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(→‎2010 Awards: updated to include Strange Medallion)
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* ''B-Plot Award''
* ''B-Plot Award''
* ''Neelix Award''
* ''Neelix Award''
* ''Strange Medallion''

Revision as of 11:24, 29 January 2011


Lieutenant Commander Tallis Rhul is currently assigned as First Officer aboard the USS Ronin.



  • Tallis Rhul is a hardworking, efficient member of the force who holds his fellow officers in the highest regard. He is calm, to the point, often business-like, and difficult to intimidate. He likes to look people in the eye, in any situation. His work is of the utmost importance to him, and he dedicates a large part of his life to furthering his abilities in his chosen field of piloting, either on the holodeck, or in his quarters studying star charts and astrogation.
  • Tallis also takes his faith seriously, and will always ask his commanding officer for permission to break uniform code to wear his earring for religious reasons. This has met with limited success so far in the academy, but he will always abide by his CO’s decision. Aside from piloting, Rhul tries to keep in the best physical shape possible, and was selected for the track team in his final year at the academy. While he may not be able to analyse new space-phenomena in depth, or prevent an almost certain warp core breach, negotiate a treaty with a hostile race or cure an outbreak of Tarellian plague, Tallis feels that he can always be relied on in a pinch to fight his corner when needed, and to pilot a ship to the highest standards in the fleet.
  • Mannerisms: Not afraid to look people in the eye. When psyching himself up for something tends to quickly brush one finger under his nose.
  • Temperament: Hard-working and efficient. Generally patient, tries hard to be kind where it's needed. Not easy to intimidate. Has an extremely bad temper, but finds it very easy to control, usually triggered by unnecessary criticism or racial slurs.
  • Habits: Orders coffee unsweetened when in a bad mood.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Worships the Prophets, observes as many customs, rituals and special events as possible. Holds the Gratitude Festival very dear.
  • Quarters: Area set aside for meditation, with a Bajoran Icon, candles and a prayer mat. No family photographs are displayed in his quarters. A track medal is held in a display case on a cabinet near his bed, along with two or three photographs of academy friends. In addition, there is a holographic display of a Bajoran Interceptor, with the word "Soban" scratched on the underside, about palm-size.

Hobbies and Pastimes

  • Piloting
    • Often spends much of his free time in the holodeck, practising piloting various crafts of different sizes.
  • Wood Carving
    • Hand-carves Bajoran flutes, the best of which are kept in a rack that is hung on the side wall of his quarters.

Likes and Dislikes

  • Likes:-
    • Completing tasks to the best of his ability (a matter of personal pride).
    • Hasperat, Bajoran three nut coffee, Tempura.
    • Track and Field Athletics, and holds an interest in the Terran Olympic Games.
    • Trying out the helm of new vessels - real or on the holodeck.
  • Dislikes:-
    • Arrogance
    • Wasting time
    • Bolian cuisine
  • Favorite Room: His quarters/the holodeck (running his favourite piloting program)

Ambitions and Goals

Tallis's main ambition is to be the best pilot in the fleet. He works as hard as he can to constantly keep his piloting skills on top par, and likes to think that no matter the ship, shuttle or warship, he will be able to live up to the highest needs of its captain and crew. As with many other starfleet officers, Tallis is keen to ascend through the ranks and someday have his own command. However, he understands that this takes time, effort, and service above and beyond the call of duty.

Personal Achievements and Disappointments

  • Achievements
    • Academy Track Medal awarded for the 200 & 400 metres sprint on stardate 238506.12
    • In recognition of work put in outside teaching hours, Tallis was given the personal gift of a flight simulation program by one of the academy professors, a human named Alistair McNeil, on stardate 238305.05. This remains Tallis's favourite holodeck program.
    • Tallis is extremely proud of his first posting in Starfleet - the U.S.S. Challenger-A on 238607.15
  • Disappointments
    • Tallis is extremely reluctant to broach the subject of his departure from Bajor, which took place on stardate 237902.20.


Tallis does not often talk about his family, other than occasional references to them living on Bajor. The only exception to this rule is his brother Soban, with whom he is very close, and tries to keep in contact as often as possible.

  • Mother: Tallis Meral (age 56)
  • Father: Tallis Kern (age 57)
  • Brother: Tallis Soban (age 30)

Rhul and Soban were always extremely close, and growing up as children of the occupation served to strengthen that bond, cementing them into the best of friends as well as brothers. Soban regards their age difference as meaningless, and always did, which in his younger years often led him into trouble. His parents, Meral and Kern, often scolded him for taking a 5 year old Rhul away from their home on the edge of the Rakantha province, and quite rightly so, as Cardassian soldiers were not guaranteed to treat young Bajorans kindly. Perhaps the defining moment of their friendship was when Soban rescued his younger brother from a Cardassian patrol by stealing an unattended Bajoran Interceptor and piloting the two of them to safety. Rhul has never forgotten this, and it lies at the heart of his motivation to be a pilot. Now that Rhul is a member of Starfleet, he does not often have a chance to visit his brother, who himself became a member of the Bajoran Militia. This he regrets, but whenever he has the chance to take leave, he will head back to Bajor to meet his brother and catch up on old times.

Personal History

Born in the Rakantha province of Bajor, Rhul’s early years were not the most comfortable of his life. He seldom speaks about his memories of early childhood, other than the story of his brother Soban rescuing them both from a Cardassian patrol by stealing an unattended Bajoran Interceptor and flying to safety. This is the moment that inspired Rhul to become a pilot, and while his brother went on to serve as an upstanding member of the Bajoran militia, Rhul was sent away from Bajor to pursue his education elsewhere.At the academy, Rhul spent much of his time studying Astrogation and Stellar Cartography, channelling most of his academic efforts towards fulfilling his dream. His free time would largely be taken up in holodeck simulations, as he practised piloting in every free moment, gaining expertise in sitting at the helm of ships as large as a Galaxy class starship or as small and manoeuvrable as a Type-6 shuttle. His favourite simulation was one that was programmed for him especially by a professor at the academy, in which the participant has to pilot a Bajoran Interceptor through an extremely hazardous area of space to ferry a Klingon diplomat to an important talk with the Kai.

  1. 236302.15: Tallis is born in Rakantha Province, Bajor.
  2. 236901.07: Tallis is rescued from a Cardassian patrol by his brother. This becomes his inspiration for being a pilot.
  3. 237902.20: Tallis departs Bajor, and takes up residence for a short while in Tycho City, Luna.
  4. 238203.11: Tallis's entry into Starfleet Academy is approved and he begins classes for his first year.
  5. 238305.05: During his third year at the Academy, Tallis's extra-curricular work is acknowledged by his teacher and mentor Alistair McNeil.
  6. 238506.12: Tallis wins a track medal for the 200m and 400m sprint events. Due to increasing workload, largely self-imposed, he does not compete in any further sporting events at the Academy.
  7. 238607.12: Tallis graduates Starfleet Academy
  8. 238607.15: Tallis begins service on his first post, the U.S.S. Challenger-A



Military History

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
004-Cadet1st-Red.jpg Cadet 1st Class 238607.12 Graduated Starbase 118 Academy Helmsman
01-Ensign-Gold.jpg Ensign 238607.15 - 238609.23 USS Challenger-A Helmsman
02-LieutenantJG-Gold.jpg Lieutenant j.g. 238609.23 - 238701.07 USS Challenger-A Helmsman
03-Lieutenant-Gold.jpg Lieutenant 238701.07 - 238706.07 USS Challenger-A Chief of Operations
04-LtCommander-Gold.jpg Lieutenant Commander 238706.07 - 238708.02 USS Challenger-A Second Officer/Chief of Operations
04-LtCommander-Gold.jpg Lieutenant Commander 238708.02 - 238709.13 USS Challenger-A Acting First Officer
04-LtCommander-Gold.jpg Lieutenant Commander 238709.13 - 238709.23 USS Challenger-A Second Officer/Chief of Operations
04-LtCommander-Red.jpg Lieutenant Commander 238709.23 - Present USS Ronin First Officer


2009 Awards

  • The Silver Palm

2010 Awards

  • B-Plot Award
  • Neelix Award
  • Strange Medallion


USS Challenger - A Missions

Fighting Stones II
Double Trouble
Ghost Ship
The Battle for Deep Space 17

USS Ronin Missions

Return to T8A

NPC Listing   ·   USS Ronin Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Niac PORTRAIT-nightshade-intensity-LOW-V1.jpg
Karrod Niac
LtCdr Toryn Raga.png
First Officer
Toryn Raga
Ian OConnor Ensign.png
Ian O'Connor
Chief Tact/Sec
Kirsty L.Carpenter
Marty Tucker LtJG.png
Chief Engineer
Marty Tucker
Tess Evinrude Character Image - Ensign.jpg
Ops Officer
Tess Evinrude
T'fearne ENS.jpg
Sec. Officer
T’Fearne Elaazni
Alieth ltcmmdr.png
CSO & 2O
Luxa action.png
Science Officer
Luxa Lorana
Sybil nemes wm.png
Science Officer
Sybil Nemes
Quentin Beck LtJG.png
Quentin Beck
Alyndra Syrex.png
Medical Officer
Alyndra Syrex
Chief Counselor
USS Ronin-logo.png
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