Commonwealth Military
Unified Emblem of the | |
Allied Commonwealth of Worlds | |
![]() | |
Ithassa Region | |
Native Species | |
Vorate | |
Carrasai | |
Byn'vui | |
Chargari | |
Fleet Organization | |
Commonwealth Political | |
Commonwealth Courts | |
Commonwealth Religious | |
Commonwealth Military | |
Stations and Ships | |
Commonwealth Stations | |
Commonwealth Holo Station | |
Commonwealth Ships | |
Commonwealth Fighter Craft | |
Personnel PNPC | |
Galvac Fraom | |
Omi Al'Torrak | |
Rellim Naro | |
Military Organization:
Fleet Commandant: (Fleet Admiral) Commands the Fleet under the Political Law
Grand Commander: (Admiral) there is Many Different Level of Grand Commander, but they Ultimate Commander of Departments in the fleet.
Fleet Coxswain (Commodore) Commands Larger Ships, or over a fleet of smaller Ships
Coxswain: (Captain) Mostly Ship C.O.’s
SubCoxswain: (Commander) Mostly Ship X.O.’s
Ship/Station Master: (Lt. Commander) Upper Department Heads
Shipwrights: (Lieutenant) Lower Department Heads
Wardmaster: (Lt. JG) Field Specialist
SubWardmaster: (Ensign) Basic Specialist
Ground Commander: (General) Commands from space
SubGround Commander (Colonel) Over All Field Commander
Line Commander (Major) Commands the ground units at the line level
Line Major (Lieutenant) Artillery and Armor Commander (Also may be members of the Red Guard at this point… The Red Guard protects the Ministers and the Religious Orders.)
Troop Leader (Sergeant) The Infantry Leader, Artillery and Armor men
Troop (Private) The Basic Infantryman