brown - Amber | **Note: As a result of Harry's unique Al-Leyan genetics, he has inherited what is called the Tapetum Lucidum, a mirror-like structure at the back of the eye which causes an Al-Leyan's eyes to glow in dark environments when light is shone into them.


  • Spouse: N/A
  • Children: N/A
  • Parents: Isobel Ryce & Aquila Kiani
  • Siblings: N/A


Harrison Kiani was born bearing the name Laime Pergalen on the auspicious day of the "Komunceco Vivo" (Communion with Life) , marking the end of winter and beginning of spring. Or at least that was what it said on his birth certificate. One that had been flagged by Starfleet Academy's Division of Health Sciences when applying for their Medical programme. The situation was quickly resolved, with the admissions office opting not to take the issue further once provided with correctly authenticated Federation documents noting the change. The memories of Leya-I still stuck to him, but they were just flashes of recognition now, hidden in the deep recesses of the mind. The scent of wood and wet grass, the spacious home highlighted with beige and gold accents, the lush green patio on which to run and be wild. But he was sure there had been no name other than "Harry" to respond to. Perhaps "Harrison" when he was in trouble, but not "Liam" or "Laime" or however it was meant to be pronounced.

Aquila, his mother, had never spoken of her reasons for leaving; or what kind of man his father had been, let alone who he was. At first Harry resented that. He speculated about the various scenarios that led to them fleeing Leya-I, in some of which Aquila played the role of the villain. But as Harry got older, he'd come to realise that it was her story to tell, and maybe one day she would. Till then, he would have to appreciate the cards he'd was dealt and try to make the best of it.

As a child, Harry moved around a lot. Aquila Kiani's life's work as a botanist had been in creating strands of resilient food crops - meant for colonies that couldn't afford the necessary energy required for replicators, especially when supporting a growing population. This had meant doing long stints in desolate systems with hardy folk trying to make a life for themselves. Sometimes they'd even hitch a ride with federation starships aiding some of those distant colonies. It was on one of these trips that they'd meet Isobel Ryce. She worked as a teacher aboard the USS Curie for the children of the families it carried. She taught arts and crafts, creative writing & mathematics, and since Harry came aboard they'd even let him attend the classes, like the other kids. They would remain on the USS Curie for a year, and when his mother announced to Harry that Miss Ryce and her were to be married, eyewitnesses weren't able to determine whether the child had been happier about the news than the blushing pair.

After that, life became much more sedentary. They had relocated to Tarola'n, Alpha Centauri IV, Isobel's home. Harry's love for painting and holo-photography he would readily admit were inherited from her during his time there, although he confessed no real skill in either craft. When he was eighteen, Harry announced that he'd decided to join Starfleet and that he was going to sit for the Academy Entrance Exam that year. He could see that it was a bitter pill to swallow for both of his parents; the pressures and dangers of being a Starfleet officer were well known, and it did not leave much time for family. But they put on brave faces, and swelled with happiness when he'd cleared the examination.

When Harry was back in Tarola'n for Summer break, just before he'd have to start his clinical rotations, they'd decided to throw a little get together of friends and family in appreciation of all he'd achieved. At dinner that day, his mother told a story about when Harry was twelve. It was one she'd liked to recount often. His parents had decided to sit him down and ask what he wanted to be when he grew up. A doctor Harry answered. When asked why, he'd say with a face that was as serious and as sage as a twelve year old's could be, that he "wanted to make people feel okay." There was a gleam of pride in her eye whenever she told that story, and Harry knew she thought the world of him. He could only hope that he managed to live up to it.

NPC Listing   ·   Amity Outpost Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Chief of Mission
Rivi Vataix
First Officer
Wil Ukinix
Chief Sci Ofc. & 2O
Robin Hopper
Jr. Science Officer
Niev Galanis
Jr. Science Officer
D'Cyra Varati
Chief Counselor
John Carter
Chief of Operations
Nathan Richards
Asst. Chief of Ops
Scotty Reade
Chief of Staff
Keehani Ukinix
Vaje Kizat.png
Dep Chief of Mission
Vaje Kizat
Second Secretary
Civilian Sci. Liason
Samantha Richards
Chief Medical Ofc.
Jansen Orrey
Ikaia Icon.png
Medical Student
Ikaia Wong
Chief of Sec/Tac
Rebecca Iko
Sec/Tactical Ofc.
Kaito Moore
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