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|POST = Diplomat's Aide
|NAME = Ferri Emlott
|NAME = Ferri Emlott
|SHIP = StarBase 118  
|SHIP = StarBase 118  
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|AGE =  
|AGE =  
|BIRTHPLACE = Cardassia Prime  
|BIRTHPLACE = Cardassia Prime  
|IMAGE = Ferri Emlott CIB.png
|IMAGE = Ferri Emlott.png
|AUTHOR = J239809TA4
|AUTHOR = J239809TA4

Ferri Emlott is a '''Cardassian Visitor''' on [[Starbase 118]].

{| align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3
* '''Height''': 5'7
* '''Hair''': black
* '''Eyes''': brown
* '''Build''': athletic
* '''Skin Tone''': grey
* '''Birthmarks, Scars''': not disclosed
* '''Tattoos / Body Modifications''': not disclosed
* '''Taste in clothing''': dark colors, comfortable, simple
* '''Voice''': modulated

| [[File:Trovek 150px color.png|90px|Trovek Arys|link={{ #switch: {{{1|}}} | Trovek Arys = | Trovek Arys }}]]
* '''Carriage''': typical Cardassian pride, yet Ferri has a distinct ability to fade into the background
* '''Mannerisms''': polite, friendly, determined
* '''Quarters''': temporary quarters
* '''Physical Limitations''': none
* '''Hobbies''': not disclosed
* '''Faith''': Cardassian.
* '''Temperament''': calm
* '''Personal Achievements''': not disclosed
* '''Languages Spoken''': Cardassian (Native), Federation Standard (Advanced), Bajoran (Advanced), Klingon (Advanced), Romulan (Advanced)
* '''Likes''': not disclosed
* '''Dislikes''': not disclosed

| [[File:Seta 150px color.png|90px|Seta Jinean|link={{ #switch: {{{1|}}} | Seta = | Seta Jinean }}]]

{{Heading|Relationships: Family|Black}}
| <div style="border: 3px solid gold; border-radius: 0%; padding: 2px;">[[File:Emlott 150px color.png|90px|Ferri Emlott|link={{ #switch: {{{1|}}} | Emlott = | Ferri Emlott}}]]</div>
*'''Father:''' Garo Emlott
| [[File:Zantett 150px color.png|90px|Geleth A. Zantett|link={{ #switch: {{{1|}}} | Geleth = | Geleth A. Zantett}}]]
*'''Mother:''' Selen Emlott (deceased)
| [[File:Aristren 150px color.png|90px| Nestira Aristren  |link={{ #switch: {{{1|}}} | Aristren  = | Nestira Aristren  }}]]
*'''Siblings:''' Kara Emlott (deceased)
*'''Spouse:''' none
*'''Children:''' none

| [[File:Vargas 150px color.png|90px|Catherine Vargas|link={{#switch: {{{1|}}} | Vargas = | Catherine Vargas }}]]
| [[File:Mayreath 150px color.png|90px|Sa'sara Mayreath|link={{ #switch: {{{1|}}} | Mayreath = | Sa'sara Mayreath }}]]
| [[File:Velix 150px color.png|90px|Neeya Velix|link={{ #switch: {{{1|}}} | Velix = | Neeya Velix }}]]
| [[File:Amelia summerbrook 150px.png|90px|Amelia Summerbrook|link={{ #switch: {{{1|}}} | Summerbrook = | Amelia Summerbrook }}]]
|height=5 colspan=100%|
|align=center style="font-size:small; border-bottom: 2px solid teal; border-radius: 6px; padding-bottom: 10px;" colspan=100%| [[Starbase 118 Ops]] • [[USS Excalibur-A]] • [[FNS]]
Ferri Emlott is part of [[Trovek Arys]] and [[Lukin Zorkal]]'s Family and currently residing on [[Starbase 118]]. She works as [[Lukin Zorkal]]'s aide and enrolled in a Starfleet Academy preparatory course.
Ferri was born shortly after the Dominion War, and grew up in the ruins of Cardassia Prime. Despite experiencing hardship such as disease and the death of her mother, Ferri discovered her artistic talent and visited one of Cardassia's more prestigious universities when she turned sixteen years of age.
She was a promising student until her younger sister Kara Emlott disappeared and Ferri became obsessed with finding out what happened to her. While Ferri never got an answer to that question, her investigation led to the death of two men, and Ferri was incarcerated and would have been sent to a labour camp if it wasn't for Garo, an ex Obsidian Order operative who offered her to work for him instead.
{{Heading|Missions and B-Plots|Black}}
* [["Bitter Medicine" |Bitter Medicine]]
A few weeks after Ferri has been sent to Starbase 118, Ambassador Zorkal is poisoned.
* [["Family Ties" |Family Ties]]
When Arys and Lukin travel to Cardassia and decide to adopt Geleth. Lukin and Ferri part ways until Ferri finds out that the judge for Arys' adoption hearing has been reassigned. She warns Lukin and explains to him that she is not permitted to testify for them, but does not answer as to why that is.On the day of the hearing, Ferri meets with Garo, who does not like her growing attachment to Zorkal, Arys and Aine. He cautions her not to disappoint him by going against his wishes. During the hearing, however, when Ferri is asked if she wants to testify, she does so anyway.
When Zorkal, Arys and Aine return to Starbase 118, Ferri is not with them, and it is not known what has happened to her.
* [["Happy Place" |Happy Place]]
Ferri is summoned into Garo's office. The Cardassian isn't happy with how Ferri disregarded his wishes, and in a long conversation explains to her that Zorkal and Arys pretend to be her friends, but in truth care very little about her - after all, they left Cardassian without even inquiring about her. Ferri believes Garo, as she always has.
During a flashback, we learn of Garo and Ferri's relationship with each other. Brought to a detainment facility as punishment for killing the two men suspected to have killed her sister Kara, Ferri was tortured by the means of isolation and starvation. During that period of time, Garo was the only one treating her like a person, and ultimately saved her from being sentenced to live in a labour camp - or so Ferri believes. In truth, Garo was just as much part of a process designed to break the young woman's spirit as the cell and the guards, his aim to form a rebellious artist into a servant of Cardassia.
* [[SB118Ops_Mission_Logs/Sal_Taybrim/Sanctuary |Sanctuary]]
The Narendra's crew is on Bajor when they are asked to infiltrate a group of poachers. Ferri and Sherlock manage to gain the intel needed to apprehend them, but are discovered and flee into the forest where they are extracted by Zorkal's men.
* [[Path of the Prophets|Path of the Prophets]]
Geleth and Ferri are kidnapped by Trovek Aaron, Arys' brother. As he throws Geleth into a lake to let her drown, Ferri jumps into the water to save her, and Lukin rescues Ferri.


|Lukin Zorkal
|PICTURE= Zorkal.jpg
|RELATIONSHIP= professional
|BLURB= '''Current liaison in the Cardassian Embassy on Starbase 118'''

Officially, Ferri travelled to Starbase 118 after Zorkal had requested information about there whereabouts of Taril Zantett. While the requested information could have easily been provided through a secured channel, the opportunity was taken to place Ferri nearby.


|Vitor Tito
|PICTURE= Vitor_Tito_Intel.png
|RELATIONSHIP= professional
|BLURB= '''Someone who turned out to be quite useful.'''

Tito quite literally bumped into Ferri, after which the two of them began talking. While Ferri is not aware of his position in Starfleet, she had identified him as excellent source of information.

<gallery mode=packed heights=200>
Zorkal.jpg|<small> Ferri works as aide for Ambassador [[Lukin Zorkal]], but is seen as family member by the older Cardassian - which however does not mean that he isn't strict with her.</small>
LT Trovek Arys.png|<small> As Lukin's partner, [[Trovek Arys]] often relies on Ferri for questions about Cardassian customs. The two women get along well, and Arys sees Ferri as family.</small>
Geleth Aski Zantett.png|<small> [[Geleth A. Zantett]] is Arys' niece adopted daughter, and for all intents and purposes Ferri's younger sister. </small>
Vitor Tito Intel.png|<small> [[Vitor Tito]] is someone Ferri initially used for information, but ever since the man aided in rescuing her and Ferri, she starts seeing him as a friend. </small>
IvinPortrait1.png|<small> After [[Ivin Zumagi]] assisted in saving Ferri and Geleth, Ferri considers him an ally, but finds his choice of relationship... odd.</small>
Aine Sherlock catching up.png|<small> The relationship between Ferri and [[Aine Sherlock]] is a difficult one, especially after Lukin disallowed Ferri from pursuing any kind of romance with another woman. </small>


{{Heading|Background & Career History|Black}}

Ferri Emlott was, for all intents and purposes, what the Federation wanted to see in a modern Cardassian woman. Born in the ruins of a destroyed Cardassia, and to parents who were part of the Hibalek - the service class, it was hard to blame her for any of the atrocities her species had committed.

The young woman often reflected on how lucky she had been.

Lucky because the phrase ‘times were tough’ barely managed to convey what it was like to grow up in a Cardassia that had lost so much of its ancient and rich culture, and that grieved the loss of so many of its citizen. Despite that, it would be wrong to pretend that she didn’t know how much she had benefited from the changes that Cardassia had been forced to undergo.

Lucky because, had Cardassia remained the same, Ferri would have grown up in her family, and learned a profession appropriate for someone like her. She would, perchance, have become a kanmaktivah - a governess like her mother had been, in service to one of the wealthier families. She would have strived to marry someone who would elevate the family further, been a good wife to her husband, and mother to her children.
Instead, Ferri had grown up in a Cardassia where food and water were even more sparse than prior to the war. Where previously harmless diseases such as Craat’s killed the young, and where family no longer meant anything, because there was barely any family left intact. Society had crumbled, and it had taken years until a new and ‘reformed’  Cardassia rose from the ashes.

Lucky that she, as one of the frighteningly few surviving children that made it to their teenage years, had been able to attend the University of the Union, a school her family would never have been able to afford.
Lucky because excellent performance was now rewarded more than ever, and having finished top of her class, Ferri had been promised a bright future - she hadn’t known just how bright that future would be until she accepted an intern position at the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau.

Even though the CIB that had replaced the Obsidian Order after its destruction, it couldn’t quite compete with the mystery that had surrounded it. Cardassia and its citizens were a lot more free than they had been before the war, but saying that she was working for the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau still put people on edge.
As exciting as that sounded, Ferri wasn’t a glamorous spy or secret agent. She had a desk job, or rather, she assisted someone with a desk job.

And now that someone had sent her into Federation territory.

Latest revision as of 16:54, 27 December 2022

StarBase 118
Ferri Emlott.png
Ferri Emlott
Position Diplomat's Aide
Rank Civilian
Species Cardassian
Gender Female
DOB 237719.04
Age 24
Birthplace Cardassia Prime
Writer ID J239809TA4

Trovek Arys Seta Jinean
Ferri Emlott
Geleth A. Zantett Nestira Aristren Catherine Vargas Sa'sara Mayreath Neeya Velix Amelia Summerbrook
Starbase 118 OpsUSS Excalibur-AFNS

Ferri Emlott is part of Trovek Arys and Lukin Zorkal's Family and currently residing on Starbase 118. She works as Lukin Zorkal's aide and enrolled in a Starfleet Academy preparatory course.


Ferri was born shortly after the Dominion War, and grew up in the ruins of Cardassia Prime. Despite experiencing hardship such as disease and the death of her mother, Ferri discovered her artistic talent and visited one of Cardassia's more prestigious universities when she turned sixteen years of age.

She was a promising student until her younger sister Kara Emlott disappeared and Ferri became obsessed with finding out what happened to her. While Ferri never got an answer to that question, her investigation led to the death of two men, and Ferri was incarcerated and would have been sent to a labour camp if it wasn't for Garo, an ex Obsidian Order operative who offered her to work for him instead.

Missions and B-Plots

A few weeks after Ferri has been sent to Starbase 118, Ambassador Zorkal is poisoned.

When Arys and Lukin travel to Cardassia and decide to adopt Geleth. Lukin and Ferri part ways until Ferri finds out that the judge for Arys' adoption hearing has been reassigned. She warns Lukin and explains to him that she is not permitted to testify for them, but does not answer as to why that is.On the day of the hearing, Ferri meets with Garo, who does not like her growing attachment to Zorkal, Arys and Aine. He cautions her not to disappoint him by going against his wishes. During the hearing, however, when Ferri is asked if she wants to testify, she does so anyway. When Zorkal, Arys and Aine return to Starbase 118, Ferri is not with them, and it is not known what has happened to her.

Ferri is summoned into Garo's office. The Cardassian isn't happy with how Ferri disregarded his wishes, and in a long conversation explains to her that Zorkal and Arys pretend to be her friends, but in truth care very little about her - after all, they left Cardassian without even inquiring about her. Ferri believes Garo, as she always has. During a flashback, we learn of Garo and Ferri's relationship with each other. Brought to a detainment facility as punishment for killing the two men suspected to have killed her sister Kara, Ferri was tortured by the means of isolation and starvation. During that period of time, Garo was the only one treating her like a person, and ultimately saved her from being sentenced to live in a labour camp - or so Ferri believes. In truth, Garo was just as much part of a process designed to break the young woman's spirit as the cell and the guards, his aim to form a rebellious artist into a servant of Cardassia.

The Narendra's crew is on Bajor when they are asked to infiltrate a group of poachers. Ferri and Sherlock manage to gain the intel needed to apprehend them, but are discovered and flee into the forest where they are extracted by Zorkal's men.

Geleth and Ferri are kidnapped by Trovek Aaron, Arys' brother. As he throws Geleth into a lake to let her drown, Ferri jumps into the water to save her, and Lukin rescues Ferri.
