Tarrik Tarkin

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Tarrik Tarkin
Crew of the USS Artemis-A


Ensign Tarrik Tarkin

Tarrik is a Rodulan that grew up to be raised among Ferengi on a station in the Khosla system. A longtime fan of the UFP Tarrik has joined, if you ask him, to work on warp drives and to get to play with the Federation's many incredible toys and tech.

He doesn't realize that deep down he no longer feels at home among Ferengi in spite of being immersed in their culture from birth. He hopes to find somewhere that he does fit. He also isn't introspective enough to realize that he's trying to explore new visions of ethics and values not present in Ferengi capitalism, an attempt to flesh out his own personal beliefs and ethics.

The story of Tarrik is intended to be a coming of age tale about a young man discovering who he is on strange new worlds.

Details ⮟

  • Full Name: Tarrik Nol'Gylar Tarkin
  • Gender Identity: Male
  • Height: 186 cm
  • Weight: 73 kilos
  • Hair: Blue-Black
  • Eye Color: Solid Black
  • Skin Tone: Pale
  • Build: Athletic

Goals ⮟

Short Term

  • Experience Natural Gravity - Tarrik was born on a space station and attended Starfleet Academy at 118. He'd love to stand on a planet for the first time, but he's pretty scared. He's heard natural gravity makes you sick, and when he was a kid someone told him it could make you implode. He knows that's not true though.. it isn't, right?
  • Make a Friend - Tarrik left behind everyone he knew at home and then did it all over again when he graduated the academy. It'd be nice to have a close friend again. Or maybe a few!
  • Warp 16? - Tarrik's obsessed with the idea of going faster. Even if it was risky or wouldn't work for very long he'd jump at the chance to push a warp engine beyond it's rated limit.

Long Term

  • Earn Dad's Respect - Prax thinks very poorly about Tarrik's decision to join Starfleet. Tarrik would strive at the chance to earn his father's respect again.
  • Reconcile with Family - Tarrik's relationship with family, excluding Lefi and Frax, is more distant than it's ever been. He'd love to feel close with them again.
  • Confirm the Stories - As much as he believes him Tarrik would love to find validation for his dad's stories about his biological parents.
  • Warp 16! - Innovate warp engines forever by designing a faster one than anyone has before? Maybe one day...

Chronological History ⮟

  • 2375 - Tarrik Nol'Gylar is born to Eluana Gylar and Thorus Noldo on Tutatuband Station. His parents leave to Rodul on a private shuttle shortly after his birth, intending to raise him there. They face mechanical difficulties with the life support system and are forced to sacrifice themselves for Tarrik, unable to make the journey to Rodul with only enough life support to send the infant back alone. He's placed in the care of the Tarkin family, isolated from other Rodulan to be raised entirely around Ferengi in their customs and culture instead of his own. His parents bodies are never recovered, lost to the abyss
  • 2377 - Ferengi company Sinclar Solutions is sued for faulty life support modules including the model used in Eluana and Thorus's shuttle. They pay a small fine. Tarrik's new family resolves not to tell him about this part of the story believing a simpler story will be easier for a child to process and to shelter him from feeling resentment at a corporation much more powerful than him or his family. His favorite toy is a miniature Sovereign Class Explorer
  • 2378 - Lelphi Tarkin, Tarrik's younger sibling, is born to Prax and Orina Tarkin on Tutatuband Station
  • 2382 - Tarrik encounters a group of children near his age aboard the station that are not Ferengi. The playgroup accepts him as one of its own. They tend to idolize the Federation in their pretend exploits, finding representation in the UFP for their diverse friend group. Tarrik continues to play and form relationships primarily with other Ferengi, fully immersed in their culture unlike the other children from this group with parents and family more like themselves
  • 2383 - Tarrik and Prax begin playing chess together regularly as a way to help Tarrik feel more connected to his mother. Zulg joins them, Frax attends a few sessions and is skilled but disinterested and stops attending. Lelphi expresses that they identify as non-binary and are supported by their family, changing their name to Lefi
  • 2386 - Tarrik wins a Ferengi student science competition for a project regarding enhanced safety features in private long range shuttle life support systems. Lefi joins the family chess games
  • 2388 - Being raised by Ferengi Tarrik is unable to develop or practice his cognitive abilities and he becomes T0/E0 but does not notice as his abilities were quite weak to begin with. He begins sharpening his teeth, appreciating the look due to his time spent around Ferengi culture
  • 2389 - Tarrik continues to develop and work on his life support safety systems, improving them drastically over the years. His project begins to be noted by a few engineers in Ferengi society and he is hired by several to give a speech on the new ideologies his system employs. He develops a side income alongside Zulg and Lefi hustling station visitors in games of chess, playing off of their youth and even employing dirty tricks like losing to get their opponents to bet more as much as they used their skill at the game
  • 2391 - After he incorporates many improvements Ferengi-based ship components manufacturing company Diode Energetics adopts Tarrik's models for life support safety systems in production lines offering a scholarship in payment which he accepts. Many believe he is taken advantage of by this transaction and he begins to gain a reputation for being 'Un-Ferengian'. The Tarkin family defends him in earnest when it comes up. One instance of this results in Frax being involved in a brawl against two other boys where he breaks two knuckles and a rib but wins the fight
  • 2392 - Tarrik learns of the lawsuit against the company that caused his parents death from a classmate at school. Tarrik begins to be disillusioned with Ferengi financial values and deepens his fascination with Federation values instead, beginning to watch far more closely for any available news of their technological developments as well as their exploration of the galaxy. The majority of Tarrik's non-Ferengi childhood friend group has by this point moved off-station or otherwise fallen from contact. He no longer has others in his social group willing to "geek out" about the Federation. His thoughts begin to drift off-station more than ever before and with his loss of interest in life support technology this leads him to grow very interested in warp drives and starship engines
  • 2394 - In a show of appreciation for his adopted family one of Tarrik's first actions as an adult is to legally change his name to 'Tarrik Nol'Gylar Tarkin'. He begins closely following development of Warp XV technology by Starfleet, regularly contributing to many public discussion forums about the topic and later becoming a community moderator for multiple Starfleet themed forums
  • 2396 - Inspired by the launch of the USS Juneau Tarrik becomes deeply invested in his love of the Federation and begins telling more than just his family and close friends about his desire to leave home to explore the stars. His reputation as a Ferengi is being damaged by the day and this cuts him deeply. In spite of this he enrolls in the Starfleet Academy Preparatory Program and performs among the best in his class. He applies for Starfleet Academy but is declined because his personal essay seemed to place too much admiration for his fathers piracy to be considered Starfleet Officer material
  • 2397 - Encouraged by Lefi, Tarrik reapplies for Starfleet Academy midway through the year and is accepted. His personal essay incorporates the feedback he received and showed a deep understanding of Federation values and ethics and showed Tarrik's personal adoption of them. He bids farewell to Tutatuband Station boarding a ship for Starfleet Academy 118. As they have no tuition he forgoes his scholarship owed from Diode Energetics essentially giving them his invention for free. Publically the Tarkin family will not disavow him and still they deeply love him as their own, yet internally their dynamic is stressed by this choice and it has strained their relationship due to the broader social--and ergo financial--consequences from the Ferengi aboard Tutatuband Station's perspective
  • 2398 - Tarrik crashes a shuttle in Pilot 101 class. It's accidental but he could have prevented it. The shuttle is undamaged aside from cosmetically but the event really embarrasses him. The professor was understanding but gave him a D which he feels like he deserved
  • 2399 - Tarrik switches his Minor from Math to Physics while enrolled in Warp Theory class. Later in the year Tarrik and two other academy cadets begin a series of tasks they find posted on a hidden forum used by Starfleet Cadets for gossiping about instructors and so forth. The group ends up being disciplined for using a transporter to reflavor gum and abandons the rest of the tasks
  • 2400 - The Tarkin family rises to a position of local prominence and wealth in Tutatuband Station as the Lattice Alliance threat looms, their specialization in military technology proving more profitable than ever before as many Ferengi turn their minds toward self defense. In spite of this there are still some that refuse to do business with them due to their adopted sons choices and his relationship with family remains difficult. Lefi and Frax continue to support him fully and often speak in his defense around the family
  • 2401 - Tarrik crashes a shuttle when an engine malfunctions while retaking Pilot 101. It's proven that the shuttle malfunctioned beyond his control by a classmate from one of his engineering classes. He's given an A-, but Tarrik doesn't feel like he deserves the grade, doubting the very clear proof that he was faultless. Later he graduates Starfleet. He still keeps his teeth sharpened and values much of Ferengi culture outside of his dissolution with the "profit over all" mentality, seeing the people he was raised among as more than one single cultural value
  • 2402 - Tarrik is assigned as an Engineering Officer to the USS Artemis-A

Key Relationships ⮟

Click images to open character pages. I'm not going to trouble the Image Collective with Tarrik's entire family but if anyone is inspired or bored: Trista, Eluana, and Thorus are Attraxan Rodulan, the rest of his family are Ferengi, and Frax and Zulg are identical twins.

Mother, Deceased
  • Art Dealer

Tarrik has only heard stories about his mother from his adopted father. The stories were many, his mother was a brilliant merchant, but nothing makes him think about what she must have been like more than a game of Vulcan chess.

Father, Deceased
  • Trade Ship Captain

Tarrik has only heard stories about his father from his adopted father. From leading a band of merchants on some of the first flights out of Rodulan space to commanding a fleet of nomadic Rodulan pirates throughout the Cardassian Occupation of Rodul his father is a storied man. Despite his history of violence, Tarrik still feels like he has a lot to live up to.

Grandmother, Deceased
  • Resistance Leader

Tarrik doesn't know much about his grandmother, but his adoptive father has told him that she once lead a rebel army against the Cardassians.

Grandfather, Deceased
  • Arms Dealer

Tarrik's adoptive grandfather was a close friend of his mother, once helping to conceal her identity when she was under an investigation. He learned chess from Tarrik's mother, and passed it down to Prax. He passed to Dorek's Syndrome in 2334

Father, 71
  • Arms Dealer

Prax has raised Tarrik from shortly after birth. Grax died when he was a small child. He's told Tarrik many stories about his lineage and taught him and his adoptive siblings chess in an effort to help him feel closer to his mother. He's disappointed in Tarrik for joining the Federation, concerned with his son joining an enterprise with so little focus on profit. Raised by Eluana and his single mother, Prax is notably feminist for a Ferengian.

Mother, 67
  • Homemaker

Tarrik's adoptive mother is very supportive of him, but feels that she failed her son by not raising him to be profit minded enough. She blames herself for convincing Prax not to tell him the full story of his parent's death, believing that this is what started to steer her son away from the Rules of Acquisition and Ferengian values. She hopes he'll leave the Federation and return home to engage in business.

Brother, 28
  • Clerk

The twin of Zulg, Frax has long defended his younger brother, and once fought two other Ferengi for criticizing Tarrik's business acumen. He never cared for the family chess games but is very intelligent and played well when he did join them. Alongside Lefi he is Tarrik's biggest advocate in the Tarkin family.

Brother, 28
  • Clerk

The twin of Frax, Zulg and Tarrik have bonded more than anything else over their love of Vulcan chess. Alongside Lefi the two used to hustle visitors to Tutatuband Station for money, though Tarrik never mentioned their illicit and unfair gambling activities to Starfleet. He's disappointed in Tarrik for leaving for the Federation and not joining the family business. He currently works as a clerk in Prax's shop.

Sibling, 23
  • Maintenance Technician

Tarrik's younger sibling and he have always been extremely close. Lefi has looked up to their older brother since they can recall, supporting him through everything. Alongside Zulg they used to hustle visitors to Tutatuband Station for money in games of Vulcan chess. Having spent much of their childhood tinkering with Tarrik alongside of whatever project enthused him, they like him chose not to join the family business and to instead become a maintenance technician. Alongside Frax, they are Tarrik's most staunch and outspoken defender among the Tarkin family.

Missions and Shoreleaves ⮟

Mission/Shore Leave - XX (Year) ⮟


Notable Sims

  • [] - XXXXXX.XX - XX

NPC Listing   ·   USS Artemis-A Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Addison MacKenzie
Talos - Artemis - XO-V2 Beard.jpg
Executive Ofc.
Talos Dakora
Helm/Ops Ofc.
Lyara Alroyo
Jovenan Lt 2401.png
Chief Science Ofc.
Genkos Adea.png
Chief Medical Ofc.
Genkos Adea
Medical Ofc.
Gila Sadar
Sil-Picard Uniform.png
Chief Tactical Ofc.
Vitor Silveira
Ensign Savel.png
Security Ofc.
Security Ofc.
Kel Solas
Chief Eng. Ofc.
Engineering Ofc.
Ollie Bergman LtJG.png
Operations Ofc.
Ollie Bergmen
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Tarrik Tarkin
IC Info:
Medical Records
Psychological Profile
Disciplinary Records
About the Writer