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==2400 - : ''Under New Management''==
|NAME=The Spark and the Powderkeg
|BLURB=''The Ronin's Shakedown cruise of the Alpha Isles.''

==Stardate 237910.28==
<div style="left: 50px; position: relative;">{{Episode
The [[USS Ronin]] has just been ordered out of port at Starbase 222 by [|Captain James]. We are off to contact [[Ronin_Crew_History|Captain Skyfire]]. Our mission? We do not yet know. A meeting has been called for all senior officers.  
|NAME=Shore leave: DS33
|STARDATE=240011.29 -240101.11
|BLURB=Appointments, officers stranded in time, many meetings and repairs that never end.

[[Ronin_Crew_History#Phoenix Treja|Phoenix Treja]] was founded murdered on the gym floor. An investigation is underway involving Ships Defenses, Science, and Medical officers. The truth will be found, and justice will be ours.  
|NAME=Ashes to Ashes
|BLURB=''The USS Ronin is called to Grus Beta Three to help with evacuations, and the investigation of the mysterious blazing wild fires that are threatening to destroy the planet.''

New crew has been picked up: Ensigns [[Ronin_Crew_History|Rohmer, Borodin, and Talan]]. They are welcome on board, taken in at such a time.  
<div style="left: 50px; position: relative;">{{Episode
|NAME=Shore leave: Ferenginar
|STARDATE=240103.05 - 240104.20
|BLURB=Counseling, marriage announcements, manhunts and all the trickery that only Ferengi can offer. And, in the end, the threat of impending danger.

And so we push off for deep space with mysterious orders once again.
|NAME= Nightmares Never Fade!
|STARDATE= 240104.20-240106.28
|BLURB=An enemy from the past returns to set up a trap for Lieutenant Commander Raga.
<div style="left: 50px; position: relative;">{{Episode
|NAME=Shore leave: DS33 (2)
|BLURB= After the disastrous encounters with the Consortium, the Ronin remains in dry dock for a while. As repairs are carried out, the crew heals their physical and emotional wounds, says goodbye to the deceased and welcomes new (and old) acquaintances. Among them is the crew of the Ronin's sister ship, the USS Khitomer.

==Stardate 237912.08==
The [[USS Ronin]] is on its way to the last known location of [[Ronin_Crew_History| Skyfire]]. The death toll has moved up to three, and now the killer has his eye on [| Lt Cmdr Au]. She's on the run, and he is not far behind in pursuit. Another killer has shown up, this time one moving to assassinate [| James], sent by '''Black Gate'''. [| James] escapes with a stab, but the killer is torn open by the XO. Both [| James] and his assailant are doing fine.  
|NAME= Stand Off
|STARDATE= 240108.03 - 240109.16
|BLURB=Considering Captain Niac's hard-won intelligence, and Starfleet Command's silence around the dates of Frontier Day, the USS Ronin joins the USS Khitomer on a mission: stopping the Lattice Alliance's assault against the Federation's borders on the Alpha Isles.

One another note, [| Sheriden] and [| Lt Cmdr Au] are going to be married, though only [| Fire-Claw] knows it as of yet. [| Lt Cmdr Au] is being pursued and [| Sheriden] is out to save his fiancee from the clutches of the unknown murderer.
<div style="left: 50px; position: relative;">{{Episode
|NAME=Shore leave: DS9
|BLURB= After the Siedge of DS33, the Ronin remains in dry dock for a while in Deep Space 9. As repairs are carried out, the crew heals their physical and emotional wounds, says goodbye to the deceased and welcomes new (and old) acquaintances. Among them is the crew of the Ronin's sister ship, the USS Khitomer.

==Stardate 238312.19==
{{Heading|Years 2379 through 2388}}
The [[USS Ronin]], now under the command of [[Idril Mar]] has been chartered to the [[Lememda System]] in the [[Ithassa_Region|Ithassa Sector]].  The Federation has been contacted by a diplomatic representative of the [[One Kingdom]] to in a matter of some urgency to them as well as us. The [[Constellationites]] have been interested in some [[Grendellai]] activity that has taken place in that region.

The Ronin are to investigate the [[Grendellai]] activity and find out what the artifact known only as the 'Eye of the Sun' is.  Considered very valuable, the [[USS Ronin|Ronin]] is to take caution when approaching the sector and the [[Grendellai]].
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!style="-moz-border-radius:0px;color:#002600;background:#DCFEFF;text-align: left;width:1000pt"| The Years of the Unknown, 2379-2383
In addition to the new command, there has been significant change to the crew roster and the ship has been reactivated into the fleet.
|[[The_Phoenix_Doesn't_Rise_(Ronin)|'''The Phoenix Doesn't Rise''']] '''(237910.28-237912.08):'''<br><hr> ''The death of an officer instigates a shipwide investigation.''
==Stardate 238403.01==
The [[USS Ronin|Ronin]] was assigned to find and more importantly keep the [[Grendellai]] from finding an ancient Gorn artifact known as the Eye of the Sun. After entering the system at least somewhat surreptitiously, the [[USS Ronin|Ronin]] landed an away team on the planet, [[Lamemda IV]], where we though the artifact had the best chance of being. At that point, the ship was engaged by a [[Grendellai]]-scavenged [[Gorn]] ship and had to move out of orbit.
|[[Black_Gate_(Ronin)|'''Black Gate''']] '''(237912.08):'''<br><hr> ''More deaths and attacks reveal the involvement of '''Black Gate.''' A wedding is in the works.''
The away team found a [[Ktarian]] bounty hunter and a [[Grendellai]] search party, the latter of which attacked them and the former of which joined them, then subsequently tried to steal the Eye for herself.
|[[Eye_of_the_Sun_(Ronin)|'''Eye of the Sun''']] '''(238312.19-238403.01):'''<br><hr>''The Ronin is reactivated, and sent back to the Ithassa Region for diplomatic and investigative reasons.''
The ship itself was having a hard time with the [[Grendellai]], as her tactical scanners had been sabotaged. Finally getting the scanners back online, two approaching [[Grendellai]] ships saw an opportunity to survive, sold out their former compatriots on the first, now-derelict ship, and lived to tell the tale.
When the [[USS Ronin|Ronin]] returned to the planet, they managed to accidentally intercept the escaping [[Ktarian]], who had something of a history with both [[Idril Mar|Mar]] and the ship’s CoS, [[Wilde, Danny| Danny Wilde]]. The Eye, knocked out of the transporter field by one of the [[USS Ronin|Ronin]]’s officers, was lost and presumed destroyed in a cave-in.
Now back at [[DS17]], the Ronin is undergoing a major refit that will repair some extensive damage from the battle in the [[Lamemda]] system and strip a couple of decks in favor of the more traditional through-deck [| Akira] configuration. Her crew is currently on leave.
==Stardate 238404.01==
The [[USS Ronin|Ronin]] is in for a refit following her first mission. The crew is currently at [[Deep Space 17]], technically on leave, though we are wrapped up in finding a solution to a [| inter-dimensional rift] which has manifested in and around the station. In this alternate world, the point of divergence is the death of then [[Idril Mar|LtCmdr Mar]] almost 3 years before. It seems that more than simple coincidence has brought these worlds together.
==Stardate 238405.01==
After a rough encounter with an [| alternate reality], the crew of the [[USS Ronin|Ronin]] settled into the spacious confines of [[Deep Space 17]] while their ship was finishing refits. A joint leave was had with the crew of the [[USS Triumphant|Triumphant]], with one of their crew getting married, much to the delight of all.
With her refit nearing completion, the ship is welcoming aboard it’s [[Craft_assigned_to_USS_Ronin|fighter wing]] and 3 pairs of prototype fighters for field testing. Each has its own quirks that need to be worked out. A test range has been decided on, a rocky system designated 7AE38, that has a single [| M-class] world that supports an [| industrial-age] sentient species. The ship plans to use the [[asteroid]] field for its test runs of the fighters, choosing the actual location of the tests based on where the [| M-class] world is in its orbit so as to put the maximum distance and the system’s star in between them. With a little planning and luck, the inhabitants of the world will not see a thing.
==Stardate 238406.16==
The [[USS Ronin|Ronin]] has, after a small delay, received her new [[Craft_assigned_to_USS_Ronin#Tactical_Vessels|fighters]] and has launched for the appointed test range. The crew has been split into teams to analyze the problems plaguing the prototypes. [[Walker, Benjamin J.|Commander Walker]] and a small group has just returned after a ‘test run’ of a [[Craft_assigned_to_USS_Ronin#Tactical_Vessels|Maul]] that happened to pick up a missing officer and lead to some pretty severe damage to the vessel as well. The last pre-test meetings are underway and the crew is anxious to get on with the field experiments.
==Stardate 238407.10==
The [[USS Ronin]], recently recommissioned after a refit of her [[Ronin_Statistics|primary systems]] was tasked with the mission of conducting operational flight tests for three experimental new Federation [[Craft_assigned_to_USS_Ronin#Prototype_Fighters|prototye fighters]]. The fighters, designated the XF-353 “Boomerang”, XF-352 “Hammerhead” and the XF-354 “Gremlin” are each plagued by unique design problems.
In an effort to work out the final problems before productions, the [[USS Ronin|Ronin]]’s senior staff officers were divided into three groups, each assigned to study and if possible identify possible solutions to the issues plaguing the fighter prototypes to which they are assigned. A semi isolated region of space, designated as system 7AE38, was picked as the testing grounds. The region was adjacent to an inhabited planet that was known to have achieved [| industrial] technology. Due to the presence of a thick [[asteroid]] field, however, it was determined that the tests could proceed without worry of discovery.
Test zones were mapped and the flight operations and testing teams began their tests. During the first stage of the tests, there was a mishap with the tactical system aboard one of the two Gremlins, which fired on and damaged a Hammerhead’s drive systems. Almost simultaneously, a sudden [| subspace ripple] disabled all three test flight wings and severely damages the [[USS Ronin]]. The source of this ripple is discovered to be from the [[Sya-Negan|Starship Sya]], which has just conducted their first warp drive tests. This proves that the technical advancement of the species inhabiting the [| M-Class] planet in the [[Ithassa_Region_Stellar_Cartography#7AE38_System| 7AE38 System]] has been significantly underestimated.
The [[Sya-Negan|Natives]] have attempted to establish contact with the [[USS Ronin]], either unaware of the damage that their [| subspace ripple] has wreaked on the Federation vessels, or uncaring of those results. While the [[Sya-Negan|Natives]] seem genuine enough, there was a healthy amount of hesitation on the part of the [[USS Ronin|Ronin]]’s [[Idril Mar|Commander]], due especially to the unexpected nature of the encounter.
==Stardate 238408.08==
After detecting a new [[Warp_Systems|warp-capable]] [[Sya-Negan|species]] where one shouldn’t have been, the [[USS Ronin|Ronin]] started piecing things together. Faint [[Cardassian]] [[Warp_Systems|warp signatures]] were detected in a nearby system and a recon mission was organized. Meanwhile, meeting the [[Sya-Negan|aliens]] under [| First Contact] protocols was undertaken, with an away team visiting the alien vessel first, then the senior staff of the [[Sya-Negan]] vessel visiting the [[USS Ronin|Ronin]]. Meanwhile, the crew was still investigating something affecting crewmembers aboard by heightening their negative emotions.
The mission wrapped up with the [[Sya-Negan|alien]] ship towed back to its homeworld and a Starfleet engineering team left on the planet to help resolve the issues with the subspace pulse that the [[Sya-Negan|alien]] [[Warp_Systems|warp drive]] created. They also have instructions to subtly try to figure out where and how this culture made such a huge jump technologically and if there was any sort of outside influence on them.
The [[USS Ronin|Ronin]], on the other hand, is heading back to [[Deep Space 17]] for some much deserved shore leave.
==Stardate 238409.01==
The [[USS Ronin|Ronin]], returned from a surprise [| First Contact] mission, is undergoing minor repairs while the crew is on a short shore leave. An engineering team was left behind on the planet of the [[Sya-Negan]] to foster communication and hopefully help the [[Sya-Negan|aliens]] develop their [[Warp_Systems|warp drive]] away from the damaging subspace surges that it currently causes. A recon flight is in process currently to investigate some odd [|warp signatures] in a nearby system, but they should be reporting in soon as well. This leave's party theme is a [| Masquerade Ball].
==Stardate 238410.03==
The [[USS Ronin|Ronin]] has interrupted her leave and left [[DS17]] in a rush, headed to the rescue of a recon fighter flight that may have run afoul of [[Cardassian]]s. Soon after launch, the [[Impulse_Systems|engines]] were disabled by an infestation of energy creatures. An away team was sent, with a squadron of fighters escorting the team's runabout, to investigate. On the way, they were caught by a booby-trapped fighter from the recon flight, allowing a [| Galor-class] cruiser to get the drop on them. The [[USS Ronin|Ronin]] herself, having solved her [[Impulse_Systems|engine]] problems, is still too far away to intervene directly in the situation. The [[Idril Mar|Captain]] made a not-so-veiled threat to the [[Cardassian]] [| Gul], but another ship, a [| Keldon], lies between the [[USS Ronin|Ronin]] and her away team.
==Stardate 238412.01==
The [[USS Ronin|Ronin]], largely through the brandishing of her [[Quantum_Torpedo|torpedo]] arsenal, was able to bully her way past a pair of [[Cardassian]] ships to a rescue of her downed flyers and recover her [| away team] as well. The subsequent leave was raucous and busy, with a wedding and various other events happening nearly simultaneously. However, new orders soon came and the ship is prepping for a long lonely run along the [[Gorn]] border, surveying the sensor buoys laid there at the end of the brief war a year and a half ago. During the briefing, [[Anassasi, Jessa|Admiral Anassasi]] made a surprise visit, transferring Lt. [[Adair, Ronan Tully|Adair-Walker]] off the ship and promoting [[Idril Mar|Cmdr. Mar]] to full Captain.
==Stardate 238501.04==
The [[USS Ronin]], on a routine examination of monitoring buoys along the [[Gorn]] treaty line, ran into two issues: A distress beacon on low power, and a [[FTU]] convoy under attack by [[Gorn]].
The [[Idril Mar|Captain]] split the crew, taking four crewmembers with her to investigate the beacon, thought to be a trap. One of the crewmembers, [[Wilde, Amber|Lt.Cmdr Amber Wilde]], a claustrophobe, “freaked out,” doing an active scan. The small group shut down the [| sensors] on the runabout to hopefully avoid detection.
Meanwhile the [[Walker, Benjamin J.|First Officer]] and majority of crew met the convoy. Initially a ceasefire was drawn by the [[USS Ronin|Ronin]]’s superior firepower. As the crew works to come to some peaceful, or at least non-violent, solution, another alien race has been detected, and is suspected of instigating the [[FTU]] and [[Gorn]] into a war. The crew is now working to prove that there was a setup, while preparing a nice diplomatic dinner with the [[Gorn]] captain.
==Stardate 238502.04==
Following the beacon's signal, the [[Idril Mar|Captain]] and her team were contacted by a pirate captain and escorted into a small station. The pirate used the [[USS Ronin|Ronin]]'s officers as an excuse to board the station in order to exact revenge on its owner by blowing him and the station to bits. While the [[Idril Mar|Captain]]'s team and various pirates were escaping, a relative of one of the [[USS Ronin|Ronin]]'s crewmembers turned up and asked for assylum from the pirates.
Back on the battlefield, [[Walker, Benjamin J.|Lt. Commander Walker]] and the rest of the crew exposed the evil scheme of the unidentified hostile aliens and explained the situation to the [[Gorn]], thus resolving the conflict peacefully. Once the [[Idril Mar|Captain]]'s team returned to the ship, the [[USS Ronin|Ronin]] was called away to [[Wheeler Colony]], where the [[USS Independence]] and [[USS Ursa Major]] awaited. After a night of awards, promotions, and celebrations, the three ships are back to investigating the highly unstable situation on the surface.
==Stardate 238504.06==
The [[USS Ronin|Ronin]] sat in a squadron with the [[USS Independence|Independence]] and the [[USS Ursa Major|Ursa Major]], stranded near the [[The_Great_Barrier|Galactic Barrier]] by an unexpected [| wormhole]. The [[USS Phoenix-C|USS Phoenix]], staffed by the COs and some officers of all three ships, attempted to reopen the [| wormhole] to allow the ships to return to [[Wheeler_Colony|Wheeler Colony]]. However, a fleet of small ships put the small Federation fleet in their sights. The [| Akira-class] ship took a defensive position while the other two deal with problems of their own. After being sent back to [[Wheeler_Colony|Wheeler]] by an energy being, the three ships reunited with their commanding officers.
The [[USS Ronin|Ronin]] spent much of its leave time trying to shore up repairs so that it could make the journey back to [[DS17]] to use the station's now-extensive shipyard facilities. A decision by the command staff to not bypass a nebula on the way back to the station turned disastrous, as the nebula overloaded key systems and forced an evacuation of the crew to a [[Rakis|nearby Class-L planet]], with little hope of getting a good distress signal out through the interference.

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!style="-moz-border-radius:0px;color:#002600;background:#DCFEFF;text-align: left;width:1000pt"| In the Year of Our Mar, 2384-2385
|[[Bounty_Hunter_(Ronin)|'''Bounty Hunter''']] '''(238403.01-238404.01):'''<br><hr>''The Eye of the Sun is found, but the Ronin isn't the only who wants it.''
|[[Point_of_Divergence_(Ronin)|'''Point of Divergence''']] '''(238404.01-238405.01):'''<br><hr>''An interdimensional rift around Deep Space 17 has one officer facing her own death.''
|[[Wedded_Bliss_(Ronin)|'''Wedded Bliss''']] '''(238405.01-238406.16):'''<br><hr>''Joint leave on DS17 culminates with an officer's wedding.''
|[[Test_Run_(Ronin)|'''Test Run''']] '''(238406.16-238407.10):'''<br><hr>''A fighter test uncovers a missing officer.''
|[[The_Sya-Negan_(Ronin)|'''The Sya-Negan''']] '''(238407.10-238408.08):'''<br><hr>''A damaging subspace rift reveals an unexpected First Contact.''
|[[The_Sya-Negan,_part_II_(Ronin)|'''The Sya-Negan, part II''']] '''(238408.08-238410.03):'''<br><hr>''Covert investigation begins into the sudden technological leap of a First Contact species.''
|[[Cardassians_in_Wait_(Ronin)|'''Cardassians in Wait''']] '''(238410.03-238412.01):'''<br><hr>''A fighter rescue mission is endangered by a Cardassian-laid trap.''
|[[The_Origins_of_War_(Ronin)|'''The Origins of War''']] '''(238412.01-238502.04):'''<br><hr>''The Ronin is sent towards Gorn space, and finds a diplomatic crisis in the works.''
|[[True_Intentions_(Ronin)|'''True Intentions''']] '''(238502.04-238504.06):'''<br><hr>''A pirate pulls one over on the Ronin, and a Gorn war is averted.''
|[[Stranded_(Ronin)|'''Stranded''']] '''(238504.06-238505.02):'''<br><hr>''Three Federation starships are stranded near the Galactic Barrier until an energy entity is revealed.''
|[[Desert_Dangers_(Ronin)|'''Desert Dangers''']] '''(238505.02-238506.01):'''<br><hr>''The Ronin crew, trapped on a desert world, need to survive the deadly predators hunting them.''
|[[Destination:_Mars_(Ronin)|'''Destination: Mars''']] '''(238506.01-238507.01):'''<br><hr>''Introspection and relaxation on a maintenance journey end with a commanding wedding.''
|[[The_Case_of_the_Missing_Bride_(Ronin)|'''The Case of the Missing Bride''']] '''(238507.01-238511.04):'''<br><hr>''The captain/bride goes missing, and the groom is the prime suspect.''

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!style="-moz-border-radius:0px;color:#002600;background:#DCFEFF;text-align: left;width:1000pt"| Walking in Pastures New, 2385-2387
|[[Too_Little,_Too_Layte_(Ronin)|'''Too Little, Too Layte''']] '''(238511.04-238602.13):'''<br><hr>''Tensions between new and old crew threaten to halt a mission to remove Federation technology accidentally left on a pre-First Contact world.''
|[[O_What_a_Tangled_Web..._(Ronin)|'''O What a Tangled Web...''']] '''(238602.13-238607.17):'''<br><hr>''Could a pandemic at Wheeler Colony just be a distraction for a Romulan attack?''
|[[Seen_or_Unseen_(Ronin)|'''Seen or Unseen''']] '''(238607.17-238703.17):'''<br><hr>''An awards ceremony has uninvited guests - Romulans, demanding the extradition of Captain Walker.''
|'''Stardate 238703.17:''' ''Prequel to the End''
*'''Commanding Officer:''' [[Walker, Benjamin J.| Captain .B. Walker]]
*'''First Officer:''' [[Kolk, Jackford| Lieutenant Commander .J. Kolk]]
*'''Second Officer:''' [[Maria, Cara| Lieutenant Commander .C. Maria]]
*'''Location:''' [[Ithassa Region]], [[DS17]]
*'''Officer Reporting:''' [[Gregory, Thomas| Lieutenant .T. Gregory]]
*'''Mission De-Brief:''' [[Ronin Mission - Stardate ]]
"When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say: For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today"
"When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say: For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today"

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!style="-moz-border-radius:0px;color:#002600;background:#DCFEFF;text-align: left;width:1000pt"| 2388  - The Lost Year
|'''Where the Eagles Dare''' '''(2388):'''<br><hr>''...''
|'''Suns of Anarchy''' '''(2388):'''<br><hr>The crew of the ''Ronin'' is invited as the Starfleet representation to witness a solar eruption known by the [[Camarian]]s as the Prominence of Peace.
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!style="-moz-border-radius:0px;color:#002600;background:#DCFEFF;text-align: left;width:1000pt"| Historical Shoreleave Records (238411.29-238602.12)
|[[Ronin Shoreleave Archive|'''Historical Shoreleave Archive''']] '''(238411.29-238602.12):'''<br><hr>''Fun while off duty.''
[[Category:USS Ronin|M]]
[[Category:USS Ronin|M]]
[[Category:Ronin Missions]]
[[Category:Ronin Mission Archive]]

Revision as of 17:11, 10 November 2024

Ronin Mission Archive
2400-: Under New Management The Spark and the Powderkeg · Ashes to Ashes · Nightmares Never Fade! · Stand Off · Things Lost In Time ·
2388 - The Lost Year Where the Eagles Dare · Suns of Anarchy
2385 - 2387: Walking in Pastures New Too Little, Too Layte · O What a Tangled Web... · Seen or Unseen
2384 - 2385: In the Year of Our Mar Bounty Hunter · Point of Divergence · Wedded Bliss · Test Run · The Sya-Negan · The Sya-Negan, part II · Cardassians in Wait · The Origins of War · True Intentions · Stranded · Desert Dangers · Destination: Mars · The Case of the Missing Bride
2379 - 2383: The Years of the Unknown The Phoenix Doesn't Rise · Black Gate · Eye of the Sun
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2400 - : Under New Management

The Spark and the Powderkeg
  • Stardate 240010.02-240011.29
    • The Ronin's Shakedown cruise of the Alpha Isles.
Shore leave: DS33
  • Stardate 240011.29 -240101.11
    • Appointments, officers stranded in time, many meetings and repairs that never end.
Ashes to Ashes
  • Stardate 240101.11-240103.05
    • The USS Ronin is called to Grus Beta Three to help with evacuations, and the investigation of the mysterious blazing wild fires that are threatening to destroy the planet.
Shore leave: Ferenginar
  • Stardate 240103.05 - 240104.20
    • Counseling, marriage announcements, manhunts and all the trickery that only Ferengi can offer. And, in the end, the threat of impending danger.
Nightmares Never Fade!
  • Stardate 240104.20-240106.28
    • An enemy from the past returns to set up a trap for Lieutenant Commander Raga.
Shore leave: DS33 (2)
  • Stardate 240106.28-240108.03
    • After the disastrous encounters with the Consortium, the Ronin remains in dry dock for a while. As repairs are carried out, the crew heals their physical and emotional wounds, says goodbye to the deceased and welcomes new (and old) acquaintances. Among them is the crew of the Ronin's sister ship, the USS Khitomer.
Stand Off
  • Stardate 240108.03 - 240109.16
    • Considering Captain Niac's hard-won intelligence, and Starfleet Command's silence around the dates of Frontier Day, the USS Ronin joins the USS Khitomer on a mission: stopping the Lattice Alliance's assault against the Federation's borders on the Alpha Isles.
Shore leave: DS9
  • Stardate 240109.16-240111.08
    • After the Siedge of DS33, the Ronin remains in dry dock for a while in Deep Space 9. As repairs are carried out, the crew heals their physical and emotional wounds, says goodbye to the deceased and welcomes new (and old) acquaintances. Among them is the crew of the Ronin's sister ship, the USS Khitomer.

Years 2379 through 2388