Bells of Paradise (Constitution)

The Teams

Hiking Team "Traces of the Wild Walker"
Name Position Notes
Jalana Rajel Commanding Officer
Saveron Counselor
Sarah Mason Intel Officer
Lystra Tactical Officer
Ravenna Carter Medical Officer
Caving Team
Name Position Notes
Nugra Intel Officer
Cade Foster Mission Specialist
Yito Seja Chief of Security
Edward Spears Chief Medical Officer
Scavenger Hunt Team
Name Position Notes
Alex Blair First Officer
Lazarus Davis Chief Science Officer
Chip Foley Engineering Officer
Atan T'Seva Chief Tactical Officer
Jacob Horne Assistant Chief Engineer
Name Position Notes
Squash-O Scientist Endaasi, played by Lazarus Davis
Avo'gh Retired Warrior Klingon, played by Jalana Rajel
Memeth Retired Warrior Klingon, played by Alex Blair
Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon

The beginning

After several days of relaxation and shore leave First Officer Alex Blair calls the Senior Officers together for a day of Team Building Exercises. The Officers are split into three groups with different activities:

These are their adventures


The group will be hiking to a village that’s located in the Tat’si Mountain range, following the "Walker Path" learning about the legend of the Wild Walker.

  • "The valleys of the Tat’si Mountain range have been inhabited by the Soin people for two hundred and thirty generations, traditionally in small herding communities, who would be semi-nomadic during the warmer months and return to their village during the snows. Carved by glaciers during the last ice age, the mountains are rich in iron and beryllium ore as well as fossils from an ancient seabed. The Soin people had a rich remembered history, passed on telepathically from generation to generation, including creation myths involving the constellations, and the legend of the Wild Walker." ~ Inscription on a plaque at the beginning of the 'Wild Walker Trail' / Saveron
  • "Apparently these mountains are due to recent plate tectonics; a large continental plate to the north is subducting under this plate, forcing them up. There was once an ocean between the plates, hence the marine fossils. It states here that in 2141, famous mainland explorer Run-T was mapping these mountains when she discovered a disproportionately large footprint in the mud of a mountain meadow bog. She made a cast of the print and showed it to the local people, who told her that it belonged to the ‘Wild Walker’." ~ Inscription on a plaque of the 'Wild Walker Trail' / Saveron
  • "Throughout time stories about the "Wild Walker" have been passed down from generation to generation, through telepathy among the Endaasi and through song, poetry and stories among visitors keeping it alive for thousands of years. It is said that he may have once lived with the people. Various claims have been made but no actual sightings could be confirmed." ~ Inscription on a plaque of the 'Wild Walker Trail' / Jalana Rajel


Caving and exploring the Helthala Cave system

At the cave entrance is a wooden cabin. Inside one wall was filled with rows of helmets of different sizes and bright colours each with its own light for people to take for exploring the open parts of the cave. Oversuits and harnesses were provided as well. Behind the back of the hut were more steps leading to the entrance to the cave, big enough for two people to walk side by side. Once past that entrance visitors would have to walk behind each other. Common walkways were taken by tourists and cavers, but there were other routes that were off the path only taken by guided tours. Those paths were not as worn but showed more natural sights and one of them was taken by the Caving Team.

  • The handlamps they had cut an eerie yellow path through the dark passages, making the damp walls look like they were oozing with some sort of molten slime. Tricks of the light, the rocks were still quite stony, but formed into rivulets by eons of erosion and deposits. - Cade Foster
  • Ed's voice echoed in the passage in a way that seemed to emphasize how enclosed they were. It was punctuated by a slow dripping sound of water or some other liquid falling into a pool somewhere.- Edward Spears

Scavenger Hunt

A cultural scavenger hunt that was designed by the hotel’s hospitality staff.

  • First hint: "In ancient Endaasi culture, midday meant time to sit and enjoy a glass of merbata with a friend. Traditionally, merbata is brewed in a tzarera. Find a traditional tzarera."

The team interprets the hint as either beer or coffee related. After a quick search in the directory, they find three close locations of coffee shops and head to the direction with two of them.