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Battle of Frontier Day

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Battle of Frontier Day
Frontier Day 2401
240107.15 –
Sol System, Sector 001
Federation victory
Borg Collective Borg
Commanders and Leaders
  • Federation President Anton Chekov
  • Starfleet Fleet Admiral Elizabeth Shelby (KIA)
  • Starfleet Admiral Jean-Luc Picard
  • others
Borg Collective Borg Queen (KIA)
Units Involved
  • Earth Spacedock
  • Individual ships
  • Borg Queen's Cube
  • Assimilated Starfleet
  • A group of Changelings
  • 1 space station
  • Hundreds of crew
  • 1 Borg Queen's Cube
  • Hundreds of starships
  • Thousands of assimilated Starfleet crewmembers
  • Unknown number of drones and Changelings
Casualties and Losses
This is an IC article about the battle. For the wider event and the fleetwide blockbuster, see Frontier Day.

The Battle of Frontier Day was fought between the United Federation of Planets and the Borg Collective. The most recent conflict in the Borg-Federation war and the Galactic War with the Borg, the battle took place in Sol System on the Frontier Day of 2401. That year, much of the Starfleet had gathered to the Federation capital world Earth to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the launch of the Enterprise (NX-01), a symbolic beginning of the Federation Starfleet. The Borg used the vulnerabilities of the Fleet Formation System, caused or discovered by a group of Borg-affiliated Changeling infiltrators, to gain control of Starfleet ship. The Changelings introduced new genetic code to the Starfleet transporter architecture, causing a large portion of Starfleet crew to be assimilated by the Borg remotely and simultaneously. The Borg forced the assimilated crew to try to eliminate the unassimilated personnel.


The Frontier Day is a Federation, or more specifically, Starfleet holiday celebrated on the date of the launch of the Enterprise (NX-01) in 2151. The 250th occasion of the event was celebrated by Starfleet with a fleet gathering and a technology demonstration around the Sol Station at Earth's orbit.[1]

The Borg and the Federation had fought several times since official first contact in 2365. The most notable battles were those of the Battle of Wolf 359 in 2367 and the Battle of Sector 001 in 2373. In 2378, the crew of the USS Voyager managed to escape the Borg, causing massive damage to the Primary Collective in the Delta Quadrant.[2] Since then, contacts between the Delta Quadrant Collective and the Federation have been sparse. The Federation has occasionally fought or collaborated with secondary or independent collectives or liberated drones, including the assimilation of USS Nimitz[3] and the alliance formed aboard USS Stargazer in 2401.[2] The notable conflicts with what may be the Delta Quadrant Collective include the battle fought between Borg cubes and USS Apollo in 2391.[4]




Changeling infiltrations...

Titan hunt...

Artemis encounters the Cube...

Order of Battle

Just before the beginning of the battle, Starfleet forces consisted of hundreds of ships.[5] All these ships were taken over by the Borg as the battle began, although the Federation forces managed to regain control over some of them temporarily or permanently. Some of the Starfleet ships present at the beginning of the battle include the following:

In addition, the Sol Station (also known as Earth Spacedock) took part in the battle. The control of the Sol Station remained under the Federation control.[12]


Borg Cube...


Aftermath and impact

Destruction of the Collective...

Attacks in the Alpha Isles and the Marchlands...



  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 Frontier Day - Part 2, Cpt Addison MacKenzie, USS Artemis-A, 240107.15
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Borg history, Memory Alpha
  3. A Ghost from the Past, FlCpt Sal Taybrim, StarBase 118 Ops, 239707.26
  4. This is it..., FlCpt Andrus Jaxx, USS Apollo, 239104.15
  5. The Longest Day Begins, Cpt Roshanara Rahman, Amity Outpost, 240107.15
  6. Like Seeing a Ghost, Lt Nathan Richards, USS Artemis-A, 240107.23
  7. Firing Squad, Cpt Addison MacKenzie, USS Artemis-A, 240107.21
  8. USS Excelsior (NCC-42037), Memory Alpha
  9. USS Magellan (NCC-86509), Memory Alpha
  10. Assimilation, Cpt Mei'konda, USS Astraeus, 240107.15
  11. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G), Memory Alpha
  12. I have a plan. I hope., Cmdr Serala, USS Chin'toka, 240107.23

External links

Notable Battles
First Battle of Eratis (2383) · Second Battle of Eratis (2387) · Operation Bright Star (2387) · Battle of Bondi (2390) · Battle of Astrofori One (2395) · Battle of Gamma Camelopardalis (2396) · Battle of Frontier Day (2401)

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