Resolution Crew History/Sciences Division: Difference between revisions

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(Updated to reflect the transfers to the Excalibur-A/Science)
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{{Post|steelblue|Science Officer}}
{{Post|steelblue|Science Officer}}
{{New Officer|Lieutenant JG|Etan Iljor|Blue|239805.04 - Present|STYLE=DS9}}
{{New Officer|Lieutenant JG|Etan Iljor|Blue|239805.04 - 239811.18|STYLE=DS9|NOTES=Transferred to the {{USS|Excalibur|A}}}}
{{New Officer|Lieutenant JG|Hallia Yellir|Blue|239805.04 - Present|STYLE=DS9}}
{{New Officer|Lieutenant JG|Hallia Yellir|Blue|239805.04 - 239811.18|STYLE=DS9|NOTES=Transferred to the {{USS|Excalibur|A}}}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Etan Iljor|Blue|239802.02 - 239805.04|STYLE=DS9|NOTES= Promoted to Lieutenant JG}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Etan Iljor|Blue|239802.02 - 239805.04|STYLE=DS9|NOTES= Promoted to Lieutenant JG}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Hallia Yellir|Blue|239801.30 - 239805.04|STYLE=DS9|NOTES= Promoted to Lieutenant JG}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Hallia Yellir|Blue|239801.30 - 239805.04|STYLE=DS9|NOTES= Promoted to Lieutenant JG}}

Revision as of 05:26, 29 September 2023

USS Resolution Crew History
Command Division Operations Division Security Division Sciences Division Medical Division Starfleet Marine Corps
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Dates Notes
Sciences Division
Chief Science Officer
DS9style-lt blue.png
Makal Kora 238605.26 - 238608.30
Transferred to Daystrom Institute, Civilian
Assistant Chief Science Officer
Science Officer
DS9style-ltjg blue.png
Lieutenant JG
Etan iljor commander.png
Etan Iljor 239805.04 - 239811.18
Transferred to the USS Excalibur-A
DS9style-ltjg blue.png
Lieutenant JG
Hallia Yellir Picard Uniform.png
Hallia Yellir 239805.04 - 239811.18
Transferred to the USS Excalibur-A
DS9style-ens blue.png
Etan iljor commander.png
Etan Iljor 239802.02 - 239805.04
Promoted to Lieutenant JG
DS9style-ens blue.png
Hallia Yellir Picard Uniform.png
Hallia Yellir 239801.30 - 239805.04
Promoted to Lieutenant JG
DS9style-ens blue.png
Jana Zicv 239710.21 - 239712.05
DS9style-ens blue.png
Mirkl Zanti.jpg
Mirkl Zanti 239708.18 - 239710.11
LOA began 239710.11

NPC Listing   ·   USS Resolution Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Kali Nicholotti
Executive Ofc.
Addison MacKenzie
Yogan Yalu
Aine Sherlock LCDR FO 0002.png
Chief Security Ofc.
Aine Sherlock
Sil-Picard Uniform.png
Tactical Ofc.
Vitor Silveira
JK - Red Picard v5.jpg
Talos Dakora
Etan iljor commander.png
Science Ofc.
Etan Iljor
Hallia Yellir Picard Uniform.png
Science Ofc.
Hallia Yellir
Genkos Adea.png
Chief Medical Ofc.
Genkos Adea
Meidra LT other.png
Meidra Sirin
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