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USS Juneau
Position Medical Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Human/Vulcan
Gender Male
DOB 232410.03
Age 77
Birthplace Rh'lar, Han-shir Continent, Vulcan
Writer ID J239808S11

/Academy Transcript
/Medical Records
/Psychological Profile
/Personal Log

Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Player Achievements
Friends in high places
What's up, doc?
A face for the name
It's all in the details
Data hound
Primum Nil Nocere

Ensign Sival, M.D., Ph.D., is currently serving as a Medical Officer aboard the USS Juneau. Born in Rh'lar, Vulcan and trained in Condar, Betazed, Sival spent a varied career specializing in diagnosis, physiology, family medicine, field medicine and psychiatry. After having worked with veterans suffering from PTSD, Sival was motivated to apply his skills to Starfleet. When not on duty, Sival keeps a residence in Tempe, Arizona, Earth, where he enjoys parasailing, weather watching and playing the violin.

Stats and Appearance

  • Full Name: Sival
  • Gender Identity: Male
  • Sexual Orientation: Straight
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Religion / Spiritual Devotion: Buddhism & Teachings of Surak
  • Telepathic status: T5/E0
  • Height: 1.8m
  • Weight: 68kg
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Length of Hair: Short
  • Hairstyle: Traditional Vulcan male
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Other Facial Features: Prominent Vulcan eyebrows and ears
  • Skin Tone: Dark
  • Build: Average
  • Handedness: Left


  • Wife: Emily Sanford (Human), Starfleet Astrophysicist (deceased)
  • Son: Christopher Sanford (Human / Vulcan), Marine Exobiologist
  • Father: Josiah Webb (Human), Doctor (deceased)
  • Mother: T'pel (Vulcan), Historian
  • Siblings: One Half-Sister, T'pyn (Vulcan), Anthropologist
  • Pets: None


  • Myers-Briggs: INTP
  • Temperament: calm, controlled, easy-going, sometimes excitable, even-tempered, sometimes impulsive, optimistic, peaceful, reliable, thoughtful
  • Strengths: analytical, original, open-minded, curious, objective, compassionate
  • Weaknesses: impatient, sometimes disconnected and lost in thought, not easily satisfied, perfectionist
  • Attributes: cautious, courageous, discreet, empathetic, focused, humble, independent, industrious, merciful, nature-focused, pensive, persistent, private, proactive, wise
  • Flaws: indecisive, nervous, obsessive, scatterbrained
  • Habits: taps fingers absentmindedly
  • Mannerisms / Quirks: forced blinking, raised eyebrow, overuse of passive voice when speaking Federation Standard, tendency to count things
  • Description of Living Space: neat, tidy, clean, (mostly) organized
  • Clothing Style: pressed, conservative (off-duty)
  • Talents: Able to draw upon both intuition and reason; affinity for music
  • Skills: can easily classify and distinguish like things; performs advanced calculations mentally
  • Areas of Incompetence: may not always establish realistic objectives and goals based on what is practical instead of what his confidence level tells him is possible; may not always follow through on all of the small yet important details involved in a process; may put off making a decision;[1] can be arrogant and dismissive at times
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: meteorology (weather watching); playing the violin, parasailing
  • Favorite Topics: hermeneutics; astronomy; marine life; theology
  • Likes: puzzles; obscure trivia; food
  • Dislikes: weaponry; ferrets
  • Morals and Values: achievement, adventure, calmness, courage, creativity, dependability, education, emotion, fairness, family, fitness, honesty, knowledge, passion, peace, positivity, reason, relaxation, reliability, respect, responsibility, service, spirituality, stability, success, wisdom
  • Primary Motivators: making a difference; achieving what's possible
  • Greatest Fear: being banal
  • Words of Advice (for Sival): Be patient with others who don't grasp concepts in the same way you do. Work at improving your social skills.

See more at /Psychological Profile.

Chronological History

  • 2324 - Birth, Rh’lar, Han-shir Continent, Vulcan
  • 2354 - Completed Medical Degree in Comparative Physiology, Earth
  • 2356 - Completed Ph.D. in Psychology, Betazed
  • 2358 - Completed M.D. in Psychiatry, Mars
  • 2358 - 2381 - Resident at Condar Hospital, Betazed
  • 2381 - 2386 - Médecins Sans Frontières, Various locations in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants
  • 2386 - 2393 - Trauma Counseling / Psychiatry; University Hospital, Mars and Hartford Hospital, Earth
  • 2393 - 2397 - Starfleet Academy, Earth
  • 2397 - Posting as Medical Officer on the USS Arrow
  • 2397 - 2398 - Sival Inactive for a Time
  • 2398 - Posting as Medical Officer on the USS Juneau

Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 2393 - 2397 Starfleet Academy
Ensign SD 239709.29 - 239710.22 USS Arrow
Medical Officer
Ensign SD 239826.08 - Present USS Juneau
Medical Officer

Key Relationships

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Missions and Shoreleaves

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Sim Archive

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NPC Listing   ·   USS Juneau Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Oddas Aria.png
Commanding Ofc.
Oddas Aria
Kalia Qinn.png
Kalia Qinn
Karise Indobri.png
Chief Med Ofc.
Karise Indobri
Lieutenant Commander Tomas Falt.png
Chief Science Ofc.
Tomas Falt
Ens aratta.png
Science Ofc.
Aratta Eriddu
Chief Sec/tac Ofc.
John Kendrick
Engineering Ofc.
Sera ltjg.png
Engineering Ofc.
Engineering Ofc.
Zaaia Leix.png
Marine Ofc.
Zaaia Leix
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Main Page


Academy Transcript Medical Records Psychological Profile Personal Log

Notes and Resources


  USS Juneau
  Juneau Manual
  Medical (Duty Post)
  Starbase 118 Forums
  Starbase 118 Discord


Stats and Appearance
Chronological History
Service History
Key Relationships
Missions and Shoreleaves
SIM Archive
Notes and Resources
Psychological Profile
Medical Records
  1. Adapted from Barron, Barbara, and Paul Tieger. Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type. Revised, Updated, Little, Brown and Company, 2007; page 225.
  2. "Considerations", Ensign Sival, USS Juneau, 239811.25