User:Sky Blake/PNPCs
Madam President | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
User:Sky Blake | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Not only is this a complete listing of every character I've played or has made a very minor appearance, it is the "planning page" for them all. Notes on these characters are displayed below. Names that are green are characters that are currently active and in use, but at the moment, nothing's in green. So yeah.
Elis Nacubaq
- Has a first name. I don't think I've ever actually used it in sim, though.
- Sec/Tac officer.
- Original Veritas crew.
Pouge Romey
- Medical officer in Starfleet.
- Played on USS Ronin/Transferred to USS Avandar with Secondary, got stuck there for a long time/Transferred to USS Mercury as CMO, is mainly a background character. Seen occasionally.
- Symbiont transfer between Akyra and Kinan Venroe.
Lila Cole
- Sneaky.
- Mentioned numerous times
- Mentioned on USS Ronin, USS Mercury & USS Avandar/played on USS Ronin & Duronis II Embassy, mentioned on USS Vigilant, mentioned on USS Garuda, USS Invicta
Brekkian Hybrids
Primary character1
- Skyleena Serrella Blake
- Guess who's back.
- Back again
- Will not - repeat, will not - regain her memories. Brief flashbacks, yes. Everything? No.
- Played on USS Challenger-A, USS Ronin, USS Mercury, USS Thunder/Duronis II Embassy, USS Avandar, USS Vigilant, USS Vigilant-A (also had a very brief appearance in a USS Garuda sim, though not based on or near the Garuda), USS Invicta. Played in unpublished sim. Now a primary on USS Veritas.
- JP inbound elsewhere.
- Not with her children.
- On their way, though.
- Federation immigration services being problematic.
- On their way, though.
- Let's ruin one of those bioelectrical currents in her arms.
- Time to tag some peeps.
- AVATAR: Yvonne Strahovski
Faith Blake
- I legit don't care about her parentage anymore, Imma go ahead and make her just a regular Brekkian Betazoid hybrid. No more Ozera.
- Sister to Ayeden Blake.
- "We made crystals!"
"She's quite the budding scientist."
"I don't know. Sabor mentioned she loved her jaspern when she was younger. I hope it's more a fascination with glowing rocks." - Played, but limited, on Duronis II Embassy, USS Avandar, USS Vigilant, USS Vigilant-A & USS Veritas. Un-published sim.
Brandon Cormac
- Shore leave character, if played at all.
- Used mainly to bridge the gabs of Blake's time on Veritas.
- Was a Ranger based around Ketar V prior to service aboard Veritas.
- Was Special Operations Officer aboard Veritas (possibly 2O prior to NPC crew transfer, given that he shared beta shift command with Blake question mark?).
- While Cormac was Special Ops officer, Blake was Strategic Ops officer. The basic difference between them was that while Cormac primarily worked with Starfleet Intelligence and analyzed societal and political environments of each colony world, Blake worked with CCMS contacts and tracked pirates. At some point, they come to realize that yes, they should probably share an office space.
Angeline Loupaz
- Loo. Paz.
- Played on the USS Challenger-A, USS Ronin, USS Mercury, USS Avandar, USS Garuda, USS Invicta and USS Veritas.
- Tristam's "personal assistant", not that she's overall happy with the arrangement.
- Tends to be the go-to fixer-of-everything
- Translated his nonspeakingness for the rest of the Engineering staff (and then told Roshanara Rahman of this for his own good)
- Willingly brought him clothes when kindly asked (though admitted this was to sate her own curiosity)
- Gets constantly pulled out of Engineering to help with the MST project, where most of her contribution is watching readings and whining about how they're late for a coffee break.
- Assisted in pulling apart the Syracuse's lounge.
- Tristam owes her. Like, a lot.
- Used description provided by User:Bryan MacRae when he first created her NPC page in order to find an avatar.
- AVATAR: Taylor Cole
- (Paint.NETed her eyes to dark brown)
Vian Nova
- FNS reporter.
Alixis Ozera
- Currently resides in Ornaran custody, not entirely sure if Starfleet is aware of it.
- AVATAR: Chace Crawford
- Played on USS Ronin & USS Mercury/Commonly thought about by Sky/Appeared in single JP from the USS Avandar. Referenced on USS Invicta through Voreic Industries. Un-published sim.
Vivian Volkoff (previously Alisha Ozera, Vivian Volkoff)
- Currently selling weapons to the Orion Syndicate and Scarlett Brotherhood. Is also a member of the Syndicate.
- Referenced in appearance of Voreic Industries as holders of a current cloaking technology, used against the USS Invicta & USS Garuda.
- AVATAR: Lauren Cohan
- Played on USS Mercury/Duronis II Embassy/JPs from USS Avandar. Referenced in unpublished sim.
- Holographic version of an earlier original Blake.
- Ick.
- Tristam keeps her off as much as possible.
- Showdown with realBlake would be awesome.
- Give it time.
- AVATAR: Yvonne Strahovski
Nygeyan-Vale Caeloi
- Krzexxi
- TwinCores
- Fighting for new world ideals on a regular basis.
- Primarily interested in propulsion technology and a self-proclaimed "propulsionist".
- Which is how and why Tristam calls many engineers involved in the field "propulsionists", regardless of whether or not it's an actual title.
- Irony is, however, it's Nygeyan that's helping him integrating the Rodul com tech.
- Arguments about the viability of propulsion were a common thing between the two. One prefers transporters, the other prefers speed.
- Medledore influenced this.
- And definitely not unintentionally.
- Medledore influenced this.
Primary character2
Coloured text = additions by the rich.
Tristam Daneil Core
- Accidentally called my own character "Tea Cup" (T.Cup).
- Corrected his middle name to give it a more Rodulan feel - or, rather, decided that "Daniel" was far too human and simply swapped letters around and blaming inconsistency on spelling error instead of coming up with a new one. This is referenced in "A Walk".
- Realized that the actual pronunciation of his name is different to how people would normally pronounce it. Thus the (pronounced /traɪstɛm/) on his bio.
- This came from Roshanara Rahman calling him "Tris" after Tristam called her "Rosh" (since "Tris" should really be "Trice", following how his name is spoken)
- Has yet to discover the joys of a finely cooked Kriosian rainbow potato.
- Goes well with burritos.
- Specifically Rahman burritos.
- Goes well with burritos.
- AVATAR: Jimmy McGhie
Taywor Taniel Core
- Tristam's twin brother
- Of whom is both younger by a minute, and taller by an inch. He also also significantly less dramatic and paranoid.
- Who even knows what's up with this guy anymore.
Yanata Venxi
- Judgemental, not afraid to speak. Sort of like Medledore but at least more restrained.

Nick Falls
- Joined Trill.
- Lieutenant JG, Tactical officer
- Good friends with Jess Webber.
- Previous hosts Stacee and Xolak Falls.
- AVATAR: Matt Bomer
- Had a holographic version of him roam around.
- Debate on name. Though "Kinan Venroe" is preferred, Kinan is actually her true last name, Venroe being the name of her symbiont. Hates 'Ari'. ("Ari is childish and unprofessional")
- Full title including face names would actually work to be Ari (personal) Renya (township) Kinan (outsiders) Venroe (symbiont).
- Very official, very business like, very by the book. Though will become frazzled when asked too do impossible tasks.
- Deals with a whole lot of people on a regular day.
- Personnel Officer part comes into play here. Her preference is for working with people that actually work for her, rather than trying to wrestle diplomats and ambassadors (despite various degrees of success in both of these areas). Should emphasize this later.
- Though she displays patience, she kind of wants to head/desk her way through a couple of situations.
- She's the "lets keep level-headed while we're yelling" type and will compromise where needed.
- AVATAR: Kate Mara
- Full Name: Ari Renya Kinan Venroe
- Date of Birth: 236012.26 (30)
- Previous Hosts:
- Akyra Venroe [F]
- Ethan Venroe [M]
- Played on USS Avandar (originally Secondary Character, changed to PNPC), USS Vigilant, and was a holographic character aboard the USS Mercury. Joined with Kinan as a PNPC on DSX. MSNPC for USS Invicta on the Charles Lindbergh.
- Sky, Faith & Ayden.
- Despite his unavailability, he's getting better as a character.
- Retcons. Lots and lots of retcons.
- AVATAR: Milo Ventimiglia
- Played on USS Mercury, Duronis II Embassy, USS Avandar, USS Vigilant & USS Vigilant-A. Referenced in unpublished sim, referenced on USS Veritas - repeatedly.
Others (ideas)
Let me make this clear. Everything in this section is being planned. If you see it here, it's likely that it's probably not going to happen and is just a crazy idea I had that I wanted to jot down before I forgot it again.
Reference to sim "The Reason" (flashback).
Ageism seems to be a battle most young Rodulans must face. Typically, many cultures believe a person will not reach maturity until the age of 30 - but even then, they are seen as awfully inexperienced and uneducated by many elders and are not seen to be worthy of becoming leaders, developers, scientists, or teachers. Despite an individual's level of education and capability, contributions to science (or technology) is not deemed reliable unless they are at least 75 - even if the science is sound.
Since there are more Rodulan players than just myself, it's likely this is more of a system used within the Western Gate.
Ages of maturity
- En: 0 - 10
- Duo: 10 - 29
- Samual Core
- Reev: 30 - 59
- Tristam & Taywor Core, Ngeyan-Vale Caeloi
- Ereq: 60 - 120
- Yanata Venxi
- Capa: 121 - 230
- Meredyn Tjaent (143 upon death)
- Gamighan Core
- Caparnico Core
- Ender: 231 - 280
- Guan Medledore
- Elder: 281+