Karrod Niac

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USS Arrow
XO Niac angry.gif
Karrod Niac
Position First Officer
Rank Commander
Species Trill (Joined)
Gender Male
DOB 235302.22
Age 49
Birthplace Trill
Writer ID V239509GT0
Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Legacy Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Maiden Voyage Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons ExtendedService 2011.jpg
Warp XV Drive Pioneer.png
Project Capstone Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons DepartmentChief.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Intelligence Star.png
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal.png
Tholian Campaign Ribbon.png
Orion Syndicate Service Medal.png
Awards ServiceRibbons RomulanCampaign 2011.jpg

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Diplomacy Ribbon
Legacy Ribbon
Good Conduct Ribbon
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon
Explorer's Ribbon
First Contact Ribbon
Innovation Ribbon
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon
Legion of Merit
Maiden Voyage Ribbon
Extended Service Ribbon
Warp XV Drive Pioneer
Project Capstone Ribbon
Purple Heart
Captain's Commendation
Department Chief Ribbon
Silver Star
Intelligence Star
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal
Tholian Campaign Ribbon
Orion Syndicate Service Medal
Romulan Campaign Medal

Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
Awards General RussBar 2011.jpg
Luminary Award.png
Awards General SilverPalm 2011.jpg
Awards Special RisingStar 2011.jpg
Awards The Khan Award.png
Laudean Commendation.png
Awards General ScottyCross 2011.jpg
Q Award.png
Awards DutyPost VoyagerMedallionAward 2011.jpg

Russ Bar
Luminary Award
Silver Palm
Rising Star Award
Khan Award
Laudean Commendation
Scotty Cross
Q Award
Voyager Medallion

25th Anniversary
Badge 1.png
Badge 2.png
Awards Ceremony Nominator Elite
Badge 1.png
Awards Ceremony Nominator Legendary
Badge 1.png
SFMJ Author
Badge 1.png
Host with the Most
Badge 2.png
Podcast Veteran
Badge 1.png
A Voice For Radio
Badge 1.png
Pen To Paper
Badge 1.png
Put Your Ears On
Badge 1.png
A Voice For Radio Elite
Badge 1.png
Pen To Paper Elite
Badge 1.png
Put Your Ears On Elite
Badge 1.png
Host with the Most Elite
Badge 1.png
SOTFA Taskforce Commendation
Badge 1.png
Writing Challenge Winner
Badge 1.png
Writing Challenge Runner Up
Badge 1.png
Chat Trivia Winner
Badge 1.png
Trivia Chat Master
Badge 1.png

Commander Karrod Niac is currently serving as First Officer aboard the USS Arrow. He previously served on the USS Excalibur as Chief of Operations.


  • Height: 1.8288m
  • Weight: 89kg
  • Hair: Black (short cropped), black beard. Majestic.
  • Eyes: Blue/Green
  • Build: Stout/Stocky. Broad shoulders, barrel chest.

Personal History

Joining Starfleet at the age of 19, Karrod Morrahn left the Trill homeworld to seek out a life and career of his own after becoming disillusioned by his peoples fawning adoration for the process of Joining. He felt that too many of his peers had given up on the idea of living an independent life and were too obsessed with the slim possibility of obtaining a symbiote. It was a source of tension in his family and ultimately lead to him avoid the homeworld for decades afterwards. He served on several starships and starbases, including the doomed 'Astrofori One' Menthar Corridor diplomatic outpost, all of which were ultimately lost or severely damaged. He routinely came through these situations with minimal injuries and eventually earned a reputation for good fortune and personal fortitude. After the loss of Astrofori One Karrod decided his time involved in deep space duty needed to end and he took a posting at Starfleet Command, living and working in San Francisco on the western coast of Earth's North American continent. After spending two years there, Karrod was beginning to think of retirement from active duty and to aid in his considerations, took his first trip back to Trill.

Almost immediately upon his arrival, Karrod was approached by representatives of the Symbiosis Commission with an urgent request - the Symbiote Niac was dying and would only Join with a Starfleet Officer. Karrod immediately declined but after learning about the Symbiote's background, he begrudgingly accepted and became Karrod Niac. Without the grueling training and comprehensive preparation usually required before a Joining, Karrod and Niac had a difficult time integrating and continue to function with significantly less than an ideal level of balance. As such, Niac has sometimes exerted a significant influence on Karrod's personality and, after several weeks of constant nagging from 'Horvu,' Karrod again volunteered for deep space duty and was posted as the Chief of Operations on the USS Excalibur-A.

In his time serving on the Excalibur, Karrod rediscovered his love for starship duty and developed strong bonds with his colleagues. His relationship with Niac matured and the two have formed an effective, if unusual, partnership. Karrod discovered a love for cooking and fine cuisine thanks to the memories of NIac's first host, Rostil, even going so far as to holographically recreate the restaurant, Bisto Manev, which Rostil had operated some hundred years prior. As he worked under the command of Commodore Kalianna Nicholotti, Karrod quickly became an integral part of the command staff and realized he'd found himself a new, if unexpected, home.

Approximately one year into his service aboard the Excalibur-A, Karrod was tasked with assisting the engineering crew of the USS Arrow with the construction and installation of an industrial replication system known as 'The Forge.' Meant to extend the range and self-sufficiency of the Arrow, Karrod was immediately impressed with the project and worked hand in hand with the Arrow's crew to bring the facility online. After the project was complete Karrod returned to the Excalibur but, unbeknownst to him, he had caught the attention of the Arrow's CO, Captain Randal Shayne. When the position of First Officer on the Arrow became unexpectedly vacant a few months later, Captain Shayne requested Cmdr. Niac's transfer and Karrod's future changed dramatically once again.

It took him some time to arrive in the Alpha Isles but Karrod went to work immediately after coming aboard, bringing with him a renewed passion and enthusiasm. He has worked tirelessly to learn the ship and its crew and looks forward to the opportunity more than he would have expected.

Previous Hosts

Cmdr. Adriana Morgan - Female, Betazoid, Starfleet Communications Officer - Consciousness was swapped into Karrod's mind immediately after he was posted to the USS Excalibur A due to an encounter with an unknown alien technology with affected the entire crew at random. Although not physically Joined with the symbiote, Karrod discovered upon his resumption of his body that Cmdr. Morgan had left behind a detailed impression in Niac's mind. (Host for Two Days)

Horvu - Male/Ensign/Starfleet Helmsman - KIA - The Shortest joined host in Symbiosis Commission History. (Host for 47 days)

Sencha (Neemail) - Female/Trill Science Institute/Physicist, died in lab accident due to equipment failure, discovered new type of radiation ‘the Sencha Wave’ with her face (Host for 5 years)

Armo - Female/Botanist, head (?)eaten by previously undiscovered carnivorous plant on first offworld expedition (Host for 3 years)

Rostil - Male/Master Chef, killed by rare allergic reaction while sampling new ingredients (Host for 11 years)

SIM Archive

  • A Chorus of Fools - Thew newly joined Karrod Niac reports for duty aboard the USS Excalibur.
  • Piecemeal - Parts One and Two - The moment when Karrod Niac and Adriana Morgan swap bodies.
  • Between Two Trills - Parts One and Two - Karrod Niac and Yogan Yalu discuss their similarities and differences as Joined Trill.
  • Settling Up - Parts One and Two - In which Karrod discusses the fact he has a mental impression of a fellow crewmember in Niac's memory.
  • Cuisine Astra - Part One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six- Karrod rebuilds the Bistro Manev for a special occasion.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Arrow Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Shayne, Randal.png
Commanding Officer
R. Shayne
Nolen Hobart Arrow.png
First Officer
N. Hobart
Chloe Waters.jpg
Mission Specialist
C. Waters
Ens Connor Dewitt.png
Chief Engineer
C. Dewitt
Lera Michaels.png
Engineering Officer
L. Michaels
Zenno Ensign.png
Chief of Security
Ezra Zerva Portrait.jpg
Security Officer
E. Zerva
Talia Ohnari LT.png
Chief Medical Officer
T. Ohnari
Ras El'Heem Ensign.png
Medical Officer
R. El'Heem
J. Ayement
R & D Specialist
M. Rodan
Chief of Intelligence
A. MacKenna
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