Pets on the Arrow

Revision as of 17:49, 30 September 2021 by Danny Wilde (talk | contribs)

Welcome to the Pets Page of the USS Arrow.

Visual Name Species/gender Owner Notes
Mandy.jpg Mandy Golden Retriever / Female Chloe Waters Therapy Dog
Queen's Teacup Targ.png tlhIroghnI' (Flower in English) Miniature Swordback (Targ) / Female Artinus Serinus
[File:Noimage] Olliepiest Lizard Hayley Caden Found on Theta 122
RA.jpg RA Feline/Lemur-like mammal R'Ariel Found on Theta 122
Roo1.jpg Roo Cat / Female Eerie
Millie.jpg Millie Millipede Maz Rodan Found on the Space Hulk