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Mal Avatar


  • DoB: 235605.02
  • Weight: 77.1 kilograms
  • Height: 1.78 meters
  • Eye color: Blue/Grey
  • Hair Color: White

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Captain Mal Avatar is the former commanding officer of StarBase 118 Operations and the Columbia. He is current serving as the Strategic Operations Officer for StarBase 118 Operations following his return from retirement.

This character is played by Glenn User:Malavatar.


  • Full Name: Mal Avatar
  • Race: Andorian
  • Date of Birth: May 2, 2356
  • Place of Birth: M'Gatta City, Andoria
  • Age: 33
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: See Telepathic/Empathic Scale
    • Previously thought to be N/A. However, Captain Avatar has recently learned that he is 1/4 Aenar and is only learning about his limited telepathic abilities.


  • Height: 1.78 meters
  • Weight: 77.1 kilograms
  • Hair Color: White
  • Length of Hair: Short
  • Eye Color: Blue/Gray
  • Skin Tone: Blue/White
  • Birthmarks, Scars: None of note
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: None
  • Build: Average build
  • Handedness: Right-handed


  • Marital Status: Married - D'nai Avatar
  • Past Girlfriends:
    • Cadet Kelinda Darr
    • Major/Lt. Colonel M. Stryker
    • Lieutenant Commander Jenelle Vaughan


  • Daughter: Lejol Avatar
  • Son: Wargav Avatar


  • Father: Kran Belar Avatar - Political Activist and Former Federation Councillor
  • Mother: Tel Varia Avatar - Botanist


  • Brother: Seran Cadar Avatar- Galactic Comedian

Personal History

Early Years

Son of a Federation Councillor, Kran Belar Avatar and a botanist, Tel Varia Avatar. Kran served for many years at the capital of the UFP but after several disagreements with Federation policy regarding the handling of the Cardassian occupation of Bajor, the alliance with the Klingon Empire, and the entrance of several worlds into the Federation, he resigned his title and returned home. While on Andor, Kran began to discover the less political aspects of life, settled down, and married a young botanist named Tel Varia and had two children.

Childhood Years

Mal was always the athlete of the family and the student, but it was his brother Seran who always told the jokes, painted the pictures, and had the most friends. It was at this point that Kran began to write about his views about Andor. His mother was promoted to the head of the M'Gatta Botanical Gardens.

Teen Years

As Mal continued his introverted lifestyle; his older brother began to tour the planet as a young comedian. Andor loved Seran Cadar and it would not be long before he'd be touring the Quadrant. Mal, still in the shadow of his brother felt that he needed to go off world and build himself elsewhere. Thus he applied to the Academy. Kran Belar's writings began to become more and more controversial. Shortly before Mal left for the Academy, Kran wrote his groundbreaking essay, "The Need For a Separate Andor." Kran's views on the secession from the Federation caused much trouble with his son and as a result strongly disapproved of his entrance into Star Fleet. A Homo sapiens only club declared his father.

Academy Years

After not speaking to his father since the day he left for the Academy, Mal continued to grow as a person. At this point, Mal began to play an old Canadian sport known as ice hockey. Although some of his fellow cadets teased him at first, since bugs and ice don't mix. Mal got the last laugh leading the Academy team with 23 goals as well as a Galactic Title. Avatar does not speak to his father anymore, but he is in constant contact with his brother, who has had mixed results with his comedy. Apparently not everyone "gets" Andorian humor. Tel Varia continues her love of plant-life on Andor and the galaxy. Unlike her husband, she always supported Mal's decision to enter Star Fleet.

Academy Record

Mal greatly underachieved his freshman and sophomore years at the Academy and was at one point in danger of failing out. He spent way too much time playing ice hockey and did not focus on his studies. It was not until his junior year that Mal began to concentrate on his studies. He began to love piloting starships as well as smaller vessels. This love of flight reinvigorated an old interest in learning and his grades soon showed this. Avatar continued to play hockey leading Star Fleet Academy to its first FCAA championship in 80 years. His final training was the Shabtai meeting under the leadership of Commander Medai Cyrce.

The Kodiak-A

Mal's first posting out of Starfleet Academy was aboard the Dauntless Class USS Kodiak-A under the command of Fleet Captain Hollis Calley. He served as a reserve HCO and GS50 pilot. It was during this mission that Avatar first impressed Commader Jordan Hurne who would later select Avatar to be part of his crew aboard the USS Victory. Additionally aboard the USS Kodiak-A, Avatar would develop friendships with Heath Story and Nickolas Cicero.

The Victory

Avatar would serve as the Victory's first Chief Tactical Officer following the split from the Kodiak. He would quickly rise in rank after taking over as Chief Engineer and then first officer. Mal would become close with Megan Parker, Makal Kora, Heath Story, J. Borden Hapgood, and Robin Phoenix. He would also develop a deep loyalty towards Captain Hurne. Late in 2380, Avatar would take a leave of absence to return to the Ilyow in the Lithron System.

The Ilyow

To the outside universe, Commander Avatar spent the day of 238009.29 with the Ilyow people. However, in terms of the memories that he gained, Avatar actually spent seven years as an ambassador to the Ilyow, helping to establish first contact with that race.

Return to the Victory

After completing his leave of absence, Commander Avatar returned to the Victory as a more mature and enlightened first officer. He would serve a pair of missions before ultimately taking on his own command, the USS Columbia.

The Columbia

The Columbia would launch in March of 2381. This would become Avatar's command for over two years. Following the completion of his first mission, Avatar would be promoted to captain. Aboard the Columbia, Avatar would develop close friendships with T`Lea, Tash Zubowskivich, Kwame Alexander, Devina Franks, and C'elest Moranta. In 2383, the Columbia was nearly destroyed and had to be abandoned. After the crew managed to recover the ship, the Columbia was refit at Starbase 118 and the crew transferred to Starbase 118 Operations.

Starbase 118 Operations

Captain Avatar would relieve Captain Waltas as CO of Ops in the middle of 2383 with the Columbia becoming a support vehicle. Avatar's reign would be shortlived as he was mysteriously removed as commanding officer in 238310 without explanation. The base would be temporarily assigned to Captain Tiberius Hannibal (NPC) before Rocar Drawoh would take over the next year.

The Hidden Andorian Independence Movement and Civilian Life

Officially Captain Avatar was listed as AWOL. In actuality he went undercover as an operative in his father's revolution to secede from the Federation. Avatar would sacrifice his career and safety to destabilize the movement, bringing it to a close before it could begin. Following the closure of the movement, Avatar Would take an assumed name, Skaresh Thoralev facilitated by his intel connections. He would spend the next five years as a history and diplomatic relations professor. During his civilian years, he would marry and have two children. Only his wife would know of his true identity until 2389.

Only after the final Andorian revolutionary was apprehended by Starfleet Security would Avatar finally begin to reclaim his original identity. It would begin with his relationship with Cadet Ra-Uleyra, one of his students. By 238907, Avatar had reclaimed his identity and applied for re-entry as a Starfleet Officer with the rank of captain.

Professional Chronology

  • 237903.10: Ensign Mal Avatar was assigned as an HCO on board the USS Kodiak-A under the command of Fleet Captain Hollis.
  • 237905.20: Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade after completing the first mission to the Lithron System.
  • 237905.24: Reassigned to the USS Victory as Chief Tactical Officer.
  • 237908.03: Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant upon the completion of the second mission to the Lithron System.
  • 237908.05: Reassigned as the Chief Engineer of the USS Victory to take the position vacated by Lt. Cicero.
  • 237909.14: Received Scotty Cross and Neelix Award.
  • 237910.12: Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
  • 237910.17: Reassigned as First Officer of the Victory following the mission to Atlanta V.
  • 238007.02: Promoted to the rank of Commander.
  • 238009.13: With the permission of Captain Hurne, Commander Avatar took a leave of absence from his position aboard the Victory.
  • 238011.01: Commander Avatar returns to service aboard the Victory and is reinstated as a Starfleet officer.
  • 238012.22: Receives second career Neelix Award.
  • 238102.06: Receives the Strange Medallion.
  • 238103.25: Takes command of USS Columbia.
  • 238109.21: Promoted to Captain.
  • 238203.09: Receives the James T. Kirk Cross
  • 238203.09: Elected Magistrate of the Captain's Council for Starbase 118
  • 238211.28: Named Captain-at-Large to the Executive Council for Starbase 118
  • 238301.09: Receives the Sarek Star
  • 238306.27: Take command of StarBase 118 Operations.
  • 238310.19: Removed from command of StarBase 118 Operations and replaced on an interim basis by Captain Tiberius Hannibal.
  • 238401.01: Begins serving at the Academy as a professor under the alias Thoralev.
  • 238908.01: Informs Starfleet Academy that he will not be teaching classes for the fall semester, applies for reinstatement of commission and rank.
  • 238908.06: Reinstated as Captain and assigned to StarBase 118 Operations as Strategic Operations Officer.

Awards & Commendations

  • Neelix Awards (2)
  • Scotty Cross
  • Strange Medallion
  • James T. Kirk Cross
  • Sarek Star

Mission History

Missions on the USS Kodiak-A

Missions on the USS Victory

Missions on the USS Columbia

Missions at Starbase 118 Ops

Starfleet History

Career Overview
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
01-Ensign-Red.jpg Ensign 237903.10-237905.20 USS Kodiak-A HCO
02-LieutenantJG-Red.jpg Lieutenant JG 237905.20-237905.24
02-LieutenantJG-Gold.jpg Lieutenant JG 237905.24-237908.03 USS Victory Chief Tactical Officer
03-Lieutenant-Gold.jpg Lieutenant 237908.03-237908.05
237908.05-237910.12 Chief Engineering Officer
04-LtCommander-Gold.jpg Lieutenant Commander 237910.12-237910.17
04-LtCommander-Red.jpg 237910.17-238007.02 First Officer
05-Commander-Red.jpg Commander 238007.02-238103.25
238103.25-238109.21 USS Columbia Commanding Officer
06-Captain-Red.jpg Captain 238109.21-238306.27
238306.27-238310.19 Starbase 118 Ops
00-Civilian-Grey.jpg Professor 238401.01-238908.01 Starfleet Academy Professor of Diplomatic Relations
06-Captain-Red.jpg Captain 238908.06-Present Starbase 118 Ops Strategic Operations Officer

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Gogigobo Fairhug Commander.png
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Wyn Foster.jpg
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
LT Madison Marsh.png
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Sasch Trek.png
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern Ensign.png
Corey Wethern
Ryden Kel.png
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Vitor Tito LT Science.png
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
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