Ghost in the Machine (Khitomer)

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Episode 3 - Ghost in the Machine


Officers taking part in the Mission
Name Position Notes
Randal Shayne Commanding Officer
Nolen Hobart Executive Officer
Ash MacKenna Intelligence Chief Transferred out in Act 3
Connor Dewitt Chief Engineer
Lera Michaels Engineering Officer
Ezra Zerva Security Officer
Talia Ohnari Chief Medical Officer
Jacin Ayemet Science Officer
Ras El'Heem Medical Officer
Richard Matthews Science Officer
Amelia Semara Science Officer Re-joined Act 2
Vada Journalist LOA After Act 1
Name Position Author
Eridani / "Junior" ??? Talia Ohnari
Name Position Author
Jenna Prix Helm, USS Khitomer Connor Dewitt
Ginny Lacy Engineer, USS Khitomer Nolen Hobart
Vanta Nebir Security NPNPC, KIA


Shayne is briefing the crew on their new mission, to explore a void in space, when Khitomer receives a distress call inside the void and he orders the ship after the signal.[1]. Meanwhile, Jacin escaped from a Sheliak internment camp, and found her way back Khitomer via rescue from an unknown agent.[2][3][4] When all hope seems nearly lost, Khitomer rescues the wayward Lieutenant from her stolen Sheliak shuttle just in time. [5]

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3

End File