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!style="-moz-border-radius:0px;color:#002600;background:#EFDFFF;text-align: left;width:1000pt"| Friends & Crewmates
!style="-moz-border-radius:0px;color:#002600;background:#EFDFFF;text-align: left;width:1000pt"| Friends & Crewmates
|[[Oddas Aria|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Oddas Aria'''</span>]], '''Captain'''<br /><hr>Captain Oddas is someone that Dekas deeply admires and respects. He strives to emulate her strength and leadership in his own ways and wishes to do well enough at his job on the ship to make her proud. Dekas also considers her a friend. More than she realizes, most likely. He's very smart and does recognize why someone might label her as 'stand-offish'. But in his mind, it is less 'stand-offish' and more 'stoic and serious'. She is a Captain, and she's gone through a lot. Because of that, he understands the degree of separation from most officers. He takes into account the need for professionalism first and is always sure to follow it as one of the first means of interacting with her under regular circumstances. But not-so-deep-down he hopes to one day gain a level of bond with her that is both professional and simultaneously a genuine friendship from both sides. Not that he doesn't already act that way when given the opportunity, of course. His love for those he considers his friends is pure and unconditional. So as it stands, there is no condition that requires someone to feel the same level of friendship for him to already consider someone a good friend. The Captain included.  
|[[Oddas Aria|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Oddas Aria'''</span>]], '''Fleet Captain'''<br /><hr>Captain Oddas is someone that Dekas deeply admires and respects. He strives to emulate her strength and leadership in his own ways and wishes to do well enough at his job on the ship to make her proud. Dekas also considers her a friend. More than she realizes, most likely. He's very smart and does recognize why someone might label her as 'stand-offish'. But in his mind, it is less 'stand-offish' and more 'stoic and serious'. She is a Captain, and she's gone through a lot. Because of that, he understands the degree of separation from most officers. He takes into account the need for professionalism first and is always sure to follow it as one of the first means of interacting with her under regular circumstances. But not-so-deep-down he hopes to one day gain a level of bond with her that is both professional and simultaneously a genuine friendship from both sides. Not that he doesn't already act that way when given the opportunity, of course. His love for those he considers his friends is pure and unconditional. So as it stands, there is no condition that requires someone to feel the same level of friendship for him to already consider someone a good friend. The Captain included.  
|[[Kalia Qinn|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Kalia Qinn'''</span>]], '''Ship's XO'''<br /><hr>Dekas implicitly trusts Commander Qinn due to her helping to save him from the horrific fate of becoming a Borg drone. She has also only ever shown him kindness. Given the value he places on kindness and compassion, he finds her to have a lot of both and has nothing but good things to say about her. He also spent some time with her and her daughter on Ring 42 during a Shore Leave camping trip and he finds the presence of a well-adjusted family comforting, so that's an extra set of brownie points for Qinn.
|[[Kalia Qinn|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Kalia Qinn'''</span>]], '''Station's XO'''<br /><hr>Dekas implicitly trusts Commander Qinn due to her helping to save him from the horrific fate of becoming a Borg drone. She has also only ever shown him kindness. Given the value he places on kindness and compassion, he finds her to have a lot of both and has nothing but good things to say about her. He also spent some time with her and her daughter on Ring 42 during a Shore Leave camping trip and he finds the presence of a well-adjusted family comforting, so that's an extra set of brownie points for Qinn.
|[[John Kendrick|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''John Kendrick'''</span>]], '''Shipmate'''<br /><hr>Dekas thinks that John Kendrick has absolutely marvelous vibes about him and would like nothing more than to gain his friendship as time goes on.
|[[John Kendrick|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''John Kendrick'''</span>]], '''crewmate'''<br /><hr>Dekas thinks that John Kendrick has absolutely marvelous vibes about him and would like nothing more than to gain his friendship as time goes on.
|[[Karise Indobri|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Karise Indobri'''</span>]], '''CMO, friend'''<br /><hr>He's run into Karise a few times and finds her very calming to speak with. Very understanding. Something she said at the beginning of a mission hit him as true; he doesn't need to be sick to say hello. However, given a recent counseling session, it's likely she will be seeing him a lot more if only because there's going to be a frame of time where he's sleeping in Sickbay until he has better coping mechanisms for handling the trauma/anxiety of sleeping in his own quarters alone. Hopefully, she doesn't get too tired of him.
|[[Karise Indobri|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Karise Indobri'''</span>]], '''CMO, friend'''<br /><hr>He's run into Karise a few times and finds her very calming to speak with. Very understanding. Something she said at the beginning of a mission hit him as true; he doesn't need to be sick to say hello. However, given a recent counseling session, it's likely she will be seeing him a lot more if only because there's going to be a frame of time where he's sleeping in Sickbay until he has better coping mechanisms for handling the trauma/anxiety of sleeping in his own quarters alone. Hopefully, she doesn't get too tired of him.
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|[[R'Kala|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''R'Kala'''</span>]], '''Ship's Counselor, friend'''<br /><hr>Prior to his LOA, and while she was still in a science position, he did meet her. But he didn't get much of a chance to know her, then. Since she came back from her own LOA, and took up the Counselor's position, he finds that he very much likes her and considers her a friend in his own mind. He's not scared of a Klingon Counselor, in fact, he found it refreshing after the session he had with her to know that in the event he does feel angry, she's not overly uncomfortable with that. Not that he's a particularly angry person by nature. But knowing there is someone who won't take it personally if it happens is comforting in its way. To him, there's something very Aurelian about a race of people who generally speak their minds without too much issue when they so choose, even if their means of speaking their minds can sometimes be abrasive. Plus she offered him the counseling couch to nap on in the event the sickbay isn't available for one reason or another while they're sorting out the anxiety coping mechanisms for him to eventually sleep in his own quarters, and that's a huge plus in his book.
|[[R'Kala|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''R'Kala'''</span>]], '''Ship's Counselor, friend'''<br /><hr>Prior to his LOA, and while she was still in a science position, he did meet her. But he didn't get much of a chance to know her, then. Since she came back from her own LOA, and took up the Counselor's position, he finds that he very much likes her and considers her a friend in his own mind. He's not scared of a Klingon Counselor, in fact, he found it refreshing after the session he had with her to know that in the event he does feel angry, she's not overly uncomfortable with that. Not that he's a particularly angry person by nature. But knowing there is someone who won't take it personally if it happens is comforting in its way. To him, there's something very Aurelian about a race of people who generally speak their minds without too much issue when they so choose, even if their means of speaking their minds can sometimes be abrasive. Plus she offered him the counseling couch to nap on in the event the sickbay isn't available for one reason or another while they're sorting out the anxiety coping mechanisms for him to eventually sleep in his own quarters, and that's a huge plus in his book.
|[[Kiran Han|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Kiran Han'''</span>]], '''Marine Major, friend, and someone to coax a smile out of'''<br /><hr> There is a fondness there for Major Han that he's not sure how to describe. Prior to his assimilation crisis, it was simply that Major Han was someone he felt safe around and found pleasant to talk to. Things that are still true to now. But there was something about the surprising gentleness that he showed toward him while in the midst of his assimilation, that the fondness did increase. Even wearing ''literal'' Marine Armor, he risked himself before it was fully sure the anti-assimilation medicine would work completely. It's a different flavor of fondness than what he has for the medical staff about it, but just as strongly rooted. A personal goal for Dekas that came out of it is the desire to make the very serious Han smile around him at least once in a while. Really smile. He understands that the seriousness is as much a natural thing as it is something of an element to being a Marine. But he also wants to be someone that he can remove some of his ''metaphorical'' Marine armor for. Because Kiran Han is his friend. He wants him to feel like he can be Kiran Han, and not just Major Han all the time.
|[[Kiran Han|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Kiran Han'''</span>]], '''Former Marine Major, current Commander, friend, and someone to coax a smile out of'''<br /><hr> There is a fondness there for Major Han that he's not sure how to describe. Prior to his assimilation crisis, it was simply that Major Han was someone he felt safe around and found pleasant to talk to. Things that are still true to now. But there was something about the surprising gentleness that he showed toward him while in the midst of his assimilation, that the fondness did increase. Even wearing ''literal'' Marine Armor, he risked himself before it was fully sure the anti-assimilation medicine would work completely. It's a different flavor of fondness than what he has for the medical staff about it, but just as strongly rooted. A personal goal for Dekas that came out of it is the desire to make the very serious Han smile around him at least once in a while. Really smile. He understands that the seriousness is as much a natural thing as it is something of an element to being a Marine. But he also wants to be someone that he can remove some of his ''metaphorical'' Marine armor for. Because Kiran Han is his friend. He wants him to feel like he can be Kiran Han, and not just Major Han all the time.
|[[Katrina Pelley|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Katrina Pelley'''</span>]], '''Nurse, Instant friend, someone special and worth knowing.'''<br /><hr>Nurse Katrina Pelley was there when his assimilation happened, and there when she absolutely saved his life from that assimilation (alongside Doctor Vihn). He adores Nurse Pelley. He would help her with anything that she needed if she asked. He's also planning on giving her a massive, full-winged hug once he's healed. Because as much as the doctor helped as well, he wants her to be aware of how big of a role she played too, how deserving she is of his gratitude. And how amazing she is to him. He has trusted her with his life and would do so again in a heartbeat.   
|[[Katrina Pelley|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Katrina Pelley'''</span>]], '''Nurse, Instant friend, someone special and worth knowing.'''<br /><hr>Nurse Katrina Pelley was there when his assimilation happened, and there when she absolutely saved his life from that assimilation (alongside Doctor Vihn). He adores Nurse Pelley. He would help her with anything that she needed if she asked. He's also planning on giving her a massive, full-winged hug once he's healed. Because as much as the doctor helped as well, he wants her to be aware of how big of a role she played too, how deserving she is of his gratitude. And how amazing she is to him. He has trusted her with his life and would do so again in a heartbeat.   
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|[[Tomas Falt|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Tomas Falt'''</span>]], '''Holodeck buddy, "Oh no, he's hot", crush'''<br /><hr>His first real interaction with Tomas Falt was in a fantasy holodeck adventure where Tomas played a Barbarian called "Varg." And every single time Dekas has talked to him since, he's never failed to find him really attractive. He likes the sound of his accent. He thinks he's exciting and kind. He likes the science background, and the anthropology and subsequent appreciation for history as a result. He recently went on an away mission with him and respects his leadership. Basically, Dekas is ''mad crushing'' on Tomas without fully acknowledging it just yet. It was odd and sudden so he's in a phase of denial about this new crush because he's trying to be professional. He'd be uncharacteristically flustered beyond reason if Falt ever picked up on it enough to bring it up because the last thing he wants is to make Tomas uncomfortable being around him. He's just not used to getting big crushes on humans and does not know what to do with it considering the cultural differences. But above his urge to take Lieutenant Falt to dinner and tell him he's handsome, he'd really just like to get to know him and be good friends with him. But he does find Tomas ''ridiculously hot.'' and might be prone to occasional embarrassing moments of foot-in-mouth stupidity about it regardless, along with the tendency to stare and then look away when caught. Also, Tomas drunk-hugged him during the Award's Ceremony where they were told they would officially be moving down to Ring 42 on Denali Station. Honestly. It made his heart soar. Just a little bit.   
|[[Tomas Falt|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Tomas Falt'''</span>]], '''Holodeck buddy, "Oh no, he's hot", crush'''<br /><hr>His first real interaction with Tomas Falt was in a fantasy holodeck adventure where Tomas played a Barbarian called "Varg." And every single time Dekas has talked to him since, he's never failed to find him really attractive. He likes the sound of his accent. He thinks he's exciting and kind. He likes the science background, and the anthropology and subsequent appreciation for history as a result. He recently went on an away mission with him and respects his leadership. Basically, Dekas is ''mad crushing'' on Tomas without fully acknowledging it just yet. It was odd and sudden so he's in a phase of denial about this new crush because he's trying to be professional. He'd be uncharacteristically flustered beyond reason if Falt ever picked up on it enough to bring it up because the last thing he wants is to make Tomas uncomfortable being around him. He's just not used to getting big crushes on humans and does not know what to do with it considering the cultural differences. But above his urge to take Lieutenant Falt to dinner and tell him he's handsome, he'd really just like to get to know him and be good friends with him. But he does find Tomas ''ridiculously hot.'' and might be prone to occasional embarrassing moments of foot-in-mouth stupidity about it regardless, along with the tendency to stare and then look away when caught. Also, Tomas drunk-hugged him during the Award's Ceremony where they were told they would officially be moving down to Ring 42 on Denali Station. Honestly. It made his heart soar. Just a little bit.   
|[[Sera|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Sera'''</span>]], '''Shipmate, fellow Engineer, friend'''<br /><hr>Dekas officially met her when she showed up to an invited fantasy adventure in the holodeck where she played a ranger. He thinks she's funny and is very excited to get chances to interact with her more. He's never been deterred by the idea of Vulcan logic which she seems to exude a lot of. He values her opinions and input. He also thinks she's fun.
|[[Sera|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Sera'''</span>]], '''Friend, and fellow Engineer'''<br /><hr>Dekas officially met her when she showed up to an invited fantasy adventure in the holodeck where she played a ranger. He thinks she's funny and is very excited to get chances to interact with her more. He's never been deterred by the idea of Vulcan logic which she seems to exude a lot of. He values her opinions and input. He also thinks she's fun.
|[[Kettick|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Kettick'''</span>]], '''Shipmate, fellow Engineer, friend'''<br /><hr>Dekas thinks Kettick is a profoundly skilled engineer, and admires the work that he does. He trusts his input. He also thinks Kettick's sense of humor is marvelous. On top of that, he finds a certain kinship with Kettick seeing as they are both people who stand out as "different." Neither of them would ever really be able to pretend they were anyone else. He wants to learn more about him.
|[[Kettick|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Kettick'''</span>]], '''Friend, and fellow Engineer'''<br /><hr>Dekas thinks Kettick is a profoundly skilled engineer, and admires the work that he does. He trusts his input. He also thinks Kettick's sense of humor is marvelous. On top of that, he finds a certain kinship with Kettick seeing as they are both people who stand out as "different." Neither of them would ever really be able to pretend they were anyone else. He wants to learn more about him.
|[[Aratta Eriddu|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Aratta Eriddu'''</span>]], '''New scientist, and hopefully new friend'''<br /><hr>He's met Aratta Eriddu only once so far, but he seems enthusiastic and sweet and like someone he'd get along with well. And he hopes to.
|[[Zaaia Leix|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Zaaia Leix'''</span>]], '''Current leader of the Marines on Denali station, new friend'''<br /><hr>He doesn't know Major Leix very well yet. But based on the few interactions he's had with her, she is yet another Marine that Dekas enjoys. She's showed herself to be very kind and in good humor. Enthusiastic. Someone he'd like to get to know better over time.

Revision as of 07:58, 20 May 2022

Denali Station
PICstyle-lt gold.png
PICstyle-end gold.png
Position Head of Infrastructure Development
Rank Lieutenant
Species Aurelian
Gender Male
DOB 236911.22
Age 32
Birthplace Aurelia
Writer ID J239802D12

Medical Records

Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Ribbon-Recovery Ribbon.png
Unity Ribbon.png
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon.png
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal.png
Intelligence Star.png
Player Achievements
Friends in high places
Penny for your thoughts
It's all in the details
Commemorative Coins
Per Aspera Ad Astra Commemorative Coin.png Year of the Commodore Commemorative Coin.png

Lieutenant Dekas is currently serving as Head of Infrastructure Development on Denali Station

(He was an Engineer aboard the USS Juneau before the move to the station, and still does some Engineering as part of his job.)


  • Full name: Dekas
    • (Name's meaning: "Fire that Ignites the soul" or "Ardent Passion".)
    • (His given name is actually Daekas, pronounced as a 3-syllable "Day-eh-Koss". New people tripped up on it enough that he altered it to Dekas early on. It's usually said like "Deh-koss", but he has introduced himself with "Day-koss" before and answers to that, too.)

(He has a small degree of ESP, most Aurelians do as an adaptation to better their communication needs. He can't read minds, and he can't fully interpret emotions every time, but he does have an easier time of it than someone without ESP. It is at its most effective when he's emotionally balanced as the interpretation of the ESP intake is heavily intuition-based. It does make him aware of energy out of the norm on occasion. Such as the concept of ghosts or spirits. It also makes him very in tune with the nature around him. He can often tell if a plant is unhealthy even if it doesn't look it to anyone else.)


  • Height: 6'4 (1.95m) If his head feathers are pointed all the way up, he seems to be more like he's 6'10 (2.08m). But his feathers don't count toward his actual height exactly as feathers are more like hair growth comparatively, and he can rest them against his head a little bit to decrease height if he so chooses. They also fall out over time during molts and sometimes grow back shorter by an inch or two depending on the year. It gives him the appearance of much taller than he is, but it's not his base height.
  • Weight: 146lbs (66.3kg)
  • Wingspan: 17 feet (5.18m) when his wings are fully spread out. His wings are also sizable enough to reach down the majority of his back with the addition of long feathers. The top curve of his wings is a little above his shoulders when folded against his back.
  • Feathers: In a word? Colorful.
  • Eyes: Bright, icy blue.
  • Build: Lithe. Svelte and elegant. Semi-athletic. He’s a lot stronger than he looks. But it's mostly lean muscle, so it makes any musculature more toned than big. Tall by humanoid standards. (Almost short by Aurelian standards. Most of his family stands closer to 7 feet or a little taller + head feather height.)
  • Uniform (on duty): Basically the average uniform, but non-constricting on arms and wings, there are multiple style choices depending on his mood. He only binds his wings in EV suits and small spaces.
  • Taste in clothing (off duty): His style is loose. Beautiful and tastefully colorful. Unabashedly feminine. He wears skirts when he can, and his shirts tend to be cropped a bit higher as it feels freeing, but still stylish. They always have some sort of open back to keep from cramping or chafing his wings. It has caused small amounts of confusion from some people due to a lack of comparison of his race. This doesn't bother him, he'll just shrug and correct it. Sometimes he'll even just shrug without correction, people figure it out eventually. The daily use of clothes in personal expression even without practical use is something his Aurelian family finds odd and quirky. It is the closest thing he has to a guilty pleasure.
  • Voice: Formal, but whimsical speech patterns. Peppy energy. His vocal range is a little higher, and when he's really excited there is a noticeable increase in the musical intonations. His accent is indeterminately sing-songy.
  • Notable details: Everything about him. He's tall by most standards, he's bright red, he's got a colorful head crest and a beak tattoo. He has large wings that are as expressive as the rest of him sometimes. He's very noticeable.


  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Socializing, singing and/or whistling. He often finds things to do with Engineering specifically; small practical things. Learning new languages. If he needs time to himself, he reads (fiction and nonfiction). Journaling whether that's through personal logs, or physical writing. Fantasy holodeck programs.
  • Likes: Helping people, learning new things, show-tunes and upbeat sounds, also punk music, whistling, dancing, art, has a particular fondness for things that glow, flowers, bats, engineering. Hugs. Affection. When people give him lil cheek and face scritches and tell him his feathers are soft (he is liable to make contented little cooing sounds about it.) Head scritches (Dear god, have mercy on him he will melt if you get that far.) Friendship. Science. Animals. Men.
  • Dislikes: Unkindness. Dishonesty. Cardassian architecture and interior design. (To be clear: He doesn't dislike Cardassian people. He's never met a Cardassian. He just thinks their choices in architecture and decor make rooms less approachable.) The Borg.
  • Positive traits: Extremely kind, loving, honest, enthusiastic, compassionate, encouraging, nurturing, well-educated, curious, fun-loving, passionate, helpful, good listener, has a good sense of humor about him, healthy levels of gratitude, not afraid to ask for help for most things.
  • Negative traits: Naive, overachiever, very chatty, has a difficult time with the concept of "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" because he can't separate the few from being part of the many. Can be a little too personal with people. Somewhat impulsive. Usually not impulsive to his own detriment, but when it is, it's usually an impulse that borders on pridefulness. Most recently: Struggles with his own toxic positivity. He can tell people that he thinks they should be open with their emotions and talk to people about things so they're not bottling everything up. But when it comes to his own negative or extreme emotions, the idea of sharing them scares him now. He has an image and he doesn't want people to worry about him. It's a mix of a big trauma response after the Assimilation Incident and social mirroring of the humanoids around him over the years.
  • Ambitions and Goals: He'd like to feel like he's contributing as much as he can, helping people in whatever way he's able, and doing what he can to make any place he ends up better than he found it.
  • Temperament: Ferociously loving. It doesn't take much for him to feel pure and genuine love for a person. He is forgiving, and he is kind. If he is not being kind, he is apologetic. He has a good sense of humor about things. He is outrageously gentle and thoughtful and strives to embody the essence of unconditional love, and also to embody the simpler meaning of his name "Ardent Passion." So he loves people and things passionately. Whether someone accepts it as truth or not, you can guarantee that he will never lie about anything that matters. It's unlikely he'd lie about small things either. He might hold something back on his own time until he's ready, and he might even brush it off a little bit if he's not ready. But if someone were to ask, he would be honest about his feelings. Including just saying he wasn't directly comfortable expressing his feelings on something yet. Because he sees no benefit to lying. He is extremely honest and communicative either on his own or with very easy prompting if he seems a little hesitant.
  • Values: Love, compassion, gratitude, family/friendship, kindness, honesty, humor, generosity, and forgiveness. He does not expect everyone to share these values in the way he holds them, but he will always try to encompass those things and lead by example.
  • Orientation: Dekas is super gay. He's always had a romantic interest in men and those with a certain type of masculine energy. However, he is not bound by his preferences and, as a hopeless romantic, slightly flirtatious sort, he's open to any love that could happen as a result. It would just take longer for the interest to form in that direction for others outside of that interest. But never you mind, he will be your best friend regardless.
  • Spiritual views: He is a strong spiritual believer in The Great Pho'nix. A being he and most Aurelians consider a being made of warmth, passion, creation, and love in all She creates. He feels a strong connection to nature, the elements of air and fire, the sun, and the stars above. He has a necklace carved in the shape of a flame made out of a sunstone gem from Earth. It reminded him of his connection to The Pho'nix even so far from home. Like a fire of passion. At the end of the year 2398 he went through Borg Assimilation trauma. Prior to that event, he didn't believe in a devil at all. But he equates the Borg as Devil-adjacent. The "antithesis of everything he believes in". And it has left him with an odd subtle spiritual shift. Previous to that happening, he believed everything had second chances. The Borg became an exception. Not the people who were turned into drones, but whatever originated the Borg or continues to see fit that they aren't destroyed. It also means he's now more open to the concept that not everything is so deserving of unconditional love. Right now, it's only the Borg he feels it toward. But an exception leaves openings for other exceptions...
  • Known Languages: Fluent in: Tropical and Formal Aurelian dialects, plus two other Aurelian dialects, and Federation standard. Conversational in: Three more flock dialects, and Vulcan. Has very basic beginner's understanding of: Klingon and sign language.
  • Vocal tics: Prone to making clicking sounds. The clicks increase when he can't remember a word in the language he's speaking. He loves the word "Marvelous!" And says it often. A lot of his sentences have the filler sound, "ah" in the middle of them. And it's pretty common for him to end a sentence with a friendly, "no?" or "yes?" depending on the sentence. His laughter is generally self-contained, involves more of a physical beak clicking or a soft-humored snort. Unless you can get him really drunk, or busting up in hysterics.
  • Dekas traits (ever-shifting and growing):
    • The aforementioned "Marvelous!" It's not always exclaimed, but often it is. He will say things are going marvelously. It is simply his favorite terran word. He finds it feels natural in his voice to say it, and it accurately expresses how he feels about so many things. Because he thinks so many things are simply marvelous!
    • Dekas has the quirk of being in love with everyone. He's platonically and familially in love with his friends and family. Sometimes he falls in love with someone's energy, or a little bit in love with them. Sometimes those people are near strangers. He's a hopeless romantic. Most often, his romanticism will fade, but his love will not. He might have started with a feeling of romantic toward a person, but unless it's cultivated, it will likely fade to platonic. And still, the love remains. It will always remain. Perhaps on occasion, it is loving the idealized version of someone in his head. But it doesn't change that he loves them. And it won't make him stop loving them if they show beyond the ideal. If they show the flaws or the insecurities. It will make him love the more real parts of someone. So yes, in some capacity, if he cares for someone, he's also mildly in love with them. He enjoys flirting. Mostly it's just for fun or to show verbal affection for friends. If it is more, he usually gets flustered and will apologize for coming on so strong. But he does love everyone. He's in love with everyone. It is related to his Aurelian sensibility of being loving, but the way it presents in him is very much a Dekas thing. Because not every Aurelian is that strong about the love giving.
    • Tendencies to first name people. And introduce himself without his rank. As in he will say "I am Dekas." rather than "I am Lieutenant Dekas." And unless he's unsure of someone's preferences, they're the captain, or he considers a situation particularly formal, he will often switch back and forth between someone's rank and someone's first name because it personalizes people to him. He never wants to forget that above rank everyone is a person first.
    • Currently, he doesn't sleep in his quarters. He does some things in his quarters. Journaling, messages back home, personal logs, changing clothes, showering etc. But he doesn't often sleep there. After his Borg experience, he finds distinct loneliness and fear of being alone in that space. He sleeps in the sickbay, on the counselor's couch when it's free, or occasionally some of the night shifters have offered to let him sleep in their quarters when they work their shifts since they aren't using it at the time anyway, just so long as he makes the bed in the morning. This is a temporary thing for him, and he plans on working with the counselor to implement coping mechanisms so he can stop sleeping everywhere else. It's a work in progress.
    • He is unafraid to approach people first. He enjoys making new friends. So if the timing is appropriate, he'll usually approach new people with ease that a lot of people don't have. He's an extrovert who adopts introverts into his friend group with reckless abandon.
  • Aurelian traits:
    • Respectfully bowing in greeting and other little scenarios. To everyone.
    • Rambling about life, history, or interests for extended periods. Aurelians are taught to appreciate and reflect on history and passions and the history of passions sometimes. Their rite of passage is to recall and recite their entire family and flock history in extensive detail. It often takes many hours, up to a few days. So he can be chatty. On the plus side, he'll listen to the things you say and never feel like it's too much. He thinks people's idea of "long-winded" is child's play.
    • Very in tune with nature and elements. He feels more at home in open spaces with fresh air and trees. He is especially fond of rainforests and tropical climates. (Being raised in a tropical rainforest on Aurelia does make him less inclined toward snow, but he's still not opposed. He prefers rain and thinks rain is good luck.) He loves trees. And flowers. And knows a lot more than you'll originally think he will. But it's a part of life on Aurelia to know how to care for plants and the environment so he's quite aware of things. He has an insanely high ability to tell if a plant is unhealthy and get a feel for why and what it needs because of the way he grew up.
    • Expletives/exclamations referencing fire, feathers, or the Pho'nix. Most common ones being, "Feathers / My Feathers", "Flame in the sky", and "Six flames." Or "For flame's sake/For Phoenix' sake!" if he's feeling uncharacteristically extra annoyed. There are others, but those are the ones he uses the most. He can also be known to utter affectionate phrases with those themes, too if he feels strongly enough about it. Such as, "I love you from ashes to return." It's a lot like "to the moon and back" but involves Phoenix and fire imagery.
    • He has a surprising appreciation for the typically creepy and macabre aspects of nature and life (or death).
    • Currently, he's damn near impossible to offend for any significant length of time. Aurelian communication skills are instilled early. They communicate so effectively that they've never had a conflict that couldn't be resolved amongst themselves. Usually, a family conflict is solved within a day or two. And any conflict that lasts longer is worked on to find a good solution whenever it's possible. He will give anyone the benefit of the doubt even if that's naive, even if what someone has said to him is harmful. If you insult someone he cares about he's far more likely to bring it up instantly to make sure it's sorted out as something that isn't okay. But even that's done politely whenever it can be. He's also very willing to take accountability for his own misgivings and mistakes.
    • As a result he struggles with interpersonal situations that aren't as easily resolved. He does his best to handle them if they come up. But he struggles with the concept of things not being able to be talked out, even if at the end things don't end on the most positive note. He doesn't need an end goal where everything is happy-go-lucky and people are in each other's lives. But he still wants closure. He finds situations without closure something very difficult to handle.
    • Direct honesty. One of the biggest things taught is to first be honest with yourself, and then anyone it might affect. Aurelians don't believe that dishonesty serves them in the long run, least of all toward other Aurelians. Due to the openness on his planet, he's never really had any reason to lie to someone. So he never learned. He is a terrible liar. It's unsure if that's a Dekas specific thing or an Aurelian thing as a whole. But the honesty factor back home has not lent well to his ability to say things that aren't true. Not even for safety. He tries his best when he needs to, but you can't expect it to come out smoothly, and you should not rely on him to come up with a lie if you don't absolutely have to. Surprisingly this doesn't carry over into situations where he's acting. Acting is creative. As such, if he's given enough time to know a lie needs to happen, he does try to consider it like "acting." His acting skills are definitely affected by the level of pressure of such situations because he knows what he's doing and it makes him nervous to think about messing up at the wrong time. But it's far better than if he doesn't consider it acting. He's also learned some humanoid mannerisms. So he has picked up the occasional habit of having a little bit of extra privacy, tendencies to brush things off more than usual, or sometimes getting nervous about saying things when he wasn't before. Not all the time, but it hits him sometimes. A learned self-consciousness that he never had growing up. These social behavior mirrors show up the most when talking with humanoids, but it could happen around anyone.
    • Eye pinning. He can dilate and constrict his pupils at will. Usually a sign of excitement about something or someone he enjoys (platonic dynamics included). Can also signify anger. He doesn't do this one around humanoids as often as he does back home with other Aurelians who understand what it means in context. But if he does do the eye pinning around someone, or toward the warp core and someone happens to catch it, it's on purpose 95% of the times it happens. It's different than natural dilation or constriction with lighting, and it's easy to tell the difference because the pupil movement is a lot quicker if he's pinning. This is something he can do on command, he either makes for great fun at parties or weirds people out with it. On accident. It's not his fault if humanoids don't know it means he wants to be friends.


Dekas was raised in the tropics of Aurelia. He is the youngest of 13 children hatched by Zuka and Daf. It is a lot to live up to, but he's doing his best to make a name for himself in the universe.

Dekas is a clear byproduct of his planet's culture and that culture's lack of conflict with his people and other peoples. He's cautious, but he will give anyone the benefit of the doubt until he no longer can. He knows not every person or group has good intentions. A noticeable majority of the still missing Aurelians can be traced back to his flock and similarly unique flocks. (There is, after all, a reason that most Aurelians seen these days are of yellow or golden-toned feathers.) He sometimes wonders if they're still out there, or if their descendants are, and if they'll ever be found. But much like the rest of his people, he tries to move past it and not look at other races as people who'd do the same as the Orions.

He’s extremely friendly, and always willing to help. Family is important to him, so he tries to find family in the friends he has around him.

He was drawn to Starfleet from the moment he knew about it. And his interest in it only increased when he learned about Aurelia's well-renowned historian Loom Aleek-Om, who left and got the chance to experience the Guardian of Forever by doing so. He wanted to have his own once-in-a-lifetime experience. Despite that, he didn't instantly apply. He didn't know Federation Standard yet, and while he was learning that, he was also expanding his education in the fields of history and linguistic sciences, which is what he thought he'd go into. Even after he had a decent grasp on Standard speech, he felt inclined to at least finish the base education he'd already started and basically earned the equivalent of a Bachelor's degree in History and Linguistics on Aurelia. He had plenty of time to do so. When he applied, he was accepted easily into Starfleet Academy. But he was almost talked out of going during a fight with his sister Koori. In the end, he followed his intuition and his heart and chose to go. Most of his family encouraged this and were supportive. Curious. Excited for him. Koori was supportive enough to not fight him on it again, though she didn't say goodbye when he left. (As of current, their relationship is still a little distant. Better than when he initially left, and she saw him off the second time after his Leave of Absence. But it's not where it could be. They're still working on a new balance.)

Early in his time in the Academy, he got a little antsy taking the Science track courses knowing as much as he did already. Even the more advanced classes were becoming a little too easy. So he jokingly took more intensive Engineering and Ops classes beyond the base requirements, thinking it would be something he didn't do much with after the fact save for minor help on rare occasions. It took a total of two of those Engineering courses for him to realize he truly loved it. Enough to suddenly switch tracks entirely after a semester and a half in the science track without much of a second thought. Four years of prior education were put aside for it. He could be a scientist, he more than has the qualifications. He just prefers the Engineering side of it and would like to stay there. But he can uniquely offer input based on his prior qualifications that not every Engineer can offer.

He is part of the Juneau's crew as one of the ship's Engineers. He took a brief leave of absence in the middle of 2398 due to some personal stressors. And stayed away longer than intended because of a rare Aurelian medical concern that came up unexpectedly. But he is back on board the Juneau, once more in the Engineering department, and is learning how to take things as they come.

Academy History

  • Behavior notes: From day one, Dekas was excellently well mannered and well researched. He is reported to have been an excellent student, exceedingly friendly and thoughtful. Respectful. Good humor about any social mishaps. And, as one of his teachers once said "Very good at remembering people. Like scarily good. I swear he knows the name of every member of the Academy, and at least one obscure detail about them. He could tell a clone apart if they stood next to their counterpart. I'm both scared and in awe. What have I said that he remembers that I don't? If not for his inability to lie I might have questioned why he didn't go into some part of the Intelligence track with skills like that. Really nice guy, though."
  • Grades: The lowest he ever got on anything was a B+, and that was only on things he really struggled to understand. He was all too willing to ask questions for clarifications and get help from classmates he knew understood something better to retain information with understanding. He could have graduated top of classes if he wanted. But it wasn't his priority to be at the top. He was also there to experience what a new place had to offer and to practice understanding and expressing humanoid social cues better.
  • Majors, Minors, & Specializations: Majored in Engineering; Specializations in: Propulsion Systems & Components Engineering. Minored in the Programming specialization, and technically minored in the HCO career track. (The only thing that kept him from outright double-majoring in Engineering and HCO fields was his lack of interest in taking classes in advanced battle strategies. He essentially took all of the other classes required for the major, although technically it is considered a minor. He can be considered something of an honorary double-major and can fill in at the HCO station when requested. Because save for a more intensive understanding of battle strategizing, he basically majored in HCO as well just for fun.)
  • Misc. things:
    • Started in the Science career track with the goal of specializations in History and Linguistics, had possible goals of extending it into linguistic xenoanthropology a little bit. This is because he had roughly 4 years of extended education on those subjects back on Aurelia prior to joining Starfleet. He thought he'd breeze through, learn new things for the slight extension into the xenoanthropology side of it, and the things he was required to know outside of those things to graduate the academy, then take a lot of extra time getting a better understanding of humanoid social cues and culture. But after about a semester, he started getting a little understimulated since he already knew as much as he did. He was learning new things, but not to the extent he would have liked. As some sort of in-joke with himself, he decided to take more intensive Engineering and Ops classes because he "might as well learn something new." It was an accident that it ended up being his passion, and somewhat impulsive that he so quickly knew that he'd be happiest in the Engineering track since Aurelians aren't well known for being Starship Engineers. He still loves the sciences he has a degree in, but his passion for Engineering shockingly overpowered his desire to go into those sciences as a career for the time being. His family doesn't quite understand where it came from since he studied the sciences he did with such vigor back home. But they are mostly supportive of their sweet Engineering boy.
    • He still took some of those extra science classes on the side, is still extremely qualified for a science role if he wanted one, and can happily talk with scientists. Especially about history, linguistics, linguistic xenoanthropology, and in turn related subjects like archeology, and a little bit of sociology due to their frequent overlaps. He doesn't get a whole lot of chances to talk about the fact he knows these things, and it would likely surprise his crewmates who don't know him well yet to know that he's uniquely educated in that way.
    • Other courses he took for fun include: Multiple levels of Vulcan language classes, One level of Klingon Language, and a few other language classes for common Federation languages, and learns more about them with some of his free time when he's in the mood. He's taken various classes from the Material Engineering specialization in the vein of nanotechnology and sustainable energy. He's also taken a good number of psychology courses for the sake of curiosity and keeps up to date on basic first aid training because you never know when you'll need it in a crisis.
    • Side details: He was in the academy for 5.5 years. He stayed in the academy an extra year and a half purely because he wanted to give a few extra things the old college try before being placed somewhere. That year and a half was also the time he took the most opportunity for more in-depth social things since he'd taken those intensive Engineering classes over his original plan to take the social time during his brief stint in the science track. Plus he already knew he was good to go once he was ready.
  • Overall review: "Smart, friendly, vibrant, and lovable... But definitely a huge nerd."


Missions & Shore Leaves

Notable SIMS

Mission specific important sims
  • Title of SIM - (Stardate and brief description of what happens)
Shore Leave important sims
  • "Sibling Rivalry" - (239806.13, Dekas has a counseling session with Counsellor Airik Tierney about the mission on Aturn VII, and his current relationship with his sister back on Aurelia.)
  • "In Fine Feather" - (239811.13, After an LOA, going through a rare Aurelian health diagnosis that kept him away longer, he returns to The Juneau to find he's struggling more than he thought. But he keeps his head up and meets with the new XO.)
  • "Looks like I owe a lot of people a drink." - (239902.10, Ensign Dekas gets graciously promoted to Lieutenant JG Dekas.)
  • "Watch as this JG becomes a full BLT! (Not Clickbait)" - (239905.07, Lieutenant JG Dekas gets shockingly promoted to Lieutenant.)
  • "The Right Person" - (239905.10, Lieutenant Dekas gets the opportunity to be Head of Infrastructure Development on Denali Station.)
  • "To be a 'normal person'" - (239905.14, Dekas flies for the first time in months in the newly minted Denali Station and makes a decision to be more Aurelian.)
Dekas' Assimilation Arc.
  • "The Careless Version. Part 2" - (239812.21 On an abandoned Cardassian base that's being rewritten with Borg specs and blocking transporters to the ship, Dekas gets jabbed with a Borg injection tube and starts the beginning stages of assimilation.)
  • "Threshold." - (239812.24 Dekas' Assimilation escalates to a peak. And at the moment where he thinks it's all over, and that resistance really is futile, hope arrives in the form of Commander Kalia Qinn.)
  • "Not if. When." & "Be Honest." - (239812.30 With the anti-assimilation drug administered, and the base taken down, Dekas is beamed into sickbay in the care of Doctor Vihn and Nurse Pelley. Dekas goes through the ebb and flow of fear and hope.)
  • "The end of a really long day." - (239901.01 Vihn and Pelley find a solution to the problem and give Dekas a successful dose of anti-assimilation medication and he's finally able to go to sleep.)
  • "The Pit." - (239901.02 Dekas dreams, and buries the pain with the shade of himself in said dream.)
  • "Sleepless in Space: Part I" & "Sleepless in Space: Part II" - (239901.24, Dekas goes to Counselor R'Kala about his sleeping problems, to figure out what to do about them.)


Awards & Service Ribbon Citations

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239802.02
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239806.24
USS Juneau
Working with the Jem'Hadar during The Brave Ferengi
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 239806.24
USS Juneau
Finding a peaceful solution during The Brave Ferengi
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon 239902.10
USS Juneau
For the efforts in learning more about Anadasa and the surrounding system during The Silent Monster
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart 239902.10
USS Juneau
For getting severely injured/assimilated during The Silent Monster
Ribbon-Recovery Ribbon.png
Recovery Ribbon 239902.10
USS Juneau
For completing a medical recovery after the events of The Silent Monster
Unity Ribbon.png
Unity Ribbon 239902.10
USS Juneau
For completing a medical recovery after the events of The Silent Monster
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon.png
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon 239905.07
USS Juneau
For tracking down the Artifact and the investigation surrounding those efforts in Finders Keepers
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal.png
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal 239905.07
USS Juneau
For efforts to combat piracy in the Wilds in Finders Keepers
Intelligence Star.png
Intelligence Star 239905.07
USS Juneau
For the undercover work needed to succeed during the events of Finders Keepers

Service History

More instructions about how to use the service record template can be found at Template:Service Record.
Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 2392 - 2398 Starfleet Academy
PICstyle-ens gold.png
Ensign SD 239802.02 - 239902.10 USS Juneau-logo.png

USS Juneau

Engineering Officer
PICstyle-ltjg gold.png
Lieutenant JG SD 239902.10 - 239905.07 Engineering Officer
PICstyle-lt gold.png
Lieutenant SD 239905.07 - 239905.09 Engineering Officer
SD 239905.09 - Present Denali Station
Denali Station.png
Head of Infrastructure Development

NPC Listing   ·   Denali Station Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Kali Nicholotti
Chief Engineer.
Jackson Tanner Ensign.png
Eng. Ofc.
Jackson Tanner
Ops Ofc.
Kenzie West
Sec. Ofc.
Alexander Williams
Tholin ch'Clex.png
Tac. Ofc.
Tholin ch'Clex
Lieutenant Commander Tomas Falt.png
Tomas Falt
Elliot Rian Ensign.png
Elliot Rian
Alora deveau2.png
Chief Sci Ofc.
Alora DeVeau
Drex LtJG.png
Science Ofc.
Araxxu Vahin Ensign.png
Chief Med. Ofc.
Araxxu Vahin
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