Trovek Arys

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Starbase 118 Ops
LT Trovek Arys.png
Trovek Arys
Position Chief Medical Officer
Rank Lieutenant
Species Bajoran/Human
Gender Female
DOB 2364
Age 38
Birthplace Finland, Earth
Writer ID J239809TA4

Trovek Arys
Seta Jinean Ferri Emlott Geleth Aski Zantett Nestira Aristren Catherine Vargas Sa'sara Mayreath
Starbase 118 OpsUSS Excalibur-AFNS

Lieutenant Trovek Arys is currently serving as a Chief Medical Officer aboard Starbase 118 Ops.


Childhood and Adolescense

Arys is the younger one of Tuomas’ and Sileah’s two children and grew up in the northern part of Europe. Due to her grandfather's occupation as a diplomat, and the fact that Arys travelled with him, she spent her childhood and early teenage years exposed to different species and cultures, rejecting her Bajoran heritage.

Her mother, a former member of the Bajoran Resistance, did not approve. She all but forced the participation in prayer and Bajoran holidays - something Arys hated passionately. After the end of the Dominion War, Sileah insisted on moving her family to Bajor in order to familiarize her children more with the Bajoran culture. While Aaron quickly made new friends and would later say that he felt ‘complete’ when exploring his people’s history and faith, Arys felt caged and unhappy.

When her mother and father split, Arys returned to Earth with her father.

Education on Earth

Having returned to Earth, Arys finished College, and studied medicine. She worked as a doctor under her father's tutorage, specializing in obstetrics, gynaecology, and prenatal surgery. She was by no means the best in her field but benefitted a lot from her father’s name and reputation. After several years of persistent encouragement by her grandfather and thorough preparation for the entry exam, Arys eventually applied to Starfleet Academy. She decided to major in Counselling and eventually become a Diplomat like her grandfather, but let a mentor convince her to obtain medical qualifications in addition. She finished Starfleet Academy successfully after almost six years.

USS Juneau and Starbase 118 Ops

Upon graduating, Arys was posted to the USS Juneau where she began working as a Counsellor. After only three months she was transferred to Starbase 118 Ops as a Medical Officer - something she struggled with for quite some time. After all, it seemed that she had wasted the past years. It took several months for her to realize that her passion was indeed being a Medical Officer, and the commitment to her patients and life-saving research got her promoted to Chief Medical Officer in 239905.

Friends & Living Family

Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 2392 - 2398 Starfleet Academy
Ensign SD 239809.14 - 239811.18 USS Juneau
Lieutenant JG SD 239811.18 - 239811.30 USS Juneau
Lieutenant JG SD 239811.30 - 239905.26 Starbase118 Ops
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Medical Officer
Lieutenant SD 239905.26 - present Starbase118 Ops
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Chief Medical Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards General RussBar 2011.jpg
Russ Bar 239906
Starbase118 Ops
Awarded to a writer who possesses an exceptional grasp of Trek mythology. Named after Tim Russ, the actor who portrayed Tuvok on Star Trek: Voyager and was a huge Star Trek fan before landing the part.
Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
TOSMA 239906
Starbase118 Ops
This award is given to members who show great dedication in their behavior and simming abilities. A candidate for TOSMA regularly contributes good, solid ideas to the plot and character development. They also take the time to edit and proofread their sims to ensure quality in their writing.
Awards DutyPost PrantaresRibbonAward 2011.jpg
Prantares Ribbon 239906
Starbase118 Ops
Awarded to Medical officers who have moved beyond standard competence to display a true gift for the healing arts in the context of space medicine.
Luminary Award.png
Luminary Award 239906
Starbase118 Ops
Awarded to members holding the rank of Ensign, Lieutenant Junior Grade, or Lieutenant. Officers qualifying for this award have shown outstanding promise in their future endeavours by displaying their skills in leadership, dependability, and dedication to the community.
Awards Special Xalor 2011.jpg
Xalor Clan Xifilis Award 239906
Starbase118 Ops
Awarded to simmers who overcome a disadvantage throughout simming. This award was initially known as the "Rachel Garett Pendant," but was renamed for the 2000 event to commemorate a valued StarBase 118 PBEM RPG simmer who died that year. In each event, this award can be given to all qualifying simmers.
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Diplomacy Ribbon 239905.26
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for diffusing a tense situation in sickbay, involving the Risu.
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon 239905.26
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for helping to mitigate casualties in the battle against Terra Prime.
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon 239905.26
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim to the whole crew for helping to bring the Rahuba and the Si'laan back to safety.
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
First Contact Ribbon 239905.26
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim to the whole crew for making contact with the Risu.
Unity Ribbon.png
Unity Ribbon 239811.18
USS Juneau
Given by Captain Oddas for helping to make the crew think about things in different ways and to see their way through the mission.
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon 239811.18
USS Juneau
Given by Captain Oddas to the whole crew for participating on the mission The Pied Piper .
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon.png
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon 239811.18
USS Juneau
Given by Captain Oddas to the whole crew for participating on the mission The Pied Piper .
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 2398
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Gogigobo Fairhug Commander.png
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Wyn Foster.jpg
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
LT Madison Marsh.png
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Sasch Trek.png
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern Ensign.png
Corey Wethern
Ryden Kel.png
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Vitor Tito LT Science.png
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
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