Kevin Breeman

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Crew of the USS Columbia


Lt. Commander Kevin Breeman

Lieutenant Commander Kevin Breeman is currently assigned as Chief Engineering Officer of Starbase 118.



A rather quirky and verbose human, Kevin is very imaginative and philosophical. This has been both a curse and a blessing in that it allows him to find less obvious solutions to problems, but often at the expense of the common sense that most other people take for granted.

From an early age Kevin was fascinated with computers and with programming.

Defining Features/Characteristics

  • Carriage: Fast, almost stomping, walk. Gets faster as he thinks
  • Poses: Taps his nose when deep in thought


Kevin's most salient idiosyncratic behaviour is his tendency to pace when thinking or when trying to solve a problem. The more excited he gets about something the faster he will end up walking.

Kevin dislikes smalltalk and finds it difficult to understand why people would be interested in such things as the weather or the current state of sports teams. In the past this tendency would usually result in his drifting into his own thoughts when someone started to talk about something he was not interested in. Of late, however, Kevin has learned to become more interested in other people's small talk as a kind of mechanism to open one's self up to the development of interpersonal relations.

Recently Kevin began dating an intelligence liason officer aboard Starbase 118 named Savannah Taylor and since then he has become more sociable. Furthermore his climbing the ranks to Lt. Cmdr. has meant that he has had to foster more of a social personality in order to be able to manage the engineering staff.

Psychological Profile


This profile has been compiled from research both into the mission archives of vessels throughout the fleet and also into the Starfleet psychology database.


An excessively cerebral and inwardly-directed personality has left Kevin somewhat impoverished emotionally, as was discovered on stardate 238609.16.

Kevin finds it difficult to cope with combat situations. He finds that the emotion of these situations overwhelms him. When asked about this once he commented that perhaps it was a byproduct of his rather quick mind. A mind that can think fast and intensely can also feel the same way, he reasoned.

Unfortunately a refusal to cry in public hampered the ability to get over things faster after a mission to retake the USS Phoenix from its Ixvapyan captors. Work to get Kevin comfortable with public emoting began with a counselling session aboard the USS Independence-A on stardate 238609.16 and he now feels more comfortable with it. His extensive use of metaphor as a means of promoting personal emotional health has helped in this matter.

Kevin's adolescent fear of interacting socially has had a curious effect on him in his adult life. He often sees meeting new people as akin to first contact situations but on a smaller level. This, in his own words, has given him an alien sense of newness when he gets to know someone else. For him, he is not just meeting someone new but getting to know a completely new sentient life form.

He tends to make extensive use of positive self talk, having learned to do this from a quasi mentor named David Owens.


On stardate 238708.08 Kevin's mother informed him that he was a high-functioning autistic. This was something Kevin found difficult to accept for a time, believing that it meant that he would not be able to serve as a Starfleet officer. On stardate 238711.09 this problem came to a head when Kevin was transferred to the USS Victory. He found himself breaking down and doubting himself while discussing his condition with the Vulcan crewman T'tala.

With T'tala's assistance Kevin was able to re-think what was essentially an already-treated condition and to get on with being an officer.

It should be noted that Kevin's 21st century grandfather was also autistic. The man kept a very detailed journal whose eccentric and even insane contents occasionally give Kevin reason to doubt the benefits of being diagnosed as an autistic. Throughout his childhood he had an interesting relationship with the journal, spending much of his time reading through old entries and finding himself identifying with his grandfather, until finally he destroyed his copies of the text at his family home.

Religious Views


Religious/spiritual views: Mysticism based on Judeo-Christian belief systems. Kevin has tended to waver between what might be dubbed atheism by mainline Terran blends of Judeo-Christian religion and a moderate form of protestantism. He tends not to discuss his religious views with people in general but evidence exists that he employs religion at times as a psychological stabilizing mechanism.


Kevin grew up with friends and family whose spirituality was descended from a predominantly protestant Christian background. While occasionally tempted by their sense of community, Kevin never really joined his more conservative friends in their strict adherence to ancient Christian customs, preferring instead a cross between mysticism and atheism as his outlook on matters spiritual.

Once, when asked by a friend why he described himself as an atheist despite believing in God, Kevin said that he was an atheist with respect to most of the versions of God any Christian or other religious person had presented to him.

It was while in college that Kevin's views briefly became a problem. In a speech concerning the Christian communities in the region where his school was located, Kevin condemned the views of most of the members of those communities as out-dated and antiquated, claiming that their view of God was insulting in that it placed someone supposedly awesome enough to have created the entire universe into an Earth-sized box. As a direct result of this speech, Kevin received a formal reprimand on his transcript for inconsiderate and slanderous speech.

Since then, Kevin's concerns over spiritual matters have not been as prominent. His cosmopolitanism with respect to the varieties of species of which the Federation is comprised has given rise in him to a moderate protestantism which he sees as beneficial to himself as a human but not necessarily something which ought to be evangelized as some Christian sects of the day might.


  • Reading
  • Thinking
  • Programming
  • Inventing programming languages
  • Inventing fictional civilizations


  • Mother: Jan Breeman
  • Father: Alvin Breeman
  • Siblings: 1 Brother

Personal History

  1. 235810.27 - Born in Toronto, Canada
  2. 237103.12 - Competes in Northern BC Winter Games Phenomenological Representation Tournement
  3. 237809.02 - Attends liberal arts college pursuant to a computer science degree
  4. 238002.02 - Formally reprimanded by college dean for labeling certain hypothetical metaphysical beings un-creative in a speech
  5. 238109.10 - Enters Starfleet Academy
  6. 238601.11 - Completes starfleet training and moves on to training cruise
  7. 238501.19 - Completes training cruise and is stationed on the USS Independence-A as an engineering officer


Throughout much of his childhood Kevin was interested in astronomy. He liked reading about planetary geology and about the stars. He was enamored with simple machines and pulleys and he liked reading about the ancient automobiles that had been used on Terra during the 20th and 21st centuries.

He spent a great deal of time alone and absorbed in himself to the point that many saw him as strange and eccentric. Unfortunately he was often teased in high school, which led him to be even less prone to social interaction.


Kevin's career as a Starfleet officer has revolved both around science in and of itself and applied science. Thus Kevin has a wealth of experience as both a chief science officer and a chief engineering officer. For further details the reader may consult his professional history page.


Breeman on first seeing his quarters
Image Kevin took as he toured his new quarters

Kevin's quarters tend to be somewhat messy, with padds and books strewn about. Luckily he was given a large quarter assignment.

Sim Archive



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