The Paaran, part I (Atlantis)

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  • Duration - 238204.09-238205.29
  • Mission Name - The Paaran, part 1
  • Mission Tag - A terrorist threatens the welfare of the Federation. Can the ATLANTIS stop him before it's too late?

Mission Brief

Dr. Emelius Browne, also known as "the Paaran", is a former Maquis and an intragalactic terrorist. His latest action was the bombing of the Andorian Embassy on Betazed. His suspected "hideout" is on a criminally run space station outside of Federation jurisdiction. Federation law would prevent any criminal proceedings to be brought against the Paaran if he was captured by force outside of Federation space. The Atlantis, being the closest unassigned vessel, was to have a small team infiltrate the station in disguise, and lure the Paaran back into Federation space so that he could be properly apprehended.

Mission Summary

Greene, Sabdok, Soul and Mondana were assigned to the away mission to Midway Station. They used an appropriated Maquis Raider as a ship, and flew to the station through the Jenatris Corridor. Atlantis waited outside the Jenatris Cloud. While on the station, a major altercation between Greene and the station's administrator, the Klingon Nohgra, injured the Atlantis XO. Soon after, the team's cover was blown and the team imprisoned. Their original SI contact on the station was supposedly killed, and only through the efforts of another SI deep cover operative was the team able to escape.

Meanwhile, Atlantis was called away from her position to answer a civilian distress call. Pirate activity on the transport revealed a core breach in progress. During the evacuation, the artificially created sensor readings were discovered, and a group of pirates escaped with a shielded container of some sort. Atlantis rendezvoused with the away team in time to save them from a Cardassian vessel trying to steal from them important data the team had itself stolen from the Paaran. The Cardassians left empty-handed, and Atlantis returned to Starbase 118.