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| {{Sb118Ops}} | | {{Sb118Ops}} |
| The following is a compilation of mission summaries over the course of the last few years at StarBase 118 Operations. This mission archives are incomplete. | | The following is a compilation of mission summaries from both current and prior Commanding Officers of [[StarBase 118 Ops]]: |
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| ==Captain [[Drawoh, Rocar|Rocar Drawoh]] Missions== | | ==Active Logs - Current Station Commander== |
| | [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Gogigobo Fairhug|Commander Gogigobo Fairhug Missions]] |
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| ===Chapter 1 - Temporal Time Bombs=== | | ==Active Archive - Former Station Commanders== |
| | * [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim|Commodore Sal Taybrim Missions]] |
| | * [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Leo Handley-Page|Captain Leo Handley-Page Missions]] |
| | * [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/William Rogers|Captain William Rogers Missions]] |
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| Aboard Starbase 118, the new crew were just assembling in Gala Hall Beta for a "meet and greet" cerimony. [[Drawoh, Rocar|Captain Rocar]] beamed over and began introductions of the crew from the USS Victory. The party was going well with Lt. Ramieriz livening up things with an impromptu show on the stage. Everything was going well until Paul Yenkevich kidnapped Ensign kalpana Geeva in the middle of the festiviites. Using her as a hostage, he took over the party, holding everyone at phaser point. He had about 16 men with him and they all were holding the guests hostage. Yenkevich clained that Starfleet invaded Magnus IV, a colony and blew it up, killing several civilians. He said he was
| | * [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Kalianna Nicholotti|Captain Kalianna Nicholotti Missions]] |
| getting revenge for that. As the crew tried to save Geeva, Yenkevich stepped up
| | * [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Andrus Jaxx|Captain Andrus Jaxx Missions]] |
| his game a knotch and opened fire on the crowd, which included women and
| | * [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Jhen Thelev|Commander Jhen Thelev Missions]] |
| children. Rameriz, who had crawled under the stage, rigged up the lights to
| | * [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sidney Riley|Captain Sidney Riley Missions]] |
| shine very bright. Everyone became blinded as the fire fight continued. Lt.
| | * [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Lily Ventu|Captain Lily Ventu Missions]] |
| Cmdr Stone was shot down as well as a few others, including Commander Diamond.
| | * [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Rocar Drawoh|Captain Rocar Drawoh Missions]] |
| Those who had phasers opened fire on the bad guys and took down several. Others
| | * [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Mal Avatar|Captain Mal Avatar Missions]] |
| used what was at their disposal. Yenkevich retreated, taking Ensign Geeva with
| | * [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Tyr Waltas|Captain Tyr Waltas Missions]] |
| him. Chief of Security, Tash Zubowskevich locked down the station, which didn't
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| allow ships to leave or dock. Security followed in pursuit. In the meantime,
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| Gala Hall Beta became a medical room instead of a party room as doctors and
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| nurses flooded the hall, taking care of the injured.. Yenkevich ran to a park
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| area where security cornered him. However, Yenkevich got away by forcing Ensign
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| Geeva to give her security overide code. Yenkevich was beamed to safety. Due
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| to a virus that began running at the point of beam out, the trasnporter beam
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| could not be traced. Yenkevich got away. However, he left the base in a mess,
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| which had to be cleaned up by the crew of the station. Everything slowly
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| returned to normal aboard the station. Captain Rocar called for and early
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| meeting at 0800 hours the next morning.
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| As the command staff attempted to put thing back together in the
| | ==Damaged Archive - Starfleet Historical Reconstruction project in Process== |
| aftermath of the massacre during the ceremony to celebrate the arrival
| | * Captain Steve McCall Missions |
| of the new command crew, An operative working for the organization
| | * Captain Day-Van Pel Nekkar Missions |
| behind the massacre puts into action phase two. Phase two involves
| | * Captain Xan Hebron Missions |
| activating a machine, culled together using data from an incident on
| | * Captain Malcolm Lysander Missions |
| the starship Voyager, that fractures time. Their plan is to send
| | * Captain Ciara Randor Missions |
| operatives to different points in the timeline of the Starbase 118,
| | * [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Curtis Arvanon|Captain Curtis Arvanon Missions]] |
| The ultimate goal has yet to be revealed.
| | * Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf Missions |
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| Meanwhile, the station has an envoy from both the Klingon Empire and
| | [[Category:StarBase 118 Mission History|*]] |
| the Romulan Star Empire to hash out details of an agreement to allow
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| medical ships to cross into each others ships. In addition there is
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| the final investigation to conduct to find the perpetrator of the
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| massacre and to find the reasons behind the massacre, and finally
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| security must put together and enact new measures to make the station
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| safer and calm the civilian population. Captain Rocar spits the
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| command staff into three teams to attend to their assigned duties,
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| The machine, a device that fractures time, is activated from the bowls
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| of the station. And the starbase is once again plunged into chaos.
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| One team finds themselves twelve years in the future and are attacked
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| by the dominate species on the base, vicious alien "dogs" able to
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| camouflage themselves. They are saved by the last of the previous
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| inhabitants of the starbase, a small war weary crew and a handful of
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| civilians fighting to keep the derelict station together, who have
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| holed up in the command center. Once to safety, after initial
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| distrust, the crews ban together to repel an attack by another outside
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| force.
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| The second team is sent twelve years in the past to a newly
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| constructed Starbase 118. They encounter very little resistance and
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| very little help. The only ones aboard the station are the builders,
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| who are more concerned with the station construction leaving the
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| stranded party to their own devices. They formulate a plan to contact
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| the future.
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| The third team is left in the present, but find themselves faced with
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| missing crew members, a contingent of Klingons, a Captain in sickbay,
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| and a Starbase fractured into different shards of time. One shard
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| in-particular where the sole inhabitant in stuck in a three hour time
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| loop gives team three enough information to put together a plan to
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| reverse the fractures, and return the station to a point three hours
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| in the past, hopefully giving them enough time to find what caused the
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| fractures, stop it from happening and changing the current timeline.
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| Under the command of the newly arrived first officer, they race
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| against time to reverse the affects of the machine.
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| Several time anomaly's have sprung up around the station.
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| These are causing time to repeat it's self every two hours.T'Lea worked out that
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| unless the time splitting device was found and stopped the whole of SB118 would
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| be caught inside one.Trapped forever going over the last two hours.
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| A plan was hatched to go back in time and stop the device from being set.However
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| they had worked out that once back they would have a limited time before their
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| future selfs arrived on the station and they would vanish back into the time
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| line.
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| Lcmd T'Lea , Lcmd Harden and Cmdr Perkins went back in time to stop Forbes and
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| his terrorists from planting the device.
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| But Forbes did not give up lightly and a fire fight broke out. T'lea managed to
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| reach the device but vanished back into the time line before she could do
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| anything.
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| She was able to throw the device to Perkins. Who faced with only one option open
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| to him. Foolishly stamped on the device smashing it and getting himself blown
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| up.
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| However it worked and everything returned to normal with one exception. Three
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| tmie preditor hounds had found a way through and were now stalking the station.
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| They feed on Tachyons and with several of the crew covered in them it was dinner
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| time. Security managed to kill one but Lt. Cmdr. Tash Zubowskivich COS was
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| bitten and had a nasty re-action to the bite. He turned into a wolf but CMO
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| Harden cured him.
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| The second hound charged into sickbay and made to turn a badly injured Cmdr
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| Perkins into lunch. But it to met a messy end much to the relief of Perkins!
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| The third foolishly walked into a bar full of drunk Klingons. Forbes had been
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| hiding in the bar and was killed by the beast. Then it was killed by the drunk
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| Klingons.
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| But trouble is now brewing. The Klingons worked up by their success have got
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| extremely drunk and are now heading to start a fight with a party of Romulans
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| who are also on the station.
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| Commander Perkins, Lt. Cmdr
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| T'Lea and Lt. Cmdr Harden traveled back in time and destroyed the stolen time altering device. However, 3 Hell Dogs came back through the portal and began a killing spree on
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| the station. In the middle of this chaos, Lt. Cmdr Zubowskivich was bitten by a
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| hell dog. He was rescued by Lt. Fanel, Ensign Sharee and Lt. Geeva, who took
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| him to SickBay. In sickbay, one of the hell dogs had tried to attack Commander
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| Perkins. The hell dog drove those within Sickbay into the CMO's office. The
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| hell dog was gunned down. Lt. Cmdr Stone locked down the station as there was
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| no telling how many hell dogs had come through the time portal. The station was
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| searched for the people who planted the time altering device. However, the hell
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| dog that was loose killed the surviving perpatrator. Lockdown was then lifted.
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| The Captain, who had fallen unconscious, recovered and was released from Sick
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| Bay. Plans for a 3 day stationwide festival started with Lt. Geeva and Ensign
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| Sharee in charge. The festival began and the crew and civilians began to enjoy
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| themselves.
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| The Captain, Lt. Cmdr Stone, Ensign Sharee, Ensign Dusseldorf, Lt. Fanel and his
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| wife, Lt. Cmdr Kitiganzibi and Commander Perkins began visiting the station's
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| local businesses and meeting the owners. In the meantime, despite the festive
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| atmosphere, several shady characters walked the station, including members of
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| the Tal Shiar. The crew of Starbase 118 Ops met together, chatted and enjoyed
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| the festivies.
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| ===Chapter 2 - The Festival===
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| Starbase 118 Ops was hosting a 3 day festival, organized
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| by [[Geeva, Kalpana|Lt. Geeva Kalpana]] and [[Sharee, Delinda| Lt.Jg.Delinda Sharee]]. Everyone was enjoying the festivities until an
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| ecaped convict from Betazed arrived on the station and attacked [[Zubowskivich, Tash| Lt.Cmdr. Tash Zubowskivich]], Chief of Security, mind-raping him with her telepathic powers. [[Zubowskivich, Tash| Lt.Cmdr. Tash Zubowskivich]] enlisted the aide of F.O. Lt. Cmdr [[Stone, Cura|Stone]] and Lt. Cmdr. [[T'Lea]]
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| and several other telepaths from the Reader's Guild in hopes of capturing this
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| known fellon. Right in the middle of the festival, the plan to capture Armeni
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| evolved into a rather disturbing fiasco. Civilians ended up running every which
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| way as Cmdr.[[Stone, Cura|Stone]] and Cmdr. [[T'Lea]] attempted to gun down the telepath, Armeni.
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| However, despite their efforts, Armeni got away, without a scratch...
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| Meanwhile, Lt. Cmdr [[Harden, Julia|Julia Harden]], unknown to anyone, became possessed by Lady
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| Goddess Rumbuah and romanced by Lt. Sanys, a clerk from Archives Dept. Dr.
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| Harden later discovered she had been "sleep-walking" and her bionic leg, which
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| had been implanted during a surgical proceedure was giving her some trouble. Due
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| to her strange behaivor and sleep-walking episodes, Dr. Manor suggested she seek
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| the aide of Counselor Sharee. She was removed from duty.
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| In addition, several new and old officers and civlians began to arrive on the
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| station. Civilian Rian Tavis an engineering specialist, arrived and enjoyed the
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| last day of the festival in the Twilights Edge. 1st Lt. Dade
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| Adarnis, a Marine, transfered to the Starbase to head up the stations Marine
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| complement. In addition, Civilian [[Diamond, Paul|Paul Diamond]], once the stations FO, arrived
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| by transport and was detained, awaiting tranport to Earth. However, after a
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| short rendeavous with his old flame, Lt. Cmdr. Dr. [[Harden, Julia|Julia Harden]], his plans
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| seemed to have changed.
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| ===Chapter 3 - Mission [[Esogunot]] ===
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| [[Drawoh, Rocar|Rocar]] ]] and crew are invited to a warring planet in hopes of a Federation envoy quelling the violence. But instead of peace talks, the crew find themselves caught in the cross-hairs of a bitter battle.
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| The crew of [[Starbase 118]] Ops were sent out by Star Fleet Command to assist the [[[[Aerons ]]]] and the [[Gargons]] of the planet [[Esogonut]], in discussing terms of peace. The two races have been at war for nearly 100 years. It was the mission of the Starbase's crew to act as mediators during these negotiations. Senior officers were called aboard the station's new support vessel, The [[USS Aegis]], a [[Norway class]] vessel. A meeting was held in the conference room where it was explained that the ship was heading to the planet [[Esogonut]]. Their mission was to mediate between two races on the planet who have been at war for 100 years. After the debriefing, the crew decided to practice mountian climbing since the terrain of [[Esogonut]]is mostly cliffs.
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| After a debriefing, the crew trained in the holodecks, practicing mountain climbing, while the ship headed towards [[Esogonut]]. During their approach towards the planet, a Federation freighter was in orbit of [[Esogonut]]. and hailed the [[USS Aegis]]. The freighter was selling arms to factions of [[Aerons ]] and [[Gargons ]]on the planet, but they pretened to be crippled enroute to Starbase 17. Captain [[Drawoh, Rocar|Rocar]] split the crew into two away teams. Lt. Cmdr Stone's team would meet up with the Aeron leaders and Captain [[Drawoh, Rocar|Rocar]] 's team would meet up with the [[Gargons|Gargon ]]leaders. Yet before the away teams dispursed and before the Aegis landed on the planet's surface, The USS Baltimore achieved orbit and beamed over a new Ensign, Dr. Jarak. The USS Baltimore noticed the FSS
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| Unification in orbit and requested to search the vessel. The Aegis landed and
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| sent out the away teams. Captain [[Drawoh, Rocar|Rocar]] decided to put Lt. Cmdr Zubowskivich in charge of the team meeting with the [[Gargons ]]while he dealt with the increasing problem involving the starships Unification and the Baltimore in orbit. The Aegis dropped off the away teams and headed back into orbit. The away team met up with the Aeron and [[Gargons|Gargon ]]leaders and proceeded towards the respective cities to prepare for the upcoming peace negotiations. Enroute to the Aeron city of Ehso, renegade [[Gargons ]]attacked the Aeron welcoming party at the Gorge of Tes'het. Lt. Falcon and Lt. Geeva fell into the Gorge, while Jad'Ziarel, Captain
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| of the Royal Aegon Guard, kidnapped Lt Cmdr Stone, Dr. Jarak and Lt. Hilzarie
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| and took them to the Caves of Talor. Jad'Ziarel's brother, a male Aeron,
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| followed Jad'Ziarel and helped the three captured Federation officers escape.
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| Efforts to assist the [[Aerons ]] and [[Gargons ]]negotiate peace are still pending...
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| The crew of Starbase 118 was ordered by Starfleet Command to travel to the planet [[Esogunot]] and assist the two warring nations of [[Aerons ]] and [[Gargons|Gargon ]]in their peace talks. Having prepared and having landed on the surface of [[Esogonut]], the two away teams lead by Lt. Cmdr Cura Assanti-Stone and
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| Lt. Cmdr Tash Zubowskivich parted. Stone's team traveled with the [[Aerons ]] and
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| Zubowskivich's team went with the Gargons. However, despite the declaration of
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| a cease fire between the two nations, Assanti-Stone's away team were attacked at
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| the Gorge of Tes'het by renegade [[Gargons ]]armed with Romulan disrupters. In this
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| attack, Lt. Rho Falcon and Lt. Geeva fell from their Aeron's grasp while
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| crossing the Gorge by flight. Not only that, three of the away team members were
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| kidnapped by renegade [[Aerons ]]. Having been striped of com badges and gear, the 3
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| crew members were stuck with a group of renegade [[Aerons ]] led by Jud'Ziarel,
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| Captain of the Queen's Royal Guard. It was Jud'Ziarel's brother, Teleed who
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| managed to free the three Federationers.
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| Meanwhile, the team with the [[Gargons ]]reached the palace heights and were sitting
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| at the feast when the [[Gargons|Gargon ]]King fell over dead. General Hagon, leader of the [[Gargons|Gargon ]]military accused the Federation group, as one of their party, Commander Zubowskivich had gone missing. The [[Gargons|Gargon ]]Military was swayed into action, forcing the away team with the [[Gargons ]]into a POW camp, where they were worked and whipped. General Hagon then led half the [[Gargons|Gargon ]]military towards the Aeron City of Ehso. After some time, Lt. Sharee, having had breathing problems before enroute to the city, began having similar problems in the POW camp and was taken to be cared for. The away team, now captives, began thinking of a prison break. Elsewhere, in orbit of Esogonut, The [[USS Aegis]], the USS Baltimore and the FSS Unification wrestled with words and actions as a deadly game of power was displayed. The end result being that the commanding officer of the USS Baltimore and the FO of the Baltimore were supposedly killed. Captain [[Drawoh, Rocar|Rocar]] ,
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| aboard the [[USS Aegis]], sent Commander Sam Perkins to command the Baltimore and find out what happened to the Captain. The Baltimore followed the FSS
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| Unification towards Starbase 118, only to see the Unification fired upon and
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| explode by a cloaked vessel. However, two lifeforms were saved from the
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| Unification. Commander Perkins interrogated the two saved crewmembers of the
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| Unification and ultimately ran into conflict with a cloaked Romulan ship, the
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| Medos.
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| Back on the surface of Esogonut, Prince Esot, how King of the [[Gargons ]]mourned
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| his father's death. However, he had a change of heart after speaking with Lt.
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| Sharee, counselor, via PADD. Her words convinced the new King to take action.
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| He freed the remainder of the away team from the POW camp. During this time,
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| Captain [[Drawoh, Rocar|Rocar]] returned the Aegis to the planet and he beamed to the [[Gargons|Gargon ]]City
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| entrance. Captain [[Drawoh, Rocar|Rocar]] demanded to speak with the King. Plans were made to
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| meet with the [[Aerons ]] to discuss peace.
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| ==Captain [[Avatar, Mal|Avatar]] Missions==
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| ===Chapter 1 - The Festival===
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| * Stardate 238306.20
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| Following the return of the Columbia crew to their starship and subsequently StarBase 118, Captain Avatar was informed that he would be taking command of the starbase following their mission. The Columbia was badly damaged during their artificial wormhole test and the Phoenix was badly damaged during the retaking of the starbase from Romulan revolutionaries. This has left the starbase defended by just the Saber Class USS Arrow and the base's standard defenses. The change of command ceremony has just been completed as Captain Waltas handed over command to Captain Avatar. Following this ceremony a grand festival has been scheduled to help boost the starbase's economy and morale.
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| ===Chapter 2 - Murder!===
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| * Stardate 238308.03
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| At the tail end of the StarBase 118 festival, a murder took place, and not just a murder, but the murder of Community Leader Savron. Not much is know about Community Leader Savron, other than that he is an El-Aurian and well respected by the populace of StarBase 118. He was recently elected and Captain Avatar had hoped that he would ease the healing process following the Romulan insurgent occupation of the starbase. Avatar was present at the site of the murder. Someone shook hands with Savron and a virus was transmitted to him that caused his body to melt into a liquid substance. It was a horrible sight to see on the promenade of the starbase. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Commander T'Lea is leading an investigation in coordination with Doctor Franks and Lieutenant Alexander to get to the bottom of the murder.
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| ==Captain [[Waltas, Tyr|Tyr Waltas]] Missions==
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| ===Chapter 1 - The Fight to Retake the Base===
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| * Stardate 238304.01
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| In the fight to retake the base, the Romulan backup plan was discovered -- a series of 17 bombs daisy-chained together with a remote trigger. As a team of experts worked in a coordinated effort to defuse the bombs, under the direction of the Chief Engineer, Lt. Eskyys, the Chief of Security, Lt. Cmdr. Sandrine Avrille, searched for and eventually located the individual holding the remote trigger. Meanwhile, the Chief Science Officer, Ensign Aidan Scott, together with the Chief Medical Officer, Ensign Thalon Tamp, discovered that a group of former slaves had Romulan DNA. In a meeting between the religious leader of the group, an older female named Suwanna, Commander Tyr Waltas, Acting Captain of the starbase, promised to return these people to Romulus (something that Suwanna and her people also wanted).
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| Meanwhile, the crew left aboard the USS Phoenix worked together to restore life support and return the ship to operational status. Lt. Rode Mitchell, flying a fighter, had to eject and was found after the battle in an escape pod. He had sustained serious injuries to his leg and was removed from flight status by Tamp. Mitchell was subsequently moved to the Chief Tactical Officer position.
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| Captain Steve McCall, captured when the Romulans took the starbase, was taken back to Romulus for interrogation and trial. His attempts to resist and escape were unsuccessful and he was found guilty; rather than execute him, the Romulans moved him to a rebel base where his death would be ‘orchestrated’ by the Tal Shiar.
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| With the battle on the base winding down, the USS Albion arrived with Fleet Admiral Tristan Scott Wolf on board. The Admiral met with Waltas and requested footage of from the survivors and documentation of the Romulans attack dangling a promotion in front of the Commander as incentive. Waltas countered with his own demand -- a chance to rescue McCall.
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| After a briefing by Waltas, the crew prepared one of the captured Romulan warbirds. Ensign Julio Vannini, the new Assistant Chief Engineer, prepared a translation program to help the crew ‘read’ the Romulan language displays on the warbird. Eskyys prepared the ship for travel as Avrille prepared an extraction team. Waltas requested the assistance of the former Chief of Security, Eden Redstone, to act the part of a Romulan during the mission. Commander Waltas also requested that Lt. Vincenzo D’Onofrio, Asst. Chief of Security, retain command of the Phoenix and act as escort for the Romulan warbird to the border.
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| Finally, all of the good-byes have been said, the preparations completed, and the warbird, the Enarrain Galae, is on its way to Romulus.
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| ===Chapter 2 - The Rescue of Captain McCall===
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| * Stardate 238305.01
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| With the battle for the Starbase won, the crew of Starbase 118-Operations began picking up the pieces of their shattered station, and reconstructing shattered lives. With casualties numbering in the thousands and the Discovery and Phoenix both heavily damaged, Commander Waltas ordered the rescue fleet to guard the base while he pursued an even more dangerous possibility: The rescue of Captain McCall and the return of the Romulan exiles. Admiral Wolf made an appearance, and after a few political duels, he agreed to authorize a trip to Romulus in exchange for publicity for his Presidential campaign. The crew renovated one of the adrift Warbirds, re-christening it the "Enarrain Galae", or "Captain's Fleet" in Romulan, and sped away to Romulus to rescue their Captain. They arrived without incident and tracked the Captain's position. Lieutenants Eskyys and Mitchell led the away team while Waltas, Ensign Vannini and Lt. Commander Garrett stayed on board the warbird to keep the Romulans distracted. Vannini devised a plan to duplicate the biosignatures of the Romulan exiles on board the Enarrain Galae to keep a now-suspicious Romulan monitoring station busy, but the game was soon up and three Norexan-class Warbirds arrived to patrol the area and flood it with tachyon fields. The crew is in a race against time: They must find McCall and recover the away team before the Romulans find the Enarrain Galae and snuff out the small flame of hope that currently burns in the souls of the Operations crew.
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| ===Chapter 3 - The Return of the Morningstar===
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| * Stardate 238306.01
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| The crew, with their stolen Romulan Warbird christened the "Enarrain Galae", ventured into Romulan Space to rescue Captain McCall. Arriving on Romulus, the crew ventured down and returned the Romulan Revolutionaries and staged a rescue attempt. After a great deal of combat the Captain was rescued and the crew returned to the ship. However, all was not well.
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| The Romulans had found a way to penetrate the cloaking shields of the Enarrain Galae and were closing in. Lieutenant Mitchell made a desperate "crash landing" in the main shuttlebay and the Galae escaped into the Bassen Rift-the same rift where the Scimitar and Enterprise had their fateful battle.
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| While hiding, Ensigns Vannini and Sumataran developed a gravitational lens that would duplicate the Enarrain Galae and keep the Romulans on the defensive. The crew ran into something else they didn't expect-the USS Morningstar..adrift with no crew.
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| Captain Waltas beamed over to the derelict ship and with Lieutenant Eskyys, Counselor Flux, Lieutenant Tainn and Ensign Johnson, got the ship operational.
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| The game was soon up and the Romulans saw through the images. Capt. Waltas transferred the crew to the Morningstar and escaped the rift at maximum warp. The ship is now returning home.
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| ==Captain Steve McCall Missions==
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| ==Captain Day-Van Pel Nekkar Missions==
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| ==Fleet Captain Xan Hebron Missions==
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| ==Captain Malcolm Lysander Missions==
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| ==Captain Ciara Randor Missions==
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| ==Captain Curtis Arvanon Missions==
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| ==Captain (Fleet Admiral) Tristan Wolf Missions==
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| [[Category:StarBase 118 Ops|Mission Archive]] | |