Khitomer Duty Roster

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New Orleans II-black.png


The Khitomer Duty Roster is where any member can see the various out of character tasks that are necessary to keep the Khitomer running smoothly. Members interested in participating in these efforts are encouraged to check this page frequently, to see which positions are open. If a position is available and you are inclined to fill that vacancy, speak to Captain Randal Shayne, Lieutenant Hobart, or your mentor for more information.

Ship Staff

The Command Staff for the USS Khitomer serves to facilitate the ongoing operation of our game. Membership to the staff group is by invitation only based on demonstrated simming and OOC contributions to the station.

Khitomer staff members discuss topics including (but not limited to) Khitomer's ongoing story development, personnel details, long-term planning, mentoring of new or returning members, and to discuss concerns regarding IC and OOC conduct. All Khitomer players who are part of the station's staff group are expected to participate in the mentoring program as a mentor. The mentoring program is administered by the First Officer.

All emails your mentor, XO, or Captain sends to you are typically BCC'd to the staff list for training (and quality!) purposes, as this allows other staff members to comment or offer them advice so you recieve the best helping hand in our RPG.

All staff members have access to:

  • Monthly report composed by CO
  • Khitomer Google Document Drive
    • Including Current Crew status, mentoring information, and received mission proposals.
  • Advice and mentoring guidance
  • Emails sent to members by mentors

The Command Staff of the USS Khitomer are:

Shayne Engineer.png
Captain Shayne (talk)
Commander Ash MacKenna (talk)
Nolen Hobart Arrow.png
Lt. Commander Hobart (talk)
Ens Connor Dewitt.png
Lt. Commander Dewitt (talk)
Talia Ohnari LT.png
Lt. Commander Ohnari (talk)

Wiki Operator

The Wiki Operator role is, as one might imagine, connected to the maintenance of the wiki. An Operator would maintain wiki pages related to the Khitomer, add relevant information to them, and generally take responsibility for their upkeep. This may include, but is not limited to; updating the awards page when new awards are presented, adding details to the deck listing page, adding and removing crew members from the main roster as needed, and cleaning up pages that are cluttered or inaccurate. Previous experience with the wiki is preferred, but is not necessary (there is no need to interact with anything besides pre-designed templates, unless you feel comfortable enough to attempt it).

Commander Ash MacKenna (talk)

Mission Archivist

Where the Wiki Operator has a more general focus, the Mission Archivist is tasked with keeping the Mission Archive, as well as maintaining the current event's page. Responsibilities include adding to the summary of events regularly (including all relevant plot information), and placing links in the "Khitomer In The News" page when an Khitomer crew member is featured in an article. "Regularly" in this case means an update approximately every week, or more, if the plot becomes particularly complicated or compacted. As with the Wiki Operator, previous experience for this role is not required- simply an ability to accurately recount events!

This position is accepting applicants! Ask about it today!

Forum Manager

One of the goals for the forum manager is to stir up interesting topics on the forums. This can take the form of questions, discussions, polls, quizzes, trivia- anything the moderator feels would encourage activity on the forums. This role is a little more nebulous than others, but is a great way to help build familiarity, camaraderie and esprit de corps among our wonderful writers.

Another goal for the forum manager is to post, or encourage others to post, interesting sims or quotes from sims to the Appreciations area of the forums. This is a great way to let others know of the great work the Khitomer crew is doing.

This position is accepting applicants! Ask about it today!

Graphic Specialist

Inspired by the unceasing efforts and wonderful work of the Image Collective, this position would focus on creating images and graphics for the Khitomer on a mission to mission basis. Responsibilities of this position would include creating mission thumbnails, maps, objects, and other visually relevant images. Depending on the skill and ambition of the Specialist, more complex scenes, such as battles, may be attempted at the Specialist's discretion.

This position is accepting applicants! Ask about it today!