Old Hatreds (Gorkon)

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2394, Episode 6

USS Gorkon Mission History
2392 2393 2394 2395
A Sinking Ship
A Monstrous Murder Mystery
Annus Horribilis
Annus Horribilis, Part 2
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Old Hatreds
The Silver Function
The Devil's Expanse


Old Hatreds

  • Stardate 239403.18 to 239404.10

To aide in talks between the races within the Tyrellian Sector and its neighbours, the USS Gorkon plays host to a diplomatic conference -- but when the captain is attacked and the conference is rocked by explosions, diplomacy becomes the last thing on anyone's minds.


Plot Elements

  • Diplomatic Conference: The USS Gorkon hosted a number of delegates for a diplomatic conference on board to broker peaceful negotiations with the neighbouring factions of the Tyrellian Sector.
  • Combat Exercise: Taking place in the Suva System, the USS Triumphant and USS Resolute engaged in war games exercises. No holds barred.

Notable Characters

  • Captain Clangers
    • Chief Petty Officer Alexei Volkov: A distraught father, whose son died under Quinn Reynolds' command.
    • Attache Væbn: Seeking revenge, Væbn's brother died in a conflict against the USS Drake, one of Quinn Reynolds' previous commands.
  • Diplomats
    • Tyrellians
      • Jhaina Raisaris: Chief Prosecutor, Representative
      • Catellus Orisoni: Eosrida to the Eosri Tyrellia
      • Ialessa Vernio: Political Attaché
    • Klingons
      • Ambassador Kellen: Diplomatic Ambassador
      • L’Pen, of the House K’zhen: Minister-Counsellor of Public Affairs
    • Romulan Star Empire
      • Ambassador Talana: Diplomatic Ambassador
    • Romulan Republic
      • Jomax: Tribune, Diplomatic Ambassador
      • Hatola: Sublieutenant, Warbird Yaekh

Mission Summary

A conference is held on the USS Gorkon to aid in the diplomatic talks brokered between the political powers of the Tyrellian Sector and their neighbours. Meanwhile, the USS Triumphant is seconded to the Suva System for a combat exercise against the USS Resolute.

After an extensive investigation, the perpetrator of the bombing and near-fatal assault aboard the USS Gorkon has been identified and arrested.

After a devastating explosion and a near-fatal assault at a diplomatic conference aboard the USS Gorkon, investigations continued aboard the flagship of the Tyrellian Exploration and Defence Taskforce. The perpetrators of the attack against Fleet Captain Reynolds were identified as Chief Petty Officer Alexei Volkov and a Romulan diplomatic attaché whom sources have identified as Væbn. Their motives appear to be personal in nature; Volkov son’s died under Reynolds’ command, and Væbn’s brother died in a conflict against one of Reynolds’ previous commands, the USS Drake. Claiming diplomatic immunity, Væbn returned to Romulan space, while Volkov remains in Starfleet custody, pending a trial.

“It’s not right!” said a Starfleet officer, who wished to remain anonymous, “He committed a crime on Federation soil — he tried to kill someone! He shouldn’t be able to claim diplomatic immunity and scurry back home without a single consequence.”

The explosion itself was also revealed to be their handiwork, intended to form a distraction and an escape route for their crimes. Due to various conventions and treaties, only diplomats would be permitted to leave the ship in the midst of such a crisis. During the investigation, it was also discovered that additional devices had been planted, but not detonated, and they were disarmed thanks to the bravery and ingenuity of the Starfleet crew.

The USS Triumphant, Resolute and Shavar returned from the Suva system after an engagement with the Breen dreadnought. Rumours abound that dreadnought belonged to the Orion Syndicate, and that the Shavar had gathered detailed sensor information on a hidden Syndicate base in the system.

With the Triumphant requiring extensive repairs after the conflict, the Gorkon made a slipstream journey to Starbase 12 with the Defiant-class in tow. With Risa nearby, the crews of both ships were delighted to find themselves granted shore leave aboard the resort planet, and have been taking full advantage of the opportunity.

Written by Quinn Reynolds

REV SD 239507.25