Shiarrael Ei-Ihhliae

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Character has been tentatively approved by Cmdr Brek under the Restricted Species Conditional Play Guidelines.
USS Columbia
Shiarrael ei-Ihhliae
Position Republic Liaison Officer
Rank Tribune
Species Romulan
Gender Female
DOB 235505.21
Age 46
Birthplace Liorae Ehrehinnen Estate, Romulus
Writer ID V238008N10

Shiarrael ei-Ihhliae is a Liaison officer of the Romulan Republic stationed on the USS Columbia.


  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 139 lbs
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Dark Blue
  • Build: Athletic
  • Handedness: Right


  • Quarters: Though nice, she does not have a lot of personal stuff.
  • Mannerisms: Mostly confrontational while at work.
  • Physical Limitations: None for her species.
  • Temperament: Most of the times brusque, though a hidden kind streak.
  • Habits: Always checking around her and very careful.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: None.


What the young girl's personality would have been before her capture and indoctrination by the Tal Delata would have been will remain a mystery as Shiarrael is a confrontational and cunning thinker.

Raised to see things through the eyes of a killer, many of her interactions with the world, even those that are benign are through that mentality.

Since her repentence from her previous career, she has tried to show a kinder side to people, wanting to make amends for the lives that she has taken.

Considered brusque more than anything else. Only a few have been able to see her soft side.

Life & Relationships

Talia Kaji

To think that the Rodulan counselor became close friends with a Romulan assassin boggles the mind, but Doctor Kaji and Shiarrael hit it off pretty well including when the Rodulan had been rescued from Sicarius.


Shiarrael knew that Nugra's daughter Iria had a few screws loose, but the young Myrivan had taken it upon herself to watch the ex-assassin to make sure she does not cross the line and end her life if it ever happened.

Antero Flynn

Most people react bad when a Romulan yells at you or even looks at you roughly, but Antero Flynn had the complete opposite reaction. The two unlikely co-workers have demonstrated a unique working relationship that defies odds at times.

Personal History

Shiarrael was born on the expansive Liorae Ehrehinnen Estate to a senator and his wife in the spring. Though taken at the age of six by the Tal Delata, she still retained the faint memories of fireblossoms that had grown around the window of her room. Though the memories were faint and almost completely erased by the conditioning and the programming she underwent, the smell of fireblossoms still triggers a bit of nostalgia.

Tal Delata

When and how she was abducted from her home has been lost to time, but for a few childhood memories, all Shiarrael could remember of her young life was the gray walls of the compound and the harsh training that she had to endure every day. The Tal Delata were a secret experiment by a group of Senators who wanted to breed and train a special assassin. No one knew of their existence and only twelve were ever trained. Even the Tal Shiar never learned of their existence.

Upon reaching the age of seventeen, she graduated after executing a Nausicaan pirate on her first mission and was then assigned to become a deep cover agent in the Federation. She was implanted in to a Vulcan monastery with a family supportive of Romulan Empire where they claimed that she was their daughter. At the age of eighteen, she joined Starfleet and once accepted made sure to kill her pseudo parents to limit any chance of her fake heritage being discovered.


After graduating starfleet academy, she was stationed to The Federation Embassy on Duronis II where she was to remain in wait until she received a command to kill the senior staff. Those two years waiting, she preformed a few missions for the Tal Delata while on "leave", but when the order finally came, she could not do it.

Surrendering to the Intelligence officer, a fellow Romulan, S'Lone i-Ra'thleifl Tr'Khellian in hopes he would kill her in a ceremonial death, wound up becoming a bartering chip between the Romulan Republic and the Federation. In the end, she was handed over to a covert facility to keep dangerous romulans in check which Shiarrael promptly escaped and joined the Republic.

Republic Operative

Since joining the Republic, Shiarrael has felt a weight has been lifted, using her skills to build a new government instead of killing those to keep others in power. She participated in many ops and missions until her mission took her to the decks of the USS Victory where she got herself appointed as the Republic's liaison officer to the Nashira Rho sector.

Though only functioning aboard the USS Victory for a few weeks, when the ship was decommissioned, she found herself being transferred to the USS Columbia to continue her job.

In a way, her service to the Republic and to Starfleet is her way of trying to make amends for her crimes.

Mission Log

Scourge of Romulus 239203.18 - 239205.03 The Spider's Web 239205.18 - 239207.12
Force of Nature 239208.05 - Present

SIM Archive

NPC Listing   ·   USS Columbia Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Theo Whittaker Captain.png
Commanding Ofc.
Theo Whittaker
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Pholin Duyzer
Asst. Chief Ops
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Asst. Chief Tactical
James Colquhoun
Artinus Serinus.jpg
Security Ofc.
Artinus Serinus
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Security Ofc.
Kano Risha
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Engineering Ofc.
Ryan Horn
Chief Medical Ofc.
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Karen Stendhal
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