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Revision as of 10:02, 2 April 2024

Crew of the USS Artemis-A

File:Ensign Chevalier.png

Ensign Jaseb Chevalier

“By way of deception thou shalt do war.”

Ethari proverb
USS ArtemisA-logo.png
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Ensign Jaseb Chevalier (/she·va·lyéː/) is currently serving as Operations Officer aboard the USS Artemis-A.


  • Height: 192cm (6' 3”)
  • Hair: White
  • Eyes: Blue & White
  • Build: Athletic / Slender


Jaseb's demeanor towards others is often cautious and reserved, as he harbors a deep-seated belief that people are inherently untrustworthy. He tends to keep his true self hidden behind a metaphorical wall, which he has erected to protect himself from the outside world. However, those who take the time to get to know him and earn his trust will find a kind, thoughtful, and empathetic young man, who is the polar opposite of the stereotypical cold, detached, and goal-oriented individuals that are often celebrated in today's society.


Jaseb's quarters are located in Compartment 12 of Sector 07 on Deck 5.
The quarters are shared, and the second berth is currently occupied by his scientific someting-like-Nettle-or-Jellyfish-who-knows roommate Gnai, a fellow ensign facing his own strange requirements.

Jaseb currently maintains a minimalistic, spartan half of shared living space.
On his shelf, he has a few physical books made of real paper, along with a holographic altar of some kind, and his Starfleet Academy diploma and Good Conduct Medal Commendation is hanging on the wall. He likes to privately listen to Bayran music in his quarters.


Jaseb was born in a remote, non-Federation, human diaspora colony located on the edge of the Tholian and Makus Sectors.
He was the third child of a family of public servants, and he had a happy childhood filled with joy and laughter. However, as he grew older, Jaseb became increasingly aware of the challenges and limitations that came with being a third-born. His planet is barren and lacking resources, and the planetary population was strictly controlled to prevent overpopulation.
Thus, Jaseb's future was predetermined from a young age - he was destined to become a pilgrim and leave his home planet to seek a better life elsewhere. After completing his primary education, he was separated from his family and sent to be educated by the Sanctum Transpoli. This transhumanistic church taught him about life beyond his planet's boundaries. While some might argue that Jaseb and others like him were conditioned to accept their fate, to him, it was an opportunity to explore the world beyond his planet's confines.

When he turned 17, it was time for him to leave his home and start his journey in life. He decided to explore the galaxy and spent the next two years traveling across the stars, trying to find his purpose in life. However, his journey was not as smooth as he had imagined. He encountered discrimination for the first time in his life based on his religion and appearance. People whispered slanders and rumors behind his back, which he found difficult to accept. Nevertheless, he learned to adapt to the harsh realities of the world and became resilient. He persevered through the challenges and decided to pursue his passions by applying to the Starfleet Academy.

In 2400, he graduated from Starfleet Academy with a double major in Intelligence and Engineering, with a focus on data analysis, extraction, and cybernetics. During his studies, he also earned a law degree and is now a registered lawyer with the Acamar Federal Bar.

After graduating, his first official posting was as an operations officer on the USS Artemis-A.

Service History

USS Artemis

USS ArtemisA-logo.png Luna-scale.png
USS Artemis-ALuna classAddison MacKenzie


Both Sides Now

The mission was mostly played with alternate characters. See mission log - Both Sides Now (Artemis) - for details.

After he completed Starfleet Academy's final examination, Ensign Chevalier was transferred to the Luna class explorer USS Artemis-A in 240009. He first boarded the ship shortly after the Artemis was ordered to a deep-level sensor sweeps research mission across the Borderlands, and quickly, he got thrown into work to make the sensors running around the clock.[1] This being his first mission as the officer of the Starfleet, Jaseb wanted to make a good impression and was too eager to make an impression and came with harsh, but logic solution to the problem.[2]

As weeks onboard were coming and going, Jaseb got around the clock with a peaceful, calm life onboard. But that changed quickly when the ship's mission changed dramatically, as a group of unknown ships crossed over from another universe. First – CIC Desdemona – hailed Artemis asking for assistance, second fired (ineffectually) on the Artemis. The Artemis was then forced to respond to the hostile action, destroying the ship.

Jaseb is transferred from the Bridge to the OPS Center at Deck 5 and serves the graveyard shift, processing shipwide operation requests and energy logistics. He uses his newfound freedom to investigate his Desdemona's counterpart, Unit-J. He writes a technical memo to SFI about his counterpart's abilities, trying to impress the ship's Chief Intelligence Officer, Lt. Cmdr Talos Dakora. [3]

It was a couple of days later at the OPS Center, where Gruppie met his hero when LTCDR Talos Dakora visited Jaseb to get information about movements of the Desdemona crew and Unit-Jduring Desdemona's attempt to take over the ship. Jaseb was able to pinpoint his counterpart's approximate location and gave the information to the commander. [4] When the commander left the OPS Center, Jaseb tried to disable Unit-J, his counterpart, but failed. With the help of his boyfriend - PO3 Damien Black, SFI Computer Specialist - he finds the backdoor changes he made to his other mainframe program were deleted, and he's not able to stop his counterpart killing spree over the Artemis. [5] and decided to confront his counterpart personally.

With the help of Ens Kawarda - whom Jaseb recruited during his pursuit of Unit-J - Jaseb reached deck 15, just to find his counterpart is already dead. Altogether with Ens Kawarda engaged directly into the stalemate between Col MacKenzie (who impersonates the captain of Artemis, Capt Addison MacKenzie) and LtCdr Talos Dakora. After a short tactical negotiation, he shot Col MacKenzie multiple times, which shocked the Artemis officers due to the lack of necessity for his “overzealous” behavior. LtCmd Talos Dakora reprimanded Jaseb and put him on the bench directly in place, which slapped Jaseb out of his adrenaline rush. [6] He is kept to secure the tertiary command processors on deck 15, left to his sorrow and shame...

Shoreleave 240012-240101

The Artemis spent the shoreleave near Betazed.

Jaseb reached the end of the mission in not quite the best mental state. The confrontation with his alternate self and the death of his double took a heavy toll on his self-awareness and faith. [7] [8]

During a debriefing with CIO Dakora, Jaseb began to feel uneasy when Dakora expressed concerns about Ensign Chevalier's character and mental state. Jaseb tried to remember his actions on Deck 15, which had led to his reprimands. However, his technologically enhanced memory failed him, and he was unable to recall the events due to a mix of conditioning, guilt, and trauma. His mind seemed to protect itself from the emotional distress he had experienced during his encounter with his alter-double and Shint’MacKenzie by alternating his memories about his thoughts and feelings during that engagement. [9][10]
During his debriefing with his idol, Jaseb expressed his desire to be transferred to SFI, but Lt. Commander Dakora, Chief Intelligence Officer aboard the USS Artemis, refused his request. Despite the denial, Jaseb remained hopeful. [11]

After the incident involving the apprehension of Shint'MacKenzie, Jaseb was ordered by the acting XO, Talos Dakora to undergo mandatory retraining on phaser handling under the supervision of Ensign Savel. [12] Ensignr Savel took his training to the next level by preparing for Jaseb tactical training, which involved mastering a complex rescue operation with hostages under high-stress situations. In addition to the standard test of firearm control, he learned Jaseb the intricacies of hostage negotiation, crisis management, and rapid response tactics to ensure the safety of all involved. [13] Jaseb successfully completed his training with flying colors. [14]

After arriving on Betazed for shore leave, Jaseb was visited by his colleague, Ensign Flint Kader, who served as the helm officer onboard the Artemis. Ensign Kader was being investigated for alleged collaboration with the enemy and sought Jaseb's legal advice. Jaseb agreed to represent him as his legal counsel in the case and started the legal proceedings. [15] Ensign Kader received a formal letter of reprimand, probation, and transfer to a new Starfleet installation as part of a settlement reached outside of court-martial.

Jaseb, who was dealing with his own personal trauma, was approached by Lieutenant Silveira with a special request. Silveira wanted a tombstone made for his lost love, Shint'Jo, who had been killed by the commander of the Shintverse crew - Colonel MacKenzie. Jaseb took on the project as his own and got to work on creating the memorial for Silveira's beloved. [16] Jaseb worked tirelessly to come to terms with the guilt he felt over the pain his Shint other had caused the Artemis crew. His redemption came in the form of a project - designing a stunning tombstone by combining black granite with a marble tree. Sil chose one that featured a granite tombstone wrapped around a marble tree, creating a heart between them, as a symbol of the love he lost in Jo. [17]

After completing a project involving tombstones, Jaseb was granted three days off to spend on Betazed. During his time off, he decided to visit Dalaria in order to meet his partner's parents. He was expecting a difficult situation due to both families' political connections. However, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Damien's parents were accepting of their relationship. Jaseb had a lovely afternoon with Damien and his parents, and was unaware of the potential consequences that could arise from their relationship. Unfortunately, Damian's parents harbored fear towards Jaseb due to his father, and Jaseb was blissfully unaware of how much this relationship might backfire on him in the future... [18]

Pleasantly rejuvenated from his shore leave on Betazed, Jaseb returned to work just in time to accommodate his new roommate, helm officer Ensing Z'Vahme, and secure Artemis with a new ship's bosun, CPO Ral. [19], organized a fire training for the new members of the DC teams aboard the Artemis and take part in training in emergency procedures with Engineering. [20] [21]. At the end of Artemis' shore leave at Betazed, Jaseb was almost keelhauled by his superior for taking over his duties without authorization while the division commander was away. [22]

Jaseb gracefully avoided immediate punishment by disappearing back to Betazed to attend an Artemis awards ceremony at the Fifth Chalice bar in Oxeania. As the ceremony was about to start, PO3 Black found Jaseb at the Starfleet Academy Campus in Delaria. Jaseb was in a state of depression, for reasons unknown. Just in time, Black managed to take Jaseb to the Fifth Chalice, preventing anyone from noticing that Ensign Chevalier was missing from the ceremony. [23]. During the ceremony, Jaseb received the Quantum Reality Service Medal and Good Conduct Ribbon for his actions during the Shint assault at the USS Artemis. [24]

Note that the next mission began immediately following the events in the awards ceremony.

End of the year 2400
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Alternate History
Alternate History (Artemis)
Note that this mission began immediately following the events in the awards ceremony during the previous shoreleave.

Jaseb was conversing with Lieutenant Commander Dakora and Ensign Z'Vahme at the Fifth Chalice bar in Oxeania, Betazed, after the awards ceremony had ended. Suddenly, there was a loud snap of fingers, and Jaseb found herself in a completely different location and time, only with Dakora, Z'Vahme, and Savel. [25]

CloQ Overture, 2376 (Leera Dakora)

Later, they identify they are in Lt.Cmdr. Dakora's hometown of Medara, which has been occupied by the Dominion, forcing commander and his team of Ensigns (Savel, Chevalier, and Z'Vahme) to relocate to another area of Betazed. When dropped into an active conflict zone between the Dominion and the local resistance cells, the group manages to escape a Jem'Hadar patrol by taking refuge in an abandoned building. There, they unexpectedly encounter Leera Dakora, a member of the Betazoid Resistance Network and Lt.Cmdr. Dakora's mother, who, according to the real timeline, should not be alive at this point. However, it becomes evident that more than the ongoing occupation in 2376 is amiss with the timeline. [26]

After Mrs. Dakora recognizes her son, a group of Jem'Hadar interrupt them and force their way out of the community center. With only one phaser between five people, Mrs. Dakora takes charge and guides the group through an access tunnel leading to the resistance network beneath the city. Ensign Chevalier lays a dastardly chemical booby trap for the Jem'Hadar pursuers while Lt.Cmdr. Dakora leads his team down the tunnel. Meanwhile, Mrs. Dakora stays behind to complete her mission of demolishing a major crossroads and a nearby building to delay and obstruct the occupying Dominion forces on Betazed. After Lt.Cmdr. Dakora briefs his team on the identity of their rescuer and the complication of her continued existence in this version of 2376 while Mrs. Dakora is away, the Starfleet Officers realize that their displacement is likely related to her. Hence, they accompany her back to the Resistance Hideout, located beneath Lt.Cmdr. Dakora's childhood home. [27][28]

The group meets there meets Leera's Resistance Cell. Lt.Cmdr. Dakora is introduced as a cousin to the resistance and the Starfleet Officers are given disguises and briefed about an upcoming operation. The mission is to destroy the numerous Ketracel White factories that the Dominion has built in the region. The chances of success are slim, but if they succeed, it will deal a severe blow to the Jem'Hadar soldiers' efficiency in their alternative reality war against the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Lt.Cmdr. Dakora ensures that his crew all have the chance to reject participating in the operation, but they all step forward and participate. With the help of Nieran Dwayx, his mother's second-in-command, Dakora and his team finalize the plan for the next day's operation. [29][30]

On the following day, the Starfleet Officers skillfully disguised themselves and boarded a Work-Sled to infiltrate the factory. They were confident that their fake IDs would allow them access past the security checkpoint. However, the situation escalated, and they found themselves in a heated altercation with the Jem'Hadar security checkpoint outside the factory. Despite this setback, the officers were well-prepared with multiple contingency plans and quickly shifted to their backup plan. They swiftly dispatched the Jem'Hadar without raising any alarm within the factory itself. After looting the Jem'Hadar's bodies, the officers continued into the heart of the factory. Upon reaching their destination, they split into two groups, each with a specific target in mind. Mrs. Dakora, Lt.Cmdr. Dakora, and Ensign Savel headed towards one target, while Nieran Dwayx and Ensign Chevalier went after another. [31][32]

Ensign Chevalier and the group of resistance members accompanying him move towards the Industrial Exhaust Manifold, having separated from the rest of the group. As per the plan, Dwayx deactivates the plasma vents to provide access to Ensign Chevalier and another resistance member to the key node to which the explosives are to be attached. However, this is when Dwayx decides to betray the group. He uses a Jem'Hadar disruptor, which they had taken from the security enforcers, to kill his fellow resistance comrade - Zarek - standing next to him. Dwayx then reactivates the plasma vents, trapping Ensign Chevalier in the manifold and preparing to flood it with plasma to incinerate him and Nikka, another member of the resistance group. Ensign Chevalier, desperate to find a way out, repeatedly shoots the interior of the plasma tube with his coilgun to place shape charges, giving him a chance to escape. When the charges explode, it triggers an unexpected structural collapse, causing both trapped men to fall down to the lower corridor and leaving most of the area in a broken, dusty state of rubble. However, Dwayx is nowhere to be found. [33]

Upon witnessing the destruction caused by the explosions, Jaseb became disoriented. Ensign Savel arrived to help, but it was too late to prevent Nieram's betrayal. The two ensigns caught up on what had happened, and LtCmdr Dakora rejoined them. Ensign Chevalier, driven by anger and thirst for revenge against Nieram's actions, urged his fellow officers to head towards the final target in the factory to prevent the Jem'Hadar from massacring the Resistance. During the following engagement, Jaseb miraculously managed to contact the second resistance group but was grievously injured. He narrowly escaped death in his completely unnecessary risk, as just a second later, a group of Resistance fighters led by Gozman Illux arrived to assist. Illux informed them about the presence of a new Starship, the Artemis, in orbit of the planet, and provided them with a repaired Jem'Hadar transport so they could return to their ship. He then went back to the factory to search for survivors. [34]

The team's escape from the factory went smoothly, but as they prepared to leave orbit, Ensign Savel realized that their cloaking device had malfunctioned. They were now visible to the Jem'Hadar patrols surrounding the planet.

The shuttle is shot down... and Jaseb died, in this strange land, at this very strange time... [35]

CloQ Recitative, USS Artemis-A (Empress Tevet Elain)

Jaseb woke up on the bridge of Artemis, surprised to find himself unharmed and alive. However, his mind and memories were telling him a different story, making him believe that he had died elsewhere and that the experience had been painful. He was struggling to understand what had happened to him. According to his mind, he had died on Betazed. The only logical explanation was that he was now in purgatory, living through hell... [36]

And even though it didn't make sense, the reality around him very quickly convinced him that he really was in purgatory, maybe in a slightly different time and a different place, but still in the same reality. The USS Artemis was now targeted by the Betazoid fleet, led by the Empress of Betazed, Tevet Elain. Nothing like that happened in Jaseb's reality, but this here and now was a new reality he needed to comprehend with.

Artemis Chief Engineer Yellir, Jaseb as OPS, and Ensign from Security, Kel Solas, worked together in cooperation to devise a plan to escape from the clutches of Betazoids and their Empress, using Commander Adea as bait. For some reason, his alter-reality old friend became obsessed with the commander and planned to take revenge on him for the betrayal that no one on the Artemis bridge could imagine that their commander Adea, the light of goodness, would be capable of. [37]

The plan required them to sacrifice heavily on the ship systems, but they were determined to execute it successfully. They decided to use antimatter radiation to blind the enemy fleet, which gave them a chance to flee to a nearby Class 9 Nebula. Once there, they could take shelter and hide from their enemies, giving them time to regroup and come to terms with the new reality they faced. [38]


Jaseb's Photo Album

Service Records

0712 Jaseb Chevalier, Operations Officer
Gnai, Science Officer
Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
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Cadet 2396 - 2400 Starfleet Academy
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Ensign SD 240009.27 - Present USS Artemis-A
USS ArtemisA-logo.png
Operations Officer

Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 240009.25
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon 240101.19
USS Artemis-A
Awarded to an individual who shows conspicuous gallantry in the line of duty.
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon.png
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon 240101.19
USS Artemis-A
Awarded to an individual who participates in a mission within an alternate universe.


This is not a full list of Jaseb's sims, nor is it a list of "best" or "favourite" sims either. It's simply a list of sims referred to in this wiki article.

  1. A new drum of oil for the old good machine, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240009.29
  2. Standard conditional probability problem of three choices, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240009.29
  3. MEMO 995A-14-240011-ARTEMIS-A, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240011.04
  4. Heartclicks song of Heads or Tails, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240011.12
  5. My serial number is on my sleeve, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240011.14
  6. Being a disappointment, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240011.25
  7. Step Five - Acceptance, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240012.05
  8. My Least Favorite Life, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240012.20
  9. Behind the closed door, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240012.15
  10. Pull me from the dark, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240012.23
  11. Since you're asking, sir..., Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240101.01
  12. Phaser philosophy time, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240012.08
  13. Stone Phaser Scissors Lizard Disruptor, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240012.20
  14. Satisfactory, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240012.28
  15. Better to call J, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240012.15
  16. My Least Favorite Life, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240012.20
  17. Little piece of lovely granite..., Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240101.07
  18. LOVE STORY (but it’s in MINOR KEY), Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240101.05
  19. Bosun Ral & Elven Helmsman, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240101.13
  20. This is Not a Drill, except it is, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240101.15
  21. Vacuum Cleaner Robot, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240101.21
  22. Airlock is your next friend, ensign, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240101.23
  23. Human or Monster in the sheep's clothing?, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240101.25
  24. Glittering Prizes, LtCmdr. Talos Dakora, USS Artemis-A, 240101.22
  25. Little chemist in Downton Abbey, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240101.27
  26. I could not foresee this thing.., Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240101.31
  27. Living in the house of fire, not firefighters to call, no way out, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240102.05
  28. Familiar faces in wornout places..., Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240102.08
  29. Walking down the street in my new LaFreak, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240102.11
  30. Sengoku Jidai, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240102.26
  31. What's the point of it?, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240103.02
  32. Wish us luck..., Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240103.04
  33. Heartbreak honeymoon, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240103.07
  34. Time moves slow when you're on your own, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240103.12
  35. Don’t know if I am, part 1, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240103.19
  36. Don’t know if I am, part 2, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240103.19
  37. The called participant will call you back, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240103.24
  38. Fly, Artemis, fly!, Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240103.27
  39. Being a disappointment, Ens. Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240011.25
  40. Two types of stone and carved tree, Ens. Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240012.28
  41. Gone In A Flash - Pt.1, LtCmdr. Talos Dakora, USS Artemis-A, 240103.21

Current Crew

NPC Listing   ·   USS Artemis-A Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Addison MacKenzie
Genkos Adea.png
Genkos Adea
Helm/Ops Ofc.
Lyara Alroyo
Jovenan Lt 2401.png
Chief Science Ofc.
Science Ofc.
Medical Ofc.
Gila Sadar
Sil-Picard Uniform.png
Chief Tactical Ofc.
Vitor Silveira
Ensign Savel.png
Security Ofc.
Security Ofc.
Kel Solas
Chief Eng. Ofc.
Engineering Ofc.
Ollie Bergman LtJG.png
Operations Ofc.
Ollie Bergmen
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