Lael Rosek

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“You don't know what you're alive for until you know what you would die for.”

Crew of the USS Za


Lieutenant Lael Rosek

Lieutenant, Junior Grade Lael Rosek is currently a HCO Officer serving aboard the USS Gorkon.



  • Full Name: Lael Elizabeth Rosek
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Al-Leyan/Terran
  • Telepathic Status: T1/E3
  • Age: 27
  • Date of Birth: 236610.24
  • Place of Birth: Cedar Springs, Kent County, Michigan, Earth
  • Astrological Sign: Scorpio
  • Birthstones: Opal and Tourmaline
  • Accent: Mild Midwestern
  • Marital Status: Divorced


  • Height: 5’10
  • Weight: 121lbs
  • Build: Thin, Athletic
  • Hair Color and Length: Long, Chestnut Brown
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Scars/Visible Injuries: Thin line above left eyebrow (slammed into a bulkhead during a firefight); On right side of abdomen (from being stabbed by a Romulan knife).
  • Tattoos: "You Don't Know What You're Alive For Until You Know What You Would Die For" on left shoulder; "Trust" in Romulan script on inside of left wrist; "Love" in Romulan script on inside of right wrist
  • Clothing/Style: Vintage (especially floral and geometric patterns; anything unusual or different); Hipster; Likes to wear creams, purples, oranges, dark reds, dark blues (whatever complements her hair color best for the moment)


  • Carriage/Poise: confident, determined, graceful, purposeful
  • Physical Limitations: Walks somewhat stiffly due to spinal injury (her legs and back sometimes seize up or stiffen on her) [See Medical Record]


She is extremely ambitious, persistent, determined and somewhat controlling. Not in a stubborn sense however, because she works for what she wants and controls with justified reasons. She never gives up when in pursuit of a goal. She is resourceful, adaptable and flexible, allowing her to re-survey a situation and take a different approach if necessary. She is fiercely competitive with strong observation skills and an excellent memory, allowing her to recall facts and when necessary, bring them to the table at the time of need. She uses proper facts and arguments to support her thoughts and opinions, ultimately winning her many intellectual and other battles. Her adaptability makes her an asset in diplomatic situations and she excels at restoring order to a chaotic situation.


Charming and self-confident, Lael is the ideal diplomat and a great person to have around in tense situations. She puts all she has into everything she does and doesn't settle for anything less than spectacular. Her strong intuition allows her to determine a person's true motives, alerting her in moments if the individual is not to be trusted. Fiercely loyal, faithful and dependable, she will fight for those she loves and for what she believes is right. Her high intellect and dedication makes her a great problem-solver, an ideal person in a crisis. She's mentally strong, which allows her to overcome most external influences. Her natural curiosity and love of exploration make her exciting company.


Despite her high intellect, Lael is prone to extreme jealousy and once involved in something, can border on obsessive. She's the classic workaholic, determined to solve all the universe's problems herself. She doesn't forgive easily and never forgets, occasionally acting on her vengeful tendancies. Part of her natural diplomatic skill is her ability to manipulate. Though she more often than not uses this trait for good, it comes in handy when she's in the mood for revenge. Her stubbornness and low tolerance for change mean she's inflexible regarding her beliefs and routines. She has great difficulty in acknowledging her flaws and can be somewhat judgmental of others, especially if her own beliefs are attacked.

FULL DETAILS: Personality Profile


Full Details: See Biography



Full Details: See Relationships


Full Details: See Relationships


FULL DETAILS: Relationships




Cedar Springs Middle School

  • Location: Cedar Springs, Michigan
  • School Mascot: Hawk
  • Attended: 237908.12-238105.25
  • Clubs:Future Farmers of Earth (FFE)
  • Atheletics: Cross Country, Basketball

Cedar Springs High School

  • Location:Cedar Springs, Michigan
  • School Mascot: Hawk
  • Attended: 238108.12-238505.25
  • Clubs: National Honor Society
  • Athletics: Track, Cross Country, Competitive Cheer


Starfleet Academy

  • Attended: 238508.17 - 238905.10
    • Majors: Communcations & Ops, Engineering
    • Minor: Physics


Daystrom Institute of Technology:






Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank From To Position
Cadet 4th 238508.12 238603.17 Major:Command
Cadet 3rd 238608.17 238705.25 Major: Engineering & Helm/Communications/Operations; Minor: Physics
Cadet 2nd 238801.17 238901.16 Major: Engineering & Helm/Communications/Operations; Minor: Physics
StarBase 118 OpsOps-icon.gif
Engineering Division
Cadet 1st 238901.17 239001.14 Engineering Apprentice
USS Centris-A
Cadet 1st 239001.14 239101.15 Engineering Officer
USS Victory Intrepid-icon1.gif
Engineering Division
Ensign 239202.24 239205.21 Engineering Officer
HCO Division
Lieutenant JG 239205.22 239207.16 HCO
USS Gorkon Sovereign-icon2.gif
HCO Division
Lieutenant JG 239207.16 Present HCO
Award Name Stardate Assignment
Genesis Award Genesis Award 2392 USS Victory
Service Ribbon Name Stardate Assignment
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 2392 Starfleet Academy
Starfleet Academy
Awards ServiceRibbons Prometheus Incident 2014.jpg
Prometheus Ribbon 2392 USS Victory
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Prisoner of War Ribbon 2392 USS Victory
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon 2392 USS Victory
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart 2392 USS Victory
Awards ServiceRibbons medicalscience 2013.jpg
Medical Science Ribbon 2392 USS Victory
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation 2392 USS Gorkon
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart 2393 USS Gorkon
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon.png
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon 2393 USS Gorkon
Awards ServiceRibbons ExtendedService 2011.jpg
Extended Service Ribbon 2393 USS Gorkon
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Legion of Merit 2393 USS Gorkon
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Distinguished Service Ribbon 2393 USS Gorkon


NPC Listing   ·   USS Gorkon Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Quinn Reynolds PIC Uniform.png
Quinn Reynolds
2O & Ops. Chief
Jo Marshall
Vylaa zh'Tisav.png
Chief Engineer
Vylaa zh'Tisav
Doz Finch 2402.png
Asst. Chief Engineer
Doz Finch
Sec/Tac Officer
Kestra Nin
USS Gorkon-logo.png
Samira neathler xo.png
First Officer
Samira Neathler
Mission Specialist
Ayiana Sevo
Nera Ay Ensign.png
Medical Officer
Nera Ay
Russell Standish Ensign.png
Medical Officer
Russell Standish
Tahna Meru LCDR.png
Chief of Science
Tahna Meru
Taelon AO2.jpg
Science Officer
Vesela Pace Ensign.png
Science Officer
Vesela Pace
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