Ashes to Ashes (Ronin)

Revision as of 21:35, 25 January 2024 by Dekas (talk | contribs)


The USS Ronin responds to an urgent distress call from the planet Grus Beta Three, where a large, high-intensity wildfire has broken out, to help evacuate the planet's unaligned colony and investigate the mysterious fire itself. With no one quite sure how it started, it is proving to be more dangerous than originally anticipated and even stranger still.


Setting here

Setting here

Grus Beta Three

Captain's Log, Stardate 240101.10

Responding to an urgent distress call from the unaligned colony on Grus Beta Three, the Ronin has been presented with a humanitarian crisis and a bizarre mystery all in one. Approximately four days ago a large and high intensity wildfire broke out on this planet's southern continent and has been making it's way steadily outwards in all directions ever since. All local attempts to contain or extinguish the blaze have failed and projections currently show the firewall will begin consuming the outer edges of the colony in a matter of days. The local government has asked for help fighting the fire and to begin evacuating civilians, efforts which have been significantly stymied by unusual atmospheric interference created by the dustclouds being kicked up by the fires.

Grus Beta Three is a planet with mines of maleconite, and an atmosphere that makes it difficult to communicate over comms. Chosen on purpose by the inhabitants so as to have as few dealings with Starfleet and the federation as they can get away with. But recently some mysterious and intense wildfires have sprung up and Starfleet answered the call for help.

Notable Characters

Senior officers taking part in the mission
Name Position Notes
Karrod Niac Commanding Officer
Toryn Raga First Officer
Ian O'Connor HCO Officer
Kirsty Lee Carpenter Chief of Security & Tactical
Marty Tucker Acting Chief of Engineering
Is’Kah‎ Engineer Joining the mission on 240101.17
Alieth Chief Science officer & 2O
Luxa Lorana Science officer
V'Len Kel Chief Medical Officer
Quentin Beck Medical Officer
Dekas Chief Counselor
Hiro Jones Counselor/Medical Officer
Name Position Notes
Rox Nurse from the USS Ronin PNPC written by V'Len Kel
Name Position Notes
F'red Lattice Alliance High Command, LAS Refraction As written by Karrod Niac
V'iolet Lattice Alliance Territorial Reclaminator, CO of the LATF Scourge As written by Dekas
Emzai Colony Administrator of Grus Beta Three As written by Luxa Lorana
V't'r'us B'ek Terraforming Specialist on the LATF Scourge As written by Quentin Beck
B'hab Sheliak Lattice Alliance Captain on the LATF Scourge As written by Marty Tucker

Mission Summary

Click sub-headings below to expand or collapse.

Act One: We didn't start the fire!

Evacuation team

The team made up of Karrod Niac, Kirsty Lee Carpenter, V'Len Kel, and Quentin Beck assist with evacuations and medical attention before making their way to talk with the Colony's Administrator Emzai.

Science team

The team made up of Alieth, Luxa Lorana, and Hiro Jones head to the outskirts of Kite Springs, up close and fairly personal, near the edge of the fire itself in hopes of gathering more information about it, preferably without getting hurt in the process.

Ronin Team

The team made up of Toryn Raga, Ian O'Connor, Marty Tucker, Dekas, and joined fairly early in by Is'Kah are in orbit above Grus Beta Three, coordinating with the ship's Marines, the Valkyries, and med teams to help with the evacuation. They are also waiting for communications with the other teams on the planet, as they haven't been heard from in hours, and the atmosphere makes it difficult to communicate already.

Somewhere above Alieth's team near the edge of the flames, they have to dip into the atmosphere and smoke to phaser a trench to hold off the flames a little longer so they can reach the team.

They do eventually get into contact with Niac and co (which includes Doctor Kel, Alieth, Luxa Lorana, and Hiro Jones by this point) as communications are easier in the lower atmosphere. But there is something strange. Some communications in the atmosphere from somewhere they have yet to locate or fully translate that's otherwise part of what's keeping them from being able to communicate with everyone else a lot easier.

The Evil Windchimes, (and B'hab)

Act Two:

Teams TBD

Act Three:

Teams TBD

Notable SIMs

Mission Reports

REV SD 240101.25
Ronin Mission Archive
2400-: Under New Management The Spark and the Powderkeg · Ashes to Ashes · Nightmares Never Fade! · Stand Off · Things Lost In Time ·
2388 - The Lost Year Where the Eagles Dare · Suns of Anarchy
2385 - 2387: Walking in Pastures New Too Little, Too Layte · O What a Tangled Web... · Seen or Unseen
2384 - 2385: In the Year of Our Mar Bounty Hunter · Point of Divergence · Wedded Bliss · Test Run · The Sya-Negan · The Sya-Negan, part II · Cardassians in Wait · The Origins of War · True Intentions · Stranded · Desert Dangers · Destination: Mars · The Case of the Missing Bride
2379 - 2383: The Years of the Unknown The Phoenix Doesn't Rise · Black Gate · Eye of the Sun
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