This notice was placed here by Whale, so go bug him to finish the page if nothing's happening.
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This is currently a placeholder page. It will eventually be a comprehensive listing of all equipment used regularly by the Starfleet Marines in the world of SB118. The idea is to gather the information currently housed on multiple pages in a single entry.
Marine II-D Sidearm
Type III-C Phaser Rifle
The Marine Type III-C Phaser Rifle is a variation of the standard phaser rifle currently in use by all branches of Starfleet. 24th century phaser rifles have sixteen power settings, fully-autonomous recharge capability, multiple-target acquisition, and gyro-stabilization. Power levels can be changed by manipulating either manually or through the uplink to the Ballistic Helmet. Rotating the power level selector forward increases the power level setting. The rifle contains and a multi-function scope that can be retracted into the body of the weapon.
The III-C rifle is specifically reinforced to allow a Marine to use it as weapon against an assailant wielding a Bat'leth or similar weapon in close quarters without damaging the rifle. This reinforcement makes the III-C rifle a heavier weapon than the standard model.
TR-116 Rifle
The TR-116 Rifle is a hand-held rifle that delivers a lethal projectile for use in dampening fields or radiogenic environments where conventional energy weapons are useless. The rifle fires a chemically propelled tritanium bullet. The TR-116 can be modified to use a micro-transporter to beam the projectile into a nearby room at lethal velocity at the time the trigger is pulled. Targeting for the rifle is made through the Combat Tricorder and/or Ballistic Helmet visor under these circumstances.
Due to the power expenditure and the rare use of this weapon, their presence in a Marine Contingent armoury is limited to four unit, if they are present at all.
Type 33A1 CQC/SOSAR Phaser Rifle
The Type 33A1 CQC/SOSAR (Close Quarters Combat/Special Operations Search and Rescue), as its name suggests, is an updated variation of the Type 33 CQC. As SAR operational requirements demanded more compact and versatile -- yet still powerful -- weapons, the Starfleet Corps of Engineers began producing the 33A1 in mid-2389. Though very similar to its predecessor, the 33A1 features a shorter barrel, lower profile, and the inclusion of a rail system onto which operators can attach a variety of scopes and optics according to situational requirements, personal preference, or both. Total length of the Type 33 CQC is 602mm (23.7 inches) and its weight is 2.54 kg (5.6 lbs).
The 33A1 is the primary weapon for Starfleet Search and Rescue going forward, due to its compact design and versatility.
Type 28 Phaser Rifle
Initially designed as a special operations rifle for the Starfleet Marines, the Type 28 was quickly adopted as a useful mid-level workhorse rifle for Search and Rescue. Though not as compact as the Type 33, the 28's modular nature makes it a very useful tool -- the targeting sight can be swapped out for several different types of sight and the folding fore-grip can also be removed and replaced with a flashlight, scanner or one of several other types of tool.
Type 28 rifles were used during the failed SAR mission to Duster's Range by the crew of the USS Constitution-B.
SFMC CADM Combat Armour with Ballistic Helmet
Personal protection for a Marine in combat operations is essential. Marine Body Armor is designed to provide a balance between protection and weight. The body armor is separated into upper body and lower body protective gear. The Marine Body Armor consists of the same CADM (Crystalline Ablative Dispersal Matrix) that is utilized in the Marine Ballistic Helmet. The protective armour plating contains remote biomonitors, which measure the wearer’s health, and a personal transport inhibitor designed to prevent enemies from using transporters against Marine units.
The Marine shown at left is wearing the Combat Armour, Ballistic Helmet, and ISARAS.
Constructed with a hardened ballistic plastic, the CADM (Crystalline Ablative Dispersal Matrix) Ballistic Helmet is fitted with a retractable visor for a full seal. The helmet contains an advanced multi-function communications system. Operated by pupil tracking and a verbal short hand, the Ballistic Helmet allows a Marine hands-free operation of the unit while concentrating on fighting and other attention-intensive tasks. The helmet's multi-function communications system can send the Marine's coordinates to units nearby, perform mapping and navigation functions, and project command and mission data on the visor. It also includes a helmet-to-helmet infrared communications link, allowing discrete, short distance communications between individual Marines while lessening the chances of interception, communications signal encryption, as well incorporating standard combadge traffic. The Ballistic Helmet's visor also operates as a data screen for the user's Combat Tricorder and other linked or integrated systems. The visor's systems open programming structure allows it to accept multiple signals and upgrades in the field. It also features a three hundred sixty degrees proximity and target/threat tracking display, low light vision enhancement with rapid polarization, and audio enhancement/suppression to prevent disorientation. Sensory enhancements and protections can be modified to accommodate different species' sensory requirements; although after a certain point of acuity, the helmet is configured to allow a Marine's senses to work without the helmet's interference.
Each Marine's helmet is equipped and programmed to assist them in tasks specific to their position and MOS such as target designation, range finding, and chemical analysis. Officers and NCOs get units with more processing power and a broader range of capabilities and command functions, including signal interception, analytical functions, and troop status readouts. The helmet can be modified to fit the ergonomic, mission, and, to a limited extent, the aesthetic needs of the individual Marine. As the ballistic helmets remain property of Starfleet, aesthetic modifications to the helmet must be cleared with superior officers.
Search & Rescue Duty Uniform (SDU)
In certain circumstances, wearing a standard Starfleet duty inform is not practical. In such instances, SAR Teams can choose to wear a specially-designed duty uniform known as the SDU. The SDU is made of a lightweight, but extraordinarily durable synthetic fibre that is highly resistant to heat, cold and tearing. The SDU is also a temperature-regulating fabric, allowing its wearing to better adapt to extreme temperatures and/or rapid change in temperature.
Shown at left is the Marine version of the SDU. While deployed on a SAR Team, a non-SFMC participant would wear an SDU in the appropriate department colour.
Integrated Search and Rescue Armour System (ISARAS)
The Integrated Search and Rescue Armour System (ISARAS) is a modular armoured vest system based on the Crye and CIRAS systems of 21st century Earth, designed specifically for the varied duty requirements of the SAR Team. The vest itself provides superior protection from physical attack as well as substantial protection from most energy-based weapons fire.
The ISARAS can be fitted with numerous pouches and clips and customized to the individual wearer and their role on the SAR Team. For example, an engineer may have -- in addition to the phaser holster standard on all configurations -- a tricorder pouch and various tool and equipment pouches/clips, while a medical officer would carry advanced medkits, hyposprays, etc. A marine participant may have the majority of their ISARAS dedicated to carrying weaponry and explosives, depending on the role the individual has been asked to fill.
Flamingo Class Recon/ECM Vessel
Though a relative old model compared to many Marine ships currently in service, the Flamingo remains a reliable component of Starfleet Marines operations. The main reason for the vessel's longevity - having been in active service for nearly sixty years - is its versatility. The Flamingo was designed to be employed as a recon craft for both military and search & rescue operations, an electronic countermeasures (ECM) ship for space combat situations and as a light troop/personnel transport.
In most situations, the Flamingo is capable of carrying one pilot in its cockpit area and up to twelve others in its main body. The exception is during ECM missions, during which larger ECM control consoles swing out from interior walls, decreasing capacity to one pilot and six others, including the ECM operator.
Originally designed for atmospheric flight, the Flamingo was retrofit with both warp and impulse engines thirty years ago. However, the warp performance of the Flamingo Class has proved to be unreliable and it is generally only deployed in situations that require impulse or atmospheric flight. Warp travel in a Flamingo is not recommended.