Frontier Day: Phase Two (Artemis)
USS Artemis-A | ||
![]() ACTIVE STATUS | ||
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"We’ve got to rendezvous with the fleet and try to get the word out about the Borg. Have a seat at the helm.
I have a feeling we’re going to need some fancy flying, and you can monitor operations from there. ::pointing::"
- Captain Addison MacKenzie
In Phase Two, the Changeling/Borg Conspiracy comes to a head, as the USS Artemis-A joins up with the USS Kitty Hawk, USS Astraeus, USS Narendra and USS Chin'toka to defend Starfleet from the Enemy Within.
First & Last Sim | |
Frontier Day Pt 1 | First Sim - Written by Addison MacKenzie on SD 240107.15 |
Open the Doors | Last Sim - Written by Addison MacKenzie on SD 240108.16 |
The Signal Goes Out
Eight of Twelve
Formerly LT Yellir
Chief Engineer
LoA PartwayOne of Eight
Formerly Ens Chevalier
Operations OfficerTen of Ten
Formerly Ens Kel
Security OfficerFour of Six
Formerly PO3 Filistrien
Signals Analyst
PNPC of Gila Sadar
The Flight from the Bridge
Cpt. Addison MacKenzie
Commanding OfficerLT Jovenan
Chief Science OfficerLT Vitor Silveira
Chief Tactical OfficerLt.Cdr. Robin Hopper
Acting First Officer
of Amity Outpost
Guest writer
::flatly:: Happy Frontier Day, everyone...
The Artemis arrives to the Frontier Day celebrations after two days in transit following their encounter with the Borg Cube in the Badlands. During that time, Lt.Cdr. Dakora and Lt.Cdr. Hopper and LT Vanlith of Amity Outpost had time to analyze the data to identify the piece of technology stolen by the Changeling infiltrators on the Delta Quadrant Outpost: Their research reveals that the technology was a Harmonic Convergence Node, but what part this piece of technology plays in the Borg's plans remains a mystery. The Artemis rendezvous with the USS Kitty Hawk to return most of the lost crew of Amity Outpost, and in order to address some personnel concerns after the Artemis combat with the Borg, and exchange necessary information about the encounter to the Kitty Hawks command structure, an exchange of personnel occurs. LT Nathan Richards comes onboard the Artemis, while LtJG Sadar and Ensign Gnai are dispatched to reinforce the Kitty Hawk. The two vessels barely have time to part before Admiral Shelby begins her formal address to the Fleet, activating Fleet Formation Mode in celebration of the NX-01's maiden flight 250 years prior. Unfortunately, this is when everything goes wrong. A loud shriek goes off, and numerous Artemis personnel are assimilated into the Borg Collective... Just as planned.
On the Bridge, Jaseb Chevalier - designation One of Ten - leads the other assimilated in his attempt to eliminate the other officers, but LT Silveira intercepts the attempt to shoot Captain MacKenzie - the priority target - as the others head for the turbolift to escape the escalating conflict. They almost make it out, gathering all still-unassimilated officers in the turbolift, when a group of Drones prevent the door from closing. Lt.Cdr. Dakora and LT Richards force the drones away from the lift, but are thus trapped on the Bridge as the lift heads on down. Lt.Cdr. Hopper - who has some personal attachments to both officers - is very upset at leaving them behind, but Captain MacKenzie urges for calm. They need to arm themselves and retake the Artemis, and the first step to that is heading to the arms locker near Transporter Room #1 on Deck 4. Meanwhile, the Borg on the Bridge start shooting on the USS Kitty Hawk as Ensign Chevalier - now One of Eight - takes center chair.
The Collective on the Bridge soon witness the final moments of the USS Excelsior, and One of Eight has certainty in his mind that the Collective shall be victorious. At that point, however, the Artemis is brutally impacted by space debris, which has a devastating effect on the Ship’s systems. Transporters offline, replicators offline, turbolifts offline, holodecks offline, and the Artemis is sent drifting through space towards the hulking remains of the USS Cambridge. Ensign Chevalier receives a new designation as he's sent to effect repairs to the conquered USS Artemis-A to prevent its destruction, and he does so without delay.
Space Service
Lt.Cdr. Talos Dakora
First OfficerLT Richards
Chief of Ops
on Amity Outpost
Guest writer
Richards: I think…
He felt himself sliding further down the wall, towards the floor. Things began to become muffled, and he felt like he was actually floating above the deck.
Richards: I think…I need a nap. ::Just before hitting the floor:: Hold me.
Everything was quiet for a moment as Nathan lay on the floor, enveloped in the waves that used to be the floor of Deck 7. Gentle waves crashing against his body, eat seeming to hold the heat of the sun. His body burned and he felt as if he couldn’t do anything about it. He tried to focus on the sound of the waves growing in the back of his mind, like whispers from an unknown source.
Dakora: I’d love to, buddy. :He managed a sarcastic grin.:: But what would Robin say?
On the Bridge, the left-behind Lt.Cdr. Dakora and LT Richards manage to seek refuge in the Ready Room. The irony of the situation is not lost on either of them - forced to cooperate with their rival for Lt.Cdr. Hopper's affections - but in deciding that they'd rather be proactive about getting out of there and assisting the crew of the Artemis in retaking the Ship, they don some EVA suits and destroy the Ready Room's window.
Exiting onto the hull of the Artemis, Lt.Cdr. Dakora and LT Richards walk down the length of the Nova Class Starship, witnessing the carnage occurring outside in space. It’s almost beautiful, but in a very fatalistic sense, and the two officers have little time to sightsee, as torpedoes and phasers shoot through the vacuum around them. The impact of one such hit is almost enough to send Lt.Cdr. Dakora sailing through space, but LT Richards manages to ground him before he can get too far away. Unfortunately, Lt.Cdr. Dakora’s helmet takes some minor damage, expediting the two officers’ need to get back inside the Ship. They access through an airlock near the Central Computer Core, clueless about the fact that a plan set by the Captain's team has led a small, but concentrated group of Drones to the very corridor they exit into, leaving them with precious few options to avoid combat.
They enter into combat in short order, gunning their way through the group of drones in order to beat a hasty retreat into the multi-deck Computer Core. Lt.Cdr. Dakora lays down covering fire, enabling LT Richards to find out how to disable Fleet Formation Mode. After some high-paced diagnostics - complicated slightly by the increasing sensation that something is wrong with his prosthetic arm - the Lieutenant is able to forcibly remove the module enforcing the Fleet Formation Mode, freeing up the Artemis computers. At this point, Lt.Cdr. Dakora can no longer keep the Drones at bay, and in a last-ditch effort to escape with their lives intact, the two officers opt to take the fast route down to Deck 7: jumping over the railing. The fall is not entirely without repercussions, as both men experience quite a bit of pain, but they remain alive, and are able to limp out into the corridors of Deck 7. LT Richards confesses that he's about to pass out, with a final request for Lt.Cdr. Dakora to hold him as he does so, all enmity seemingly forgotten...
Sickbay Escapees
Cmdr. Genkos Adea
Chief Medical OfficerLtJG David Flint
Reserve Helm Officer
on Amity Outpost
PNPC of Robin Hopper
In Sickbay, Commander Adea and one of his nurses are attacked by the assimilated personnel and seek shelter in the CMO's office. LtJG David Flint - an ex-Borg who had underwent surgery on the Artemis after being permanently severed from the Collective - wakes up from his post-surgery bedrest to find Sickbay overrun by Drones. He wields the anti-Borg Serum that broke the Collective's hold on him in an attempt to fight back, but the curative properties of the serum unfortunately no longer work on the Collective. The sedative, however, is still functioning, enabling him to gain the upper hand - if only temporarily. Utilizing the weapon at hand, Cmdr. Adea suggests that the three of them set to replicating more of the serum in an effort to thin the herd of awake drones at least a little. It doesn't take the Collective long to realize that there's unassimilated still holed up in Sickbay, and Drones start the cumbersome work of gaining access. The three Starfleeters find themselves effectively trapped, and realize that the best they can hope to do for now is to barricade themselves in and try to work out a long-term solution to the Borg problem.
Fighting in the Lower Decks
Security Officer
LoA Partway
Security Officer
PNPC of Hallia Yellir
In the Security Center, Ensign Kel's assimilation is underway when LtJG Savel realizes what is happening. Ensign Kel begs his senior officer and fellow Vulcan to shoot him to prevent assimilation, not wishing to engage his fellow security officers, and LtJG Savel adheres to his wishes. Realizing that the Borg are attempting to take over all central areas of the Artemis, LtJG Savel runs out of the Security Center to start fighting back. His first goal is the Intelligence Suite, where he - unfortunately - runs straight into a small cadre of Drones who's managed to assume full control of the department. Now outnumbered, LtJG Savel calls for assistance, whcih arrives in the form of LtJG Delri'ise, and the fight for Intelligence commences.
After arming themselves in Transporter Room 1, Captain MacKenzie leads her team of escaped bridge officers to render assistance to LtJGs Savel and Delri'ise, who are pinned down outside Intelligence. Going down towards Deck 8 in the Turbolift, the Starfleet Officers listen to an intercepted distress call from the USS Excelsior, who is annihilated with every man onboard just after the unassimilated had managed to retake the Bridge. The Borg take this opportunity to announce their victory over Starfleet, hoping to capitalize on the despair and hopelessness permeating the fleet in the face of this disaster, but they find no hopelessness in that turbolift. Arriving on Deck 8, the group of Starfleet Officers jerryrig a ploy to divert the Collective’s attentions elsewhere, by sending a dummy-Captain MacKenzie - the highest priority officer - in the shape of her combadge with the turbolift down towards the computer core. With the combadge showing up as a big glowing target for the Collective, the group hopes that this diversion is enough to allow them free movement, at least for a time, as they head to assist the LtJGs outside Intelligence.
Their assistance is welcomed by the two LtJGs, and as the group fights back against the Drones still attempting to gain the upper hand against the unassimilated, they regroup and decide that their next logical step is Sickbay. Ensign Kel, now firmly in the grasp of the Collective, joins the skirmish to reinforce the Collective alongside fellow Drones from Security, and Captain MacKenzie orders everyone to regroup, as she sees the odds turn against them.
Retaking the Artemis
Vox/Jack Crusher: =/\= The Titan has been neutralized. We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. Eliminate all unassimilated. Target lock: Berlin. Target lock: Cairo. Target lock: Philadelphia. Target lock: Rome. Target lock: San Francisco. Target lock: Paris. Target lock: New York. =/\=
The unknown Voice of the Borg kept listing the names of cities, while Jovenan fought breaking down and crying. Without anything in between the assimilated armada and the planet, they could rain down fire for as long as there were torpedoes in stock and antideuterium in their engines. A single ship could destroy a city in mere minutes; hundreds of them, and the entire surface of the planet was glass by the end of the day. Billions were about to perish as they watched, powerless.
Captain Addison MacKenzie leads her group of officers up through the access hatches to Deck 7 in order to escape the Drones following them, only to find themselves trapped in a pincer attack. Knowing that Commander Adea is holed up in Sickbay, she leads her team there, but are temporarily prevented from joining up with him because of the barricades him and the Sickbay team have built. While under fire from the Borg Drones, they dismantle the barricades to allow their colleagues entry, and consolidate their efforts to retake the Artemis. Thanks to the dismantling of the Fleet Formation Mode, the Artemis is dead in the water and not participating in the destruction of Earth Spacedock and Earth itself, but if left alone for too long, the Collective could very well decide to destroy the vessel with all hands rather than let Starfleet reclaim it.
Recalling their encounter with Suliban pirates a year prior - and having already seen that sedatives work on the Drones - Cmdr. Adea and LT Jovenan suggest using knockout gas to incapacitate the various Drones aboard the Artemis and thereby clear the way for Cpt. MacKenzie to head towards the Bridge to commandeer her vessel. Before they can split up, however, Lt.Cdr. Dakora and LT Richards' voices are heard from the other side of the barricaded door, and the officers quickly move to rescue them from the Drone-filled hallway.
The two men are immediately brought into the plans as made, and an emotional reunion occurs between Lt.Cdr. Hopper and LT Richards - heading on separate teams - when tragedy strikes. Four of Six stabs the Centauran Lt. Commander through the torso, leaving her to fall into her boyfriend's arms with catastrophic injuries.
Clearing the way
Cmdr. Genkos Adea
Chief Medical OfficerLT Jovenan
Chief Science OfficerLtJG David Flint
Reserve Helm Officer
on Amity Outpost
PNPC of Robin HopperLT Richards
Chief of Ops
on Amity Outpost
Guest writer
Lt.Cdr. Hopper is hastily brought into Sickbay and her injuries tended to. They are severe and will require surgery, and Cmdr. Adea is put in the unenviable position of having to choose: Emergency surgery to save her life, or continue with their plan in order to retake the Artemis from the Borg. The choice is clear to the former First Officer, and he orders Nurse Kraal to keep vigil over the unconscious Lt. Commander while the rest of them head towards Ops through the Jeffries' Tubes to funnel the knockout gas into the hallways ahead of the Captain's team. The move towards Operations proceeds smoothly, as they start deploying knockout gas into hallways and onto Deck 1 to leave it safe and un-Droned.
This is our Bridge
Cpt. Addison MacKenzie
Commanding OfficerLt.Cdr. Talos Dakora
First OfficerLT Vitor Silveira
Chief Tactical Officer
Meanwhile, Cpt. MacKenzie and her two most trusted senior officers move to the Bridge, and thankfully meets no resistance enroute. Taking the consoles, they start establishing an understanding of the situation, but Cpt. MacKenzie urges caution, as any obvious deviations from Collective tactics will make the Artemis a big target. Lt.Cdr. Dakora realizes that survivors are using old mainentenance frequencies to communicate, but LT Silveira makes a surprising call: they can't help them, for fear of alerting the Collective to the Artemis being back in Starfleet hands. The issue becomes moot soon, when Ens Chevalier appears on the Bridge once more as a mouthpiece of the Collective itself, taunting the three officers that their resistance is futile and that the Collective's victory is close at hand. His taunting, however, is cut short as CPO Ral Shaw appears on the Bridge with a sudden shot to the Elthurian Ensign's torso, knocking him out cold. Shortly thereafter, the Collective's signal falls silent as Admiral Picard succeeds in destroying the Borg Cube in orbit of Jupiter, and the Artemis is once again back in Cpt. MacKenzie's hands.
Confirmed Deaths of Artemis-A Personnel
Warrant Officer Fra
FNS Headlines
* Stardate 240109.21: The Nightmare Has Ended: USS Artemis Undergoes Extensive Repairs After Harrowing Frontier Day Debacle
Fun facts