Shore leave: DS33 (Ronin)

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Shore leave 1: Stardate 240011.29 -240101.11

Shore Leave Summary

  • Ico Ena discusses with Poagie his new roommate. He offers her something to bribe her for a change, but she can't do anything about it.
  • Alieth, Ian O'Connor, Kirsty Lee Carpenter & Luxa Lorana go to a small party in DS33. They witness a spectacular space show, they eat food, the Orion flirts with everyone and perhaps, at some point, he shows all the women his underwear. Everyone except the Vulcan (who has to leave early) gets tipsy and there's dancing and laughter.
  • After nearly being liquefied at the molecular level, Aliethand V'Len Kel share a moment in the Sickbay. She tells him about a harebrained scheme she's hatching. He objects, but offers to cover her back. The Vulcan discovers the presence of a Romulan on board and is not pleased.
  • Karrod Niac went to take some stress out by gloving a bit in the gym in the wee hours of the night. There he met Alieth and Toryn Raga which ended in an impromptu boxing match between the Vulcan and the Trill with the XO as referee. V'Len Kel and Quentin Beck were called to attend to the wounds caused by the combat, the former offended to see the work he had done on the captain so misused, the latter delighted to meet the ship's staff in such a way. Karrod was eventually disarmed by Alieth, but his great weight ensured that the fight ended in a draw. A rematch was expected.
  • Cheesecake Watanabe met Kirsty Lee Carpenter. They were later joined by Dekas, Toryn Raga and his pet owl. The mastiff ran away from there, terribly confused by the birds and bird-people, but the rest of them went for a walk and had a great time.
  • Ico Ena invited Marty Tucker to dinner for Bajoran food. She lured Luxa Lorana to join the dinner, and Marty tricked |Quentin Beck into joining him. Despite this and the bad blood between the engineer and the scientist, the double date went well and two unequal couples (or the beginnings of two romances) were born that night.
  • Tzim-Shah & Briza-Kar had a disagreement about the extensions of a prank and how gunfire and ambushes differ in the way they are interpreted by different species. Kirsty Lee Carpenter intervened and in the end they competed in a marksmanship contest. The chief, of course, won.
  • Alieth, Ian O'Connor, Marty Tucker & Luxa Lorana conducted an undercover mission to return the time-travelled officers back to their original time to avoid the Temporal Affairs intervention. They ran into a temporal space rift, asteroids and a Lattice Alliance patrol, but luckily the Ronin fighters were able to escort them back on a damaged Rhine. Neither Toryn Raga nor Ishani Singh were too happy about them performing this minimission, but Gra'vel had a blast.


Senior officers taking part in the Shoreleave
Name Position Notes
Karrod Niac Commanding Officer
Toryn Raga First Officer
Ian O'Connor HCO Officer
Kirsty Lee Carpenter Chief of Security & Tactical
Will Rueka Security Officer LOA starting 240012.07
Marty Tucker Engineering Officer Appointed Acting Chief of Engineering during the shoreleave. Promoted from Ensign to Lt JG on 240101.06
Alex Mercer Ops Officer Joining 240012.06, LOA: 240012.12
Alieth Chief Science officer & 2O
Luxa Lorana Science officer Promoted from Ensign to Lt JG on 240101.06
V'Len Kel Chief Medical Officer Promoted from Lt to Lt Cmdr on 240101.06
Quentin Beck Medical Officer Joining the Ronin during the Shoreleave
Dekas Chief Counselor Returns from LOA 240012.09

REV SD 240103.31
Ronin Mission Archive
2400-: Under New Management The Spark and the Powderkeg · Ashes to Ashes · Nightmares Never Fade! · Stand Off · Things Lost In Time ·
2388 - The Lost Year Where the Eagles Dare · Suns of Anarchy
2385 - 2387: Walking in Pastures New Too Little, Too Layte · O What a Tangled Web... · Seen or Unseen
2384 - 2385: In the Year of Our Mar Bounty Hunter · Point of Divergence · Wedded Bliss · Test Run · The Sya-Negan · The Sya-Negan, part II · Cardassians in Wait · The Origins of War · True Intentions · Stranded · Desert Dangers · Destination: Mars · The Case of the Missing Bride
2379 - 2383: The Years of the Unknown The Phoenix Doesn't Rise · Black Gate · Eye of the Sun
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