Pathfinder Award

Revision as of 01:29, 1 May 2022 by Ikaia Wong (talk | contribs)
Hall of Honor-Sidebar.png

Pathfinder Award
Awards General Pathfinder 2015.png
(direct image file)
Type: general award
Award Level: ship

Awarded to individuals who have taken great care in mentoring other members during their early stages of simming and beyond. They are great communicators who continuously find ways to motivate and inspire their mentees.


Wes Greaves LtCol.png
Wes Greaves
USS Thor

Jona ch'Ranni
Lt. Commander
USS Gorkon

Kiran Han.png
Kiran Han
Lt. Commander
USS Juneau

Addison MacKenzie
Lt. Commander
USS Resolution

Alora deveau2.png
Alora DeVeau
Lt. Commander
StarBase 118 Ops

Wil Ukinix
Lt. Commander
USS Veritas

Year Rank Name Writer ID Ship
2021 Lieutenant Wes Greaves E239702WG0 USS Thor
2021 Lt. Commander Jona ch'Ranni C239510JC0 USS Gorkon
2021 Lt. Commander Kiran Han E239410DH0 USS Juneau
2021 Lt. Commander Addison MacKenzie V239601AM0 USS Resolution
2021 Lt. Commander Alora DeVeau M239008AD0 StarBase 118 Ops
2021 Lt. Commander Wil Ukinix V239511WU0 USS Veritas
2020 Marine Captain Kurt Logan E239203KL0 Atlantis
2020 Lt. Commander Yito Seja E239306LB0 Constitution
2020 Lt. Commander Jocelyn Marshall G239304JM0 Gorkon
2020 Lt. Commander Quentin Collins E239512QCO Juneau
2020 Lt. Commanderl Alexander Brodie A239005BM0 Thor
2020 Lt. Commander Jansen Orrey O238506JO0 Veritas
2019 Lt. Commander Gogigobo Fairhug E239411GF0 Starbase 118 Ops
2019 Rear Admiral Toni Turner E238209TT0 Embassy of Duronis II
2019 Lt. Commander Serala A239412S10 Atlantis
2019 Lieutenant German Galven V239507GG0 Astraeus
2019 Commander Jarred Thoran A239405JT0 Columbia
2019 Commander Saveron R238802S10 Constitution
2019 Lieutenant Genkos Adea G239502GS0 Gorkon
2019 Commander Niccolò del Vedova V238208LV0 Veritas
2018 Lt. Commander Randal Shayne G239202RS0 Andaris Task Force
2018 Commander Tal Tel-ar T237708TT0 Atlantis
2018 Lt. Commander Jalana Rajel A238906JL0 Constitution
2018 Lt. Commander Ishani Kasun O239306IK0 StarBase 118 Ops
2018 Lt. Commander Lael Rosek I238110RH0 Veritas
2017 Lt. Commander Merrick R'Ven G239202RS0 Andaris Task Force
2017 Lt. Commander Shar'wyn Foster E239010ST0 Constitution-B
2017 Lt. Commander Oddas Aria E239305OA0 Embassy of Duronis II
2017 Commander Theo Whittaker C239203TW0 Starbase 118 Ops
2017 Commander Kelrod K238008KT0 Veritas
2016 Lt. Commander Rustyy Hael A239202RH0 Constitution
2016 Captain Renos A238805EB0 Darwin-A
2016 Lt. Commander Talia Kaji E239008TK0 Doyle
2016 Lt. Commander Brayden Jorey T239002BJ0 Duronis II Embassy
2016 Captain Quinn Reynolds T238401QR0 Gorkon
2016 Lt. Commander T'Lea I238301T10 Invicta
2016 Lt. Commander Tatash C239108T10 StarBase 118 Ops
2015 Lt. Commander Ren Rennyn A239102RR0 Apollo
2015 Lt. Commander Maxwell Traenor A239111MT0 Darwin
2015 Captain Selene Faranfey A239001SF0 Doyle-A
2015 Major Ben Edwards A238806K10 Duronis II Embassy
2015 Lt. Commander Chythar Skyfire O239002CS0 Gorkon
2015 Lt. Commander Roshanara Rahman I238705TZ0 Invicta


Fleet: duty post awardsspecial awardsstaff awards
Ship: general awards Individual: length of service awards

TOSMA Genesis Award Scotty Cross Neelix Award
Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
Awards General GenesisAward 2011.jpg
Awards General ScottyCross 2011.jpg
Awards General Neelix 2011.jpg
Laudean Commendation Silver Palm Sheathed Sword B-Plot Award
Laudean Commendation.png
Awards General SilverPalm 2011.jpg
Awards General SheathedSword 2011.jpg
Awards General BPlot 2011.jpg
Pathfinder Award Khan Award Q Award Vega Award
Awards General Pathfinder 2015.png
Awards The Khan Award.png
Q Award.png
Vega Award.png
Combs Cross Nebula Bar Russ Bar O'Brien Award
Combs Cross.png
Awards General NebulaBar 2011.jpg
Awards General RussBar 2011.jpg
O'Brien Award.png

See also: commemorative coinsbadgesstaff officer ranks

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