Conduct for solo operations within the Shoals
239406, Vol. 207, No. 6
Conduct for solo operations within the Shoals
Author: Sky Blake, Kinan Venroe
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The Shoals |
As platoons of Starfleet marines or rangers are generally frowned upon when operating in the Shoals for longer then a temporary basis due to the political climate between the Federation (and, by extension, Starfleet) and the Colonial Coalition, it may be necessary to send individual officers on long-term placements. Without a ship's CO to report to, officers must uphold the highest standards of Starfleet. Placements in the area may be for as short as a few days or for several years.
Small groups, or away teams, in the area temporarily do not usually fall under these guidelines, as they operate under a readily available commanding officer. Crews of Starfleet vessels operating in the area are also exempt from these guidelines, unless in the unlikely event that small groups of officers are without immediate contact to their commander.
Though many of these points already exist as Starfleet General Orders, an emphasis on certain areas may prove useful for officers going extended periods of time without immediate contact with other Starfleet personnel.
Requirements for consideration
All Starfleet officers may be considered, but requirements must be met for solo operation in the Shoals depending on the officer's division or purpose for active duty.
Starfleet Rangers
All Starfleet Rangers will be be assigned to a region of space for a long service term, and will often be required to work with the Colonial Coalition Marshals Service. Rangers must also be prepared for their area of operation to include an entire star system, if deemed necessary by the Rangers program.
- Rangers should have completed the necessary training required for operating in platoons.
- However, Mission Security may supersede this requirement if the officer has displayed apt abilities similar to Ranger operations, or have at least completed a three day course in combat, weaponry, and disarming tactics.
- Despite platoon training being a requirement, officers will not be part of an active platoon – and must be prepared to report to the nearest civilian agency (IE; Colonial Coalition Marshals Service) when a Starfleet commander is not available.
- Must have already worked within an area of the Shoals and have a good understanding of the societal and political climate.
- Officers native to the area may have their consideration, training and deployment fast-tracked.
- Must pass a Starfleet Engineering equipment repair course/be able to repair own equipment when damaged.
- Must pass an evaluation by a Starfleet counseling officer.
- Must pass an evaluation by a Starfleet public diplomatic officer. Officers with problematic disciplinary records suggesting further conflicts will not be considered.
- Must pass all starship service requirements.
Starfleet Marines
Companies, squadrons, platoons or individual marines (unless acting for the Starfleet Rangers division) are not generally permitted long-term active deployment within the Shoals, and thus cannot be considered. However, marines may be deployed if Starfleet Command deems it necessary.
Starfleet Intelligence officers
As the Colonial Coalition represents seven Federation colonies, anything more then gathering information that may impact Starfleet operations in the area through official sources, is strictly prohibited for intelligence officers. However, it is feared that intelligence officers may be specifically targeted by pirates or anti-Federation groups once the nature of their duties has been revealed. Though such an event is unlikely, requirements for intelligence officers to potentially operate alone in the Shoals include:
- Must pass all starship service requirements.
- Must have successfully completed a Starfleet Security course on weapon safety and storage.
- Must be willing and able to work with civilian agencies in compiling information to report back to Starfleet, and to forward the same reports to the governing colonial body when requested.
- Must pass a Starfleet Engineering equipment repair course/be able to repair own equipment when damaged.
Starfleet Corps of Engineers
Engineers may be placed on spacial outposts for extended periods of time. Requirements include:
- Must pass all starship service requirements.
- Must be prepared to work with a minimal Starfleet team and with civilian contractors.
- Must have successfully completed first aid training.
- Must pass a Starfleet Engineering equipment repair course/be able to repair own equipment when damaged.
- Must be prepared to report all work on a Colonial Coalition installation to the Colonial Coalition and Starfleet's Corps of Engineers.
Medical officers on deployment
Though the seven colonies of the Shoals are Federation members, officers should consult Starfleet Medical for conduct outside Federation territory.
Officers training civilian bodies
This usually falls under the purview of Starfleet captains. However, in the event a civilian agency requests training from Starfleet administration, or the Starfleet units in the area cannot providing requested training, officers (from all divisions) must meet the following requirements:
- Must pass all starship service requirements.
- Must be qualified to train civilian bodies.
- Must have successfully completed a Starfleet Security course on weapon safety and storage.
- When a Starfleet commander is not available, officers must be prepared to report to the nearest civilian agency in emergencies.
Traveling Starfleet bodies/Away teams
This falls under the purview of the team's commanding officer.
Reporting in
If your designated area of operation's governing body has not been made aware of an officers impending arrival by Starfleet already, it is up to the incoming officer to alert them to Starfleet presence. Officers must also make themselves known to either the Colonial Coalition Marshals Service and/or the police/security agency in charge of the area's protection. It must be made known exactly what your duties are in the area.
Starfleet officers will not respond to orders issued by military or militias operating in their designated area. No sole officer is permitted to enter a region under martial law unless there is an emergency.
All officers on long-term placement must send monthly reports to a Starfleet body located either within the Shoals or outside of the Shoals. Due to tetryon interference, delayed communications and travel time should be factored into report writing. Current vessels in operation: USS Veritas
The Colonial Coalition Marshals (CCMS) is the local law enforcement agency of the Colonial Coalition, usually tasked with patrolling the worlds and shipping lanes of the Coalition. On colonies such as Shadow's Edge, they also act as the planet's police force. This is not the case across the Shoals, and officers should be mindful about the jurisdiction of each civilian agency.
As a civilian agency, all officers must make themselves available to assist the active agency when requested, or respond to immediate directives issued as soon as you are able. The officer should request the operating agency's set of regulations in order to adhere to their conduct.
The CCMS has requested that individuals operating in the area check in their weapons where marshals are the operating body.
Officer duties
Officers should already have their orders before arriving for placements of any length. An officer's duties take priority whilst in the area unless;
- The area is in a state of emergency, in which the officer must report to the region's protection agency to render assistance;
- The region's protection agency requests assistance or use of officer services;
- A visiting Federation representative or Starfleet unit requests a briefing about the area or requires assistance.
- See also; General Order 6.
In the event the CCMS or the area's protection agency continues to issue commands for the officer to fulfill regardless or in conflict of their intended duties maliciously, the officer is still required to adhere to the demands of the agency. They should, however, lodge a request for assistance to Starfleet Command, or the nearest Starfleet commanding or diplomatic officer. Officers should also consult the agency's governing body.
Cooperation with civilian agencies
It is the responsibility of the officer to avoid any and all conflict with the protection agency. If officers repeatedly fail to cooperate with civilian agencies within the Shoals, their long service term with be terminated and they will return to the nearest Starfleet body for disciplinary action.
Officers must note that the Colonial Coalition Marshals Service does not tolerate ground or spacial conflict with investigation suspects in public areas. As such, unless ordered by a Starfleet commanding officer, officers must wait for the authority to engage suspects. When dealing with other agencies, officers should ask terms of operation upon arrival.
- See also; General Order 3.
Intelligence operations
Domestic surveillance falls under the purview of Federation Security - consultation with FedSec is required before any such action is taken, to which they may send their own officer to oversee or assist. Intelligence officers should note that the following is also not permitted within the Shoals:
- Covert operations;
- Use of surveillance technology;
- Use of cover identities;
- Providing false or misleading forms of identification to Shoals authority is also strictly prohibited.
- Failing to provide Colonial Coalition governors reports when requested;
Other operating Starfleet units
All Starfleet officers active within a single star system of the Shoals should be made aware of one another. Though these officers are by no means required to work together, specific officers have a duty to assist their fellows when need be.
Active Intelligence officer
It is their duty to relay information between the other active (and in some cases, inactive) officers. As travel time into and out of the Shoals may cause considerable delays between deployment orders and officer arrivals, intelligence officers should also keep a roster of active and inactive officers in the area.
Active Medical officer
The health of officers within their region falls under an active medical officer's responsibility. They must be available for the civilian agencies to contact them in the event of another officer's injury or hospitalization.
Officers on leave
Due to the low number of officers per colony territory, any officer on leave in the Shoals must be prepared in the event they're called back for active duty at a moments notice. This will also apply to officers taking a leave of absence outside the Shoals, as tetryon interference causes considerable travel delays.
Officers on a leave of absence may also be called to brief or work with traveling Starfleet vessels when necessary.
Engaging with locals
Officers must adhere to the orders of the area's protective agency. If approached, threatened, or attacked by pirates, or other aggressors, safe shelter should be sought immediately until the order is given for engagement.
Note however, that these guidelines differ when working within a ship's away team, as they fall under the purview of their commanding officer.
In the unlikely event a Tholian or a Tholian vessel is sighted in the Shoals, alert first the area's protection agency, and then Starfleet, as soon as possible.
Do not engage, or attempt to engage, the Tholian Assembly in any manner whatsoever. Do not attempt communication. Do not attempt combat. Seek safety immediately, and wait further orders from a Starfleet body.
First contact
- See also: General Order 1
All officers must adhere to the Prime Directive.
Under no circumstance should an officer initiate first contact with a species without express permission of both the Colonial Coalition and the United Federation of Planets.
Under no circumstance should an officer enter or follow a suspect into territory surrounding developing societies under G-classification without express permission of both the Colonial Coalition and the United Federation of Planets.
Officers assigned to stations or remote outposts are permitted to trade with civilians with anything but Starfleet equipment.