Anthropology & Archaeology Department
Anthropology & Archaeology is the scientific study of societies and the things they leave behind. It encompasses humanoid and non-humanoid life from the distant origins of the universe to the present day.
- ANTH101: General Anthropology
- An introduction to the study of lost civilizations and the basic methodologies of anthropology.
- ANTH102: General Archaeology
- An introduction to the study of ancient artifacts and we they can be deciphered.
- ANTH120: From Time Immemorial
- An elective for non-majors providing an overview of the most ancient life forms discovered in our galaxy, and how we know they existed.
- ANTH131: Galen's Ancient Humanoids
- A detailed study of the coded genetic program discovered by Dr. Richard Galen and completed by Captain Jean-Luc Picard that led to the discovery of the most ancient humanoid life in the galaxy and what it means for us today.
- ANTH132: The Preservers
- A detailed study of the Preservers, a highly-advanced alien race who passed through the galaxy rescuing primitive cultures in danger of extinction, and seeding them on other worlds where they could be allowed to grow and thrive.
- ANTH201: Advanced Anthropology & Archaeology
- Advanced methodology and application of anthropological and archaeological principles.
- ANTH300: Amcient Empires
- An elevtice for non-majors providing an overview of the many ancient empires that ruled vast areas of our galaxy eons ago.
- ANTH321: Iconia: Demons of Air & Darkness
- A detailed study of everything known about the Iconian empire and those the Iconians ruled.
- ANTH322: The T'kon Empire: Masters of the Stars Themselves
- A detailed study of the ancient T'kon Empire and the many worlds they protected.
- ANTH400: Wonders Beyond Our Galaxy
- An elective for non-majors providing an overview of all life discovered from beyond our galaxy, especially those encountered by the various crews of the USS Enterprise.