When History Comes Calling (Arrow)

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Episode 12


Officers taking part in the mission
Name Position Notes
Randal Shayne Commanding Officer
Karrod Niac First Officer
Connor Dewitt Engineering Officer
Nolen Hobart Engineering Officer
Artinus Serinus Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Ar'Gorvalei Medical Officer
Quentin Collins Chief Science Officer
Jacin Ayemet Science Officer
Ash MacKenna Chief Intelligence Officer
Mission Specific NPCs
Name Position Notes
Arrianna Sokova MIA, captured and enslaved by a group of Sheliak Former Arrow Crew
S'dor Grumm MIA, captured and enslaved by a group of Sheliak Former Arrow Crew
NPC's & PNPC's
Name Position Notes

When History Comes Calling

When word reaches the crew of the USS Arrow that a message claiming to come from Starfleet officers has been discovered on the frontiers of the Alpha Isles, they make it their business to find its source. While out to rescue fellow officers, they have no idea how deep into the history of the ship found adrift years before this rabbit hole will take them...

Act 1

The Arrow lies in wait for a Sheliak convoy due any day. Multiple ships escort a single freighter, pass nearby when the ship springs from the rocks and successfully lays waste to multiple enemy ships. Having been escorting a run down freighter, the Captain is able to speak to the civilians and uncover a message.

Our mission begins with a simple, but enigmatic start. A faint, but distinct comm signal has attracted the attention of our sensors, The Admiralty, and INTEL apparatus. A comm signal...seemingly belonging to one of the missing members of the former Arrow crew. After a short, eyes-only conference with Command, Captain Randal Shayne and Commander Karrod Niac leap into action. Calling a general quarters meeting and quickly bringing the rest of the crew up to speed.

But for now, their actions are somewhat limited. Though Captain Shayne intends to run the signal down, they have to get closer and get a closer eye on the planetoid the signal is coming from. To that end, the crew is set to tasks related to reconnaissance. Ordered further to bring their findings to another meeting in a few hours time.

Across those few hours, the ship is brought closer to the target local space thanks to the Proteus Ring. And our crew has launched a modified Class 2 probe in order to glean more information from the area. What they find is less than promising. The white, soap-like planet is surrounded by a dense debris ring. And a large, Hexagon like structure seems to be the only building.

As the crew considers their next steps, on the planetoid, two "miners", all but enslaved by the planetoids' harsh overlords, start to awaken to a brand new day for them.

Act 2

More complications make themselves known as the ship approaches carefully. Complications in the form of two massive, but moldering ion cannons serving as The Hexagon's main defensive battery. Alongside a powerful kinestic shield dome, protecting the Hexagon from outside transports and comms uplink. But Captain Shayne has made his decision. He will lead an Away Team consisting of Dr. Ar'Gorvalei, Connor Dewitt, and Artinius Serinus in an effort to ascertain if there are indeed survivors of the Arrow's former crew and, if so, secure them a rescue.

A shuttlecraft is tasked and quickly the team is away, leaving Commander Niac with the conn. But the ship and her remaining crew are not without their own hurdles. Lack of persistent communication with the ground team strains nerves and keeps tensions high throughout the Bridge. But the team makes it to the surface of the planet, largely undetected. Starting the arduous task of entry into The Hexagon's interior.

Meanwhile, things on the surface and in orbit start to escalate. Captured "miner" ex-Security Officer Arianna Sokova gets taken for "reconditioning" after sensing a latent tension in her guards. She does this in hopes of contacting another former crewman, S'dor Grumm, and getting to the bottom of why they seem so nervous. While in orbit, a new contact drops from Warp. A Ferengi Pleasure Barge with a secure comm channel link to The Hexagon below.

The modified probe starts to pick up chatter between the two. Talk of "ownership" and "sunk costs" are bandied about as the two discuss the continued viability of the mine below. Eventually a Draconian ultimatum is put on the mine. If an inspection team deems it lost, they will destroy the whole complex.

Act 3

Thankfully, the Captain's Away Team met little resistance as they snuck into the complex. Splitting into two groups, the away team met a few guards and took in as much information as they could along the way. Raiding computer cores and terminal banks as they moved. Eventually the team came upon Sokova and Grumm, themselves escaped from captivity as miners below too started to revolt.

Having captured a member of the Ferengi inspection team (also part owners with the rogue Sheliak), Sokova reveals to the team the conditions of the mine and fills in gaps as to the Arrow's secret history. A history that includes mutiny, missing officers, and paranoia boiling over to self-destruction. But the team has a guardian angel of sorts. In the form of the Arrow ship and its remaining officers taking on a plan to bring down the ion cannons after breaking their asteroid based cover.

As the ship breaks lower orbit of the planet and destroys the cannons, the team (Sokova and Grumm in tow) starts an assault on The Hexagon's exterior energy shields. Despite an injury sustained to Mister Dewitt, the team manages to not only pull more intel from the computer cores, but also bring down the shield. Resuming contact between the team and the ship and allowing the ship to take in injured into make-shift trauma bays using the two Cargo Holds.

Meanwhile, Commander Niac, new arrival Nolan Hobart, and Chief Science Officer Quentin Collins have their own problems above. As three more contacts, Sheliak frigates, commanded by the dreaded Tamazotz, make the local space. Fortunately, The new First Officer provides them the idea for an unconventional defense. Having taken control of the Ferengi Pleasure Barge thanks to some clutch INTEL wizardry from Commander Ash MacKenna, the ship is transformed into a blaring, light-dominating "warp-powered disco ball". Throwing off radiation and sensor-scattering interference as the Captain and his charges slowly returned to the ship.

But there was still the matter of Tamazotz...


As The Captain returned to the ship, contact was made with the Sheliak frigates. Who took the opportunity to not only destroy the evidence of the rogue operation by destroying the Hexagon (now free of all but Sheliak and Ferengi life-signs), the Pleasure Barge, and a number of asteroids the ship had been using as cover.

However, their Machiavellian bumbling was short-lived as The Captain and Commander Niac finally played an ace they were hiding up their sleeves. In the form of a full flight squadron of Peregrine Warp Fighters. Tasked with escorting the Arrow and her crew back to a brand new berth. The Sheliak, realizing they were outmatched now, elected to escape allowing the ship to pass into shore leave conditions as it is escorted to its latest repair and restock.

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